Climbing a rusty or wooden ladder
At the top of the ladder is your goal.
Each of the ladder's poles represents
Your steps and efforts to get closer to that.
And your soul plays a major part in your pace.
You may go fast because there is no time to waste
Or during the time you may feel elated.
But sometimes you have to go slow,
Or freeze
Or halt
Because you've broken one of the poles.
In this very moment, your efforts get focused on
Am i about to fall?
Am i going to sit here in my mistake and misery?
It's those kind of moments where you want to sit in the halls
Of some quiet and desolate library
And just ball your eyes out until the rug beneath you is soiled.
THAT is what i would like to change!
No more of the moments where you're so frustrated that your skin boils.
And no more of the moments where you're lost and don't know where to go
Up or down
Left or right
Who's gonna pick me up tonight
Out of my despair?
I wish all of that were unclear to this world.
I wish it were as nebulous as the stars in the sky
As the moon behind clouds
As the subterrane is beneath the Mediteranean
What I'm telling you is that life should have been better than this.
Instead of always traversing on aged ladders
We could be roaming on water
As if it were solid matter!
But all that doesn't matter.
No one seems to seek the main source
By which all matter was created.
Without a debated notion
Or restated fact,
I have faith and revelation.
The facts will be held back
While the truth procedes without impedes.
Life will one day be
Rid of all it's ladders;
It's ups and downs and frustated clatters.