If Mirrors Could Kill
Mirror mirror on the wall
What will be the death of us all?
She sat there making judgment of who is most fair
Where dreams come true, she lived a nightmare
She began to compete to try and look the best
She didn't realize she began to look like the rest
She continued to ask the mirror
Am I the fairest of them all?
Do I have to be short ?
Do I have to be tall ?
Do I have to be dark ?
Or must I be white as snow ?
A plastic Barbie from head to toe ?
Should I get skinner ?
Am I not pretty enough ?
She was an insecure queen
A diamond in the rough
With time she aged something she couldn't embrace
White hairs and wrinkles she wanted to erase
All the different images she couldn't portray
A game by society she could not play
A mirror is a reflection of you my dear
Your image is not one you should look at and fear
No one is fairest it's about what's on the inside
A queen who only in her reflection could confide
And that's a lesson that took her long to learn
For an unrealistic body image she would yearn
In a garden of roses she was just a fern
Competition between girls in the kingdom was proof of values lost
They didn't know their natural was beautiful so they faced the cost
Like clothes on a rack they had a price and label
A system that took a spin on the mortality table
And so the queen began drowning in a dangerous tide
She stared at the mirror and endlessly cried
There was an empty void in her heart
She failed to see the body of a women was art
Painted and shaped in different ways
The beauty of brains that would bloom into a maze
She still had Red rose lips
And jaw dropping Wide hips
Curves that will drive someone insane
Overlooked by those in vain
Because of the hate Snow White could not lead
With every slashing label her heart would bleed
Women should not be portrayed like items to sell
A loose thread in the fabric
The Queen’s kingdom fell