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There’s something about the birds' song as of late
I can’t quite decipher, I can’t comprehend
It’s a strange sort of humming sung right at the gate
I lay looking into the breeze
telling me of the cruelty based on the girl who grew up too soon
telling me her girlhood was stolen
her presence treasured nowhere near her
She only cries near the waters
A land flowing with milk and honey
Has its place in dreams and for those gone…
And for us?
It has been.
It is now.
It will be that war conducted on
Both sides and either shore.
What am i doing
Here? these thoughts aren’t my
And where do i weave
Myself into this
Intricate tapestry
There’s something you should know:I was once a disciple,A shadow behind the helmsman,His throws like light,While I stood in the dark,Watching, learning, dreaming.
The koi and the giraffe may not have much in common,
but they work together, more than you think,
besides their common trait of the color lemon.
Born into a role, a choice not of her own,
A fragile seed in a garden overgrown.
Eyes watch closely, expectations high
Confusion lingers in the sky.
"Am I the guide or can I stray?
Born into a role, a choice not of her own,
A fragile seed in a garden overgrown.
Eyes watch closely, expectations high
Confusion lingers in the sky.
"Am I the guide or can I stray?
I'll wait...
I'll wait till you finally see
All the things that's been happening to me
You turn a blind eye, and say I'm fine
But now I have nothing that is mine
It started as "just" teasing
From the path I am veering
With nobody steering
In a sea of things unplanned
I am a ship that’s unmanned
Having realizations that’ll last for a day
I am forty-eight
and my child has betrayed me
the person I cannot live without
still ignores me
in day
in night
Greetings shadows!
It has been so hard, for the Sun and I, to watch your potential be wasted.
It was not our intention to have you neglected, we created you for a reason.
The night so dark and deep , beneath a sky so bleak . Thought I had found something special , something so unique. A single light , a bright.....blinding beam , piercing the night like day .
if life was a game would you still play with rage ?
they say not every hurt is good but will we ever be okay?
the sun in the sky creates light but not as bright as the moon at night.
Withering the soil, my slithery skin akin to a death touch destroys.
My eyes have no eyelids for they have lingered gazing at the horizon eternally.
it was the first day in class,
you came in last.
you searched for a seat
in that moment my heart
skipped a beat.
In the still of the night, where the shadows dare,
I grip my pen like a sword, and I declare,
“Wake up, ink, from your silent state,
We’ve got words to spill, no room for fate."
Your mother fought this battle as a child
Made your future a promise of her peace
Yet you bring this war back upon her
Does it feel grand, to slay your father
Look into his eyes and twist the blade
Our eyes locked instantly
Ready to be cocooned to you in silk
and to be consumed whole
Now, there I was
caught into your web of deceit
Two mirrors stand
Adjacent, opposed,
Staring into the infinity
They strive to approach,
But never being
(I would step outside before looking in)
In the end you will find
Only the witness as he stands:
Open, bare to the world,
Among it, of it, a part,
I fell in love with the sky because
no matter when i would look up
no matter what the weather was
the sky would always bring me to a familiar place
Well times have changed.....
I grew sad
If only I had known the last time I saw you was going to be my last,
I would have hugged and held onto you so tightly,
Not even the Grim Reaper would have been able to rip you from my grip.
To take the long way
Away from
Home [...]
How to make peace with that purring engine,
Subtle vibrato?
crossing from
the park
to the bank,
stepping over the remains of a grackle
on the grass
that glides
into the sidewalk
at the verge
Will it forever be this way?
Will rebels ever be able to —
If to mind — were play!
Will ever figure the heed?
Perpetual! Mate!
In a garden bathed in light, two blooms, unique and fair, One stood tall, the other, a tender bud in her care. The elder, a sentinel, a beacon through the day, Watched over her sibling in her own protective way.
Your love like the moonlight
always outshined by the sun.
By nightfall,
illuminating even the most wretched weeds.
Your vioce,
smooth on my skin
gentle on my broken heart.
Greatness is not uniform My spirit is untouched though the people that surround me speak otherwise. Greatness is not uniform The accolades those who came before me achieved were told to be unattainable on the path I set out to walk. Greatness is n
Don't think about anyone else but me;
Even if you go to the bottom of hell or go to the top of heaven, don't go without me.
Don't think about anyone else but me. Even if you pick something from
Bananas at Midnight
My head likes to whisper to me all the things that I can never go back to.
She never lets me forget that
Time doesn’t just pass
Todas las vidas existentes me han traído aquí.En donde la oscuridadse vuelve la única esperanza de descansoy la familiaes una turbulencia leve y descompuesta. ¡Ahí, Ahí!Me dicen unas voces mudas a nosotros
Recovery is the key,
to being healthy,
but I cannot seem to turn it.
What is the point of opening the door?
My illness questions what we are doing this for...
but I say there are future days,
Recovery is the key,
to being healthy,
but I cannot seem to turn it.
What is the point of opening the door?
My illness questions what we are doing this for...
but I say there are future days,
Being an overthinker
flying freely,
Where thoughts take me,
Can't control them.
Bcz I'm an overthinker
Takes me to the clouds
Whirling in the winds,
Feeling you in the air.
i collapse inward on myself
trying to consume the world with me
a black hole of sorts
slow motion, a crescendo,
building and building but never reaching its peak
Cries for help fall on deaf ears,
Invisible pain, ignored and unclear.
A desperate plea, a silent scream,
Lost in the void, like a fading dream.
Unspoken Words are Powerful Weapons
But the written word is a Queen
For unspoken words appear on paper
And what was Unheard Of
Becomes Seen
I sink into a whirlpool, fears coming, is it all a tool?
They drag me down with fake resolves, I wonder, am I just a button doll?
There once was a little girl,who dragged behind her a cartfilled with horrid and corrupt creaturesall for the world to see. The onlookers stared at her cart in disgust. “What would one want with such dreadful things?” The poor girl was miserablefo
All my life
I've longed and strived
With hope to find my home
A place to call my own
Gold that never grows Old
One who learnt to earn
One who's not afraid to run, Mad
Sing for the flowers that bloom
and fade without regret,
the light is in darkness
and the darkness is in dazzling light,
the silence between speaking,
between joy and sorrow it is the calm of heart,
Here's a tree that only I knew,
Its roots deep in my heart it grew,
A symbol of my hidden truth,
A friend that saw me through my youth.
Its leaves were like my every dream,
Is your favorite color still red?
Because my favorite is still blue.
Do you still wear those black pants?
The moon isn’t for the Sun.
She isn’t for him.
They were never meant to be
anything more than eclipsed.
My secret garden is no longer dead
The grass is green roses red
The darkness no longer crawls through my veins
Breath no longer clawing up my lungs
Feeling content, relaxed
I know I cannot impress upon youThe love and care that I carryIt is not explosive, but stable.Strong, safe, familiar.Natural and home grownWith roots buried as deep as a tree decades old.
I am the mystery you don’t know and the reason you live.I wonder if my beauty will be adored and saved from destruction.I hear the horrible sound of metal machines cutting my wings. I see their ambition, their horrendous ambition that provokes sou
Falling from infinity
Does that mean I'll never hit the ground?
Perhaps I'll have time to learn to fly
before I'm blown into a mountainside
or drown in a cloud.
All started out,
So promising,
A polite young boy,
So promising.
Curly haired,
A little naive too,
Got the crap kicked out of me,
Older boys hated you.
All around you are snakes-
Serpents peeking through green blades,
Awaiting to strike their cynical fangs and make your heart ache
Comfortably coiled in evil
Envision the world we all must share
Blanketed by the sun’s bright glare
We all exist in this world together
Collaboration in our presence.
God is with you.
It doesn’t matter how you feel
It doesn’t matter where you are
Your situation is irrelevant
God is with you.
We’re all fighting the battles of life
We’re knights in our kingdoms of one.
Often times we’re beaten down
And beg for the war to be done.
Help me God, I’m lost
Contemplation alone won’t save me
So again I come to you, Lord
With another desperate inquiry
Sitting on your bed, crying.
The angst and pain ripping through your heart
Every second, slowly dying
Anxiety tearing you apart
I Am sorry My actions, i.e. who I Am, hurt You.
I apologize for partial understandings that We're too afraid to address. So it forbids Us the whole opportunity of full acceptance in One Another.
While what she knows
cannot be taught
try and walk
the road she walks
Note the stillness
in the trees
mirroring her effigy
Morning knows
to wake the sun
Absolute breathe in the dawn of effervescence
Sweet fluidity of ecstasy perfectly perfumed
In the lap of silence
Till you know the softness of rocks and feebleness of mountains
Till you know hardness behind watery concrete
I see the Sky clasp cymbals of the Sun,
I see the Sky clasp tambourine of the Moon,
The heads of the Stars, as states and nations
Calls countries make
Are made by their people
Calls countries receive
Are received by the people
Yearning for a country transfixed or transformed
Tonight love speaks its magic
Surreal hands, poetic voice
The cost of romance and opacity of intimacy.
Fair legacies beyond impressions and fragrances
It is not because you miss, crave, or yearn for something
that it comes to you
It is because that something misses, craves, yearns for you
that it comes to you.
Oh, love, stir the rising strip by strip
Where Love has a breath of fresh want
Sweet suspense of her spur
Where she plays a number on me
Spoons of seas sail to Islands where meals hail
Rippling flush of divine renewal course blessings
Where the sky kisses the sea
Is where delectable romances are served
for the coffee of eyes, tea of hearts, and honey of skin
there I found an offspring of the Universe
She is beautiful
Like a mouse, her heart moves
With the window of her soul
open to Heaven’s skies
She is beautiful
My story is a mirror of souls I have been daily
With divine ink duly set diurnally
Each season with a taste of weather narrates spirally
Darkness knocks the door
Weeping dust sing from the floor
Windows clash with scents of blood
Hearts hold the wheel
Driving lanes within mortals insane
That is when I found you
I chose to hold you
As I stood Crying into my mahogany lined mirror Tracing the curves that curse meThe wood reminds me of soft spots where it is solidThe wood dark and musky, masculine in nature mocks my feminine bodyMy body’s looking wrongThe mirror distorts and po
my whole life, i’ve been told that love is infinite and unconditional. that love works in strange and mysterious ways. that love comes only when it's ready.
She whispers her melodies in the early morning,
soft yet bold,
her blue green soul,
hypnotic and chaotic is the sea,
unyielding before me.
Here I am
Broken, battered,
Grief stricken and bent over
Tears, tears
Oh the tears!
Flowing, pulsating
A river dammed yet bursting
Let go, let go my soul
Open the flood gates
On top of a mountain,
We will meet-
Like chalk stains and the rinsing of knuckles.
Tonight a salamander has slayed a dragon.
attic beams bearing strange fruit
chair on the floor and bruise at the loop
queer friends hanging in the silent eaves
strange fruit dangling from the wooden beams
At first I looked at you with this hopeless ambition
This thing that I knew it would be ok
I started out looking at you with confidence and this unwavering conviction you couldn't corrupt me
The queen arises with grace and beauty
Ever so elegantly waves to the community
But Hidden within her great big dwelling
a twig of emotions snapping,
seagulls bleedding and flapping,
hunters and the animals they´re trapping,
the bear hibernating and napping,
Life is life,
Life is a shoe box,
Life is pretty,
Érase un ser vagando sin rumbo
Con una mochila a sus espaldas
Para recorrer el mundo.
Érase una mochila cargada
De chuchillas, piedras y recuerdos
Pesados, pesadas y oxidadas.
A heavy rock on your shoulder,
A ray of darkness on your chest.
She follows you everywhere you go,
But only you can hear her.
Clothes eat away at my skin.Clothes push and pull me in.My body is screaming at me no.But I just can’t let it go.The scars of your touch leave me hauntedAs that scared little girl cowered awayI step in and stop your misdeedsGet your hands away fro
I'm on a little boat
Which was never meant to set sail.
I'm on a little boat,
It is anchored by the bay.
I'm on a little boat
From where I greet you every day.
I'm on a little boat
I'm falling
But you won't catch me.
I'm falling,
Landing out this time.
I'm falling
But you didn't push me.
I'm falling
But you didn't pull me.
"I can't help it if you're falling"
Love hurts but a loss of a life outragesAll this she knew as only poetic linesBy her sweet sixteen, pretty gorgeousBlossoming like a petal filled roseYou see she wasn’t ready for this pregnancy
There are all sorts of people around us,who will be harshly judged.
They will be called cruel names, we need a stop to this game.
A change in the world ,is what we need to see.
There is a reason two souls meet. Reaching out for one’s hand to grasp a feeling you have yet to feel. The beast met with beauty, but the beauty was too bright. It shined like the north star when the stars first come out.
There is a reason two souls meet. Reaching out for one’s hand to grasp a feeling you have yet to feel. The beast met with beauty, but the beauty was too bright. It shined like the north star when the stars first come out.
“Were not really strangers”
So then what are we?
Were like the venom in a snake bite
Or the poison in ivy
Were a broken mirror
A sad song
A cry for help
A conversation that ran too long
A Doll alive in a paper house
Layn mildly upon her virgin bedding
Left to be all-bearing
Beneath silent, stained glass
Revealing a perfect paper family.
A Doll alive in a paper house
Layn mildly upon her virgin bedding
Left to be all-bearing
Beneath silent, stained glass
Revealing a perfect paper family.
it is all numb
no longer feeling
only empty space
my hands shaking
i cant breath
but who cares
it is all numb
coping through prose
i have to stop
being sick of this
it is all numb
no longer feeling
only empty space
my hands shaking
i cant breath
but who cares
it is all numb
coping through prose
i have to stop
being sick of this
When it comes to emotion between you and me, I was never moved by your subtle ways you think brings everyone concord.
You smile, but what do you smile for?
Look down at me.
The shapes you see, that could easily be reflections of who you want, If you forget it's just me.
And does it matter, the bleak expression unforgettably cutting across my eyes?
When I say I love you,
Please believe me its true
When I say forever
Know ill never leave you
When I say goodbye
Promise me you won’t cry
why is it do we sin ?
we walk a line that is already so thin
the light down the garden is oh so dim
he has been branded a sinner
and so the line got thinner
we claim righteousness
lonely at the end of day
pass it may
we all want to be conquerors
but now were all wonderers
night is a time of peace
yet its everything except peace
oh how beutiful is the moon
I know iam not a coach.
But still i can make an approach.
Deep in my thoughts i want to give you a hint.
But your appearance do blow the wind.
By Alexander Thymmons
Written in August of 2007
(then, a rifle platoon leader in the 3RD Stryker Brigade Combat Team“Arrowhead”, 2ND Infantry Division)
By Alexander Thymmons
July 4th, 2007
(then, a rifle platoon leader in the First Stryker Brigade, Second “Arrowhead” Infantry Division)
On Patrol during the Surge
When you are Heartbroken inside, youd drop no tears
Rather you try to hide your fears
You cant face reality because of depression
Instead show your expression
Tell them heartbreakers
They are never shakers
When you are Heartbroken inside, youd drop no tears
Rather you try to hide your fears
You cant face reality because of depression
Instead show your expression
Tell them heartbreakers
They are never shakers
Long have l been away in hibernation, retreating in my closet and regurgitating on the antics of the political waywardness of a country sinking in the ocean, rudderless, careless and order less.
Can I be your dog?
Fed a bowl of cigarettes
in the stale morning,
bowl of you at night.
I'll wag my tail when you're home,
follow you around.
Can I be your dog?
I can’t laugh because I’m not visible
I don’t fit anywhere
I’m like a bird with ducks
Unable to fly in the future
I don’t like the smell of the soup
That make me feel vulnerable
A girl, raised to have the mindset of creative liberty,
bred with the blood of Indians and the spirit of Mother
left to wonder the world;
The sun feels like happiness soaking into my skin
The waves sound like music to my hears
There is laugher and smiles shared all around the sun
Some run fast, some run slow
Some fall behind and don't know which way to go
The scenery changes from seeing the track straight ahead
I am a Rose
I might be small
Might look fragile
But I have some thorns
Definitely not afraid to hurt you back
But I am always fighting
Might not look strong
I am beautiful
I am a Rose
Stay up all night
Can’t handle tomorrow
Rather dance in the dark until my legs are weak and my head is spinning
I’ll say I put up a fight
All my life I’ve been around
Niggas who think they can take something
From me
My skin
Rips at the sight of them
Their teeth
The porous language of a soothing, sitting oracle,
The contraction of your drying lips that never sipped delight,
The ghostly vapor of your sound health is no real or fake miracle,
I want to feast on a bowlful of stars,
And bathe in the heavenly mist of inspiration,
I want to avoid the backwash of death and ride its wave instead,
Thou weakening eye of day, why Withdraw thine radian crown , O it's the evening bed drawest you to west wind, The silver plate peek through the blue curtains, Flowers shut their eyes to welcome him, While thy silver dew scatter though , Look how
Let me speak to you the words that reside between the lines of what defines poverty. Poverty....
It marches in boldly,
Adulation no retraction.
No holds barred,
Wrong reaction.
It invades you forces you,
Sour taste makes you spit.
Turning your thoughts
into a thick soup of shit.
I remember the day, I remember it all
It was a rainy day.
The sun took cover behind the clouds, I guess it knew my fate.
The Clacking of her hills,
All I hear as she approaches the room
I remember the day, I remember it all
It was a rainy day.
The sun took cover behind the clouds, I guess it knew my fate.
The Clacking of her hills,
All I hear as she approaches the room
My mind is an ocean that you tried to cross
Now you're stuck in the middle somewhere
If the moon is the greatest thing I've ever dreamed
What's the chance that you'll meet me up there?
as bright as my neon highlighters
bolder than the sound of my voice
Colored every which way
I trace
Over every word
So none feels left out
Because I know
The piece missing from every puzzle
And when found
I don't fit
Some will try hard
To press their thumbs
Jamming me in and out of every corner
Where I was not made to be
So many pieces,
I had once loved a Poet;
daring, audacious, tall, sensitive, true.
He could hear my heart speak from simple texts
and knew just what to say to draw me deeper in love.
It was his heart;
She was no ordinary girl
Stuck in a messed up whirl
She had friends but she’d rather stay in the clouds
But she always said aloud she didn’t like coming down
Death is a veil of beautiful darkness. It moves and changes. Painful but soft, lovely but not.
Death is a song, a tune, melody. I sing to death, and it's perfect harmony.
You, It's been you since the very first day,Those hazel eyes like the alps beneath the bewitching sunset,Stars, embedded like diamonds in the sky, like your soul embedded in mineTogether we enkindle hurricanes, But I boon my rainbow in your arms A
how i long for the momentswhen every other soul becomes irrelevantanything and anyone else is blurredand it feels as ifyou are all that existsin this parallel universe we createwhen our eyes meet
Pain is like snow.
You look up—
And no matter how hard you squint,
You can't quite see where it's coming from.
From time to time it may stop,
But in reality,
It's rushing at you,
All at once.
It comes into your life-
A fresh soul,
Awaiting a home
Waiting for tender loving and care
You could offer them the world
A field of friends,
Connected by roots
But when you start to neglect
I feel the beating of my heart, like that of a drum,
Flirting with the ripples of water, my feelings are warm
Dancing with the tunes of mocking bird, filled with lostness in love
Click Click Click
The light flickers
The bird whispers
For the lost slayers
She whispers into the night
Telling the clouds of its delight
Like there was so light
For such a sight
My heart,
Built like a gameboard-
Open to all
Multiple pieces, multiple players
A roll of the dice,
A deck of cards.
You serve a strong poker face.
Unpredictable moves,
Is it easier to know
That the wrath in the eye of an angry lover
Has been forged in that
Which will forever be stronger than malice
That the smile on her face,
alligator skin
running marathons up and down my limbs
making it obvious I don’t belong.
climbing my arms and shoulders
to mark up my cheeks and chin,
Despite all the mirrors I've walked past,
I could never see myself
When my finger touched the reflection,
Printless marks left the glass
A fragment of unimportant dust
The loudest whisper you never heard
I don't understand why do they look then laugh
I try to ignore it
Because I steadily endure it
But the is pressure pouring
To a point where I can't ignore it
Where all my morals just vanish
I don't understand why do they look then laugh
I try to ignore it
Because I steadily endure it
But the is pressure pouring
To a point where I can't ignore it
Where all my morals just vanish
I don't understand why do they look then laugh
I try to ignore it
Because I steadily endure it
But the is pressure pouring
To a point where I can't ignore it
Where all my morals just vanish
I don't understand why do they look then laugh
I try to ignore it
Because I steadily endure it
But the is pressure pouring
To a point where I can't ignore it
Where all my morals just vanish
I don't understand why do they look then laugh
I try to ignore it
Because I steadily endure it
But the is pressure pouring
To a point where I can't ignore it
Where all my morals just vanish
I don't understand why do they look then laugh
I try to ignore it
Because I steadily endure it
But the is pressure pouring
To a point where I can't ignore it
Where all my morals just vanish
I don't understand why do they look then laugh
I try to ignore it
Because I steadily endure it
But the is pressure pouring
To a point where I can't ignore it
Where all my morals just vanish
I don't understand why do they look then laugh
I try to ignore it
Because I steadily endure it
But the is pressure pouring
To a point where I can't ignore it
Where all my morals just vanish
I don't understand why do they look then laugh
I try to ignore it
Because I steadily endure it
But the is pressure pouring
To a point where I can't ignore it
Where all my morals just vanish
A rose
Beautiful, with sharp prickly points
Viewed from any angle, it is still a rose
From an optimist's perspective,
A wonderful bloom of color
From a pessimist's eyes,
A withered, flowerless vine,
For a minute you liked me.
The next blink set me free.
Was it easy for your misery?
“ There were reasons to believe . No jokers and no sleeve .”
glowing inside and out,
a warmth radiating from her body.
you can see her ideas sprout,
confidence flourishing like a poppy
winds start to kick up,
To the ones I didn't shed
due to your consolation.
And to the ones I'll shed
when thou won't be there.
And to the ones I shed
invincibly in thy presence.
I am at the start of
This wide open, never ending
Tunnel void of an ending light
Torn in two, both
Scared and more empowered than
Ever was i.. I believe this time
I'll fight !
She glides with grace and charm
and they underestimate her.
She Radiates a sweet melody of summer,
As she Drowns out the howls of the winter wolves within.
Slips through your fingertips,
I watch the time slowly fade away....
Precious moments disapper into what one might think is times greatest enemy...
Faded Memories
Bureaucratic liars hand out commands
Empty-headed sheep obey
Free-thinkers get shot by men in blue
When you look into her eyes
Trying to find whatever lies
Behind those dark stares,
Under that cold skin of hers,
Beneath the crown she had worn,
All you can do is fantasize:
What would it be like,
with beautiful words, we glow
like water makes a plant grow.
with a little mistake,
we're forever scarred,
like that flower in your backyard,
exhausted, worn out, dull.
when we can no longer take
Let them be as a diamond,
Always pampered,
Protected, highly valued,
But always diminished by the tiniest of cracks and chips
I’d rather be a Zirconia crystal
Malleable but strong
Her soul is new, a few seconds born. Her heart is full, until it’s torn.
Beneath a bridge a day old, Her mother leaves, as she’s later told.
Though half of Her heart left too, a year passes and she’s been renewed.
age of 14 weight 126 pounds
wrestling season I was 8-0, my favor
I was very excited. Like a kid getting candy on halloween
to begin my last match of my wrestling season
age of 14 weight 126 pounds
wrestling season I was 8-0, my favor
I was very excited. Like a kid getting candy on halloween
to begin my last match of my wrestling season
is finally starting to hit me
and i'm lost
i don't know how to deal with this
all at once.
i'm slowly losing myself;
i don't know who i am anymore
i'm struggling
My mind thinks too much
And yet, i can't think, can't eat, sleep, breathe
I feel a Pandora's box inside
I can't let those emotions out, not now
But I can't keep them in, can't let them win
You spend your whole life somewhere
Only to leave, and to come back
And to find that nobody remembers you.
You’re an opaque ghost filled with nothing but vague memories.
I don’t wanna let go
And If I did will my heart be cold
I wanna stay warm
Not in the shadows
Fearing hatred
I was the tree,
Standing alone, grounded into the soul of courage,
Bound to hopes of many beautiful seconds, which I want to live in.
You were my leaves,
Surviving with me, striving with me, from your beginning
Don't ever think you are alone.
Just look at the night sky,
You find only a single moon bearing many scars,
enveloped by all the stars...
I wish I be a winner, for I've came a long way & still I got so far to go being a racer.
Ride all day I think I lost my way. But love on my mind ain't a player.
He stands one hundred feet above ground,
on top of some
abandoned building;
perched on the edge
of life.
His Arms bend in wicked ways, and
We’re in deep danger
Provoking hatred with a stranger
Leading on others to anger
I tell you we’re in danger
His heart is craving love
To Space
More beautiful than the brightest smile
as old as all of time itself
The soul of the universe
creatively dancing through the sky
Oh space, how I adore you!
We had meant somewhere along the wind,
Whipped carelessly from moment to moment.
And with a final gust, we were carried
To the edge of the atmosphere.
