1 AM
You haven’t changed
I wish I could keep myself away
Curiosity was persistent
People say curiosity killed the cat
I used to think the cat died satisfied
But what if the truth wasn’t worth knowing?
People also say ignorance is bliss
I’m somewhere in the in-between
I have changed
I don’t know if it was a good change
But it happened because of you
I know that if you looked at me again
And talked of nothing in particular
You would find something different
Not the same little girl
That could be so easily manipulated
So gullible and stupid
But someone that doesn’t believe
In true love
In relationships
In an optimistic future
Because that’s what she believed in
When she was still kissing your lips
Now she believes in other things
She believes in change
She believes in goals
Even if they are hard to obtain
She believes in making a difference
While she has the chance
But most importantly
She believes in herself
Unlike you
She looks at you
See’s that you’re still depressed
See’s that you’re still unhappy
See’s that you’re putting others
Before yourself
I see that you still haven’t changed since you’ve picked her over me
And that’s just sad
It almost makes me sad
But then I remember that you deserve this
Because you chose this
You thought she would make you happy
You thought she would teach you how to love yourself
It turns out no one can