Autumn Burns
[The Fall - A Focal Point]
Enter the breeze, the cool air... the mystifying flow of perfection as the leaves change color for the last time.
One time, one focus, the magic of the allure
Courtship of the trees leads to radiance of color
Autumn burns blistering yellow, orange and red
An effort to keep the peace, the magnificance before the dread
Lead forth by broken attempt, a degraded try, a miserable failure, by and by.
Autumn, the most beautiful time of year. The rustle and temperment of the fall, a blessing bestowed upon myself from her lips was something beyond majesty... a glimpse into the divine
The fact that he couldn't have her shattered him
Which led to a respectful, but not so mutual parting.
He could have her but she couldn't have him
It's not you, it's me - a phase of departing.
[End of the Fall]
As Autumn burns, then slowly fades
So do the colors, the beauty, the shades.
The snow sets in, a white blanket of reason
Bringing forth a clean slate before the next season.
The cold sets in as the love has gone dry. Only a whisper, a glimmer, a goodbye.