I'm still looking
the exit of this maze.
I'm still searching
in the clear that they say.
But how can i help myself
if i can't manage to escape?
The vines that strangle,
wolves that tattered,
my heart is cold,
my mind is too.
i've always been
in some stage of freezing.
and you're an icepick
carving away at my being.
i'm sorry,
i don't think there's a sculpture
How am I supposed to be confident when I have so many flaws. From the mistakes I make, the risk I take, to the scars, open cuts, wounds on my body.
These words are tales unspoken
Of a boy whose heart was a graveyard
Buried in it were empty love notes and brokeness
He wondered if love was real
And if it was, why he couldn't feel what others felt
I've been uprooted thrice. First found
no comfort in being myself. By
being swept off the ground.
The people hanged stigma over
With voices harsh and loud
Second, the state failed to make me proud
You are the greatest secret
kept from yourself.
It is in hiding your Light
that you become lost.
It is in resisting the moment,
Spend ten hunnid on a bitcoin
I lost all my money in bitcoin
I made it back but a what cost
My wife left me...
i'm stuck in a game of tug of war.
on one side is my desire to please him --
the other, my insatiable hunger for less serious,
handsome pleasures.
i am the sun --
bright and joyous,
rarely clouded,
warm and friendly,
unknowingly smothering.
he is the moon --
cool and collected,
i feel so weak.
i am a beggar pleading for change
from a man whose hands i'm afraid will never give to me again.
i only yearn for those few small tokens of affection.
you are blue in its dullest and brightest forms.
you are the sky, throwing your arms open above me with no clear idea of what you're trying to reach.
no matter where i'm looking, i always see you.
you are every shade of blue imaginable.
you rush in like the waves of the ocean, never fully satisfied sitting in one place.
you suck me into your embrace until i feel like i can't breathe,
A family is like a circle.
The connection never ends,
and even if at times it breaks,
in time it always mends.
A family is like a circle.
The connection never ends,
and even if at times it breaks,
in time it always mends.
From the fruit you came Hucklers and demi god's made kings and queens.
Poetic justice will forever be ours ,
in the days count of biblical times
so then, pain and otrocities were gained
More than a decade in my life
Never loosened your hold in the strife
Being a best friend to this loner
Served to be an excellent attitude toner
Feet on ground
Feet on snow
Snow is slick
Feet are feeble
Feeble blocks
Blocks of brick
Bricks are broken
I would measure deeds on the scale
Adorn the time with the pendulum
Wondering how sand walk on her.
Taking time to understand as the fine dust I am.
I would return, grey or not.
We sat around fire with deep heated passion.
This was how everyone could tell we were crazy
for a season or a reason.
Our laughters revealed us in person and degree.
All I need is who you are to me
Thinking out loud before the mirror
A worrysome image to make me fret or blush.
All I need is you, tell me the tale of me
A tale I shouldn't have forgotten.
Miami was a charm of a city
What difference does that make me
I learnt to rise and not feel usual hurt.
Time after time it was pleasure for every measure.
Love was the spice of my life
I saw you in the heavens;a shining jet,so proud, sereneyet cynical,mocking small shapes below.With your avoidance,you avert amorous traffic;glide the skyby your radar.
Is it too late,
To run away from the chaos
In my head.
To a place more quite
Where solitude dwells
In a house of gold;
It does not glitter
But sings the songs of a nightingale.
yell, scream, shout
silence is scarce.
with every word spoken, a new argument begins.
each room of the house is a minefield.
i tread lightly, but somehow always become collateral.
you are a work of art.
from far away, you look absolutely perfect.
but when i'm standing in front of you, all of your gritty details show themselves loud and clear.
running circles around each other
take a break from pulling heartstrings.
i graze your veins
feeling every jolt of electricity pulsing through them.
honey-brown skin
glistens like liquid gold
and pours into my open mouth.
i drink up as if i've been parched for years.
but this flavor could never compare
fluffy flakes flutter and weave a blanket of white
as the butterflies in my stomach
flap their technicolor wings.
but the only color i feel
is a deep, melancholy blue
your laugh is music to my ears.
i cling to your every word like my favorite lyrics.
you strum my heartstrings like you've known how to play your whole life.
somehow i already know the tune.
we're both drawn to extremes,
waltzing with opposites.
it's an awe-inspiring, complicated dance.
i've never learned the steps, yet i feel like i've known them my whole life.
Smile while you can,
And please do make it wide.
Don't wait for it to be gone;
With it, may you abide.
As long as longer, stay with its side.
My heart is very heavy,
Like it weighed a thousand pounds.
Like clouds turning dark and gray;
And it terrifies the ground,
And a large army abound.
Hear! Lend me your ears!
Friends,family and peers!
For I shall tell you a tale,
That happened in our vill.
My friend you are alone,
In a seemingly darkened place.
Eyes are weary of tears;
Whose heart is bleeding could not ease.
A clean and clear, white sheet of paper; messed by ink.
The world and me, the people here; we live that brink.
Just like this night -- a villain veiled -- and then I sigh.
This tyrant darkness shakes my shoulders. Solitude!
Heart and mind a separate creature
Disparate in every feature
Matched and mirrored, evil twins
And this is where our play begins
Heart a mass of nerves, emotions
Torn to shreds by its devotions
A mirror sits still, reflecting time.
Raising questions without answers.
Where will fate lead my steps?
Will she once more tear her gown,
You are my rock
And I am Sisyphus.
We share sizes and blue eyes;
I am bound to you.
You are my rock,
with a mind of shale you prise
for the fool’s gold beneath;
I return to you.
You are my rock
And I am Sisyphus.
We share sizes and blue eyes;
I am bound to you.
You are my rock,
with a mind of shale you prise
for the fool’s gold beneath;
I return to you.
Droning buzzes fill the room
when I step foot onto the block.
A thousand flies encircle me
on staggered steppes to the ceiling,
They hide from the light cause they're vimpires,
Vimpiers in military suits and combats boots:
Ravaged our village and abducted our queens,
Their muzzles at point blank shattered young dreams,
I accidentally filled her mindwith serenading cicadasthat erupted on El Dia De Los Muertos,a piñata swarm of insects,their nightmarish candy formseating away all the love in the universe,
A heart
As cold as a winter storm
It freezes you to death
With the wind the words form
A heart
Filled with warmth
Like a summer breeze
It never causes any harm
The Church is a hospital for humanity. It is a body of people, not just a building.
Every member whether black, white, Protestant, Catholic, pastor or congregation
God is the Judge and the Angels are the Jury.
The Church is the Defendant and Satan is the Prosecutor.
Jesus is the Attorney for the accused and the bailiff over Satan.
God is to Love, as Satan is to Hate.
Christ is to the true Word as the Anti-Christ is to Sin.
The Holy Spirit is to true Teaching as the False Prophet is to lies.
Scribbles and Scratches
Papier-mâché remnants
Past reflections of everything I used to be
I am NOT the blank paper I once was
Not because I didn't write my story
It was subtly eroded
A chill sweeps across a wide river,
Interrupting the thick humidity of warm spring air.
A light breeze wisps gently above the surface of the water.
Overcast and moonless, with the exception of two stars
Thou art a beautiful creation,
Not for a naught, but for preservation.
I am selfish, oh! Such prejudice.
Yet I art selfish for thee.
Oh!!I beseech thee!
Look away and far away.
In the blue lane
i failed trying to learn.
i stood head's up cos all i quest for is to earn.
my hope is not to dine in strong wine.
so i drew the line.
between pain and gain.
When the windeth blows, it's ev'r so cold
But nev'r as such within mine soul
F'r thoust claim'd I'm dark withineth
But I hast not commit'd sineth
Shall clouds rolleth in, I dear proclaim
He brings joy to me,
his laugh makes my heart smile,
his eyes, like the sea.
Endless charm is his style,
and he is my willow tree.
i feel like nothing
i feel like everything
i am the sun
i am the moon
the world is too much for me
every time I want nothing more than to
I think,
"it's been a while since I've wanted to die this badly."
and it's true.
some days
are far worse than others, but
some days
On some evenings
When I allow myself
to the garden we made
Dandelions in my feet
ask me for you.
Uninvited they were at first
You remember I hope.
Question to the question I ask,
Shards of my mind litter the floor,
Fragmented pieces of sanity.
I try to piece them together.
I fail.
Who cast that fatal blow?
The searing pain that rippled through my mind.
It’s cold here, all alone.
The fan is off but I’ve never felt so cold.
Am I destined to stay here, wasting away?
Spending my days cold and alone.
You say you're broken.
That you're scattered and lost and falling apart.
You lean all of your weight on me.
Your limbs have fallen off.
You cry and cry and cry.
I pat your back.
The black clouds are rolling in
The lightning cracks like a whip
As the thunder roars with the pride of a lion
The sky's blue slate is wiped clean by the darkest grays
And shadows begin to cover the streets
Countless ideologies arise
allies axis
accord not in sight
world combats
queen and eagle
is the weapon
that beats back the boche
After the traces of your feet walked away,
Freeing her roots,
those for lengths, were weighed heavy into the earth-
at the mercy of your dishonesty.
it’s already midnight
the soles of my feet
bleed against the hot pavement
just like my ancestors
against the hot sand
in our homeland
Flakes of snow, gliding down your back, as they melt.
Under you, my hushed brokenness held.
The heat, the rush, left the sky blushed.
The touch of your silky black hair,
In the midwinter a dazzling storm,
left only to feel, the here, the now and the gone.
A hazy mirage not so hazy, not so mirage.
Stood still, dim and harsh-
Another day to go to work.
All dressed up looking decent.
A perfect perfume for a pleasant scent.
A little make up on to look glamorous.
Finally, a big smile to look perfect;
But am I happy?
The earth was in ruin
Trees gone, seas dried
Those 100 men had done it
And now they were running from it
One girl stood up
Her name was Rose
She had a green thumb like no other
I still think about you
Every day and every night
We drifted so far apart
Was it wrong or was it right?
I wanted to talk to you
I just couldn't break my wall
I hated how we ended
They say when I get in
the gods toast a coin
the well hold its breath
and the wall open its ears.
Blanket shrugged in the corner
while the carpet curls up.
When I pace up
Wings of Cloaken Skybirds
Death of a ceiling broken past
Remains of regret for niceties
Falling too fast to catch
Timed too inummerable to measure
It's crazy how it is
YouR my Friend
And then The Next your gonE`
Our Love is Like a Circle of Energy
that connects us
its Like your right in front of me
And then your..😒 ..😯.
Everything gives us something,
Light gives us shadow,
Shadow give us darkness,
Darkness gives us fear,
Fear gives us emotions,
Emotions make us human.
Everything gives us something,
Yes, i was in deep pain
When you wanted me to take the blame
Oblivious to the miseries and injuries you fostered
Yet , you made it all seem so lame
Again, An another sleepless night passed,Again,A chain reaction of thoughts occurred,Yet Again,YOU crossed,Again, I forced,Again,I missed,Again,Yet Again,Constant I feel, Room of emptinessThis pain, This rage,This sorrow, This bitterness Wonderin
The storm leaps around
it wanders everywhere
it runs fast like a monkey
and grabs everything around it
a banana from the tree
jessy 's umbrella and what not?
no one can control it
April 25th
She carried the baby for nine precious months,
The baby boy was delivered, everyone rejoice and sang a joyful song,
I know of a man
appealing like a million dollars
but his net-worth cannot
amount to a single cent.
The man walked down the windy road to see what he could find.
After several minutes the road jumped up and he was sure he lost his mind.
Once I'as going away
Far from my hute.
Waiting for a conveyance
Along my class mate.
Just after a while-
I see a fairy
Toward my front like
The Venus of the sky.
But I avoided, avoided
I feel her heart getting colder
I reach for her hand
Searching to feel her love
She pushes me away
There is so much weight on my shoulder
You have only known me while I grew up in a closet,
I feel like I’m alone, having no one to hold my hand,
No one to comfort me, or to tell me “I promise it’s going to get better!”,
When I’m looking back,
I feel I’m about to have a panic attack,
Memories are everywhere,
Wow he's so handsome,
gorgeous as can be.
Out of the random,
twas a mystery, It was love at first sight.
Never really knew you, seen or met you,
but when we finally meet it will be everything.
I am from my mother's garden,
A garden of the heart;
She planted all the good things
That gave my life it's start.
She taught me right from wrong
I remember the first time I cheated
laying up under somebody else's sheets
First time I slept with her I fell in love
cheatin on my woman with these streets.
I remember the first time I cheated
laying up under somebody else's sheets
First time I slept with her I fell in love
cheatin on my woman with these streets.
Darkness is more than just the absense of light.
It's the inability to see.
See a future
See a purpose
See a reason to live.
To fear the dark
Is to fear the monsters that come with it.
(Dashes equal a beat.
The ellipsis is a long pause.
A poem wrote at 15/16, then revised.)
My life isn’t as bad as it seems,
that even in the darkness there are beams,
My cereal bowl holds stale lucky charms and
Milk white atrocities
Bathing away the cobwebs
Of spiders better left alone
I walk into the winter night
And the fragrance of the Queen of the Night embraces me
It is sweet
I gulp in lungfulls of it
As if it is a draught
I am greedy
I want to breathe it all in
I adore your beam,you reflected your beam,with fetching me through your eyes.
Splendid is your creation,as like the ravishing Universe,carries everything equally.
I caved and seen a counselor today. I impatiently waited in the office, picking at my skin, filling out monotonous paperwork, checking the yeses and the noes, and more anxious waiting.
As a kid you learn to swim
Not doggy paddling or floating or splashing
But actually swimming in a body of water
What you don’t learn
Is how to swim to the top
Childhood Innocence
By Addisen Rose Davidsavor
Bring me back to my childhood innocence
And teach me how to giggle again,
Teach me to believe in the fairy dust,
That sits on the backs of beating butterfly wings
My brain is a television
and my eyes are the screen
I’ve been relayed a message
more minacious than it seems.
I’ve realised I will be writing about Him forever and will never fully describe Him
He, the stranger made of metaphor
He, the indomitable fire that feeds on empty
He, the ocean I drown myself in
There's a thread,
That weaves its way around the heart,
Searching for something to mend.
There's a book,
That patiently waits to be read,
Searched for its hidden meaning.
What eats the soul,
Goes unnoticed,
Without a fight.
What attacks the soul,
Is noticed immediately,
For the damage it causes is too great to not be noticed.
What timids the soul,
Be careful of the tiger,
For they can catch you in a grip,
That can kill you.
Be careful of the eagle,
For they can catch you off guard,
That can be the difference between life and death.
A little sparkle.
That’s what you were.
A little blue cross
A little green pulse
A little heartbeat
Of pure spirit
That lit us up with love.
Your struggle for the chance to be born
What is my depression?
I feel lonely,
I feel pain,
I feel emptyness.
What is my depression?
I feel a noose tied around my neck,
I feel a razor cut into my skin,
Everything was normal when I was young.
I was happy. I had great friends.
But that changed when I was 13 years old.
The tic said hello to me.
I never knew the tic before.
The tic had weird characteristics--
Dear Mom, why do you hate me?
Is it because of secrets that have come out lately?
That I do not love the same way you do,
Or do not follow religion as if by voodoo?
I feel my heart beat to the music.
The voice that sings inside my head
And speaks to my body.
With rythm in my toes, blues on my fingers.
I conquer the world's problems
One note at a time.
Slaughter themselves upon the shore
As the daybreaks with the ebb and flow
Rushing, crashing, breaking
They are the inevitable and continual
None can contain
None can recreate
A simple beat.
Four measures.
Guitar. Drums. Vocals.
The first verse drifts into my ears.
My heartbeat falls into rhythm with the bass.
I hold the world in the palm of my hand
It has a spine like the trunk of a tree
It is a lone tree on a faraway land
With colorful fruits so far as the eye can see
Tell me a story,
Doesn’t have to be long.
I don’t need you to sing from the rooftops.
I just want to listen.
I’ll hum a few words,
Put in my own two cents.
I’ve replaced the names with poems.
I’ve harvested every cathartic drop of memory in order to create something fathomable.
The flower grows
In the soil.
It sprouts from the ground.
In swoops the farmer
To pluck it out.
It is a weed.
As I walked along the street
I saw the shadow of a soul
Its heart was beaten, all I saw was dullness
It was screaming for help, but no one could hear
Wake up. Run. Jump. Fall.
The cycles of failure race through my brain
I swim in a lake of my tearful demise
How did I get here?
Reluctance to stare at my reflection
Constantly talking and yet saying nothing
You were my bird. My beautiful bird. Your wings were so prepossessing, I just had to
stare. Though I had a feeling you didn't feel the same as me anymore. Your
pining gaze at the window often left me in confusion. What was so...
You told her she was dead to you
She is dead because of you.
You told her she lost you,
she is lost without you.
The tears nesting in her eyes make you a blur.
A picture with no shadows in itHas all too much to hide.Pompous, plushy, prickly colorsWherein no truth resides.
Have courage
and be kind.
These are
the words
that are
as old as
If you
live by these
you are
a life
of joy
Being in love is like being a surfer on the biggest wave on your carreer.
It's scary at first,
not knowing if you're ready for it.
But once you're in it,
it is a high that no drug could ever match.
I look into the mirror.
What do I see?
Not who I want to see.
Not who I want to be.
She looks back at me.
My eyes full of distaste and disgust at the girl in the mirror.
Silence screams throughout the day
Children weep as others play
the screaming silence never decays
the silence is never acknowledged.
not even seen as if it is there
a steady scream still fills the air.
Her hand grazed my skin. “Please, be calm my child.”
Serenity plagued each of my senses.
Flames from the fire grabbed at my shoeless feet.
Yet, I was the happiest I have been.
Mother looked sadly into my green eyes.
One day I looked up and saw the sun
Shining it’s brightest yellow
The sun said to me, “Am I amazing, sweet, glorious child?”
I turned and said
There are rythms that echo through
my rib cage, each bone curving as your
a note gets cut off.
It is hard to hear, when
other heartbeats play loudly like a siren
Its okay to love another, but
Ignore the voices
Those murmurings of doubt
Call forth the flame,
The light to face the darkness
Dirt and sweat cover our faces. Our hands are our tools.
We become numb to the pain and the cold metal. Slowly we become machines.
Our minds begin to turn and wind just as the wheels do.
We lose the feeling of being men.
Everything's made of a story.
I want to know them all.
I read every tome in the library.
Little kids dream big
But I dream bigger
Kids dream of unicorns and candy
Parents dream for their kids to be happy
Dogs dream of treats and belly rubs
And Soccer players dream for the dubs
But I?..
I can swallow
I can swallow two pills
At the same time
And it gives me a thrill
Mixing my meds
I find it addictive
<p>Living life without a careDon't even worry about my hairHomesickness snakes throughout my skinBut every day is a win</p> <p>As a person, I have grownMore than I could ever have knownI have become braverEvery day I feel less a
Living life without a careDon't even worry about my hairHomesickness snakes throughout my skinBut every day is a win As a person, I have grownMore than I could ever have knownI have become braverEvery day I feel less a stranger I pass landscapes f
Inspiration, for me
comes from the ink carved squiggles
of the written word.
Never before has anything
been more beautiful
I see your glittering eyes
and the crinkled skin around them.
Your joy is a spark of love
that will soon flame into passion.
How I envy your delight
and the way it motivates you.
I don’t know if anyone has ever told you this, but welcome to planet earth. A floating rock in space a perfect 146 million kilometers from the sun made up of 71% water, 29% land, 8.7 million different species, and 7.7 billion humans, aka us.
Lil white boys
Yes, you
I am talking.
For once, I am taking up space
What are you, scared?
I am the sun and the moon.
I wonder about the lights out of my reach;
I hear the sound of stars falling around me.
I see the endless paths warping before my feet;
The American Dream
A run in fear
The sprint to safety
A jog for a dream
A race with death
Rise above when you fall below.
Pain will come, but choose to grow.
My heart cries out to the ones I love the most, but still
No one comes when its my chance to rise.
I am her baby girl, I even have her eyes.
So much relies uponLittle working bees.From cold winters to scorching summers,The bees never failTo contribute for their hive.
I hold the story in my hand
My eyes jump from word to word as
The tangible account transforms into an elusive fantasy
My hand moves to continue the narrative
It started as an interaction,
like a small rose seed getting sun.
I began to feel a strong attraction,
I knew something good had just begun.
Be aware before falling in love
Fore it always brings sores
Later which turn into storms
with all the love comes a curse
With a prize
No matter how hard you try
You may never rise again!
The cheers, the applause, the cries
And I ask them to indulge in this moment
For it will fade
Like a distant memory
She reminds me of a plant because of her stems
and the way they bud and burgeon through every space.
She is kind, and indiscriminate, and withholds judgment
I felt their eyes, piercing through me with gazes as sharp as knives.Drip.I listened to their sweet lies, releasing the bitter poison that they implanted into the depths of my throat.Drop.I saw the sudden bursts of raw emotion, introducing me to t
A Journey
Embarked on
In the early dawn of life
At first guiding
By loving hands
Teaching hands
You are everything I hope to be in life. You are strong, caring and loving. even when things aren't right you don't show it. You are everything I aspire to be as a women.
They bustle from place to place,
Pink cheeks, loud voice, cherry face.
Hands guide, hugs envelope, terror forms,
Do not swear by her, for she changes
constantly, warned she.
But change is inevitable
and she keeps me warm.
Her rise promises me comfort and security
and her death, the promise of tomorrow.
The flame has a life of its own
Mysteriously ignited by the fuel of existence and
Set ablaze by the quaintness of the world’s wonders,
Wee beginnings as a single spark in a pit of ember
C-o-l-l-e-e-nI’d sound out the letters when I’d write them
Tiny hand flexed ungracefully around a crayon.
Words, form from bold strokes.
The loneliest I've been.
The depths my mind reaches scares me --
I've been down here, trapped.
Above, I see the stars, the indigo-sweeped sky
Taunting me, dangling my freedom high
Above my head --
Inspiration feels like a sliver of hope;
The shine on a brand new penny,
An eyelash on your cheek,
Color trickling in the sunrise.
I have learned to swim all on my own
Chose the toughest battles
Got through them both
Spent my whole life just picking sides
Little Flower In the spring birds and bees fly around,Everything thing is growing, There are new things to be found,In the spring you are surrounded by beauty, Yet a small little flower is what you seek.The flower has grown to be
Something that people strive to do in the knick of time
Leave a footprint on our brittle soil of Earth once they leave
And some day it may or not be me
road trip
with you, Mind.
You’ve been one to blame
for the crinkled maple leaves
lining the inside
Ring song
Go tell the worldhow close you cleave,my ring.
No! Wait! — The worldhas little careto pause and hearyou sing.
Swiftly kissing me on my cheek as I meet my morning ritual glow
Feelings of seduction, temptation , cloud nine
Space high fasho.
Caressing my mind with that courage ,that magic, that gumption,
The worst thing about your favorite sweater:
You wear it alll the time, it stays the same size as you keep growing
And no matter how much you try to stretch it out,
it doesn't work.
- to kiss god on the mouth
his lips taste like cheap pekoe tea and overly sweet vanilla creamer.
i run my hands through the hair of something i don't believe in.
there are no hymns, no bible verses
no miracles.
Feldgrau comes to steal me.
Seeing your green and grey colored arms start to clutch your FG 42,
Is this to be my last color?
One can walk along their merry way
Without a care or single stray
Along their path, they run into fear
Now's their chance to hole or veer
The choice is clear for most, they flee
Americans We
We were the arnsenal of democracy,
There, fighting on the beaches of Normandy.
We felt victory at last and our enemies none,
By standing together, Americans as one.
He is not perceived as dangerous. But his eyes hold an ocean that begs to drown me. His smile seems to paint a cure to my sadness until I feel his words shoot through me like burning bullets.
The edge of the boat chills my hands,
As I stare at the vast marble sea.
The wind fills my hair with flavor,
As we race the waves expeditiously.
I shimmer like gold; stun like pink diamonds
My hair reaches heights, and my skin varies like the dust of the ground
I am strong because of my color, and I endure because of my will
I do not shake, and I do not fear
The world can be so dark,
but just remember
at the end of the cold dark night
the sun will rise
and there will be a spark that shines
brighter than ever before
waiting especially for you
the estimated, imaginery will of a being
something that determines what can survive,
while also being as simple as something that can turn on an electronic thing.
Openly seen in everything
Love inspires me to Adore,
Pain gave me a reason to work for more.
Love inspires me to be Active,
Pain gave me a reason to break from being held captive.
Love motivates me to do right by others,
What is child’s play? Who is child’s play? Where is child’s play?
Child’s play is intense passion without a clear end point, or any end at all.
Child’s play is what you love only past 10.
If I had to choose if I’d rather have the world end in fire or ice, I would choose ice.
At least for now.
The enduring love of my grandparents' hands
Held within one another as they commit to stand
Throughout the hardship and sufferings of current and past
To uphold a legacy that will infinitely last
A hammer shatters the mirror and blood pools in the places punctured by the mirror's shards. Maybe the blood loss will make her lighter.
140 to
135 to
104 still counting.
