If You Enjoy Music
The sweeping sounds cascade out of the stage
Bouncing around the room,
Mixing with the cushioned chairs
And the old-people smell.
The brass blasts out a baleful melody
While the flutes lightly flutter over top.
The strings add a rich harmony
That the percussion beats time to.
Why am I the youngest person here?
The music wraps me in its embrace
And I shiver from the comfort.
Fingers gripping the edge of my seat,
Nothing else matters.
The piece ends.
The conductor bows.
I stand up and clap with
The rest of the music lovers.
Why am I the youngest person here?
It may not be the banging drum set
Or the screeching guitars of rock.
It isn’t the springy melodies
And catchy vocals of pop
But this is music still.
Come appreciate the classics!
I welcome the young to enjoy the old!
These people work just as hard
As your rock stars!
They tour, they rehearse,
They record, they make CDs.
Why not give them an audience?
If you enjoy music,
Why am I the youngest person here?