America the "Beautiful"
I grew up in America,
America the beautiful.
But somehow along the way things changed,
I do not recognize my country now.
I miss her more every day.
As a child I watched the clouds race across spacious skies
I drove past fields of amber grain.
The majesty of our purple mountains took my breath away,
And when I smell orange blossoms on the wind I still smile.
America! my mother. America! my home.
So full of grace and opportunity
We bore the crown of freedom, and fellowship in the west.
From sea to white capped sea.
Once pilgrim feet danced across the plains.
Still passion flows within our veins
Our freedom rings for all to hear
"Come explore!" cries our wilderness.
America! we bleed red white and blue. America! I'll always love you.
In God, we trust in everything.
Within our soul we hold our pride.
Our nation of liberty for all.
O streets filled with forgotten heroes.
Wars fought to liberate the world.
Who loved their country enough to leave?
and come back to claim no mercy from us all.
America! we've lost our souls somehow. America! our soldiers cry for home.
Our gold is gone.
We've lost all trace of nobleness.
What we have gained is not divine.
"O beautiful" drunk patriats sing.
You've not aged well my dear.
Our alabaster cities drown in trash.
Our gardens watered by tears.
America! we've failed you. America! have mercy please.
I think god has shed more tears then grace on you lately.
There is no crown of brotherhood.
found from sea to oil spilled sea.