A New Heart
Give me a new heart,
one that is pure and clean.
Give me a heart that forgives and forgets,
Not one that keeps grudges on a chart.
Give me a heart that will never stop loving,
one that comforts when there is grief,
that will always take another’s pain as my own.
Give me a heart that listens,
Not one that walks away without caring.
Give me a heart with unfaltering patience,
one that keeps going until the very end,
that will never once say, “I give up.”
Give me a heart that will never give in to selfish temptations,
one that will put another’s needs before my own.
Give me a heart that does not wish to be first or second,
but will be content to put myself third.
Give me a heart that is humble,
because a humble heart is always willing to serve.
A humble heart will be loving, patient, and unselfish.
Give me a heart that will not complain and grumble,
but one that will help others and my community,
one that will recognize that what is important is unity.
Change my heart, because I am so broken and bent.
My heart has known suffering and grief,
for I know I do not measure up to what I must be.
I remember the great words of Paul and know their truth,
“Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—
of whom I am chief.”
I have been given a whole new heart,
one that is perfect and whole
because the one who bled and died
came to save my soul.