You needed stupid.
Stupid enough to believe your throne of lies.
To worship your sins and glorify your violence.
you needed meek and timid
but fiery and hot
Once awhile ago I was lost
In a place so cold everything was laced in frost
Couldn't find my way in a blizzard
I screamed but couldn't make it so my voice is heard
I cried, yelled, pleaded with all my might
Maybe it was your eyes,
Big and droopy, but also told stories of the wise.
Or maybe it was just everything about you.
How you fertilized and reaffirmed my dying thoughts.
the grass here is scorched.
weak and frail,
snapping under the will
of even the mildest wind.
the edges of each of the blades are just that;
Back when things
were simple and innocent,
life felt beautiful and full of bliss.
I could feel the warmth
that life gave me.
Each trip I take around the sun
leaves me with less and less
Back when things
were simple and innocent,
life felt beautiful and full of bliss.
I could feel the warmth
that life gave me.
Each trip I take around the sun
leaves me with less and less
There's been the bad,
I used to crack a smile, while I cut myself
-Clinically- insane
And there's been the good,
In this world we are surrounded by limited resource. Most of which we have destroyed without remorse. 50-100 million buffalo used to roam the great plains. Until 1884 when only 325 remained.
Never become my sunlight
Which ever drain my eye
Blurred vision of my sight
Go far away from my eye
Go away way way Go away way way
Ho ho hou Wo ho hou Ho ho hou Wo ho hou
Mental necessities;
Deep breath, go outside, be social.
Disruption followed by the cries of others;
What I need.
Cuts between He and I heals differently.
He chose a band aid. I chose to let the cut breath.
Trapped in others' dreams,
life's inevitable loop.
But break the cycle,
failure teaches us to grow.
It is your own life story.
"Dearly Beloved..."Stunned, I am amazed by this purgatory endured for loving you; dwindling morals and virtues as the ticking beast in my chest grows more enamored of solely you.
My home is the field
With fear of being shown the red
The crowd fills in, watching
Whether real or inside my head
Silent, Sad, Mad,
What is wrong with me?
I am crying inside where you can not see.
Silent, but LOUD
Explain to me.
Childhood friend
Why do I go crazy
We never talked about it
I think about it daily
I left before you could
The hood never betrayed me
I was incarcerated
I thought about it daily
Love is not what it seems. It is not a delicate feeling that makes one bubbly and light inside. It is not flowers and sunshine. Birds do not chirp. Rainbows do not appear. Life is not happy and perfect. Love is the opposite.
You are truly a product of love,
Divided by the sum of your ego,
Subtracted by the quotient of your imperfection,
Multiply by the difference of your commitment.
i don’t want to know what you think,
you don’t care, you’re mind is blowing
like the wind but eventually you sink
into your heart and it’s showing,
“You’re nothing but a dirty, nasty female”
His words rang in my ear
Rang in the air
The venom in his tone flooded the classroom
I stand facing east
Alone, quiet, still.
Only one companion --
A proud cactus standing tall.
Together we watch the cold night
Become the hot day.
Dry baked rocks beneath us,
Wheres the butterflies and rainbows?
The urge to cut builds up each night
And it just doesn't feel right
I am sorry.
I’m sorry that your first joy is not the son that you prayed to God for since you were a little girl.
Once upon a time, A girl gave her heart to a boy,But outside its cage of bones, it was unstable.It had started crumbling and deteriorating,so she replaced it with a robotic heartin hopes of repairing the damage. But the damage was done,her true he
I am made of stone.
The years have eroded me into what I am,
A poet,
A daughter.
Carved by the finest of artists,
The stars around me, that push me,
Are the ones who burn. Who
Breathe the flames of tongue and language
And laugh to paint skies blue.
Their firy smiles spark
And make me run and leap.
When I look to the water
I do not see the waves
Scattering the rocks and silt below
When I look to the water
“Real men” keep their feelings trapped inside
Like a caged bird.
A simple idea,
Yet still too complex for a young child.
A child, forced to believe
How easy it is,
To stand and look pretty
While taking a photo.
As I see the image that others see—
Joyful but Smart.
The Shoes of a Man’s Wife
Loving you was so hard to do
But leaving you would break me in two
So what am I to do
Money is given not earned,
Dumpsters serve as restaurants,
Fountains as bathtubs,
Shoes are their tires,
Makeshift shelters as home,
No family but fellow brethren,
And no dept because most already paid.
You roared at me like thunder,
and struck me like lightning.
The day you walked into my life,
my dreams were blown away
faster than leaves in the gushing wind.
You were a fearsome storm
Twinkle Twinkle Little star
Aren’t you tired
You never rest
Your weary eyes must hurt
But do they hurt from
Vibrant Oranges and reds that have gone mute
Seeming to be in a negative filter
Blues and purples coming into a mix
A swirling breezes sending chills down the spine
I am a product of a broken home
A summation of lost love
intertwined with lost trust
My parents broke my trust
My family tells me I am a perfect mix of
My mother and my father
I knew he would be bad for me.I knew his gentle touch would one day make me bleed.
Shining barely out of reach.I prayed for him to see me, waiting patiently.
Dinner at my house is a tug-of-war zone
because of your 6’2” smile,
your slightly muffled handwriting,
your candy wrapper-crinkled eyes,
Sweet treachery on a night of drought,
And no, I did not see the billow coming.
I held no thirst or thoughts about
The sounds of soft waves drumming.
Each old novel; a new lover,
Assuaging the pain of life.
Silence falls over the house, save
The rustling of yellowed pages.
I am an ocean
Restless, impatient, wildly emotional, unpredictable
I am the ocean
And you are the sky
I reflect you
Your mystery and raw beauty
When you are clear and bright,I glitter in the sun
Traversing the brim of ill determination
stuck walking in eternal night
Existing only in those rusted hallows
purely pursued out of spite
There is a piece of my heart -
Torn, flighty, and wild,
Free spirited and purposely audacious-
And it begins now to throw
First pebbles, then stones,
At my windows,
When she came to me
I tried to warn her
Despite the danger
I know I pose
I drew her in anyway
A carnivorous flower
So intriguing
So pretty to look at
You draw near it
I am terrible at reading peopleBut I want to read her
She’s the kind of book I want to read cover to coverThen start all over again
A book I would keep with meAlways learning new things from it
Sleep has become the most delicious donut
Dangling in front of the treadmill
Like the meal
I was reluctant to eat
Could've saved that dollar for yet another bill
Like rats
They just keep coming
She was born of woman as a word,
swaddled in question marks but cooed
with answers - statements of soothing reassurance
In a far and forgotten realmWhere love never goesAnd smoke instead of The clean air blowsAnd no birds there anymoreJust ash-covered crowsThat is the realmOf unkept hate That wretched soul was warnedBy the author who spoke for peace Because the ide
I'm not a rapper
I'm not a napper
But quite certainly
I'm very dapper
My favorite color is purple
I don't like purple nurples
Go get the dirties
I'll be here in my thirties
Graceful she is, winking at my every thought.
Sheltered by her shadow, she comforts me.
Her reassuring faces,
Her beam of life,
She is infinite.
Valiant she will always be,
Today I took my head off
to see a different angle
It was beautiful to watch
my entrails dangle
My art friend came over
to take a couple pics
And no one seemed to worry
about it
Looking for distractions
Hiding in my absence
Tired of my actions
Feeling my inactions
Scared of my emotions
Sinking in commotion
Looking for distractions
Tell me who are you in the dark? Are you the devil or the little spark
Tell me who are you when I'm alone? Are you the light or the huge storm
I'm scared of letting go
I'm scared to be free
What if it's not like
like what I've dreamed
Pathetic naive
that's not the least
Come on get out
get out of me
Craig is a hurricane;
A pernicious storm delivering nothing but havoc and destruction.
This bipolar alcoholic is more destructive than most hurricanes the world has ever seen.
A barren world, dark and cold
Stained with death and mercy pleas
A place forgotten as we grow old
A million lives spent for "the land of the free"
A little boy, dearest of them all
Squares fit perfectly across a rectangle.
Lines don’t need to be colored out.
Rhythm and Repetition.
Silence and Condemnation.
When the door shuts behind me
The walls begin to crumble
The word hope as left my reach as it flies into the submessive dark
How did i get here?
In a world that is not perfect
When the door shuts behind me
The walls begin to crumble
The word hope as left my reach as it flies into the submessive dark
How did i get here?
In a world that is not perfect
Mother is unique
unlike her little sister moon
unlike her toxic sister Venus
unlike her father sun
A lonely night it is
An exceptionally long night
Where loneliness is my best friend
Crying is my comfort,
And darkness is my hiding place
As I watch them all go against me.
I wake up in the shimmery light
Of the early sun’s sigh.
The rays pour in through the open blinds
Tiny crystals dance and flutter to and fro
Another morning in darling Arizona.
Love is a complex and interesting thing
It amazes us, no matter how we swing
It can save you from trouble, free you from pain,
But sometimes, there isn't any gain.
At the end of the day, we both do our own things.
You study, I clean. You think about academics and family, I think of you and family.
Pain to be documented
for the sake of civilization.
Pain, language of the unspoken,
censored, plugged and precluded.
Pain of mothers daughters and lovers,
of sons, fathers and admirers.
The birth of a fawn,
of a new life stumbling into consciousness -
unsteady legs,
blurred mind.
This is the place from which I have never awoken.
“is it
really selfish
to leave
this world
and take
with you
your problems,
it’s like
taking the
Speaking Your TRUTH is more POWERFUL when You LIVE Your TRUTH.
Once You align the two,
The Alignment of Speaking Your TRUTH & Living Your TRUTH makes the Words You Speak AUTHENTIC. Use Your INNER Wisdom & DIVINE INTUITION to GUARD Your Words, as they are GOLD!
It's MARVELOUS to see the harmony of those walking in Love, working together to care for Our SUFFERING.
The connection of those HEARTS create HOPE. These are Our Healers.
I've seen you broken,
I've seen you pissed,
I've seen you at your worst,
And I've seen you at the end of your wits.
I've watched you sleep,
I've watched you awake,
Losing a friend sucks, sometimes they leave, sometimes you just drift apart until there's only silence, the worst way to lose a friend is when they change, your left yearning for when everything was fine, when you'd joke around play games and just
The water is calm at first
Quiet against the sandy shore
Then the waves of reality grasp your ankles
The strong relentless wave of sadness pulls me in
Why do I feel so alone?
If Medusa was a modern-day woman, I imagine she would be a part of the MeToo movement.
They’re the Lords and Ladies of school,
The Gods and Goddesses if you will.
Homecoming Kings and Queens.
"Akonadi, the people’s activist."
Akonadi is an oracular goddess of justice and a guardian deity for
women. Inspired by a Ghananian goddess.
I rise up from my comfy sheets
Light peeks out from the curtains like a playful child
Almost like my little Persephone
I gather up my supplies
Like emotion and color
Time is a lie
It puts into perspective
Death and Life
Black and White
Night and Day
let me tell you the story of venus of the swamp.
how she emerged
fully formed
from the pond scum;
her hair thick with algae
I have a lot of things
I want to complain to you.
But how would I do that
when my shoulder is where you seek to
lean on when you cry?
I am confused
However, I pray God saves you and I
Feelings are weird
My tears, they make a river
Falling one at the time
Filling a pool of cries
I'm hiding, you see
No one knows the real me
No matter how many tears I cry at night
Black and white.
It’s all black or white.
Ana is the white. She tells me to starve, starve, starve, you’re not good enough, you’re too fat, thinner is winner, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels, fade to perfection.
I was patently yearning to have myself treasured in your shielded custody.
Yet, amidst your compulsive warmth I fell into this perpetual abyss that you build for me.
I could forever wait, I even pined for you, my sweetheart...
Tap tap tap on my roof you hit starting notes,
Continuing and supported by bass sounds from waves.
You come in your time and even sometimes, come in to our time;
All you care about is your downpour,
In the iris of one’s eyes,
I can see far into the soul.
And what I see brings no sighs.
Your strength and faith isn’t a knoll,
With your words sweeter than Berri you bury
Me in the glum,
How could I stop that tender voice
that rhythmed that sound in the vains
Of my heart??
I can feel it ever slipping away,
Diluting into the abyssal dark.
I only feel all that is not okay
As everything dons a new shrouding mark.
my thoughts are a poem,but i run into trouble wheneveri try to corral them on paper becausethey like to twist away and run incircles, like wild horses,making me dizzy andnot making sense.
Winter is a season
So cold with a reason
Snow sparkles magically
The cold wind bites your cheek
Everyone goes sledding near a frozen creek
A child falls off their sled
The child laughs casually
They saw,
They gawked,
They thought it was too much,
Unruly, unnatural, undesirable
My hair.
My personality.
My identity.
What happens when you peel away the layers
Scrape away the acrylics
Is it a doll inside a doll
Inside a doll
All with the same expression
She is in the dying flowers and the burning trees
She is in the children who cry and plead
The animals who hunt and bleed
Earth in every form
Artemis, Diana
Everyone always tells me I have a way with words.Yes, my pen scribbles almost uncontrollably, when I picture you, and how I like to describe who you are, and how much an acquaintence could possibly mean to me.
I died my hair bright red the other day;
now my curls are poisonous snakes.
Twisting, turning, tangling.
We know that in nature, bright colors mean posionous.
The look of Daisy had trapped him into a never ending feelings.
A boy who felt in a beautiful girl, who was to shy to speak.
Who had loved Daisy for years and years.
With Eyes like rainbows,pools overlooking earths magnificent colors
with dancing lights in which life glows
my body falls as it looses all control spiraling into ur maze unconsciously losing myself as it goes
Don't speak
Don't look at him in the eye
Because if you do your his next victum
He likes chaos
He loves war
And no matter what you do he will continue to hurt you when he gets the chance
He came to me when I died
Took my shoulders, careful calm and slow
and lifted me up in to the air.
We floated high over trees and buildings till I couldn't see the ground.
Come, let me tell you a story,
My weary brother,
Come, and let me teach you something;
The Night is long, the road is tough,
And the stars are too distant,
simply not warm enough.
“Be wary of the sun, for it will melt your wings”
At least, that was what they said to me.
But, no one warned me of the perils ahead.
They promised a breeze and warmth on my cheek,
What is love, is it free for everyone
Or is it ethereal and abhored
What is love, is it a birthright ignored
Or is it a gift granted by the Son
One moment a dark room
Candles soothing
The next
A bright blinding bike ride
Sage burns
Clouds cover a multitude of eyes
Whispers can be heard for miles at a time
Fat rotting
The heart's a fragile instrument
but shatters if it's played.
A tiny bump will leave a dent
and make the colour fade.
Look what they made of you,
Drawn out of life, drained out of mind,
Damage is written all onto you.
Lies and deceit is what works for them,
They laugh , while you scream and shout,
He will catch up to you one day,
the king of death.
The shadow of his past life,
the king of grief.
Only he can stop this,
the king of murder.
When he lurks around the corner,
I wish you would take what you need and just leave me alone.
I push you away, but you keep on insisiting.
My smile is barely there, but it's there.
What do I want?
I don't know.
You breathe so close to me and I become foggy
You look in my eye and I cannot look away
You say that you are unsightly and I show you the truth of how wrong you are
You cry and I cry
You smile and I smile
My train is always speeding; thundering down the track at full speed.
It heads nowhere in particular.
Whenever it stops to unload a thousand passengers, a thousand more board.
Most are unwelcome.
Bumble bee fly so high,
Let the world lift you on its icey shoulders
Have them know that you don’t die
And upon remission, return to your glass hive.
Fraternal of eagle of blue.
Matching eye for an eye, quest
Blood brotherhood of the roof
Garden. Feathering, and wing
Midas was a man,
A man with a wish,
He didn’t get what he planned,
But he just couldn’t resist.
He asked for gold the first time,
Midas was a man,
A man with a wish,
He didn’t get what he planned,
But he just couldn’t resist.
He asked for gold the first time,
I sat in the midst of the unbiased reaction of the atmosphere that moment
All I could best do was soliloquise about vanity
i see you in the morning light,
with silver eyes like the hanging moon
i try to look away, but I’m drawn to you
caught in some sort of morning light spell
Sometimes I’m a sexually repressed nun who fell for someone outside the faith,
A guy carrying multiple, heavy bags of groceries for someone who won’t return the favor,
It's the premier of his life’s work
He stands on a carpet painted red, awaiting his picture
He wears a black tuxedo and a silver bow-tie
He's a stable smithyThinks his genius words are pithyAs he pounds, pounds, poundsInto the night.Swings his big word-hammerNever minding lies and grammarCuz he's gotta, gotta, gotta
Long ago the Greeks had their gods and goddesses
Thought to be long forgotten to the sands of time
But they’re still very much alive.
Dethroned from Mount Olympus
There are those who see me as a Foe, yes, those who I hope to never know. They say to go back, and their reasons, did take me aback. Apparently, I am where I do not belong. Why can't we all get along? My very being infuriates them, and it feels d
A woman's mouth is weary
with fear older than the oceans
Rivers flow through our veins
Flocks of goosebumps fly
across our skin with every ripple
and yet we still find ourselves face
to face with gods
The teacher told me to study more.
My family wanted me to do well in school,
And because of the teacher, my grades began to soar.
Studying soon became a chore,
Path to the Heart
She's the wave just ere it reaches its crest
That perfect moment as it picks you up,
right before it breaks into a beautiful surf,
Reflecting the world in her eyes.
cross my heart and hope to breathe / suck the air into my lungs like a promise broken / like wind in the air singing hymns across a desolate plain / and wish for something different or better or nothing at all / because this is my story and our st
Let me tell you a secret.
The Serpent presented no temptation,
a warning.
As my teeth pierced the skin of
the fabled fruit,
I learned
not of God,
but of Man.
The shallow and endless wind visits you from time to time
Giving you helpful advice that comes in rhymes.
Never fear the slice of life,
Because it will surely help you for any future strife.
Today I lie in the ashes of my own passion,
the ruins of reckless self-obsession.
I sought to outthink my mind, herself,
the prevailing ruler of all that concerns me.
Morning Snap. Filter ‘til you’re pretty.
Time to apply too many layers of foundation.
Cover and correct your humanity.
Anastasia Beverly Hills, Jeffree Star, Jacklyn Hill.
autumn bleedsbruises the treeblood spattered leavesahead winter's deadly blowyet the world smiles at the garish colorsNature uses in proving his loveseasons cyclehe charms her with spring's flowers
When the Light Fades
Natali Hutcheson
Green mountains turn to dark silhouettes
She wishes to travel around the world,Around she goes in graceful swirls,She closes her eyes.
my life is like like charybdis
my head is spinning, can't take this
I breathe in, everything all at once
I belche it out and feel like a dunce
if only i had someone to come
and pick out every crumb
The Isle of Tears
One thousand miles off of the coast of Paific and rear end of my imagnination.
A place bourne of gloomy skies and lonely whisper wind dread salty like drops all over.
It always seemed that the clock would find a way to reset.
If the clock eventually stopped working.
Well , a stranger always seemed to have a watch.
If there wasn’t s stranger handy ....
Am I really a monster?
I mean, I don't think I am.
So why do people always
They do not actually run.
What I mean is mirrors break,
Her home lies across Henderson port.The ships here chase the sun inlandFrom east to west and back to east,a pendulum in a grandfather clock.Each turn portends finality, butswings back to begin afresh.No dock for her eyes, just passing boats,sleepy
I have tons and tons of dream filled with happiness and joy.
If I am back to my real life everything vanishes like smoke.
Trying to complete my day with happiness and atlast the day ends without an answer.
By: Kiersten Warner
I once walked along the sand,
A beach that stretched through a magic land.
A land enchanted for the lonely heart, my heart whose love was world’s apart.
On the sand there swelled a tide,
Uss larki ko roz dekhnay mn jo maza rakha tha.
Tha Husan ka pujari wrna kya rakha tha...
Thukra diya kai baar aur waja sy b mazrat.
Zmanay sy maloom hua koi pyar paal rakha tha...
Come on don’t worry about how it all went down.
It was a place always there to be found.
You paint yourself like a bad Rodeo Clown.
No ones ever chased a bull in a full length gown.
The man whose name was not yet a flower
had heard the stories.
Every lost lover reduced to a corsage
left lonely on the dance floor,
Please be seated,
into the wooden bench,
grasping the written works of human vices
in the youngest of hands.
Papers stuffed neatly into their respective folders,
Textbook clenched tightly against my side,
I turn to face the dawn.
My mother stands against the light.
Evil, ugly, cruel.
Magical, beautiful,loving,
Welcome to Moe’s!
Taco salad, nachos
It started at a young age
I can't quite put my finger on
My mother always told me it was rude to point
But every one of my flaws would soon be pointed out
Life, reality or dream sometimes I ponder; From toddler to elder hopes of fulfilling the hearts desires
Eyes on fire that fill to the brim burst forth to forge a path lining our trail which lead back to beginning,
They told me, all my young life:
Time heals all wounds --
and I assumed that they were right.
But what, I wonder,
heals the wounds
that Time inflicts?
Poverty, underprivileged, deprived, and depressed. The struggle of no warm water and your stomach tends to rumble
Walking through this springtime land
Full of dark woods and fields
Where daisies grow and lilies stand
By running brooks that laugh and reel
Butterflies take flight
Not knowing the havoc they cause.
I'm not sure if it's from fright
Or because there are no laws.
Their wings beat and beat
Along the walls of their cell.
Hidden behind posters,
Behind words,
Behind screens.
A voice, a voice
Shouting in a tunnel,
Bouncing off the walls,
Swirling, swaying, spinning in time to the blaring music
I close my eyes
When they open, I’m a little girl
Moonchild by Teresa Cruz
Summer night drives through the town I called home.
Every single street silent and dark
only the light of my friend to make me feel safe.
My friend,
The Moon.
A pair of baby socks;
Pure white like snow;
Soft and warm like a hug;
smaller than the palms
of my new parents' hands.
Free of loose strings,
holes and stains;
A blank page to write
I thought growing up was like a tree
Up up and up
It turned out more of a leaf,
A leaf that flows in a river,
I thought growing up would be simple
Success, success, and success
Many of the experiences that make us grow are uncomfortable
Many of them are surely life-changing
Some of them are relevations
My growth experience, sure, it was painful
But it made me accept the pain
It was a normal day
Well at least WAS until...
My four year old self found out Daddy was going to be sick forever
Thinking medicine is the cure
Numerous hospital visits and doctor appointments
Foggy difficult memories
Were swept under the rug
Wonderful moments
were placed neatly on
a book shelf in DVD boxes
Above all that
On the highest shelf was
Stupidest of worries
I knew what lied ahead
So I chained my feet to the ground
Refusing to travel to that place
But it was inescapable
The world ripped me away
Is growing up like graduation,
A sudden change, an exclamation?
Or is it like radioactive decay,
As childhood wastes away?
Whatever the case may be,
What it is for you,
It will not be for me,
It is time to wakeup before mom and grandma
remember not up the volume to loud on the t.v. it is only Saturday
rush to get bowl of cereal remember dont spill the milk
We’re just enigmas
The stigmas
I don’t understand it
The world, how will I manage
A new generation full of ideas reprimanded
Tall palm trees shimmy in the soft breeze,
Standing tall like soilders,
Guarding the colossal college walls.
Daunting yet appealing waves wash over me,
As my bold reflection stares back at me,
As a kid,
you take everything for granted
not knowing what you are doing.
You know,
that when you leave your house,
your bed will still be there
along with your blankets and pillows.
A girl briefly met Death after
Hissing for twelve years and
Death was prompt and eager.
The container of her life
Turned against her.
I need to be brave
Leave the sunken mud
For the forbidden sand
Make it to New York
Be in Carnegie Hall
Walk on land
Time to put down the sweet tea to trade for folded pizza
Hold your head up beautiful
Show them who you are truly are
You’re strong,you’re tough, and special
bloom like a flower,flow like a river
show them who YOU are
That African American Queen
Simon Says
As A Small Seed I Admired Daddy
Daddy Was My Heart and Joy
As My Roots Start To Spread He Saw Something Different In Me
I want to take the skin from the the back top part of your neck
All the way past your shoulder blade
And make a comforter out of it.
When do you grow up and what’s its result?
Better question, what decides that you’re an adult?
Some people say paying taxes, getting your license, finishing school…
…drink at the bar, be in the jury, or finally move.
There was a barrier between me and my goals
And I had crossed an inevitable bridge to self doubt
It created an illusion that the weight of the world
I'm alright…
That was what you told me
You always said that I'd be alright…
But that was before you left
Things only got harder from there
Inspired by the following:
The Book Thief - personification.
The Hunger Games - Katniss Everdeen, the girl on fire.
Thor:Ragnarok - Hela, the goddess of death.
Growing up
He never had people
Who would stick around
He's ashamed to say
that his own mother neglected him
Tripping over wires of
The mental lies
Society tells us to hide
Behind a disguise
He sits so close,
but the silence turns the inches into miles and
every slight noise causes an avalanche in my chest
as I wait for him to say something.
Anxious Reticence.
I have changed so much.
