Grass movement
My eyes they weep
But tears can't grow grass.
Or roots for that matter...
My heart it beats
and throbs on the street.
The movement was meant for us...
though so was democracy.
A socialist inside
I work toward perpetual energy.
Motion never stopped,
never lost.
No man, woman, or child
should experience such loss.
Tesla was right, all for one
and one for all.
But Edison was a capitalist
And sought his capi-tal.
Physics and vibrations,
They are all that is.
I resonate
At Five-TwentyEight
Just like
Our sun- the trees
everyone & eve-ry-thing-that-we-see.
All that ever was, and will ever be.
I resonate,
at Five TwentyEight-IT-HERTZ
to see this hate.
So I further my education
for those who cannot.
I am here to help the world; it is my very existance.
I feel dissonance,
with those who let it rot;
The billionaires who know no similar thoughts.
I feel love for all these people
Yet they do not know me.
I am an engineer; I simply build dreams.
Five-TwentyEight, the frequency of love;
Despite this, love is needed more frequently.
My palms they sweat
This knot is dread,
my voice is muffled
my tears they shed.
These roots have got to grow.
Please let them grow