Whispers in my head
The stranger voice that pulled my ebb, my flow
I look around me
These whispers became visible, ribbons of mist
Influences pulling, gnawing
Biting at the ankles of every passerby
Shackling the spirits of souls sold out
The Self is diluted
The world became a scarier place
Full of hate, full of anger and fear
I could not turn back, I had seen too much
The child was behind me, I walk forward
The World, a better place?
Flash blinded by the realization
This was not what I thought life was
Dandelions, bloodied with rust
I write for the eyes that have been beaten shut
I write for the ears that have been bruised and bled
I write for the mouths that can no longer utter a cry
I write for the hearts that can no longer love
The ones who have hardened into putrefied versions of themselves
The ones who have lost all hopes, dreams, individual thought
The ones who try to look back, who try to relive the days which there was happiness, simplicity
What is happiness? Dandelions, blooming with dust
We are One but we have blinded one another
We are Individual but we are prejudiced to each other
We kill one another in the name of our Beliefs
We torture each other in the mindset that it is our Right
This is why I write.
I write for the eyes to see the dandelions sweet
The ears to hear the whispers
The voices to speak
The hearts to love
To find the Self
To find the dreams, hopes, and thoughts individual
To find happiness,
In a world that is dead, I cry for life.
Together we can breathe life
Blind for the right reasons
Individual, but united
And equal, I write.