I have only been to the circus a couple times
But there are a couple things about it which I clearly remember
The controlled chaos
The performers and the beasts
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
-Kahlil Gibran
It all began when I started to like boys.
But little did I know, those were all decoys.
They told me sweet nothings as if I was one of their toys.
Days grow longer, nights colder;
Everything seems to change. Yet, there’s still me-
I’m unchanging.
Same face, same clothes, same friends, same creation.
Days grow longer, nights colder;
Everything seems to change. Yet, there’s still me-
I’m unchanging.
Same face, same clothes, same friends, same creation.
Rushing, rushing, rushing
the current in my mind
a constant reminder of the light I cannot find.
Freezing blue water,
turns my heart cold
my pack has forgotten of the "I love you's" I once told.
Slam me down
Pick me up
Wonder why what I do is never enough
For you
Sweat drips down my spine
Tears drip down my chin
when i was younger all i desired was to be older
locked in my my mind wanting nothing but to be a soldier
clenching my heart because i was its only holder
trying to be something but trapped in my own enclosure
I am not a pink bloom
With its free-spirited nature
Nor am I the alluring red
I am a white rose
Many have made attempts
To inject me with dye
And while it took for a while
My mother always caressed my hands,
and I was always warmer than her.
It was hard for me to understand,
but warm hands are what most people prefer.
Her grip was like claws around my throat
dragging me down
making me ebb away into the distance.
She sat on my pillow every night and asked me
what she was doing there
why she had always been there.
Ice cream my favorite snack
Cookie dough chocolate chip in particular
Ben and jerry's
My favorite ice cream place
from proud bellows
to mere whispers that are all too mellow, a withered soul looks upon those with a sense of longingto escape its comatose.
At what point did I grow up?
At what age did I lose my innocence?
When did I see the true colors of the world ?
Dark, muddled and no bright hues,
All gilded, we are blinded from the truth.
Ever since I was sliced from the belly of my mother, I had always felt embarrassed.
This emotion had brought upon me a type of distress which is hard to escape not because it is impossible, but because it was deserved.
Life doesn't hand out free passes,
You push through the current,
Or swim parallel to get back to shore,
These words I use are truth
Even if I disagree
Because no matter what they mean to you
May hold different meaning for me
Words- to tell a story that otherwise wouldn’t be
Quite easily it is
Tic-Tac-Toe. Three in a row.
I must confess, I'm cold. Baby, I'm cold.
I'm a heartbreaker. But love fills our lungs like air and we must breathe it in.
People yearn for attention, pictures, videos,
A contagion of media,
I wish to recede into mystery,
A shadow in the background.
A well-dressed silent martyr of who no one knows the sound of their voice,
I still see the scars of you when I look at me
Evident in the mirror, my thoughts, and how I feel
Your rough touch and harsh words still linger
rolling of your tounge and pressing deep into me
She's gone
I fell in love
At nine years old
And I never doubted my heart was taken
They said,
"You're going to have a little sister"
And I felt it start to leave
I screamed and saw my life change
My life is change.
It is,
Feeling like an outsider in a foreign context yet being amazed by the unique utterance.
An experience,
The Young Sapling
By: Madison Winchell
The young sapling, small and frail
Is suffocated by the roots of mature trees.
Dayana Nunez Glow up, grow up June 10, 2019
Taking it all in, born a little guppy fish,
Nibbling small bites from the world.
The devil is brighter than the love you be.
The darkness is terrified,
(For you), it’s too bright to see.
I look back to my youth
My pride, joy, confidence
Like a bullet proof suit
Now I stay in the confines of my room
Walls containing my pain
But when, when did it all change
Chop chop chop
I watch them cut her down everyday
They are vicious with sharp blades
And loud laughs
I watch as every blade gets deeper the sap pour out
Chop chop chop
They tear her down with her own blade
Waking up outside on a cotton candy cloud, So sweet and tasty the sky looked.
A green fence appeared in front of me it looked at me, it empowered me.
I remember looking in the mirror telling myself, ¨It's true, maybe you're not that pretty¨. Moving from New York to Atlanta was a huge culture shift for me.
It’s when you sit down and your ass already hurts.
The lamp shade remains crooked, but you put it off
Until tomorrow and you start falling into that place;
The place without walls, but filled with floaty feelings,
When you claim to not be a child, it's like
Saying you can breath underwater or see through walls:
Only a child thinks that.
But to say an adult cannot be a child
You were so quiet before.
A meek, fragile sort.
Your art was never seen by other eyes
You thought they’d think you were telling lies.
The kid that was the king,It was really quite the thing,He ran about without a doubt that what he was doing was great.Movies raised him and kiddies praised him making him a king,They’d scream and shout for this little sprout making him the king.Th
Stalking through darkness
A feeling of encroaching predation
He seems to have a prowess
In checking for my sedation
Blinded by his appitite
Happiness is key to life.
Sometimes I find the key then I lose it and have a hard time finding it again.
“forget your perfect offering
just ring the bells that still can ring
there is a crack in everything
that’s how the light gets in”
-Leonard Cohen
The lady of the first sun,
Hesitates to let her first world down
That’s all she relies on
All her life she had dreamed of raising this world
Her people look up to her,
While she cares and provides her heat
It’s warmth from the fire,
Expanding, expanding, and expanding until I struggle to breathe
The color of my palpitating heart as it teethes,
During the shallow times I call then
I was filled with no types of experience.
My life took action with the knowledge I have received,
which back then was small and little known.
The mind is confined by self infliction
Restricted by its own conviction
Pointing towards a single goal
Racing like a lucid foal
Made in China
I’m longing for you. . .
As the robin longs for spring,
I know not what degree of warmth;
Your advent to my frozen xyst shall bring.
I’m longing for you. . .
Her mind is filled with the screams of the damned
Roaring over the cracking
Of the sky
The pounding beat steady
Gutteral cries
Deep down
How easy it is to fashion the blade
The one that drains ichor from the veins
One manual screwdriver
One small clump of poster putty
One small piece of paper
One razor
All to make one blade
There is a collection tray,
Decorated with a golden cover
And pretty rocks the crows brought;
As it is passed around
The false silver scream at false gold,
Both bronze,
Anger, a muscle memory,
triggered by his voice now
teasing, now taunting, now
icy creeping in my ears and
down my spine.
Like tomcats we clawed,
screeched at each other, like
The first time I grew up,
I was ten years old.
I was wearing a blood red dress
And a wide-eyed, prepubescent smile.
My mother bought me ice cream
Even when I think it'll be a rainy day,
I watch my blue skys fade away from grey.
Sunflowers dance all around,
Under the clouds I'll never be found.
I love my little flower garden,
The stars of your eyes glide over my life
Your constellations have me hypnotized
Fantasizing about your planets
I blast rocket ships into your space
What is it?
A nonexistence.
The mind was wicked, and the body was involuntary.
Play around, aggravate sound, Adam found.
Indeed, an innocent one.
What is it?
New ones, soft, thin, smell like a new magazine.
To a jail? A hell? A cage? No
To a library, gather the knowledge, read the books.
One, the book of life, we do not read.
We write. This new year, this new passage.
I’ve come to find that in a small town like mine,
The sports page tracks the passage of time.
Wrestling stats, baseball team hats,
Years go in plays and new quarterbacks.
I gaze at the world
Endless and open
Beyond my reach
A world I yearn for
You can’t go, you can’t fly
…I want to
Simplicity is the beginning,
It is easy,
Nothing to stress about
But one mustn't stay there for too long
Me and my little sister all alone
Mom and Dad are not home
Empty stomachs howl in the night
not a crumb of food lays in sight
thinking about who i was, i laugh
mostly ammusmed, slightly shamed.
sometimes i wish
i knew what i know now
but to learn and experience is half the game
the other half is trying to stay sane
I was once that awkward little boy
Fumbling with my shoelaces
as my crown jostled upon my head
I ruled with an iron fist on those late summer nights
as the realm of the backyard became my own
The air becomes dry
and the wind stops mewling
familiar hymns that I stopped singing
So that I may talk to you
When you’re sleeping I sometimes lay my head on your chest,
You’re always so busy.
These are the times in which I indulge on the symphony that is your heartbeat,
My little crusader it pains me that this you won’t remember.
So I ask, what good is a picture, that doesn't speak?
What good is a mouth, if it is only used to devour?
Then I proceed to ask, what good is a "man" who knows not, when to hold his tongue?
We never really grow up.
We're constantly learning.
There is pain in the process,
But there is growth from the pain,
And there is excitement in the growth.
So revel in the excitement.
Heed this call forevermore
To avoid this sordid gore
That arises from this deadly sin
Apathy - it always finds a way to win
It wasn't until one day,
A Thursday to be exact,
That I opened my eyes slowly
To the shimmering beams of light.
Soaked deep beneath my skin,
I welcomed the light.
The glow emitted from within me
What are you?
I really wanna know
I have all these theories but no evidence to show
For it, it's strange really
You look like your white but there's something different
I've acted like clay.
I've shaped myself and even bent myself backwards.
I've done that for a person who doesn't think twice about me.
I've converted my dull image into a mysterious, intriguing one.
I had a red-eye from the kick and start pills I used,
coupled with a red hot bonner.
It was half past six and I had gone 6 rounds,
lubricants from my last condom drained out.
I can see the rain a comin'
fire in my eyes
I can see the rain a comin'
baby no disquise
with you.
I can see your face when I'm alseep
the words you never said rest heavy on my heart
When I sit on my roof to watch the sun riseI see the sun smile as he is painting the skiesBefore i was old, I don’t think i could seeWell not really old, just the end of seventeenI never noticed the sky, and all of its worthEven though its been th
It may seem foolish to themwhy I was crying over the dresser I had no to way to express myself-except for the dresser,where I had stored my life
It took a while. Until I could look up at the sky and instead of hiding myself out loud, start living for the sun behind the clouds. Start looking for those lemonade skies and imagine flying by.
Billionaires donating money
donating money to a burnt down cathedral
poor people donating old clothes to other in need
billionaires donating money
donating meant to a burnt down cathedral
CLICK!Snapping photos,Paper-printed memories.
Both good and bad,They are forever preservedIn the scrapbook of our minds.
He was the light in the dark
the burning flame in my heart
until she came around.
He was my best friend, my obsession
for him i had ever lasting passion
but she came around.
Stumble, bend,
Crack, break, trip.
Swollen hearts shatter.
The whsipers grow bigger, louder.
Never silent, always wild.
A rose snaps in the wind.
The storm quiets,
Is there a right age to learn about Death?
My grandfather would argue there is not,
That we should learn about it early on to face the tragedy when it arises.
A dress form is a peculiar thing.
It sits in a storefront window,
Showcasing a dressmaker’s work.
Much like a dress form,
Slowly letting go of my childhood as a voice
leads me into the right direction.
I have no choice,
so I take a moment to look at my reflection.
I stare and analyze myself as if I'm searching for an answer.
I’m sitting in my car
Steering wheel in my sight
My car is parked
I’m waiting for my sister to come outside
It’s weird that I’m the driver
That I’m even old enough to drive
I love you, i cherish you beyond imagining never comparing you with no other
You sacrifice things to make the love grow to an undisputable dimension
I reminisce about the days I rode my sparkly-blue bike down every street and back road. Racing cars even though my legs never moved fast enough to win. The wind was always so cold against my skin, but it gave me a sense of possibility.
There is this nyerkuk
His name is Junub
He was born during poverty
His father died under Kawaja
And his mom with Jalaba
He sat all alone by himself
Next to the so mass grave
There came a point last year when I realized I've grown;
I wasn't the same person that walked through the front doors freshman year;
It was as if the narative of my life had taken a different tone;
Who knew I needed water,
Maybe the doctor.
For a flower to blossom,
Now that I’m in college I know the problem.
Water is the answer to health,
Which now I know means more than wealth.
She falls apart often
she pretends it’s alright
But she goes back to that night
it wasn’t the first, it wasn’t the last
but it was the one that shattered her mask
she ignored the things from the past
She was the apple of my eye
To bad she had to die
She was the love of my life
If only she didnt fight
She was the one who took my heart
She was the apple of my eye
To bad she had to die
She was the love of my life
If only she didnt fight
She was the one who took my heart
I’ve been missing you like crazy,
You’ve been on my mind lately,
I know it sounds cliche,
Things people always say,
In the middle of a forest
there is a rock with moss
the woods are a mass
of needles and thorns
a labyrinth of struggles
The Playground
Kierstyn Edore
Laying under the warm rays,
back pressed against the American mulch
A naive child squints into the golden light
Panic is a bathroom sink,
Grime-covered and overflowing,
Tearing the skin off my hands
With its vicious heat splashing,
Burning cold through spilled ink.
Unborn and already
A path has been chosen
By those that are not them -
To become another cog
In the inescapable machine that is society.
Eleven ounces lighter, I stepped on the gas pedal, Eleven ounces lighter I had to push a little harder. Breathe.Leaving home was too easy. The goodbyes were only temporary. But, what made it difficult was leaving her.
Eleven ounces lighter, I stepped on the gas pedal, Eleven ounces lighter, I had to push a little harder. Breathe.Leaving home was too easy. The goodbyes were only temporary. But, what made it difficult was leaving her.
Time is one thing that never rests
It can be spent, but it can never be returned
We make time
Time for friends
Time for family
Time for love
Time to grow
We grow
She promised me control
and gave me just that
for a price
my life,
my body,
my soul.
Trips to a box
to rid myself of fuel
so happily consumed
so easily expelled
Little dots are all connected,
all around the world,
How come that from all those stars,
Only some shine more and more?
I can't see the stars,
my view's polluted,
Only the brighter ones,
White imperfections on the skin,
Hard on the touch, shinny, firm.
Little white crescents, battle marks,
Bigger marble line, accident signs.
Lightning bolt that reigns my finger,
The soft touch of the yellow light
Folds my hair gently behind my ear
And I look up at the lovely moon
It’s freckled face always smiling back at me
I had gotten used to the lines by now.
I no longer felt the eagerness to ride.
The exhilaration seemed unappealing and mertilus.
I had gotten used to the lines by now.
I no longer felt the eagerness to ride.
The exhilaration seemed unappealing and mertilus.
To say you don't matter, the words
Pour from the mouth, lips frozen in a
Cold front of all things unkind.
Each syllable slides like ice,
While the memories unbearable are
Take a breath,
Step back,
Am I okay?
Sit at home wondering why,
my body isn't like theirs.
My voice isn't like theirs.
It's like the world is,
Now I am Free
You used to be able to destroy me
No you have no part of me
When I left your home,
It feel as if I left my dome of missery
You no longer control me
Now I am free.
They don't understand,
No matter what i tell my friends,
They don't know who i am
They criticize me and don't know me.
It hurts so badly,
Graceless, the sinking soils,
a cold thorn between Venusian thighs
Had pierced her bud so aggressively,
Despite my vociferous efforts,
To keep him away:
Above the lands, I find the tattered remains of letters
Why do they keep doing this to me?
Don't they know I'm F'ed up on several meds?
That I'm emotionally unstable?
Emanating from deep within its coils is warmth
The red hot comfort like an indoor campfire
As it hugs and envelops me until I no longer remember the suffering
What did I do to deserve this life sentence? I sit alone and cry, stuck in my thoughts trying to find a way to break free from all this pain and misery.
Am I Good Enough? My dreams are not in the clouds They are right in front of me I see them vividly All my aspirations and goalsCollege, lawyer, politicianIt seems so simple. But am I brave enough to reach out in front and grab the future Will I dr
Its taken three years for my skin to harden
Watch it turn from rice paper to steel
I used to be friendly as a sign of submission
But now I stand toe to toe with those I don’t even reach the shoulders of
The fate in the hand, the heart set aflame
Like smoke rising from a tornado of autumn leaves
The cry of lonely death sings in the crackle of heat
The fate ends here, we all turn to ash
We all turn to ash
An assassin of emotions & a murderer of spirits should not be blessed with such a melodious snicker & silvery mumble He should not have hair the shade of honey for he is not as sweet as such His smile should not sparkle as the stars do for
I want to be the muse for each part of who you are & who you will becomeI want your thoughts of me to play gently through your mind as my fingers do on each key that I brush over I need for my laugh to be the charming staccato you hear in your
In the moment that i realized I love you, my life became an endless summerRays of light pierced through the skyMy heart blossomed as the sunflowers do& the salty ocean waves crashed playfully onto the shore the way your lips crash onto mine My
It's always been a bit too familiarThe glow in your eyesThe sparkle in your smileThe way you illuminate my darkness During the nights that seem the most opaque& during the bleakest of twilightsThere has always been a certain star that ignites
Vast and deep, cavernous and abyssal, gaping and yawning,
such was the endless nature of my trepidation,
full-bodied, looming, that omniscient shadow,
solidifying, forming chains, holding fast,
Some dogs don’t have to prove their strength -
Everyone knows a Shih Tzu
can’t beat a Pit Bull - Even you
I think, has way more than a tenth
I am here
or maybe there
I don't know or
maybe I do know.
I look at you
or maybe the side of you who doesn't think twice before hurting
before suffocating with hate that loves my insecurities.
Home is a place where love lies and family resides.
Home is not a place where
buildings are constructed.
It is a place where flowers do not always
he's a liar.
fear whispers in your ear,
looks over your shoulder,
places his cold hands
around your neck.
"you can't possibly
do it," he says.
layered shirts, cut-
off jean
and neon, knee-
high socks. I was
on. please
“No, your annoying.”
is it my fault
It was a looming figure,
the shapeless ones you see
in the dark enshrouded by a halo;
A halo with no recognizable source.
It was a ravenous beast
For the longest time,
I let it encapsulate me.
Fear gripped me with its
frozen, harsh, ugly hands.
They were unrelenting.
I would tell you a story
of suffering
of pain
A tough mind of delight,
Raised by the fire not light,
A shinny hair of the goddess of the night,
Who dares to take hold of the blight,
The cogs of a clock for a mind,
Always churning.
A razor blade for a tongue,
And the eyes of a predator, daring you to challenge.
Rain patter-pitters on the windowsill. Shouts echo through the hall- broken glass, hours pass. I have seen the countenance of the rain, It shrouds my hill. I watch-listen for others who felt the chill, Those who have countenanced their rain- att
Blue used to be my favorite color.
Your eyes were like looking at the sky on a perfect summer day.
But skies turn to storms and you struck me harder than any lightening bolt.
When faced with dangerWe must stare it in the faceAnd scream.It is in our human nature.Now run,But when it’s a man we never can.Arrivals and departures They ask us why we always leave them
My childhood was a lime-green twist car
that raced fast across the living room.
Thirty laps to go, around an oval track ---
with a dining table,
in the middle.
My sister a cosplayed
I am prisoner to Insecurity.
How do I get out? How do I set myself free?
Insecurity has a friend: Anxiety.
Listen let me tell you about BOX Not a container with a flat base and sides typically square or rectangular and having a lid I wanna personify the BOX I knew as a kid See, BOX was close minded (get it box closed minded)...... NO BOX WAS closed....
I took my dark thoughts down to the seashore,
But they just stayed inside or behind me.
I don't want to be with them anymore,
So I treid to free them out to sea.
No matter how hard I try to let them go,
There is fear in the streets, tarnished in disappointment and remorse
We failed to follow life’s course, catching and releasing like a wild horse.
Fear of heights, and falling from tall skyscrapers—
Beowulf versus Grendel
A classic tale of battle, which continues in me.
My Grendel has terrorized me for years,
Sinking her claws deep into my soul
Every day I fight back – Becoming my own hero
My best moments were ten years ago.
Being able to jump in my parents bed
Feeling the warmth of their sheets.
Not thinking that one day I would have to let go.
My family was once a completed puzzle.
My best moments were ten years ago.
Being able to jump in my parents bed
Feeling the warmth of their sheets.
Not thinking that one day I would have to let go.
My family was once a completed puzzle.
Kisses Of Pain
I was first introduced to you when you were in 7th grade
Your friend had done it first
You didn't understand why she did it
My fingers hurt, but not as bad as before.
Maybe because the numbness is going away and the actual pain is revealing itself.
But sometimes pain like that is good,
if only because it means we are healing...
The scene begins
The FIRST BOY waits
Framed by shame and regret
that hang around his neck like chains
The DEVIL whispers in his ear
You foolish foolish boy
The past is a renewable resource,
A chance to add to my short repertoire.
The timeline can show lessons in mem'ries,
and old, never-been-heard-before stories.
The past is my not-so-secret garden,
Tears stain your cheeks.
You come to school every day,
In a mess of mascara.
You’re hurt,
And I know who did it.
We pass in the hallways
By time, my brotherYou had yet goneDown a dangerous gravel pathIt hadn’t been too longFor your brotherWould still be able to laugh
Confused, but guilty
By time, my brotherYou had yet goneDown a dangerous gravel pathIt hadn’t been too longFor your brotherWould still be able to laugh
Confused, but guilty
“Nomads, Tattered Pavements and Red Hot Redemption”
- Chasing scabs of hematoma finesse, devour flaming beneathA roaming fire ant stumbles upon an enticing physique
the girl that smells like period
force-fed meat
scrub the floor
nobody likes her
she sits all by herself
the girl smells so bad
her pants are wet
her body’s a garbage
I’m not really sure how to start here
So I guess I’ll start with something like
My name is Jaime
I’m not really sure how to start here
So I guess I’ll start with something like
My name is Jaime
Little Bird
A little bird,
comfortable in her nest,
content with being warm by her mama and littermates.
One day mama gets up and sings beautifully,
I always bite my tongue at the thought of standing up for what I thought was right.
I bit my tongue, thinking about confrontation.
A whole, hole drowning me in darkness
I ran and I fell and now i'm seeing a sea, rocking like i'm on a boat, see sawing because i thought i saw a raging sea and a dangerously sharp saw coming after me
I remember the first time I looked at myself, and gave myself a complement
"You - Are - Not - Annoying"
Those words I longed to hear from others, came out of my mouth as if i was being suffocated by them
My body stands on a cliff
I can't look down
my hands will slip from the railing
my breath is cold and suddenly non-existent
suddenly i jump
falling forward
“The rain is so fitting tonight. Saying all the words I fail to express.”I wrote this in the note I never gave you.I remember that night clearly. He liked me, I liked him.
Be it a single lumen or roaring bonfire, my feelings for him burn purple; Pink (love) + Blue (lust).
What goes up must come down.
It's the law of gravity.
You throw a ball up into the air and what does it do?
For thy Questions
I call to thy art whom made heaven and earth
is the earth heaven or hell
to the one who broke me
i hope you’re doing well,
even though you called me a shitty friend
and listed all the things you hate about me
There it was,
That shadowy silhouette
With its glowing yellow eyes,
And tall stature,
Always watching,
Always waiting,
Waiting for the perfect time to strike.
Fear, a concept I am most familiar with.
As intriguing as a well-known myth.
One thing I have feared most; losing friends,
For friends are meant to stay until the very end.
The stars evade my glance
I find myself caught up in a trance
Have they crossed me all too quickly?
A fool’s wish and a martyr’s greatest desire
It is there with me
every day
all night.
In the morning when my alarm blares,
and in the evening when sleep evades me.
You emobody the vessel of pure isolation
what more of an effect could you embrace me with
for your friend has seduced the one who's given me life into a life of nevermore
and now we stand face to face
Pip waded with Tuck as far as she could reach,
But she could not follow him onto the beach.
Pip stood on her tiptoes, trying to follow,
But she gasped for air, and choked as she swallowed.
Today, I learned something
Something that meant totally nothing
It made me crazy for a moment
The man im seeing might just be my worst opponent
But something about him makes me happy
I remember,
The connection we loved ever so much has now ran away,
laughs of joy we shared have now become screams of agony,
The memory of running playfully has now become a sorrow filled stroll,
I used to wear clothes based on branding and price
My innermost being was my sacrifice
In exchange for acceptance, approval, and nods
I gave up enjoyment and became a fraud
Life is like a roller coaster
You will need a safety belt to hold you in
For things will be scary
And you will have to face your fears
Around the curve there are new possibilities
And a future that awaits
it is not my fault and it is not their fault,
but still it bites and it burns like a cut full of salt
now i live in the vault,
today as the sun beats overhead,he sits one table and a dry riverbed to my leftshuffling his feet along the grimy cafeteria floors.his eyes glisten like shattered glass on pavement
I heard once, that the “only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
But my god, the way I feel in the dark says otherwise.
Our world, separated by darkness and light,
Roughly advances, more difficult to fight;
People will struggle in order to thrive,
Though many just struggle to stay alive;
The rain begins to fall outside. I can already smell the wet grass seep through the cold glass windows. I see the puddles. I hear the deep rumble. I can almost feel the rushing force of liquid around my feet. But I stay inside.
Parted Lips
The seats of the minivan burst into flame
as rabid fragments of monster carrots
feed Death while he
I sit down and wait. I look up at the clock until the hour and minute hand says three o’clock.
I hold my breath as I watch the seconds on the clock tick.
The short hand is working but the long hand is stuck,
Like me.
Waiting for my date to show up
I hold my breath as I watch the seconds on the clock tick
The short hand is working but the long hand is stuck
Like me.
