Entitled B****
The ugly truth:
I wanted the world handed to me
"It's not fair!"
Though the world around me
Is suffering through pain
I'm too blind to see
And if anyone else
Even dared to complain, to compare
I'd turn up my nose
Tell them "life ain't fair"
Even now it's hard to tame
That ugly beast inside of me
I don't wanna say it's name
But it's hate, and it's ignorance
From someone who always said
She was smart, enlightened,
Now it brings me shame
To even think that I saw myself
As someone good and kind
Someone misunderstood, shy
But in the end I was blind
To what there really was inside
And I can't even begin to apologize
For who I was back then,
I just hope that by making a change
I can make up for my sins
For those darker days,
It's not easy to change
To reevaluate your heart
To admit to yourself that after all
You really weren't that smart
That nice, that misunderstood,
In fact, there was a whole side of me
That I would now rather keep
Under lock and key
But no matter what I do
I'll always have that itch
That I really did earn the name
"Entitled Bitch"