To do what has not been done,
To try to help or try anew.
Will you climb the tallest mountain
Or try your hand at swordsmanship,
Maybe grant the needy a supple wish?
Will you survive and fly,
Fly across the valley meek,
Up in a glider for a week?
perhaps to travel to a distant land,
Maybe now is the time to make a stand.
Finally learn the language of your family,
Or arrive in Africa on a safari.
to the animals on the edge of extinction,
How would you feel knowing of your race's execution?
To take a risk is a chance taken,
A chance taken is an adventure awakened:
Find the magic,
Seek the villain,
Put a stop to him and devise the gain.
Never again a boring story,
One that never spoke out for it's beliefs-
It will all change.