Waiting for my date to show up
From fixing doors, to building homes
dad you always know what to do.
The master of creating, the master of building.
I was born in the land of women.
Raised by wolves,
Nurtured by mother bears, fierce and strong.
A tiger, stripes a path to their past, and a future they refuse to sacrifice.
Taunting vultures circulate overhead
Without invitation.
The incessant, whipping wings
Pay no mind to
The air that I displace.
You held me tightly like we were lovers of old
I was part of you; you chose me
Days spent in the sunshine of our existence
Memories created
Here I am
The passing of time
A 70 year old man
Death keeps stopping by
As my time whines down
He comes to remind me
Your time is up
He then suggest
Stick the knife in your life to be
Fear is the snow stuck on southern back roads,
and I am deathly afraid of the cold.
Fear is the bully on school playgrounds,
and I am the kid longing to go home.
Fear is the traffic light that never
I was afraid to be heard.
Afraid to be spoken to or with.
I was supposed to be the loudest in the room, and yet
I was the quietest.
I feared fear itself,
It feasted on my brain and my thoughts
I had a smile to give you but I hesitated
I waited until you looked away and then all the sudden my smile snuck out of the back door of my mind and then there was nothing
I waited
From afar I saw it,
Flying with its gorgeous wings
Among the flowers
But when I touch it,
It flew away
The butterfly is just like you,
I haven’t told my mother yet
Not because I think she’ll be upset but
Because my brother came out a year ago
And she’ll think I’m faking it for attention
Maybe just maybe today
I hope and I hope it will be
I've been waiting for a long time
For racial equality and justice to come
Maybe the day will never come
But that chance is slim
I always loved the ocean
the waves crashing on shore,
to and fro
lapping up the sand greedily in its maw
But when I was a child,
I was scared
scared when life became viscious waves
What is fear?
What is it to me?
Fear brings to my fore
Plethora emotions~
Memories of emotions~~
The causes
And the effects.
I wanna know what it’s like
To have my head on your chest and our legs intertwined
And I wanna kiss you til I can’t breathe
I wanna kiss the air out and put love in its place
Heavy weights bearing down
Faster and faster time moves in rhythm
Quicker, swept into anxious unthinking
Breathe, in and out, in and out
They say she once smelled of burning ashwood and cinnamon.The smoky aroma enveloped her being year round,
A seed that's been planted
In a garden of weeds and harsh weather.
I have to nurture the seed and pick the weeds.
New ones will grow,
But I can watch carefully for your weeds,
And remove them gently.
you built your emotions up
in the form of the most dangerous roller coaster
with unexpected twists and turns that no one could fathom
i never knew just how bad it was
So easy to love living until exposed to the truth that im equally dying
It was then i began living as if i were dying
To force out the pleasures of life
For centuries they have oppressed my people
For centuries we have fought for freedom
We marched through Jim Crow
They tried to make us feel low
Something they failed at doing a long time ago.
Cleverness is so effective
Making it seem scam-less
Using their disguising friendliness
They are the crooked foxes
They are who society watches
They are good for nothing
Every night
The case becomes larger
As you struggle to shove everything
Into the dark nooks and crannies.
No matter how many things are added
There is always more room.
when anxious hands tug on life not theirs
vibrant pigments say, i'm right for the plucking
plush filled pistils,
ripe with life.
snatched by roots
reminded of my frailty.
She was just a girl, but 18 years of age.
Full of love, full of life.
So much ahead, and some behind.
Decisions to make, places to see, a person to become.
They asked the girl to come to the dance.
I feel around me in the dark,
A wall, two walls, three, then four.
I’m in a box,
I cannot escape,
I’m shouting, screaming
Help me!
But no one hears,
The little green house that lies next to the woods
The little old lady that lives next door
The neighborhood children screaming at the top of their lungs
A chuckle left her lips as they claimed to know her. As knowing superficial facts seemingly can make up a person's whole identity. Though that's not why she was so amused.
Why become so cruel
You're acting like a brute
Scaring people away
"Help me," you don't say
Pride is what you take
In a land down under
Their corpses lay
Compressed under the weight
One Thousand souls
A hundred thousand more
All lost to time
But with you, no more
their bodies will be harvested
Being black in America
Not understanding the norm
This barrier to overcome
Grab the bull by the horns
Consequences will come
I hide behind this curtain and sing But on the stage that’s not me
The ringmaster lip syncs the words I want you to believe As I ghost behind the curtain where you can’t see
Ringmaster does an act to distract My show in the back
There was a rose that stood out from all the red ravishing ones.
This one bloomed too early onto the sacred ground of Mother Nature's beautiful creation,
Sometimes I feel like I could love everyone. Like, actually, love them. Sexually, emotionally, you know, feel a connection that a lover feels in lust, and in falling and in connecting in love.
someone scream
when the night falls
for me
in the West
and for you In The East
at the moment we both blink
for when we rush
through our safe doors
and plunge into stardust
I whistle a tune
unbeknownst to all
subjugating aerodynamics
take flight in the V, they quack
no? I chose the letter G
I hum a melody
that pricks the ears of Grays
shall they
treat me like Tuesday
even if it is dawn on Friday
ask me not of my spiders cushioned under skin
but of my beloved socks
not of my whys or nos
more so of my whys to yeses
I had a toothache
that resided deep in my jaw.
It stung and jolted and even
This tooth was not like the others.
It didn't want to chew food.
Freedom is not a word.
It is not an emotional state.
It is a beautiful bird that cannot be caged.
There are many that cannot be caged.
There are many that will try to take it away.
don't mention my name in your tweets, don't mention my name on your FB, cos my name rings bells in the streets, had a BM and a kid but they left me, and everyday when I wake I feel empty, crown court to the cell where they sent me, and I got to sh
Clawing frantically
Wildly raking with my fingers,
Trying to hold on
To something you can't see
Or taste or touch
But feel
Deep within you
When you finally find home
sometimes I don't wanted fight no more it's like me trying to keep moving while the the wind is slowly pushing you back to get to that someone but i'm pushing and pushing but sometimes i'm tired of the hearybreaks I don't understand why people don
I love to dance
But it's been corrupted
And corroded
And with every twist and turn
I fall deeper into a world
Of my own.
As the sunlight touches her pale skin, little yellow flowers emerdged from her eyes.
Red roses would sprinkle themselves upon her cheeks.
Orange Poppys soak in her hair, brightening as the sun shines on her.
The most beautiful blue sky comes after a day of rain,
The most beautiful art comes from a place of pain,
Some of the wisest people we claim to be insane,
These worldly people are evil, ice reigns in their veins,
I'm going to be honest, it's not often i find myself eager to write about love, in fact every time i try to write about love my hands cramp, just to show me how painful love can be.
I remember when I first learned my ABCs.
A stands for apple
B stands for bird
Mother you’ve done wellWith your gardens and birds,Your beasts look well as do your skies.But what’s with those little ones?The ones that bounce their heads,Supported by not much. They do nothingBut wait.
He looked at me with his somber eyes
And gave me a handful of lies.
The truth sat in the shadows wearing an ugly disguise
we place our trustunder lock and key,and keep our secrets lockedwithin the metal doorsof our mind.not a word utteredfrom our mouthswould containa glimpse ofthat which is hidden,
Deep in the forest, where the black moths play
Lies a species of creature that may not have existed today
They call themselves, "Dreadlox" from a tale
Far too old, a sort of pixie-like creature
My oh my, what is this deadly sensation?
A sickening feeling, oh how I detest it.
Like a chemical reaction, I feel the explosion
Of a million thoughts, the mind's at the limit.
i was blind.
but you held onto my hand as a child. you held
onto the next eighteen years of your future.
i was dragged.
Yeah, I’m afraid of everything
Especially myself.
I could make a fool of me
Without anybody’s help.
I do it all on my own,
[Tiny, Tiny
Why can't you stop being lazy
Move forward as the world does
Drive your wheel of life, no more crazy]
Sometimes my house is not a home but a prison
From the front yard it looks like a lovely family
But the grass isn't always greener on the other side
Like glass that shall not be touched
My feeling have been disrupted
My heart has been sunken
Like a boat in ocean
Waves move my heart but yet crash my soul
A poet's voice
Finds potency
When immerced
In communion -
A vision of himself
Mingled with another's self,
And made of truer words.
This is the voice
Which reveals the Unfamiliar
It was one of those hurried morningseveryone going going going all at once
the family had wings on our feetthe Greek god Apollo present in spirit.
"Sorry" doesn't mean I'm sorry for you
"Sorry" means I'm sorry for myself
I'm always sorry because I make promises and I can't break promises
I promised him my heart
I promised him I would always love him
Waking up in the morning
Gazing at the room’s blank design
Look out at neighbors
Their happy behaviors
Witnessing so many mass shootings
So much hate that is polluting
So many lives we are losing
This world keeps getting confusing
You then get used to it
I've seen
Unseen lifetime events
Spoke unspoken words
Released undisputed actions in factory of untoungable stories.
I've seen them.
My body body is soulless
even my entire life is soulless
After heavily rain messmarized my life garden full of fruitful soul.
I solemnly declared as alone in my planet of earth
So dull as I've been alone
So lonely even hearing the sounds of passing by flying flies and butterflies
My heaven on earth.
To the White man's image my hair is unnatural.
To the Black girl's image my hair is unfashionable.
Blind to the bounds they put on me,
I fight to find what once was free.
The devil's comb put through our hair.
10/19/2018 11:35 p.m
10/20/2018 2:52 a.m.
Pain is not only given;
But can be passed down.
For those who are ignorant;
When everything goes dark,
you can't seem to know who you are anymore.
When standing in front of two ways,
feels like standing in a desert.
When telling yourself everything's going to be fine
A useless flower on Valentine’s Day
Red to paint her lovers name as tainted as the love he gave
Roses have thorns but men have blades
He grabbed my wrists and cut my veins
I have such dreams
Would she be with me
A longshot for me
I'm not in her league
Me and her, I don't see
The words poured from her fingertips like wine from a bottle
The words flowed from her mouth like air through an instrument
In the face of her adversaries, she fought her wars with words as weapons
I sat alone on my floor
My eyes glazed, my heart quiet
Watching the calm accumulation of my mess
Dirty laundry and outfits unworn, piling
I was born and raised in Camden Nj
Where you walk outside and see gangbangers
But you know I cant let this regular stuff faze me
it’s regular to me because I see guns on the daily
I was born and raised in Camden Nj
Where you walk outside and see gangbangers
But you know I cant let this regular stuff faze me
it’s regular to me because I see guns on the daily
I have anxiety
Well not just any anxiety see I have OCD
I cannot seem to function when i feel things are not in order
My thoughts aren’t what they used to be
The flowers in her hair were slowly dying. The sky grew too tired of crying. Sheets of white covered her eyes, as the world met its demise. No one cared to tend the crops. Toxic waste of yesterday filled the air. No rainbow would ever shine there
My parents tell me that as a little girlI picked up paper money and yelled “Mom look at this pretty cardboard!”
I jab at my food, make it into shapes,rearranging the roasted kernelsand carrot bits into a psychedelicmasterpiece.
“Will She Make A Good Housewife?”
Is an aptitude test,
Given to determine the quality of life
Once married for the rest
If she fails,
there is no point in wasting more time with her,
When you live with anxiety for so long it almost becomes a routine in your head.
Like a clock ticking in the background as you try go along with your day ignoring the thoughts that still exist in your head.
You ignited the whisper
In a crowed of billions
A simmer of sparks
That lit up a voice
A murmur
Protest is a complicated word,
defined as people making their voices heard.
We are encouraged to protest for what we believe,
however no one ever seems to concede.
We are told to work together to make a change,
his back pinned against
a white chipped garage
knees pressed to his hairless chest
trying to make himself small and invisible
cracked pavement weaves through the dark alley
M other blesses the day I was born, why is it
Y ou spit upon it like a curse?
L ike the day God chose to paint me brown
Imagine this,
you’re six years old, the playground ladder looks nice enough to fall off of. The bars are solid,
I'd like to light a match in your skullTo watch a spark turn your brain into a raging fireTo make you think in burning
Life is just a phase, a dark parody which doesn't seem to impress my life.
Fine doesn't clear the air, I would never breathe my breath if I see you there.
In a public school, the safest place of all, right?
wrong. Why don’t we hear about it months later, after tragedy we slowly take away the light
Why does it take until tragedy to make change?
While teaching my 12 year old sister how to play chess,
she referred to the king
as god.
I replied, “no,
the king is a king
long hair
boiled potatoes
blessed sacrament
niagara falls
bitten lip
curved mouth
curly whisps
loving cradle
fantasy cloud
rising plume
Undocumented aliens,
Racists see them as the enemies
They’re trying to make a living for themselves,
Not to mention for their families.
Getting deported by I.C.E
So hard to comprehend
Standing alone in the crowded room
Back noise conversations circling the atmosphere of a new age
But I have nothing to say,
The moment I open my mouth
I open the door and invite everyone in
Let me tell you about the impact excluding people from history has.
For many exclusion becomes a solution
Making things taboo
Remember the statue we were supposed to look up to
There are days when I wonder why I try at all
Most things will end up fruitless
all that hard work gone to waste
Dreams don’t often come true for those who work hard
Life becomes pointless at one point in time
"I have mixed feelings battered in a bowl.
You treat it, nothing less and nothing more.
Feeling lost, you don't tell me what's wrong...
The cold darkness of night
traps a lonely child,
it will not let him escape
unless a warm and caring hand
guides him to the exit,
The justice system isn’t so just
Liberty and Freedom for all is a must
The land of the free and home to the incarcerated
Down, down, down, down,
We see ourselves fall time and time again
All cry in unison for help, for it is all we can muster
Drowning in my thoughts,
Submurging myself under the pressure of staying alive.
Depression is the disease that would drag me back
only to suffocate me.
When have I gotten so used to the flood?
Silk falls from the sky here.
The ribbons, cut from the clouds that tied them together.
It's fibers tell a story within its craft;
The process of its production and dismemberment, is all the story we need.
My Mother, My Father,
Two halves a whole.
If I had any others, oh, how differently life would unfold
I grew with the both of you,
as you shaped my ways:
With the confidence you gave me,
“It gets better”
A phrase i heard a lot
From people who didn’t know what else to say
Or who haven’t the experience for advice.
A phrase that felt like an excuse
My slam coaches and judges tell me
That I mumble too much
Something about how I speak when I’m on stage
I have this almost drawl
for many years i chatted with the windowsills
and the trees, their heartwood
and i wanted to be like that, not some druxied girlhood.
not some half - girl, made of skeins
part - misery too ancient to name.
I rely on an unpredictable,
and sometimes seemingly non reciprocal relationship.
Yes, it seems abusive, but trust me we’re fine.
When sky speaks of nearby heaven,
and the ground of human hands,
between them rests the freshest angel.
Tomorrow he has silver dollars woven through his course, unkempt mane
A mother's love
whether throughout times of sorrow,
or times of glory, is all but shallow.
A mother's love is a thunderstorm,
rumbling through a once peaceful sleep,
A pilot thanks his plane for flying
A sailor his ship for sailing
My vessel is my school
My brain has become my tool
I'd like to thank my education
For fueling my aspiration.
Hi my name is Michelle and I’m 5 years old Even tho momma and daddy not together nomoThis still my fav Christmas I spent it at daddy’s this year
We don't talk about her
Her tough brown skin lingers in a corner
We don't talk about it
Her species can be found in cages
They don't talk about me
My culture is dehumanized
She confronts me each day.
She challenges me and forces me to overcome situations that I couldn’t fathom occurring.
She Shapes me.
She shapes me because every time she pushes me down I am motivated to get right back up.
Upon the moonlit morrow,
gasps a breath,
faintly growing weaker.
If only tomorrow,
could pause in rue,
of Death's endless eager.
Fallen at last,
the soulless spirit
Like the rose garden she caters,
Every part of me stems from her.
She has become my inspiration,
I have grounded myself in a similar foundation.
I was an adolescent imitator,
Her roots grew through overused soil and an opaque sky.
Her leaves fell off occasionally and only had a few left.
She was never looked at, or picked out, not like the colorful ones around her.
many skills
many thousand skills
entering like hotel rooms
many students stood in that room before me and will after me, as well
receiving a goldmedal, then goldmedal after goldmedal
A spiral of mollusk mantle
Swirls and
Swirls and
Beneath the surface of the
Sloshing waves above.
the bird that sings at midnight
keeps me company as i search for a home
looking to the sky
lost in what i do not really know
I’m stuck in a box, alone and afraid.
Growing smaller and smaller with each passing day.
An item here and an item there,
All destined to be removed and out of reach.
Black Birds
As she flicked the rubber against her wrist
her eyes linger into nature’s abyss
undressing the land with her eyes
The anger of a black man
Is it controlled or does it lash out?
Is it replacing my name with bitch and hoe?
Does a black man’s anger allow him to put his hand on me until I pass out?
in the ether of the internet
i found a group of strangers, strung together by randomness and fate
we didn't know it then but we
were connected by more than our interest in media and video games
I was told a Poet is the toughest critic.And even then I manage to find people who are very close anyway.It seems the closer I get to reality I am left to discover this place on my own.
She is the clay that molded me.
A soul's travel that passed down from mother to daughter.
What is bad and what is good,
What depends and flows within the gray,
Values embedded in DNA.
Glowing a shade of red like no other,
The star shone down through the night sky.
Dancing on the water
And my eyes,
I remember the nightmare–
No, the February afternoon–
When the garden shifted for what we dream could be the last time
It was impossible to watch such a disgusting tragedy
But our eyes were clawed open
Black and White. White and Black. Black. White. Grey.
No matter what, their racism lives on much deeper than they say.
Anger and hatred for no reason faster than a highway
Paid to play the game
(Subset of development)--
Processing control
(To function with discipline),
Crown the King
Leave him on his throne
Forgotten and left out
Crown the King
Watch him suffer
I admire your level of maturity.
Even the way you bend under pressure.
You are solidified, forged in fire.
You are the strongest sword.
Yet, you are weak.
Under the same pressure, you crack.
From cold ashes, the Phoenix rises
From discarded marble, David,
From clang of pipes, Symphony
From rot of seed, Sequoia
From acid and heat, Gold
From bone-crushing pressure, Diamond
You creeped inside my mind, in one instance and over time.
I felt you in my sleep, with each breath I couldn’t keep.
You hid inside my brain, and I wore a mussel of your shame.
She is the sun that warms the planets with her gentle rays.
The belching voice of “JOVIEEEE!!” every time we meet.
Her selflessness cares for me when I’m ill and
always puts a smile on my face.
The clouds, white as can be. Shine with her light, glowing the way her smile used to.
The pain she suffered; God himself welcoming her into his world, through the gate of Heaven.
My love isn't the cold, opaque sky that is gray,
Nor the wet grass, veiled in the sky's tears.
She's a warm, bright, summers day.
The sand surrounding the piers.
beautiful notes drifting through the halls
drifting through the walls
drifting through my mind
drifting so that I can find
as I drift towards the end of my road
Dear Jane,
I said I would write to you, so here it is.
I want to say a lot of things I can't possibly fit on a page.
Things I can’t think off of the top of my head right this second.
An endless train of hills
Rolls sighing toward the beach;
By us stook in their way
Unhindered as they march
And one by one the shore
They fall upon and smash,
Then into their own troughs
In hills beneath a leafy, living sea
I seek elusive gems to see and name.
In their own tongues, some known, some strange to me,
Their anthems sound throughout their secret home.
My heart is like a locket without a key. Will I ever find the key that’s right for me?
All of the searching and looking I do. I won’t ever find one to say, I love you.
I thought you would be my best friend for the rest of my life,
But moments in between the lines I felt the spark of your fire
It was warm to the touch and thawed my frozen hands
Always shifting
Always changing
Never in their final form
A breeze sweeps in
They take new shape
Affected by the world around
Always growing
Never waiting
“It” can be many things.
Together, “they” stitched the dreams,
And were all “him” in the fabrication of sleep.
“It” is also female.
Alone, “she” wears and tears the tapestry.
Soy una artista dibujando un espacio en blanco
No puedo retractarme de mi banco
De memoria
Haciendo historia
Escribiendo rimas me da euforia
She is strong,
But she was not born powerful,
She is kind,
But she grew in adversity.
I call her several things
Friend, teacher, caretaker,
A cloud of sadness,That covers my happiness.It does not let me see the sun's rays,It does not let me breathe,Eyes following me all the time,Songs behind my backWhich are not directed towards me
For all the raging seas,
For all the turbulent forces,
For all the doors that had no keys,
my head is constantly telling me
I am scared, I am anxiety
chest hurts, nervous, taking prescriptions
panic attacks, pain, and other mind numbing symptoms
but through and through I try to find hope
I’ve witnessed addiction yank at the roots of a family tree.I’ve listened to slurred words that stung and blared violently enough to roam as a wildfirenesting inside weak hollow trees,blazing from the inside outuntil ash is simply a remnant of its
He has a chocolate box for a heart,
and an ocean for a mind,
and a galaxy for a soul
too sweet
too deep
too complex
for most
He has a chocolate box for a heart,
and an ocean for a mind,
and a galaxy for a soul,
too sweet
too deep
too complex
for most
I hurtfully close my eyes,
And for a moment, I wasn't there.
Hearing only quiet whimpers of hushed cries.
Taken away,
By the wind that blew soft and gentle.
Whispering in my ear,
That I'd be okay.
We are the stars above in sky
Look above and there we fly
See our wings and see our eyes
Our strength our courage
See us fly
Moments are like snowflakes. Each and every one unique and individual.
Snowflakes, much like moments and memories, are so unique that you will never, ever
i want your flames.
mesmerizing and beautiful.
the smallest flicker still illuminates my mind nightly
To Ferdi Simon,
You play with pens and pencils
Then they play with each other
Muffled talks comprise the symphonies
As the lead is flowing through the paper.
Coupled with melodious poundings,
Image by Belinda Capol
I am terrified
that one day I will wake up and you
will be gone.
it will all be a dream
and she’ll be there, her hair tied up
staring at a screen
I am not perfect
Though I have tried to be
I still try to be
There is something about being flawless that
Mutes my inner voice as it pauses to bathe
In steamy ecstasy
That very high
Sitting in a black hole
Surrounded by own warmth
A single light
That may or may not be mine
A distraction
An object
Hundreds of objects
Various different kinds
Which should I choose
As you age, you remember me
As you live, you remember me
As your body dies, you remember me
As your mind follows, you remember me
Life can compare to that of a window sill
It’s part of a bigger picture and comes in
Various shapes, sizes, and colors.
Some are useful others just mere eye candy.
Many used to display plants and décor.
A thousand eyelids fluttering in the dim light
Millions of whispers piled deep into my head
A chair can stand with only 2 legs.
A mouth can be fed with only one hand.
Birds can chirp, but never sing a song.
We can live, but never on our own.
I close my eyes and take a step
Right, left, right, left
My hand placed gently, my hip grasped
My right leg traps with the other,
My mind goes to rest
Right left right right
Clear skies
Clouds white as paper
Air is crisp flat ironed pressed
Birds sing a melody
Grass seems greener
A breath of fresh air; breathe in
With every step I take I smile
I stare up at the height of the now lonley, very damaged, fifty-five year old wall.
Her once brightly colored bricks now faded, and weathered.
She and He made me, just a short 18 years ago.
Slapped but no pain A blue awakeningan ocean of despondency a bare guardianLost and filled with love a yelling man gone and back againBut a single tear fallsand help running through the halls lasting love The difference between life and deatha chi
It's interesting to have to even consider what my Village would be, considering I am supposed to be in a village. Yet, I find myself having to define what village I am in, because the village which was assigned to me feels foreign.
Before the holidays
My music teacher
Played the piano
The song
From the music man
This New Earth
The summer harvest
Has been reaped
To feed our souls.
The last bounty gone
To the dust of leaves,
Clinging to the mother branch
When I was a kidI always had this weird obsession with band-aidsThey're as close as I could get to the stickersMy parents wouldn't buy me
Blue magic more blond then bleached, a little tarnesed slightly bent out of shape with sheep, unbarable stench meldoing cum stained sheets, wasnt me as he is so to speak, unprovoked dismanteld damenesing regaining adbominal not standing on my own
Lost in a dream of who I used to be
Shuddering to think of what they see
Adrift in the ocean drowning in shame
As waves of sorrow silence my name
My soul weathered by the guilty air
You have not known how many years I've waited for this,
For you maybe, yes you can say that. Or maybe the feeling you light up inside of me.
"Try it again, just slower this time."
His patience never ceases to astound me.
I squeak through high notes,
I push through low notes.
He's still here.
Voices in my head scream that he is only a mirage,
You went and fought overseas
You came home and did the same
It was me you taught
It was you that hid the pain
Beyond the bounds of space-time
Below the dark blue seas
I'm small.
Too small to make an impact, almost unseen.
The sun beats me with her relentless beams of heat.
The ground beneath me boiling
I do my best,
work hard against the worlds fever.
