There is a spray tan in the oval office.
I don’t want to hear from the Tangerine Man about his wall.
The word ‘them’ has a greater capacity to separate people than any wall.
Those suit and tie masons, laying fresh faxed contracts like cement slabs,
With every syrupy sweet campaign speech, they glue it all together.
Will you stand there and watch as a healthy skepticism hard hat
Is repainted as some tinfoil alien proof cap?
You are not alien proof.
You are not alienation proof,
The state of our youth is the evidence.
You are a consequence.
We are an aftermath.
Do you know how many people have died for our freedom of speech?
This is a generation of fighters and of world changers,
But you stare injustice in the eye and ask him why your friend didn’t snap you back!
Change is not just silver coins in your pockets.
Get past those silver-tongued talkers
And do something to better the world you live in.
Your freedom of speech is worth more than nickels and dimes.
Where’s your fire?
Now is our time.
It is our time to make it better.
My little niece will be born in June
And I want her to grow up in an even better world than I have.
Our world has not seen so much progress as in this country.
Your heartbeat is one of protesters’ marching footsteps.
See the veins in your arms?
They are made of bullet contrail,
Because the fight for what is right is not always quiet.
This is not Star Trek. This is not Star Wars.
Thud, fire, but do not fire at the alienated people who have done nothing wrong.
Rewrite their battle plan
And don your helmet hard hat.
Who cares if she snapped you back?
Make a change.
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