The Power of Love
If we opened our arms,
To hug her tight,
If we wiped the tears,
of whom cried at night,
If we listened to the voices,
That were afraid to speak,
So eager to be heard,
But never said a word.
I wonder how the world would be?
If we opened our hearts,
Instead of hiding in fear,
Of who might see us,
Or turn an ear,
I wonder how the world would be?
We're afriad to love.
We're afriad to feel.
We're afriad to show our true selves,
The selves that are real.
If I could change the world right now,
I would kiss the cheek of every child.
I would wipe the tear of every unheard cry,
I would listen to the voices,
And not ask why,
I would love me,
And love you too.
Because the world needs the Power of love,
The Power of love MUST to shine through.