I’ve only got one
Most have two,
Or sometimes even three
I used to have two
Until one left
I was hurt when the split came
Motif of War:
I got drafted.
My number was called with the pull of a trigger.
My number:
What do we believe is in the sea?
How can you believe there’s nothing more to see?
A blue so deep no light seeps through
I wish I could see that part too.
Jihadi (Islam): One who fights against the evils in himself to purify his soul.
Jihadi (Media outlets): One who kills innocents in the name of religion and God.
On a cold, dreary night
That frightened the dead
I found you, black rose
In a garden of red
You were never perfect
With many a thorn
I feel like I’m drowning,
Suffocating under waves that never relent.
When I finally get my head above the water its only for a few moments
before another waves comes
and once again I'm dragged down under.
I have locked myself in a burning house and refused to let you in
I lit the match of temptation and let the sin engulf your beautiful place for me
The shame fills my lungs and I cry because I know death is near
A girl.
Terrified of her own self,
Because it had become the unknown.
In empty space, we’re forced to roam
The vessel’s engine a high pitched shrill
In search of that which resembles home
As complex as the human genome
My most feared tormentor, that hushed sentry
Guarded in its webbed domain, transfixed by its prey,
Whether it be me or a sly housefly grappling against its threaded prison.
I am born on March 17, making me a Pices
But I don’t like pet fish
I’m 5 foot 2, making me the tallest girl in my family
When my whole life gets turned upside down
you are the one that i turn to
the one that i think i can handle
You have been in and out of my life for awhile
I remember the smell of nicotine and tobacco,
of yellowed tar-filled teeth, that
always wafted from your face,
whenever you came to visit me
Her long flattery tongue,
nuisating beauty
oozing out like the village spring,
Her complexion brilliant,
as the full moon
alight and winning even at noon.
Hello, old friend, it seems like your back again
I thought i got rid of you I guess i was wrong
You were gone for a year and a half
Then one day you jumped right on my back
I haven't thought of you in a while
Oceans boats sailed into coastal of the mist. All soul disappeared just for seconds. I think of the pride of the goodies, you snicker(ing) the hunger like commercials. All calls no dials she in control of the pain like joy(riding).
The air is so thick that it sticks to my lungs
But I keep walking anyway because I want to get home
Sweat is dripping down my scalp into my eyes
I wipe it away with the heel of my hand
what is a freak?
one who lives to the strangest peaks
the ones who we secretly seek
those whom show their scars
those we admire from afar
they are the truest stars
i was missing something.
Something. promised Something. true
Something. that was lost
i was missing something.
Something. sacred Scarcely seen.
Something. that tears away stone and was acres away from me.
I am from an Afrobeat/blues//folk/soulfunk/reggaeton mixtape that spins into the wee hours of the morning
I am from a Nigerian town where the small village meets the big city
Hey My “Best Friend,”
I just wanted to check up in you, because I haven’t done so in a while…
The waves pulled me in,
that's all I could remember.
Not the joys that came before the typhoon swept me off my feet,
and somehow at the same time,
brought my world down as well.
I took a poetry class
for the first time
when I was 21
in my last year of college.
And it felt
like the first time I swam
when I was seven
on the last day of swim class.
Jeffrey B. Johnkins
The Teacher Named Poem
Mr poem is speech and song.
It was the words.
It was the words that got her through the nights when she felt alone.
The pen being her mind, and the paper being the field in which her imagination could roam.
It was the words.
Smile. Even though you're tired.
Cry. Because you're happy.
Wince. If you're not the one hurt.
Scowl. But it could be a joke.
Sometimes time just disappears. Sometimes it decides to move a little faster.
Golden brown leaves rustled across the ground
Leaves rose and fell with the wind
The sun was yellowish gold,
The hot bright sun peeked through tree tops
Rays of light casted
shapes of all kind on the ground
Poems are looking glasses in our world
A way to express what we never say.
The unexpressed on paper come unfurled,
Secrets then hidden, now seen fly away.
A view not of nature but of the heart,
When I was young
Poetry was fun!
Rhyming was a game;
Dr. Seuss is to blame.
Creativity brought new words along
and expression grew by song.
But although it was my favorite literary style,
i feel like all i am is smudged eyeliner and 99/100’s
steamed mirrors and the smell of stale,
unwashed laundry are the things people associate with me
Brick by brick,
And stone by stone
A tower grows -
I built alone.
It took me days,
Or months, or years -
Coming from another poem
Onto this page
My mind has been opened
Praying for my heart to comprehend but then,
As I awoke and sat up in a room with only bare white walls, I thought I was all alone
Until I turned to scan the space and Poetry was standing in the corner
Watching, waiting.
My English class taught me well.The walls begin to close in,But "Oh," the teacher says,"It doesn't have to be that way.Think beyond the literal."She's right.
Individualized with status and personality,
People are nonetheless the same.
Religious beliefs, race, and anatomy—
All flow in a similar vein.
Teach ME?
What are you anyway?
Something to be shelved
In a toddler’s sticky nursery
In a dusty nook of some academic room
In the mouths and minds of the passionate
tonight i put down the razor
and picked up a ballpoint pen
i learned to etch my pain onto paper
instead of engraving the words into my skin
i will write in letters of black ink
Knowledge is the way out,
Going day by day wondering how you will escape
Patiently waiting on that one date
Where everything is just the way that you want it to be
But the lack on knowledge is a factor
A quiet scene, a hushed voice
Abandoned rooms and broken toys
A silence more deafening than the noise
Of the bomb dropped or a gun shot
A life that died and has been left to rot
Her silver threads now browned through flowers.
6 feet under and I'm still here, aged but not silvered.
Poetry is a lighthouse
lighting the way to purpose,
guiding sailors to meaning,
shining a beacon of thought.
Poetry is a birdhouse in a forest,
like a capsule filled with twigs from the floor
See life was great before your presence, I’d sit up all night enjoying the cool winter breeze,
consuming every positive vibration the earth had to offer.
I’d kick my feet up
Let me tell you a story
about a person that is old.
His age has gone up high
but in his mind, it's low.
Born as the only son
in a family of four.
There's only one person
I’ve been writing this poem for a month,
I don’t know how to tell you what
This has done for me without also sounding
Out of breath,
But last week,
I wrote 3 poems and not one of them
As my fingers play a waltz with paper and pencil
Mind and thought collide into a form of unplayed rhythm
In a cantabile like form of expression
Of simple thoughts
This, this is poetry, the abstract sitting beside me, like a long lost friend exchanging thoughtful memories while Discarded thoughts of tomorrow sit like old men, forgetting themselves over the horizon remaining just beyond the water's edge remin
Picture me as a twisted string
Coiled and troubled by many contradictions this world brings
Suffered with defeat by my disability
I am hidden in the lines of my poems
Read them deeply, frequently, and you will learn more about me than you ever will want to
I always seem to findmyself here. These cement blocks,jutting out of the dirt likemoss-covered stepping stones.They lead the way and beckon me witha brittle finger. But you are nothere.
I am a dandelion on a warm summer’s day.>Children call me a flower and make wishes as they play,but as they grow, I’m no longer friend.Im a weed, I’m a nuisance, I’m a means to an end. Gardeners tell them I’m bad for their lawn,their neighbors
Free to be?
I hide under this umbrella, ignoring the rain.
We all have one.
We've all done it.
Only my pen acknowledges the cold and gusting wind.
It does not judge,
When the music ends and the voices fade
When all lights burn out in your faith charade
There's a truth that wakes your soul to life
And a passion in your heart ignites.
They'll never truly know my pain
The washerwoman turns to me and asks,“Did you hear about Damalis?”Our hands dip into the cool river waters,Cold linen draped along our slipping skin.
Hazel eyes staring back through the thin glass of her reflection as she glances at her features; knotty brown hair curling at the ends, creating false little smiles framing her cheeks, listless eyes finding every imperfection and criticizing every
You are a galaxy.
A collection of beautiful fragments that shine.
You are a galaxy.
The planets that orbit your mind are home to brilliance.
Poetry is the essence of ones mind,
it is the whispers of the soul.
Poems speaks words so loud,
you can feel the raw emotion.
The words awaken my spirit
that affects my mind, my body and my soul.
A fish radiating off the moon
Like the summer's light.
Blazing hot as day on the coldest night.
Blended in with the ocean blue.
Picture perfect, what a view.
Only one of its kind yet was considered stupid.
I’ve fallen
Into a cage too beautiful to leave
The very object that withholds from who till recently was free
Is the reason I wish to succeed
I’ve fallen
Into a remarkably unchallenging reality
Ever falling darkness
Turns white snow to black.
The shade of onyx
Which lights lack.
Pull me ever deeper
Into the sweet abyss.
Your suffocating embrace
I welcome with bliss.
After a long timeI met with herShe is my best friendShe is so beautiful
She looks like beautiful Her mind is very beautiful
When I look at her face, thenI find peace and tranquility
You try too hard
To be creative
And you want to break out of
The infamous writer's block,
But the only thing you're breaking
Is the lead of your pencil
And the bones of your fingers
The love that you get from your parents.
That's all a lie.
The dreams that you're fed from them.
That's all a lie.
They always say that your parents are the only ones that can give you a special love.
Red is love.
It is the blazing sky from the setting sun.
Red is the coldest color.
Poetry is an art
with which I can turn pain into beauty
and messes into wonders
Poetry is my comfort
A safe place where I can vent
and never feel judged or misunderstood
Poetry is my heart
Its the lantern that lights the way
Its the ocean that parts when I walk
Its the hands that sweep me off my feet
Why can I never find words on my tongue?
They lay curled up in my palms instead,
leaking into the ink of pens or
clutched in fists like painkillers or sleeping pills.
The voice in my head constructed
it's a funny feeling havinga place where you don't hidewhere wordsthey droplike waterfalls;where rules do not abide
How can I describe my stay?I thought am here to stay,I thought I got no house rent to pay,Despite been in the wilderness,I feel on top of the world sometimes. How can I describe my stay in the wilderness?Even when mast Gen goes off,And no network
The Cop I want at Pride
Sees the law as a growers guide
To a garden of a community
Written by amateurs
Who only slightly know what they’re doing
I write poetry
So the tick tick tick
Tock will stop being
Stuck in my brain
Around and around
I go
Pure and white
Immortal in her fright
Carved by a man
Defiled by one too
The horror of a woman
Is multiplied when considering
His manipulation
I look into your eyes and cannot begin to explain the deep passion
that burns in my heart for you.
I devote my every waking moment to you, for I live to
There's a break--a bright day near
Remain open, don't shut your eyes
It seems far; the light tries to run
One day we'll catch
This journey is far from over\
Life is not easy.
How long does it take for us to realize this?
It took me...a long time.
In life, we all fall at some point.
Some of us get ourselves up.
Between the lines I see light
But any type of light it's the kind of light
That you would want to touch
That you can imagine what it would be like to be in that area
The Silence is grueling.
I want to speak,
But no words reach my lips.
And when they do, I wonder,
Can you hear me?
I see the world
Thinking like machines.
I want to tell them to stop
Headphones soon became my ONLY friend, the ONLY thing I could depend on that would NOT betray me.
It's been a long time since I've written anything, but I have the biggest crush so... there's that.
I'm sending you a
Party invitation
I hope you'll respond
Bloodshot eyes
Clear despite the rain
Breaths as silent as they are translucent
Dark circles
The Lord said, "Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Words climb against my larynx
and punch at my mouth,
but I screw my lips shut
and force myself to swallow this alphabet
lump in my throat.
Thousands of letters and punctuation marks
I first witnessed changes from my body that would make history
but as my life moved on so quickly i became a legend of mystery
the strange phenomon in me went in circles several times around
Breakbeat poets speak in broken English,
behind a facade of wholeness
The Breakbeat Poet
delivers the news of the death of black babies,
The color of sweetened cream.
Delicate, like the whisper,
Lulling you into dreams.
Burning crimson,
Cutting through chilled air,
Precise on a frozen branch,
You accept the love you think you deserve.
And you do not deserve that-
Not that.
I understand.
Only a deeply damaged soul
Where do I begin?
How do you tell a tale so weathered yet so fresh?
So foreign yet familiar.
Your palm that once warmed my thin fingers
I wake up to the scene of this reoccurring dream where I turn on the news and a person shoots another for some booze, weed or new shoes.
Like I drug I was addicted
I couldn't see that you were vindictive
Using me to get back at her
Shattering my fragile heart like a mirror
Freezing over from the coldness of your heart
Soft fires overtake the trees when they walk. They scorch the lands and burn the animals that stumble in front of them. Their cruel hands abused by the very power that leaks from them.
I have become very formeler with a rope.
A thick rope that some how, one way or anther has formed knot.
It wraps aroud this indescribable shapless place inside of me, not my heart but almost.
A snowfalke drifts down
And falls upon my nose
Only here for a moment
And then it goes
What a life!
Drifting about in the breeze
No worries
Why, a life with such ease!
Though so hush, communication through a green light is so sweet
so soothing. Its switch from green to red so swift and powerful
We cry for its return. Telling the ones who wait on its
A poem isn't just some artistic words on a white line.
A poem isn't just an approach.
A poem is healing and warm.
It's a pat on the back.
It's creativity.
I yank the cord and the growling begins
A puff of smoke and the metal starts to spin
The green soldiers start to charge it
And are cut, chewed, and spit out of it
I yank the cord and the growling begins
A puff of smoke and the metal starts to spin
The green soldiers start to charge it
And are cut, chewed, and spit out of it
Remember that monster under my bed,
Claws like a lion and six eyes on its head.
That old monster creeping beneath me
Always making me shout for my dad to go see.
That monster who never did one bad thing to me,
Paint the web
With silly string colors
And make your words dance all over them.
In this high strung, imaginary world
We spin ourselves into the frenzy;
Get all tangled up together.
I tiptoed on the patio to keep my feet warm
I unfolded my book and began to read
Just as I spotted a red leaf in the tree
It's a metaphor, you see
That one little leaf
I tucked my knees into my chest
A soldier out of time
a man who commits no crimes
take away everything he stands for
you'll wish you hadn't
because by then you're done for
The shield
the uniform
I, in the current state, is not a stateThat nobody wants.My past state, is alsoA state nobody wants.I, in the past,Was like a jesterIn the king’s court.Some memories die,While some don’t.
His feelings were suppressed
He had no love in his chest
Anger was his best friend
And he vowed to protect him till the end
Crying is for sissies
And little missies
Stand up tall when you so speak
The mind is a battlefield
A realm of chaos
Thoughts fighting for dominance
To be discovered and elaborated upon
Personally, combining thesaurus with meter with soul
Offers satisfaction of expression and communication and release—
Emptying an ever-filling well-spring by waxing eloquent—
The words written across the page
Regardless of their age
They come with a hidden meaning
One to help us understand the reasoning
Behind every occurrence and occasion
I’m living life in a river bed --
The path was drawn before I was born.
The world is so loud and full of life,
But silence cannot be hidden here.
I’m living life in a river bed --
Poetry has taught me that the more I put on my page,
The less chaos I have in my brain,
There’s a class of 900-some-odd kindergarteners-who each ate a sheet
How many more need to die?
I wonder why.
I wonder how many families cry
The till is filled, but even still
One bullet, two kills.
Locked-up in my own subconscious
Second guessing every thought,
Every step is expected to be a mistake.
Worried about the opinions of others
I destroy any chances of being an individual.
Jewels lie upon me everywhere,
uneasy life has deteriorated I seek answers
mind in delirium for what jewels i may discover somewhere
the days,months, years to come i only seek prancer to carry me a way to wanderlust.
We live in a world
where violence is the answer.
That's how states and empires were built.
amd also how they fell.
Although it is often looked down upon,
it is always resulted to,
when they say to the moon and back
i've always thought of it as a straight line
but do you remember that when Apollo 8 did go to the moon and back
Tonight I fall asleep
and enter a state of peace.
As I sleep tonight; you
surround me with love and peace.
My dreams are very claming and vivid.
I love your eyes, face, and smile.
flowers need more than water to grow
maybe that’s why I run away at the sight of them blooming
I can’t even remember to water them once a day
how can I sustain them for years?
Grab the pack of razor blades
Licking neapolitan
Watch it swirl down the drain
Laugh as it sticks to your lips
Every pill in the house
I gave my shoulders to lean backfor people who feel sad.I give a smile when there is no warmth in this world.
Learning to love yourself is a journey-- mind sways from happiness-- to laying on a gurney-- needing an attorney to defend against the prosecutions of life-- devil sending destruction with little strife-- cuz every milestone you make-- another set
Am I thy most steadfast mirror image?
Thou art more real and true to the touch.
From thy personality I pillage;
On thy existence, I rely too much.
Ink on the Skin,
White like Paper.
I am my writing,
The corners taper.
My poems I read,
Then soon become.
Sharing the thoughts,
I'm trying to overcome.
These words I write,
Share a story.
I love you!
And I don’t know how to tell you that I love you
Is the problem that we’re having here
The thing is you don’t even realize
How much I love you
And you won’t unless I make you realize
I would say I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place,
But sometimes, it’s more like I’m stuck between a rock and the ground.
I’m pinned in place, and I can’t move.
I don't want to be awake right now because all I see is him. I can't close me eyes because his face is etched into the back off my eyelids. I can't think because all of my thoughts are of him.
The strings sing as the bow slides against them,
Most don’t believe in the magical words,
the music is What they don’t understand
It’s your only escape to runaway from the world,
The golden snow fell lazily, you were slumped, absorbed in the blue and grey of the desk even though the blinds let the sun creep in, and exposed your pristine marble features. I could have reached out a hand, could have slipped beneath your concl
The piercing of the gunshot and the race between my heart and mind is on
And just like the pounding of running feet on the pavement, my heart is racing
But it is the only thing I can hear
Scarlet feathers soar through the clouds,
by the mating of lead and flesh.
Leading the future to arise,
To walk upon their paths in pride.
Tis' their destiny to commit,
the march that others feared and quit.
My pain is unforgivable,
He haunts my most loving and purest memories.
He sneaks up on me when I least expect him to.
I am a civil war
Brain fighting body
Hands shaking heart palpitations
My brain laughs
"Signs of defeat"
It says.
The forest is calling,
And I know I must answer.
Its power, strength, and fortitude
Is what feeds me, soothes my craving.
I'm getting weak at the knees,
Bending before its will.
It devours me,
I know...
That this is something we don't like to hear.
But the way we survived has made only one thing clear.
We hate to be betrayed...
But we never own up to the truth.
To see the world as a series of comparisons
Grass like a bent straw
Sky, the color of the walls of my room
To see the walls and see only the candy coating
Of childhood Easter
Hunting for candy with my sister
Please fill my lungs up with sealing wax
Archaic artifice is familiar; let this be how I die
I could not live with myself
In these twisted refractions
I could not go on
I touch the sky,
higher than the clouds,
When my eye, hand and mind
play together,
when my energy gives life
to a shiny planet
which rolls, unleashed,
across a green silk sky
You are my moon,
Full of song and sound.
You whisper sweet and soft,
When I'm crumbled on the ground.
You are my moon,
You light the way for me.
With your bright face,
I planted my legacy inside of you.
A tiny pebble of a seed,
brittle and bitter from a lifetime of storms.
I buried it deep in your soul.
It takes two. co-exsist. is for animals. Law .. We are humans we already co exsist. We need to learn how to be the word we speak. Meaning become one . but takes two to make one then why we except that it takes one now for one. If two made one..
What do I call it? A hobby, a passion?
I don't love it yet it rules my fashion.
I cannot endorse it, but it guides my life.
It clouds my judgment, in my mind it is strife.
They gave me a nametag and a uniform
I count coins and wonder "who will be hungry today?"
Sausage-like fingers grip thick wads of bills and sticky cards
I tap on the screen and say "seventeen dollars"
the best part of the norovirus
is that while it robs you of your breath,
leaves you sweat-shaking with hot chills in bed
it also steals your appetite
to be empty by no willpower of my own
Your pale skin glistens in the light --- almost white from the glare of the beaming down sun.
The curve in your spine, barely there yet the first thing I notice,
carries the centuries of neglect he has bestowed upon you.
My grandmother used to have a man , I don't know him too well, all I know is that he got deported a long time ago,my grandfather....but she found a new husband tho She meet him around the block in Queens, beside a poor kid in the projects,the gr
I miss him, him, her, them.
I have lost myself mentally,
Giving to everyone.
It's easier than facing my mistakes.
Giving to others is more rewarding than,
Giving to myself.
my legs feel frail again
(oh am i wilting?)
i don’t know if i’ve skipped to the end
or rewound to the beginning
unsteady i betray myself
almost done, can’t sway
not this time
this time
No time for intimate introductions,
I simply have no name.
I am a busted lip,
a bruised back bone,
a scraped knee.
I'm not the norm,
I'll never conform,
My life's a hail storm,
And I'm socially deformed.
I'm not the norm,
And I'll never conform.
Do you truly understand what it means to be locked away?
You see all my life, I have been stuck without even realizing it
the cheese through the
grater rather
shredding it back
and forth
like you always do.
Just jam it through
the grater
My therapist once asked me what I thought when I heard the word “beautiful”
I cringed and sank back into my seat and uttered one simple word - disgust
Burning You
Sometimes, I want to just light you up,
Burn you in your sleep.
Burn you while you’re awake.
It would be easy.
I'd warm my heart with your flames.
My AC is broke
I ain’t got no hope
‘Cus when it’s broke
I get soaked
And my sweat’s just gross
It’s all sticky and icky
The yells echoing from the very thin walls of our house. The scream of a frightened child as she watched her father kick what seems like the only thing she had left from her mom. The mom who she hasn’t seen in months.
The sky doors opened for her wings,
but flying wasn't a learned thing.
The birds moved to watch her bring
hope, love, faith, and joy,
Lust is a strength unlike any other Causing grief and agony in its wakeIt trembles across your fingertipsAs you type a message
They see me from the exterior
Talking about all my flaws and paranoia
While decay takes over the interior
Ripping me shreds to shreds.
My mind fades
Until nothingness became a reality.
My sight faded.
I'm 17 years old with CPThere's nobody else that can be meTo fight all I have to do is believeI've had my soul under lock and key
They say some things never change
I follow that comment it’s like my mantra
Legs aren’t the same length
But day by day I get smarter
“The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine.” -Cherry Wine, Hozier
The wine-red honey
courses through her elastic veins
as it had for years and years,
You don’t understand
that when I say
“It was hard for me
to get out of bed today,”
it was because
I had to peel myself
There are times where I would love to start over.
Times I want to forget my name and times I wish
I could just say forget all this and disappear.
Well, my crazy heart may be the death of me later on. Like it had been for my mom. We both have gambling hearts that throw the die at every shot at the jackpot called happiness.
i am not looking for short termi am looking to be a perennialwhere we bloom onceand then again and againi am looking for forever gr
Flashback and I’m off to the races driving so fast laying on the pavement
The road so clear falling from graces and I die waiting on your greatness
All who attempt to
Behold the wondrous works
Of the ancient wielders of pathos
Are to wait until eternal rest comes upon them
I'm paralyzed.Stuck in these feelingsstuck in my head.It's too late for treatment,I'm already dead.I'v
She's not a snowflake
Like the rest of us.
She is the cloud.
And she is disappearing
As the rest of us fly
Down to safety.
A boy began to learn how to mime at age two
His parents bought him a striped shirt
Told him to go make money on the corner of 1st avenue and 65th street
In front of the drug store
In the world of a cultural salad,
I am not American nor Guatemalan
I do not engage in my family's culture
I do not speak perfect Spanish yet I learned it first
I do not resemble that of my family
Kepada 25 Februari —
entah pada hari apa engkau akan jatuh,
lindungi ia sewaktu merasa rapuh,
tempatkan tubuhnya dalam pelukmu
kala tiada tempat berteduh, dan mengeluh,
cintai segala kurang, juga lemahnya
Swallow these pills you’ll feel better
Prozac, zoloft, seroquel, hydroxyzine, pills pills pills
Take it, swallow it with your saliva and let it dissolve in your stomach acid
"I can’t do homework.Now, you probably think I’m wrong, right?
You want to make right this wrong in my mind that makes me say… “can’t”.
Can’t do this
Can’t do that
Just because a boy sees you without your clothes on doesn't mean he's seen you naked.
do those See
thing rOcks hurt
yo urarm
outin theb
aKing sun?
care (
your soft belly might get)
ful (hurt)so
from God
Dear girl next door,
The fog rushed past my open window
revealing an endless sky showcasing its infinite beauty,
with delicate cotton clouds floating apart
for the silent peach sun.
I don't remember when you showed up in my life.
You're the companion I never wished for,
A thick silence that sucks away the flame of my soul.
A vacuum of grey is left in its place, not bad, not good.
I vigorously wash the dirty pan with all my talent and ambition. I see my pan still disgusting after hours of scrubbing and giving my best.
to you, who loved me without love:
it has been so long.
three years ago
You were everything.
had not
touched me yet
Just as I begin my day, I notice a flower.
Around the local cafe, Its beauty seems to overpower.
Something about it, I just can't turn away.
Months go by, and I learn it's soon to go away.
