The shy child
I was always a shy child.
I would rehearse saying my name out loud
In case my voice cracked
I would fixate on every thought every
Look, movement, bite and shred of space
I took up in the world
I was always a shy child.
I joined a speech club in high school
And made myself smaller
To fit in, to stay safe, to stay sane when
All I wanted to do was scream
I was always a shy child.
I moved away from home
For dread of being stuck there
In a cycle, never leaving, becoming complacent
To people who didn't love me
I was always a shy child.
And ready to burst in on flames
That licked at me from deep within my chest
And made it hard for me to breathe
All that is still true.
I am still a shy child but also
Strong, resilient and free to change
Whenever I need
To protect that shy child