Limbs At Play
Scared and silent, I was often unheard
Misjudged, overlooked, ignored
For years I struggled on,
burning with passion and expression,
but too scared of rejection and oppression
Desperate to leave my mark,
when I could barely leave a memory,
When all hope seemed lost,
the music ressurected me
Nervously I embraced the music,
the wild beats, the spins, the steps, the people
That’s when the changed occurred
Timid, silent, frightened, ignored
What had once chained my limbs so tightly
were now broken shackles never to be used again
Now my limbs matched the crazy latin beats
I was wild, untamed, unafraid, unchained
Passionate, loud, outspoken that was the new me
and what words could not do for me
my limbs spoke for me
Barely leave a mark?
How could that be?
For now I left craters in people’s memories
Now I was me
Now I was free
But I had not been free
not until my limbs were allowed to play