I still remember what you did,
The continuous pain of loving you.
You never understood me, you open lid.
The lid of a jar to satisfy loneliness I felt too.
But I still hung on for ages
Dear Past Self,
Thank you for showing me how hate is a double edged sword,
Threading each of my veins every time I take a breath,
So that I now may feel love,
I am a boat
Guided by the great light
My beloved captain I tote
Sailing into stormy night
My sails fill with wind
My hull lurches fowards
I felt the bend
Before the break in my boards
Dear Memories,
Remember when we use to write?
We created a blog under a pseudonym and would hash out story after story,
Tragically romantic,
Dear My Beloved Copy,
I cannot recall the day that you came into my life that well anymore
(I guess I am a bad mother)
But I can remember is the complete euphoria of cracking your spine for the first time
Dear Grey,
The stormy clouds,
The people you enshroud
To the color of a dull and blunt blade
You are the dusk,
The color of dust
You are the rocks on the bottom of a rough river,
Dear Brother and Sister,
I remain an explorer, full of optimism
Left to walk among the deserted lands and feral nights
Dear Mom,
You always said to fight for what you believe in
Fight like the Sun fights the Moon
Though the Moon may shed dim light upon the night-enveloped Earth
We are all going nowhere from nowhere
Snow outlined the branches of the trees that shattered the sky
Fragmented clouds
January come and gone
Dear Abusers,
a being filled with aspirations, innocence, the will to live.
I wiped the dirt off,
used a bandage,
tried to minimize the damage,
but this wasn't a scrape, more like a scar,
Dear child, here's to us,
Do you see it?
Feel it?
Hear it?
Smell it?
Sense it?
Take a moment.
They were only friends,
that's what they would profess.
Experiences together changed for the better,
considering an attempt that had the strength of a feather.
There was a spark between them that was like magic,
Dear Past Self,
I know you don't believe them when they say,
Don't you worry now, it won't always be so grey.
Yet here you are, so stressed you can hardly think.
I shall have a love that cannot be found
Like a single rose roasting in the sun
Never had I thought that I would be bound
By the things that made me feel emotion
Love is a ball of twine
wrapped tightly around the hearts of lovers,
binding them in a mutual dance of passion.
Dear Mr. Toscano,
What be better joy
Than to form a gaming club
To make a school hub
Collin Brown
You see these stuttering texts
Sent from a heart to a desktop
And question the ideals you read before
About a solitary departure.
Dear Anxiety,
Thanks to you, my friends, Will to Live and Love, have left my
I try to reason with you, trying to get you to
I, a deer in blinding headlights.
Whirring wheels screech against the asphalt.
Demanding movement but provoking frozen fear.
Dear my almost lover,
One day when I hear your name it won't ache.
One day when I might hear your laugh I won't go running.
One day when I might see you I won't go chasing after you.
last summer, the slant of sun scorching the sky
an orthodox jewish man
i can’t say his name
stabs six people at jerusalem pride parade
I roam through the most chaotic plains of the savanna I call high school
But these Pridelands are nothing like the one we all grew up on
For there is nothing cute or cuddly about this Circle of Life
she came into my life
the most electric lightning bolt
nothing delicate like
a squash blossom or
an english daisy
do you feel that
Little girl,
With your feet on
The ground and eyes pointed toward the sky,
Never forget these moments.
Dear Mr. Berkovitch,
Hello. Good day. Is my grammar alright thus far?
My writing has all the correct punctuations?
With all the correct tenses and verbs?
Dear Adventurer,
As you reach the Forests,
The greatest challenges await
Tests of your true self
And desire to adhere to the path.
The trees' darkness emanates with pressure
Dear Solid Organism,
Your soul is showered with pain.
It’s garden and store with ancient words that are ruthless and demeaning.
Step in the circle, swallowed by the cage.
My stance; legs staggered, knees bent, swinging arms;
as I twist in an elegant, calm rage.
Swiftly spin, swirl, and surrend the disc charm.
I used to be so loud.
My emotions have always spoken volumes,
But now, I am silenced.
My words were tranquilized,
Put to sleep.
My emotions are now dormant,
Quiet as a mouse.
Why can't you just be happy?
My brain is hardwired for sadness
You look tired. Are you sleeping?
Sometimes. It's hard to fall asleep
Why is it so hard to fall asleep?
To the past young lost me:
I’m sorry you’re suffering
Alone, sad, confused
Sharp reality cutting from the “friends” that sneered and oppressed you
Red spilling from being torn by it
Dear My Star ,
I am blind and cannot see
For who I am
I cannot see
When I close shutter
The horizon expand
Five baby birds, alone in a nest.
Friends due to birth and location.
Five baby birds, hormones and hatred manifest,
With any contact leaning towards altercation.
Dear rose,
A hero that carries us all—
Willing to caress us with a tender heart.
Your sweet embrace is what holds lost pieces together.
The Valley of the Rose.
Dear old friend,
In despair and gloom your golden figure emerges into light,
Illuminating the darkness with its glowing presence.
Like the sun bleeding through the clouds on a dark day,
Dear Insecurities,
I am not and will never be perfect,Stop trying to make me into one.
I do not need to cake on makeup to feel beautiful,I was born naturally precious.
Dear Alexander Hamilton,
How does it feel to be viewd as a Hero that changed the World?
How do you feel about being the "bastard, orphan, son of a whore" that has changed people's lives because of what you've done
To my ex-best friend
That tells everyone she doesn’t know what she did wrong;
You built your confidence by standing on top of me,
Knowing that I wasn’t strong --
Looking at the ocean & it's full with tears
The wind is blowing & my feelings are near
The birds are flying leaving me next to you
To the monster in the room,
Everywhere I go,
I see you, I here you, I feel you.
I walk into school,
Dear, you( I mean me),
Do you know the synonyms for consistency,
Do you feel the warmth of tradition or smell home coupled with the thought of peace,
I still remember, Nora, the first time you stood
In front of me, trying to figure out the little tufts
Of hair on your brow,
On your arm,
On your leg,
On your pit,
On your head,
On your lip.
dear precious and dexterous,
the house in the hills of cinque terre,
is resplendent in its alluring wealth.
it is orange,
Dear Father,
Dependent on chance are my regards
Every event while unremarkable alone was remarkable in odds
A minority in minorities made by circumstances
I still remember my birth
Out of the womb and into the light
With wing soaring through the Earth
Looking up into the night
With curious eyes in the stars
The journey begins with hope
Dear Anonymous,
Is your mind an escape route?
Or the devil's labyrinth?
There could be a wide open field stretching for miles,
Or an enclosed room with no way out - shrinking every second.
Dear Jessica,
What does a man feel like?
Is he soft like trampled moss?
Or scratchy like peeled back bark?
Does his smile warm your heart?
Dear Jessica,
What does a man feel like?
Is he soft like trampled moss?
Or scratchy like peeled back bark?
Does his smile warm your heart?
Her's is a story of a man that exchanged his love for fame.
He lost his mind and soul while in pursuit of the game.
Dear Anxiety,
We have grown so close one could say we’re friends.
Thank you for always being there.
Thank you for being the impending storm
Dear darned pedestal,
Luck is on your side, you know?
You get to hold her hand
while I can just smell her old scarf.
You get to hear her warm whispers
while I mourn looking at her eyes.
Dear Rose,
I wonder who you will be
Whether I will find you in a library
Or a classroom
Or online
I wonder whether I will approach you then
Dear: Mooneyes
I’m not head-over-heels
for you anymore
In fact, my sperrys have gotten
stuck in the mud
And the color, cerulean blue,
Unblemished, pure, soft
Rubs against the soft touch of new life
Undamaged, forgiving and at peace
Scrapes and bruises
Healed by grace and care
You are the freedom
You are the lifted weight
You are the big blue sky, but the rock on the ground
Although, you are not the pebble on the shore
Or the claustrophobic tress
It’s just a silly little game;
Like chess.
We’ll move, then they’ll move.
We’ll dance in circles until one of us gets too dizzy to continue.
The last pawn will eventually fall.
To you,
the struggling rainbow after each dark storm.
To you,
my gorgeous warrior,
my faithful sun.
Do not stop fighting,
but if you must,
do not let yourself be silenced.
God please forgive me for i cannot see what others see in me
Everyone sees such a bright future for me
However every time i look to the future i feel lost at sea i can't see a guiding boat
Dear "oh so worried" person,
You're asking for a greater city but why won't anyone step up to the plate to fulfill these youngin's wishes.
push them with ambition and put aside their ignorance.
Dear Younger Me,
If I could go back and change things I might,
to undo the wrongs and make them right.
But that's the thing, the very falslihood I used to believe,
Dear future husband,
How I long to find you
whose heart is meant to compliment mine
who will one day learn
every nuance
of my soul
I cant wait to
fall in love
with all you are
Ode To Lewis:
Lovely cards of life
Define her future
They spoke with their eyes
Minds gleaming and newer
Carnival prize,
Dancing in the sunlight,
no one could tear us apart.
Holding hands forever,
you held my heart.
Dancing in the sunlight,
we were forever friends.
But in that hot, hot summer,
Dear Ex
Love is an illusion of lust combined with a drug addiction,
Finding pure happiness is nothing but a tall tale fiction,
Vanished without closure I'm not ready for it to be over,
Dear Antagonist,
In a regular story, the villain
is plainly,
There was no doubt.
However, while reading my own story, you had me for a fool.
Dear Amy,
I'm Shy
afraid of what can happen
scared to say something
to accidentally show to much of my feelings
but then again,
just looking and thinking of what could be
won’t do the trick
dear brain,
the thing is, we’re screwed.
the thing is, we’re at the end of the line.
Dear and belovèd bubble tea
And your obsidian pearls, black and buttery,
You've oft bequeathèd unto me
Foamy frigates upon percolating green seas.
Rich jade befogs a balmy troupe
I cannot wait any longer
To put this sheet of silver
Between your two cells of white -
Through it like threading a needle
My dearest,
It is killing me,
Dear School Board,
You threaten me with your words
With your long sentences of gibberish and peanut butter
To the fathers of the laws that sought to chain the night, Harken to my heavy words
There he goes a flappin' like vultureStealing our ways, and feedin' on cultureBlack culture that is!
Nothing lasts forever.
Not a relationship nor a friendship.
All the lies and story were killing one by one.
It was like I was a mirror that lose all it's pieces.
Shaky breathing,
heartbeat pounding,
tears forming.
Speeches are the contests for which they demonstrate their strengths,
heard ‘round the world.
i guess i’m a book and i am used to ripping out pages for people to readthis goes out to those who were worth sentencesand those who became phrasesthose who were turned into words
To No-Name,
Dearest No-Name, I've missed talking to you like this. The connection we have goes so much deeper and well beyond words.
Dear Boundless Lament of Remorse and Regret,
My feelings of sorrow are something that will only get more bittersweet with age.
Like a fine wine or display china, the quality and pricelessness due to the rarity,
I was a temple. A garden of life. My walls were strong and I was humanized.
I had tourists of awe who would come to see me, but they never were allowed to be too close, only to view me.
One day you will wake in the middle of the night. Believing that you hear the melody of my voice, and wake with a fright. But realizing what you heard was only a sweet sweet dream. You will softly sob, and shed enough tears to overflow a stream.
Dear Life,
I never know what lessons you withhold,
But I was always taught to face you and be bold.
Dear Time,
I fear you.
The belief I had in myself disappears as you pass by,
as you stare me down into submission,
accepting my hard hands and tired eyes.
My Nikes are special
They aren’t like any other pair of shoes I’ve ever owned
They come from a place far far away
It was either the beginning of August, or the end of May
I risk my life to protect you, but you do nothing for me. So as I lay here dying I ask for one thing. let me hear your beautiful voice and sing me one last song.
someday a boy will break your heart in two
consider this a forewarning to you
his eyes
brilliant baby blue
will consume you entirely
January 29, 2018
Dear all those who love me,
It sits there menacingly, waiting
It’s come back around, and it’s ready for a fight
I’ve prepared my armor…my guns
The first time our lips touched
I inhaled your sweet breath
Youre my air, my atmosphere
I could never forget
Nothing but love
In that moment
I still smell you on my jacket
You are me;
The me that I can't leave.
The air that fills my lungs,
And exists all around.
You are the blood that flows through my veins;
My life.
You are the sun in my solar system,
The sky was still, the moon was shining.
Suddenly there was a loud cry of joy and jubilation,
And on the other side, there was a cry of a baby.
Dear, Annie
Every morning another dark day, until you.
Every day grey and blank, until you.
Every time the outside looks brighter.
Every look makes me shutter.
You are everything to me.
I'm living life as if a dying tree.
I find myself corroding with the days.
A rot inside that nobody can see.
My instincts are no longer trustworthy.
Suppose that is why caring sometimes pays.
dear the one who feels like home
when we were together
you looked straight into my ocean of a heart
and relieved me of some of its weight
some of its noise
to You--
if You look out onto that manhattan skyline
and You imagined that You
You were God,
to You--
if You look out onto that manhattan skyline
and You imagined that You
You were God,
The great
She walks gracefully
With pride, so effortless
Not a care in the world
Nary a soul can stop her
She can take over the world with her mind
Confidence runs through her
Dear Heroin Epidemic,
The lives being claimed, are ever climbing
At once just a few, now overwhelming.
Not just friends, not just family,
The Letter to Nothing
Dear Nothing,
I regret to inform you that you are what I am feeling,
You visit me every night and fill me with emptiness.
Oh dear,
I’m having a little trouble remembering
Who I wish to forget.
In that case, to whom it may concern,
I no longer wish to play your game.
There’s a trick to tic tac toe:
Dear succeeding Earth,
nothing but complete and utter silence.
Nothing at all.
Not even the slight sound of birds chirping or traffic moving.
they’ve got me strung up.
i am a sweater, thick string; warm,
hunger envelopes me and i do what i can.
i’m out on this fence to dry
I keep looking for love in everyone I see:
The boys in the hall,
I catch myself wishing on sheep.
My inabilities are also my delight,
I am tired of surfing your waves
Looking for a better shoreline to crash into
As the sweat beads on my chest
You give me no rest
i remember you girl, worn face
eyelash whipped,
whirlwind wonder-fuck.
i remember how you so delicately accepted me in,
Imagine me:
With your solemn look staring into mine, imagine
The mines collapsed into me,
Making my memories become majestries
Making my terrors become tapestries.
my love; this is tragic
someone has died in our attic
i saw it yesterday, on the news
you should have seen him, body bruised
I am no longer going to feel spaced out
About needing to cut you off.
I was a planet, with rivers and lakes.
Dear Sandpaper family,
I see all of you,
All your bumps and bruises
All your ragged clothes worn over the remnants of your skin
Dear Sadness,
I know You’re feeling blue,
Like an ocean tide scouring anew,
Bogging down my carefree garments and,
Dear, my precious friend
You’ve saved me, my knight in shining armor
From the castle that brought me dishonor
I told you you did not want to date me because I would hurt you. Not long after that we started dating I hurt you. I left or of fear of getting hurt. Then we got back together. Later you left me on the edge of death.
Dear Nana,
How are you? How have you been?
I've been trying to be happy but how do I begin?
I remember your last day like the back of my hand
Little did I know time was running out like dripping grains of sand.
When I’m judged every day evidently
And I come to think my mother was right How could I ever live genuinely
Could I ever be loved for just one night;
Dear Dad,
You say these memories are fake,
then dang I must got an overflowing river of imagination.
The ruthless dictator
when seen from sorrowful eyes.
The empathic healer
when seen from solaced eyes.
The dutiful watcher
when seen from admiring eyes.
The reliable partner
Through the time I traverse, moment to moment, memory to memory.
The riches on the way, I always grab a fistful.
One by one they slip away as it is in their nature.
Little remorse is felt since they are but ephemeral.
the prince in this tale was too scared to ask for help
he tried to save himself
the prince is strong
the prince was the strongest
Those who look outside of the window sees the perfection of a house. Built on the sturdiest foundation of all even though it was built in 1942 on a rainy day, still sturdy.
This morning,
I noticed something
I have such beautiful eyes
Which is weird
I've never been happy with them
Nor sad either
I haven't felt any sort of feeling with my eyes
Until I looked the mirror
For such a long time, I thought I understood long term relationships and that anyone can have them at any age
Specifically my own personal demographic
But suddenly
A switch flipped
And a light bulb flickered
Being with you is like going to the symphony
or wait, being part of a symphony
sometimes I can't tell the difference
Sometimes I feel as though I'm watching and listening from the audience
I know you don’t understand
The sun has set and the fog is heavy
But can’t you hear them whispering?
The soft voices beyond our own
I dream of thoughts and spaces where I reclaim my power,
I dream of reciting verses:
A reclamation of the use of my voice.
A voice that in reality fights being free,
Dear Hate, I hate you. Always have, always will.I hate how you ensnare, trap, and tangleand like a fly I danglein your web of red hot anger.I hate how you make me crumple li
Dear Depression,
Your goal seemed to be to wreck
what I had worked so hard to build.
You tore
and hurt
and left me a shell
of who I was
and could be.
I lost myself amongst your waves,
Everyone tells me what I did wrong and how to fix it for next time.
Next time.
Next time there won’t be a next time.
There are too many holes and trysts and trails in my heart
I’m shutting it all down.
The Black (pt. 3)
In the farthest field there is a deep pit
A wound, proclaimed in the dusty outreaches
Of sweeping grass element
Which now and again bubbles and
Dear Ex-Best Friend,
I can’t thank you enough for what you did to me.
Yes, it was selfish and rude and incredibly mean.
The Black (pt. 2)
In seventeen years
All the roots have settled
The roots are strong,
They breathe.
In seventeen years
Our sun has curated
Our plentiful harvests
Dear world,
I often ponder your composition
A seeming giant reservoir of water
Flowing as one, united
But is this really true?
I have meaning, past my purpose. I do.
I know this. I am even - most days - convinced of it.
To the man I should have known to become my uncle, You were the butterfly who sent a hurricane, except it wasn't just a flutter of your wings that ripped through what should have been my stable and permanent home.
Breathless. My fingers intertwined with a desire, not a reality. Enclosed in a blanket of thoughts and ideas, Eager to blossom its petals to showcase its individual colors, But quickly wilts away, overshadowed by fears. Children no longer play on
Dear my protector,
Satheric, Satheric.
With feathers so sleek like a silent owl in flight,
The comforting hum of your voice, kept me asleep all night.
As I knew there was nothing to fright.
Dear Papa, at night i would open my window to touch the warm breeze that sang me to sleep every night the moon the last image to grace my eyes before slumber i grew up with mama telling me to be wary of the moon to never look through the glass at
My child has finally been born.
Thy world awaits ye beauty.
Yet I must hide thee from scorn,
So I take thy to a place that’s gloomy.
The air can blow us away,
But we can also blow air.
We can create air to use on others,
Yet air can not create us to use on air.
It is tossed around,
There was a castle.
In that castle was a princess.
By danger and imperfection.
Dear you,
You are the best
I hold you above the rest
Your perfect face and golden hair
The beauty I want not to share
I have never been to great at math.
Numbers looks like hieroglyphics that
have yet to be tanslated into english.
Its symbols look like my 5th grade art portfolio scribbles,
but yet
I wanted to write you into a love poem,
But all I can conjure
Is a picture of a girl crying off her mascara
On a stoop in the south of Chicago,
It’s one of those nights.
One where the stars are too still in their orbits,
And I can imagine the scent of your perfume
Lazily wafting its way around the room,
Dear You, I'm Sorry.
Based on A True Story.
I see you in my sleep,
there, you’re still alive,
Refusing to accept you’re gone,
is the only way I survive,
I reveal all my stories,
What triggered you this time?
Was it the way that man looked at us on the street?
Was it the test we have in chem. tomorrow?
Dear Rebekah,
I always take a look at you when you're not aware,
But most times you catch me looking and I find it so unfair
That the stars in your eyes twinkle, when you see him and not me,
Dear People With Money,
Attending college is tough
when the world ain't as sunny.
I've learned people like you
make my debt appear.
And it's also you
who brought me great fear.
This poem reflects a bad relationship:
Dear whoever cares,
My heart hurts.
My stomach hurts
My chest hurts.
It's my entire body actually.
I feel like I forgot how to breathe.
This isn't right.
Dear love,
As time passed, the flowers faded
and so did our conversations
only meaningless words flowed
I looked for the same sparkle I once saw
Dear Iceland,
“Almost eradicated” the headline reads.
Tests spot extra genes
Future without disease.
One loop too many
Green goggles.
Disney songs.
Dear Future You,
Are you still breathing? Are you still fighting?
Do you still walk with flames in your soul?
The flame that burns, burns out of passion, love and dedication;
Dear Dragon,
You have been called dream devourer,
war starter,
world conqueror.
I never thought you would hunt me down
as I, a measly wanderer,
kept trying to move around.
Dear TBD,
I need some time.
You’ll ask why and I dont know how to tell you
Its you.
That is the spell keeping me standing here.
I’m not sure how to fix this.
Dear friend,
I love seeing you every morning.
Your presence makes me shutter.
I enjoy our small talk. It's nice.
Sometimes there's silence. It's nice.
To the woman who gave me my first breath
The one who carried my weight
The one who loved me without even seeing me
There's a knot in my throat when I try to tell you
What I felt went wrong
Dear Aidoneus, Goddess of death!
Za, God of men!
Why must you sit on your ligneous chairs drenched in ichor?
You look
And you see
A pleasant home.
The flowers are bright,
The bushes are trimmed,
The shingles are painted,
Two wicker chairs are on the porch.
One white picket fence guards the path.
I thought your face was covered in snow
I tried to find it, but it’d never show
Old soul, from which I learned a lot
Never told me how to take care of my heart
bila engkau berkenan kusurati,
hendak sekali hati kecil ini mempertanyakan.
Apa yang telah menjadikan hari kemarin terasa begitu memikat?
Mungkinkah karena secangkir kopi hitam pekat,
--with Khansa Khalisha
Share, share the words you wish to say,
silent murmurs of your evening pray
unspoken tears of your pain yesterday.
Share, see me as shoulder that you can lay,
She called it,
Discharging pet
Lovebird from the
Foreign shackles
Named commitment
Dear Justin,
Only Fifteen
Still Learning How to Live
You taught me how to stay strong.
You gave me laughter and smiles.
During a time I only had sadness and grief.
You had me and I had you.
Dear Forgotten Ones,
In the beginning,
I took you for granted.
In the beginning,
I hid you on a shelf.
You collected dust
In the back of my mind
For many a year.
A Letter to The People Who Don't Realize,
Every person is a ship.
When something bad happens, or the person becomes sad, their ship cracks.
Some ships crack at the top; plain for everyone to see.
You can keep the flowers,
carry my words,
leave with tide.
And keep the winter silence,
you so willingly traded me for.
Music is the key to the soul
Our twisted hearts bound by these shackles
Take this key and remove your chains
The moment I wake up you're on my mind
Between my stomach and my throat, there are too many ties
You've consumed my brain and while I'm trying not to let you go
I know I've got to let you slip down and off my spine
Can you hear me now?
If you can’t I can only wonder how
Why is it the only way to get your attention?
Beauty impossible for just one to obtain
Roots so deep
Branches both long and graceful
Facade hiding what’s inside
To Love:
You are so enchanting.
A blooming rose bush.
You have so many flowers.
So wonderfully fragrant.
You are so vivid.
My Dearest Lover,
I don’t believe in using metaphors
to define people.
Metaphors are romanticized.
If someone is defined by the
metaphor in which I put them in,
people no longer see the person,
Dear Freshman,
Life is like ocean waves
Unpredictably unsettling,
Boldly beautiful,
Carelessly cascading
Never hesitant to bombard bountiful beaches
Shed no more dear
Shed no more the tears
Baby a day will come
when that three words gang and say
ravenous creature
feeding on scraps and whispers
tired of waiting
no longer sitting
patiently or silently
Dear Love,
For someone so nurturing to others
You sure are disloyal to me
Why is it
That you come so
Should be nice.
Or at least that's what I thought.
They didn't care about me.
Hurt yourself?
Stop crying.
Oh well.
Dear Dumb Diary
When I need someone to talk to no one listens,
So I write in you.
The best parts of my day
And the things I can’t say
You're always there.
Just like little Junie B.
Eyes close,
Wandering hands,
Fingers visualizing
Soft pricks,
Flabs of skin,
Rouch pad,
Desiring to-
Glimpse the tail whirl,
Hear babbling over commotion,
He is the fireplace
Where do you grab your why?
Out of thin air?
Does it come to you while sitting,
watching the day go by?
Maybe it runs into you on your deathbed,
seein' your life flash before your eyes.
Our bodies are a kaleidoscope,
limbs entangled in damp silk,
hearts pulsing to the drum of now,
yesterday, today,
“You’re so perfect” you breathe,
calluses tracing my veins,
Tell me what tomorrow will bring
Solar wind or heavenly fire
Tell me when I wake you will be here
Wrap me in your arms
Those frostbitten demons
My mind is a computer,
It plays games,
Process information,
Turns to power-saving mode.
But if this is true,
Then what are my disorders?
