A Blind World
What would we be
if god made it so we couldn't see?
Color divides us all
and it causes the education system to fall.
That's what I would change.
How would it be
if you could walk down the street and be free?
Whether you were black or white
and acceptance wasn't a constant fight?
That's what I would change.
What would you say
if all little boys could play with eachother despite if they were straight or gay?
Sexual orientation shouldn't matter
yet when people come out, everyone seems to scatter
That's what I would change.
How would it be
if it wasn't taboo for a transvestite to be called a he or she?
Times are changing minute by minute.
With acceptance and compassion there should be no limit.
That's what I would change.
What would you say
if everyone really walked in someone elses shoes and it wasnt a cliche?
It's 2014 and yet these problems are still here,
we are so quick to apologize, but it's never sincere.
That's what I would change.
What if we all relaized that being "different" wasn't strange?
That's what we can change.