Leadership Frowned Upon?
We don't believe in change, at my school It's actually quite a pain Why wouldn't they want their students to learn Such an essential thing? A course was created and designed to help construct student leaders and yet the course is criticized By most other teachers they do not approve of a class where the students take the reigns they do not approve of the fact that the class isn't 'the same' They think that it is unfair that the point of the class is to lead We help create the curiculum and it is us who teach but we also learn, we're leaders in training and I do not understand why the other faculty has problems that we are learning with more than our eyes we set up dates, we plan the trips we've picked a creature to save we learn what it's like to set-up the events we learn how much to pay the gas money, where we eat, why do we have to go How to call ahead and check on dates how much are the tolls? It's not a slack off class, we do lots, but others are blind, you see To the Leadership skills needed To make it in our century The class is neat I've learned a lot and I hope I continue to grow so that when I am leading I know HOW to lead and I can show others the road