A Line That Should Be Align
Wisps of dreams
To win the mean
Dreams of no tomorrow
To cling to the sorrow
What could be of her?
To be no more
She glances at the reflection
To hate it like never before
A reflection unrecognizable
To kill what is realized
Full of anger, sadness, longing
To take her place of belonging
But willing
To just stay nothing
The will of giving up
To allow her knees to buckle
Why the burden?
To run no further
Why me?
To let the shadows take over
Because life has chosen you, child
To catch the time passed away
For wisdom to seek your future
Knowledge to grant your desires
Hope to hide the shadows
Burdens to keep you reaching, treading
Perseverance to drive your destiny
Love to save you sacrifices
But most of all,
Life given to live and stay
Live and stay being a one of greatness