One Day
I am one in a world of many.
I am quiet, shy, and silent.
I don’t say a word, but she, she yells everything wrong with society.
The objectification. The Hate. The Cruelty. The Ungratefulness. The need for materialism. The ignorance.
She yells.
I don’t say a word.
But she yells.
One day she will not have to yell and shout.
One day I will speak out, I will make a change.
I Will be the change!
I am quiet, shy, and silent.
But I don’t say one word, instead I say two, three, I say a thousand and one words, and they listen, they see, they understand.
They stand, they do not follow but they are aware, and someday they will say a thousand and two, three, or even a thousand and four words.
One day it will all change.
We will be the change.