Mind Games
I am
a dreamer.
My mind is a playing field
My goals are the starters,
As my oppositions take the bench.
But sometimes they get up
No longer rooted
They get a chance to take part in something
That could be great
That could be successful
sometimes they catch the pass
they score.
I am falling
I am falling into a state
Darkness, anger
Cold, oh so cold
prickly, gangly
Laced with 14 karot gold
Filled with promises of comfort
Shaking me awake
Promises of respect
Promises of-
I'm not ready
I will not conform
I will not conform
I'm not ready
I'm not ready
I'm not ready
But then I am saved.
By my purpose
The purpose
for the dreamer
is happiness
The purpose
for the opposition
is impracticality.
Eventually antipathy is benched once again.
No longer wanted by the coach
The controller
Ambition regains the ball
Who passes it to motivation
Who passes it to commitment
Commitment stumbles but casts it to success
Success scores.
The coach smiles.
The purposes smile.
The oppositions smile, as they know the purposes never would have won without them
They are right.
The crowd rises
Hats off
take a bow
to the people who wish
to the people who aim
For what is started in the mind
Is always