The Black Press
Many people claim that Hip Hop is dead
Yet, many others claim it is evolving?
Can the same be said for the the Black Newspaper?
They can almost be parallel in a sense.
Not Just a paper but a venue for change.
Like Hip Hop ,
the Black press was also originally used for advocating the rights African Americans did not have
and exposing the issues within the African American community.
Not Just a paper but a venue for change.
Was it not Fletcher Martin ,
editor of the Louisville Defender
who opposed
3 other black men Black men at a Lincoln University symposium, who claimed death upon the Black Newspaper?
Was it not he who claimed that the Black Press would be needed even after the societal goals of African Americans had been met?
In fact, Was it not Carl Murphy ,
the 1954 president of the National Newspaper Publisher’s Association
who said the Negro newspapers would change with time?
Was it not he ,who said that Negro facilities such as those, would be needed especially after the Jim Crow era in the South?
Not just a paper but a venue change.
And yet now the Black Press has evolved to entertain
and portray negative stereotypes of it's people something that Tom Burrell
founder and former owner of burrell communications
said was due to the largest brainwashing propaganda in America:
A propaganda that we know well
a propaganda called slavery
Something that still affects the black american today.
Not just a paper but a venue for change.
The Black Press!
When White papers did not understand
the purpose of its content
The Black Press!
when angry mobs burned down Black printing presses
when African Americans were lynched
when wrongs were committed
when progress was hindered
the Black press was there!
So committed that men
who called themselves
sunset editors ,
worked in the day
and wrote at night
because of their passion,
because they were committed
because they sought change.
Being a Black American.
Living in two worlds.
Living a double standard.
I am a Black Journalist
and the Black press
is not just a paper
but a venue for change.