Unexpected Hurdles
A split second, a minute, an hour
so much changin’ that's not in our power
cannon balls thrown at us
unexpected one could just cus
a straight path gone windy so sudden
a left turn, a right turn, a cut in
our lives so simple and sweet
till crash, bring on the heat
try not to trip over that stone
couldn't see it comin or goin
quick jump before you fall flat on your face
in a tumble, they try to get out in a haste
but the first hurdle isn’t the last
they keep comin and the more that you pass
they get higher and harder to jump
and sometimes on the floor you'll slump
down and defeated you'll feel
a big punch, on your knees you'll keel
a blue and black eye as the prize
until you swat away the flies
and reach for that cleared path again
follow in what you believe in
soon enough silver linings will come in
it’ll last till the next run in