They are flash drives,
By his side, I watched your son grow,
With shackles on small hands,
Their great weight you bestowed,
But learned to withstand.
Your mistakes he bore with a smile
With chin up and back straight -
Standing at the mouth, seeing the belly of the beast.
Steps I take toward the impending digestion.
Strange people. Getting lost. Go here, or there?
Five Stages of loss colored with the paints of emotion,
stained by the blemish of unexpected commotions.
It gets ugly, "it's on me" you say to survivors who feign joy.
You are an artist when it comes to words.
Your tongue is the brush, my heart the canvas.
You knew just the words to paint my heart
the color of love you promised me.
You charmed me with reds of passion.
The rise of sun
I cannot see it
Helplessly, I lay
My wings nearly bare
I cannot move
I cannot speak
My limbs heavy
Bricks on my body
Silent nights lay rest to broken hearts
The hands of the strong hold the feathers of damaged birds
Your warm smile puts back together the shattered pieces of me
Dear Kim Jong-Un,
I see you up in your palace, your insulation spilling over your belt
I see you but you see the skin dripping off the bones of your people
dear boy i almost gave everything to,
i am not a glistening bar of solid authentic gold,
i am not a crystal clear 50 karat diamond,
i am not a smooth pearl that shimmers in the sun.
i am a ruby.
A blackbird sits upon a tree
and no one bothers to see
what lies inside its tender heart
or how it used to be.
‘I used to fly above the earth,’
said the recollecting bird,
Screams I hear every morning
I wake to the clouds storming
The lightning fills the air
I try to say my silent God prayer
amongst the clouds trying to see
why they can't agree
All they do is fight
The door is sealed shut
to lock in the spiraling shadows
that are so haunting at night
The barrier brings comfort,
muffling the bustling mascaraed
while silencing staggered breaths
Dear Trauma,
letting you go is harder than diminishing you into
“just something that happened to me”
“nothing big really”.
Dear dad
You left so soon
I didn't even get to make you proud
You promised you'd watch me graduate, grow, marry
But you're not here now
You didn't even see me turn 18
Cancer ate away at your lungs and
Dear Mia,
My three best girl friends:
Faith, Far, and Family,
Visited me this year.
First came Family; although it was I who drew her in.
In my loneliness, I cried out to her for advice and support.
A Jewel kept secure in the king's daughter's heart, will always be her shining star. Many men could never find out her password, because she never gave it out. Keep her word that she wouldn't be no man's fool.
Dear Red Balloon,
Just out of reach
The faster I run
The futher you are
When I'm close enough
to grasp your string
you POP
but I'm not sad
I've been without you
Laughing kisses among the waves,
One after another.
Splitting our sandwiches in halves
because yours looks better.
Saving up for birthday gifts,
Laughing kisses among the waves,
One after another.
Splitting our sandwiches in halves
because yours looks better.
Saving up for birthday gifts,
Dear Dad, You used to call me florita, your little flower. I’m no longer a little delicate flower; I have now grown to be a fully blossomed strong, healthy, and independent flower.
Dear anonymous boy,
A fire burns passionately within me,
Your loss turned my life into a raging storm,
Winds battle around me,
Fighting for their escape,
Trapped within the confines of expectations,
Dear best friend,
I already love you.
I'm in love with the way you smile when you look into the sky.
I adore the little wrinkles your nose makes when you laugh.
I love the melody of your voice.
we are monsters together,
huddled under the bed
of our childhood selves,
keeping each other warm
when there is nothing to eat
but nightmares.
he carved his name into my bones
with claws under which
my flesh festered.
no matter how long
i leave my bones to rot,
This year has been a rollercoaster.
It’s been awhile since I’ve been on
One of these rides. Just when I try to
Steady myself atop a hill of these
to god:
age 5. strawberry dress, springtime shoes, thorny nylons,
i asked why i had to dress for religion like dad does at work
I thought I was like the trees
tough on the outside
softer within
I realized I'm different
I'm not a tree
I'm just a lonely human being
We cannot compare
to things worse for wear
To my country,
I have grown from your soil
Took root in your values
Attempted to grow
But as my leaves spread toward the sky,
I was nurtured by education
In the digital age
Dear brothers, A and Z,
You were both so young with adorable smiles,
So many hospitals all over the country for miles,
You were only babies so precious and small,
At five,
when I fell off my bicycle for the first time and bled,
my mum leapt in to pick me up and ,"Honey!”, she said, “You know why Superman has a cape that is red?"
For most of my life I wanted to be like everyone else.
The want and need got so bad I let it consume me.
The idea of being able to be "normal" for a change
was all I wanted to be.
I always felt like an outsider,
Why is it so hard to understand you?
Whenever people come to help, you’re shrouded by overwhelming trusting problems.
How come you can’t trust them if they get too close?
It had been 90 days. She’d finally learned to leave it alone. It had gone from her mind, she’d resisted the images she let consume her, and the strange sensations she knew would hurt her.
I don’t know why I let him get to me like this
I was young dumb and inlove
So I was blind to the signs that’s why im feeling like this
So I guess its my fault
I let him get inside
and manipulate my mind
Dear whoever has picked this up. Life is as though seasons of the weather. Constantly changing.Snow melting as our tears of exhilaration and melancholy.
I don’t know why I let him get to me like this
I was young dumb and in love
So I was blind to the signs that’s why im feeling like this
So I guess it’s my fault
I let him get inside
And manipulate my mind
I don’t know why I let him get to me like this
I was young dumb and in love
So I was blind to the signs that’s why im feeling like this
So I guess it’s my fault
I let him get inside
And manipulate my mind
some people think that being an open book is a good thing,
but i disagree.
find people around you
who so fiercely desire to read your pages so much,
they can’t put it down
Isolation is the mask that disguises us from those who do not wish to observe. They have eyes, but they cannot see that we are all the same, just unique. I pray that one day they will open their eyes, so they can read in between the lines.
Calming innocence,
brought by the tide,
born from the sea’s foam.
Befriending the rain.
And the trees were depressed,
arms sunk
as if weighted by the sky above them.
The sky was dark,
its heaviness felt by none
but one.
The rain was cold,
We met at the start of high school
You walked into English
Right before the bell
And sat at the desk closest to the door
Your knees hit the top of the desk
i'm an architect of dreams
structures built of hope speckle the skyline
blueprints of fantasies litter my thoughts
the top floor of every skyscraper is designed to reach the atmosphere
He knelt down on one knee for you
Eyes to yours, hand in his pocket
Your gaze jumping everywhere except for his
Your chest dropped to your stomach, thoughts becoming silent prayers
Welcome to the Closet.
Here you will discover the many wonderful things I cherish.
On multicolored hangers, an array of shirts and dresses are organized by
clothing type.
She still visits me sometimes...
In the night, she clambers into my bed
and causes a ruckus of negativity in my head.
She plays the strings of my heart
like the most beautiful harp,
My love for you is a fire,
It burns, grows, and fails to tire.
My love for you is a tower,
Your love and friendship give me power.
Your commitment and joy are fertile soil,
A Letter to an Absent Father
Dear father- or rather to the man
Who simply donated DNA.
I'm not sure if I can call you "Dad"
Anymore because a father is
We are like the constellations mapped out in the night
We dance blissfully with each other, illuminating
the perpetual darkness that surrounded the earth.
Sweet fruit,
Forbidden fruit,
I shall ignore god's warning,
For to taste ambrosia I shall sin ten-thousand times more.
I cannot resist the serpent,
Nor do I think I would so desire.
Dear Mr. Not Right,
She is not here looking for a fight.
Just simply here to shed some light.
She doesnt have anymore hate, anymore tears.
She's really sick and tired of the wasted years.
the dirt that clung
to the lines and creases of my body
a furtive soil
stronger than me
dirt that strangles
in the name of remembrance
A child of ten years,
And a invisible puppeteer,
Stumbled upon each other in a forum.
They grew closer and closer,
But little did the child know,
They would break their heart.
I haven’t forgiven you
I don’t think you understand
The great weight you put on my sternum
And on my head when I feel my soul start slipping
My mother is
my idol,
my inspiration,
my rolemodel.
She didn't come from wealth
I can't seem to fall in love with you
no matter how many times I vocalize.
I sleep with guilt and doubt, lying on my chest,
drinking manufactured love letters,
serving you mugs of it;
Dear You Know Who You Are,
I was little,
Too weak for my own good.
You made sure I knew it too.
I was a flower,
Frostbitten by a cold world.
You crumbled my fragility
to the one whom gravity holds tightest to,
you're an aging collection of
thin skin and heavy bones
known by a name
passed through the lips of few
with ribs housing
Dear the Color White,
You are so pure, so simple
So simple, and clean
You are painted upon the picketed fences of family homes, and cover the peaks of mountain tops
We grow up hearing "stranger danger" but what do we do when the danger isn't a stranger but someone whose half of DNA lives inside you?
Before we met
there were things I didn't quite understand
of how hormones can control my body
of what desires I seek
but yet
after we met, after a shake on the hand
what I didn't expect you to be
I felt the pain in your voice,
how obscure notions consumed,
devoured every trace of tangible lucidity.
I felt the pain in your glance,
how dashing daggers of andradite turned,
This is a love letter about how much you mean to me.
We are two bright minds, two old souls, and two battered hearts
That join together perfectly at the seams.
It was God who brought us together, you and I.
my eyes leak
like the old pipes here
a little bit broken
unless you angle them right
but i’ve been off kilter
since you left
bent me out of shape
My Sweetness,
Freedom of reproach and firmness against difficulty
Have been found in our love,
Tried and tested, it is true.
I hear the grit of the others,
Trash talking our silver-ringed way
Over the past few years
I have stood by your side
And now we are falling apart
Like rain falls further away from the clouds.
The moment of truth is a sad-face, only few make a day break light,
The true lies of a fortune times keep nature accompanied within.
Sense of such conquest is a long grammar for the banquet,
As I fade in and out of sleep
Thoughts of you dance through my mind
It pains me to know
That you never experienced such sorrows
Your first love
Those three words and your audacity makes me fear yet quake with anger. Years with nothing and now everything hits like a match to a fire. Those three words and I feel like I can't breath. Your face scares me but then I remember you tender love.
We shape our world and the world shaped the invisible working in common cause to produce miraculous thinking of the air passed speed round a shaped wing our weight in this life to those elements have yet to imagine and look for the true shape of o
Love is enticing
Icing on cake
I'll go where it takes me
I hope I don't break
I've made journeys to hearts
Universes apart
I've seen, but I've felt much more
Back then, first gen,
It was a lot easier when
Mom and dad used to love each other since then
Fights happen, physical actions
Again and again
Go to a museum and look at a painting
Observe it carefully…you got it? Good
Now close your eyes and describe the painting
Did it have meaning? How was the technique?
Was the artist famous? Did you feel any emotions?
I can easily entice you with connotations displaying
my utmost state of vulnerability and innocence,
but this is not a sad story detailing the division of myself from You.
Two celestial bodies roam the skies
So different, so unique, but still linked through life.
One makes a big entrance at every arrival
With bursts of pinks and purples announcing her strides.
For the love that died.I had never heardOf almost forbidden loveLike a flower that bloomedAnd then died
My Blessed Pen and Paper
Today I write the perfect story
Today I paint the perfect picture
My words should make it happen
My strokes should make it vivid
That is because I love you.
Another individual,
seemingly that was made for you,
Like a perfectly fitted glove,
But you do not own that person, which will forever be true.
And that person has no obligation to please you
My heart crumbled
When I had to walk on those eggshells.
Every word you didn't like,
A land mine ,
Every phrase that didn't flatter you,
A sure explosion
To crumble my heart
The heart is a rich, oak door
Locked from the inside out
Love is a living, passionate wind
Touching the door but lacking the key
You see, I locked the door before to keep from the robbers and rain
In a world where you see souls instead of bodies, I'd imagine it would be terrifying, painful, beautiful, amazing, and crazy.
How do you explain something so elusive?
It’s intensity can’t be contained
Not by the mere strength of words
Love is not an empty word
“I love you” should never result in foes
It should never result in therapy, emotional damage, and fear
I'd rather lose my life than have to lose myself,
but I'm always myself when I'm with you.
If reincarnation is true, in every past life somehow I'd end up meeting you,
whether I a bug and you a leaf.
I love you I daresay,
the way you hold me,
the way your heart touches mine and beats in tandem,
a feeling that we're tied together
belong together,
I don't hurt you,
Tell me Mr. Hero, what have You done?
Is this not my story?
You’ve commandeered the issue
my newest release
See Your summons in the sky
That which obscures my image
“did you get home ok?”
this is my love language,
the static in my ear reminding me of the fuzzy feeling I get down the back of my spine
when my name crosses through your lips
“did you eat already?”
The healthiness shoudln't have to be forced,
it shoudl come naturally,
like how you both met eachother naturally.
One shoudln't have to ask for respect,
it should just be know to give it,
It's something I never seem to get enough of.
I don't have insomnia, nightmares, or a bed made of rock,
But I still never seem to get enough.
High school seems like the easiest thing to blame,
The memories that we make, I hold dear to me.
They are stories, I like to believe
That I will read when I ache for normality.
They are tales of my home,
A place that is filled with heart-warming smiles
The elementary express
These are five slow-paced most relaxing years
Of a little boy’s bright and early life
Where he was cultured through the presence of affection
To understand a healthy relationship,
you must understand a healthy self.
Neither should you starve to death,
nor should you stock junk food on the shelf.
(CO) has no scent like smoke, and so we breathe it in.
(CO) has no flash like fire, and so we watch it spin.
(CO) has no burn like ash, and so we let it fry.
(CO) has no shriek like gas, and so we hear it cry.
If you really loved me
you really Loved me
Really loved me
The sounds of a rotting relationship.
When a person really loves another,
it becomes more about the 'you'
than the 'me';
I still remember the very first time I met you:
We were just kids then, who believed in the idea of forever and always.
And we were just two kids then, who believed in the whole:
Love and I once spoke
Not too long ago,
I thirsted for her wisdom
To help me learn and grow.
"Love," I sighed with heavy heart
All cracked and torn and used,
The leaves tumble down,
All except for one.
She's already faded to brown,
But the tree thinks she's as gold as the sun.
She trembles at the cold,
And the tree knows it's time.
Why are these thoughts so rough on me
All these problems made from blood only
Making it harder to think, harder to sink
Into the person that's made for me
But I don't need close, never been an
I am content,
I am fulfilled,
I don't expect,
I appreciate,
I see you. The soul that resides inside, not the facade.
I am vulnerable,
I am nothing but everything,
I am.
You were my obsession and I was constantly begging for a confession
I wanted you to be mine, but it was all online
You said I was the only one, but you were just having fun
My best friend,
There for me through thick and thin.
Steady like the summer wind
That's my best friend
Calm, when the waters are rough
Calm, like at gentle breeze,
Because I Love You.
No excuses, keep your head down, just smile.
Because I Love You.
Hide the pain, stand up tall, Don't Let Them See You.
Because I Love You.
It’s because I love you,
That I would make you cry.
And that’s why
I’m your greatest ally.
It’s because I love you,
i. sun:
the light of all life.
Ive had many suns in my life,
people I thought would be the center
of my universe forever.
After the last person, I swore to myself
I’d never put anyone there again.
With a beauty of a single flower,
Any type of rose would be envious.
His smile would destroy other’s power.
His touch was a snake that was venomous.
What do they see?
They don’t see me for my heart for they believe it to be irrelevant to do so
I am like a shadow that crosses the dark path
I am pain in their wound
I am the eclipse of the sun
Because I love you
When I was crumbling, the world morphing
Spinning around me like a top in Wonderland
I still came to you, and pulled myself together
I stitched you up,
Put you together,
Because I Love You
I willl give you my all
Because I love you
I will not let you fall
Because I love you
I will answer ever call
Because I love you
I will give all my love
a word too commonly misused
maybe something I can only do
as if the people in this world don't understand
all of the meaning packed
To succumb that breaking
Whenever reality consumes the head
About the flight
Cannot halt a soul.
Living through possibilites
Where you are adored
With all that you please
Today I drowned in the ocean you created
The ocean of blood that you watched spill
Spill from the eyes that are now deflated
The eyes you used to carry me into the dark
The dark you thought would blind me
A heart of diamond can't break
A stream won't flow from a stone.
Even if the earth were to shake,
The mountain stands on its own.
Is a glare made of diamond?
I am cold,
skin stretched over bone to form a shape people will love.
I am moldable,
flexible enough to change,
and faded enough to where they’ll color me the way they want.
But I have my own colors.
How is it that I need you?
“Why does your heart belong to me”,
you say.
Well, we collide like vanilla and chocolate swirl
ice cream
we used to be one alone, but we are one together
Healthy Relationships
“To understand a Healthy Relationship you must first understand what it is not”.
Life tells me these things never last
Experience names me a victim
To others, I’m a way to pass the time
A friend on Fridays, Mondays, and Some Days
Treat me like a queen or don’t treat me at all. Uplift me while I uplift you. I cannot grow while my significant other is trapped in a phase. We must grow together so we will not grow apart.
What is love these days?
It's a rushed cycled of this is how it should be
Its social media
Showing everyone you're having a good time
It's a show
You didn't force me,
you allowed me
to be me.
You loved me
for who I was
and so on that night
I didn't cry,
They built me up,
And knocked me down,
And over
And over
And over.
A cycle of trying to impress,
Craig is a hurricane. He is a pernicious storm delivering nothing but havoc and destruction. This bipolar alcoholic is more destructive than most hurricanes the world has seen. He rips your emotions apart as a storm would do to a home.
Because i love you i will do anything to keep you safe from the world from your family no drugs are every gonna break you no drink is ever going to take you away from me because i love you ~darla
You are my crocodile,
You are beautiful, intelligent, and my favorite
When I look at you I see a crocodile,
Confident and mysterious
You put my in a trance when I look into your green eyes,
Relationships have been tough and rough this days
The last one torn me apart and taught me to be nobody’s fool
It all started when I love someone And he didn’t love me back,
instead of putting a stop to the deceit
love is boiling, scalding hot
it rolls and rushes beneath itself
desperate to take up more space than it left behind.
if you take the plunge
you are bound to get burned.
if you ease yourself in
I listened to the small bird sing,
Her voice frail and shaking.
I listened to the small bird sing,
Her hands quiet against her chest.
Because I love you more than astrologers love the solar system then my love is strong Because I am to love you more than the a mother loves her first born then I am bonded to you like no other Because I am to love you as if the sun never went do
She took a look at the cold body,
Left for dead,
With very little warmth left in her.
A small touch sent heat flooding all over Her body,
Why Was I Given
a sickeningly bitter
and addictive drug;
an everlasting promise
thats always broken;
a pain I will always miss,
but would never wish
on my own stricken children;
My coat has missing buttons
It simply will not close
The open coat sends shivers
From my head down to my toes
My coat lost all its buttons
When it caught on something rough
Because I love you, I know you want someone else.And I want you to find them--you'll be happier then.I was an outline and instead of being my lover,Instead of being my color, you gave me the pen.
To me a healthy relationship means two people,
Two people respect each other, and each other’s wishes.
Two people laugh and joke together.
Two people hurt and cry together.
Two people star gaze and run in the rain.
“Carpe Diem” is a phrase that I am
introducing to you in the hope that you
will remember what it means and why it
I brought you into this world.
I gave you a home, food, and guidance.
Sometimes love is like a bed of nails
Or the morning air, pushing the wind in my sails
It changes and grows all the same
Clipping wings, heart and fame
Yet my love will never fail
Raise You Up
Your spirit, full of fractures,
returns to his darkened grasp
of its own volition.
Battered eyes swivel to mine
When the sunlight touches his eyes they turn to fire the color of honey
Yet they are as cool as a river in midday
When he speaks his words are wise yet they still bring laughter past my lips
Two doves dance in the sky
Indigo coveting their beaks and hallowed chests.
They circle each other
Hovering in the space between pristine blue waters and cyan sky.
I only love you
For who you are, more than a
Thousand shooting stars
My heart, my life, and the stars
Because I love you, I'll give
I first checked you out in school.
I don’t know what caught my eye
But it doesn’t matter because I was too shy
And let you pass by for the fear you were “too intellectual.”
We spent night upon nights spitting words laced with toxic until our minds grew numb
but we still said good night and we could feel the warmth
The most favorable flowers,
Snipped from their leaves,
Snipped from their roots
I want to hold you,
I cannot seem to let go.
I feel like your choking me when i am around you,
but i breath, because i love you.
I tried to fight my feelings,
but victory was impossible, because i love you.
Only the nightingale sings the melody of constancy,
With the falling of last light, her notes welcome me
To the darkness of the night, the brightness of the stars.
Because I love you,
I have no words to say
Why? and How? I do.
I only know the way.
I love you like the oceans
Roaring beneath the sky.
Like the waves, my heart motions
In the house around the corner I hear the offkey ramble.
In the house a street down from that house held a couple with the love purer than earth's water or a mother's love that is everlasting.
We both stepped onto the platform, allowing nooses to be tied around our necks. Our eyes were wide and filled with naivety and hope. We were reckless. We were addicted to feeling that rush of invincibility through our veins.
You're the light to my darkness,
The shiver up my spine.
You're the reason I'm not heartless,
And for that our love will never unbind.
My heart goes out to you because you are always there,
August brought shouting, crying, and shoving each other into hurtful words. Why?
"Because I love you."
October brought screaming, cursing, and biting my tounge to avoid angering you. Why?
"Because I love you."
[ Inspired by the story "Going Places" by A. R. Barton ]
Love me for as long as you can stand to love me
for love is not supposed to be stagnant
It ebbs and flows
and if you are willing to change with me
I will gladly take your hand
Love is not fleeting.
Love is patient; It doesn’t take less than a day to like what you see.
Love grows, flourishes once you get to know him.
Love is not implanted like seeds within our soil.
You fucked me up
You saw me.
Saw my soul.
Clean and fresh
And perfectly ripe.
You set your sights
The wind dominates the air
Biting my frigid cold nose
Trees dance with their colored leaves
The long path is curved and paved
The blue birds’ song becomes rare
I put on my rose-colored lens
The day I met him
When the “I love you’s” and “You’re my everything’s”
Were clouds covering a dark storm
“Don’t leave me like this.”
“I have to go.”
“No, you don’t.”
“Yea, I do.”
“No, you don’t.”
“Yes damn it, you know that I do.”
“No, damn it yourself, I don’t.”
“Stop being so stupid,
You came unto me
Because you love me
And because I love you
I will protect you
And because you love me
You will defend me at every opportunity
And because I love you
Yeah I found the light so now I begin my dream chasingOnce your on this path I promise you that there’s no escaping
This is the time of our lives that everything changes inside. Left is now right, day becomes night I feel it inside that I am not alright. Save me now, save me now take me down the right path, of endless glory that I will never give back.
New light shines
in the blue sky
No confines
No clouds that cry
But soon they come
Unknown where from
Beginning the storm
You know you're in love when:
she is the reason that roses smell sweeter
leaves, snowflakes, rain, and petals aren't the only things that fall
now you also trip over the deep brown, contorted roots
of her hair
Love is a way of life. Multidefinitive by way of perception, always definitive by means of perfection. Energy focused on spiritual growth for both and all qualified to learn the lessons with sincere intent.
i loved a boy who hated everything sweet.
i made him a cake but didn't add any sugar,
yet he still said it was too sweet.
i bought him candies but made sure only the sour,
I once gazed at black stallions, bridled
Standing poised on the white snow.
In the wind I heard hoof sounds on the go
As if galloping unbridled.
Why is it
when I want to shout
and scream
and howl
and roar
until my lungs and throat burn
as if I had just breathed out fire that only a mighty dragon could breathe
nobody hears me
If possible
I want to survive on your exhales
breathe in your anxieties
your adrenaline and sobs.
I want to be your morning coffee
making each sunrise a little easier
Love is an uphill climb
Filled with trials and tribulations
We hold on to one another and push forwards
Only whispering to each other four words;
If you love me, you won't plung my canvas underwater.
If you love me, you won't let my paint peel, rise, nor fall apart.
And you won't wash your hands,
For they will be consumed with colors that flourish me.
The sidewalk you were always siting on the way that no one talked to you got me thinking of whats wrong taking the spot next to you able to find the holes that you have sharing my holes finding our similar holes brought upon trust built over
Because I love you,
I will smile when you apologize.
Because I love you, I will
never question who that is
behind those stormy eyes.
Because I love you,
I will smile when you apologize.
Because I love you, I will
never question who that is
behind those stormy eyes.
tell me about what you love
tell me about your dreams
tell me about what makes you giddy
let me see your eyes light up
I got tangled in the streets of a girl
Where red eyed wolves drank honey
She tried to capture herself in a necklace
But she didn't have enough money
So instead she bought November
I can feel you slipping through my fingers
What we once had was so solid I could grip it.
At times, it was all I could hold on to.
Now - you are falling, falling, falling...
Dripping away.
"Last night I took a L and I didn't bounce back."I received some news that had repeated itself last year. Why can't I be happy with my lover in peace. Yeah we aren't out there but sometimes I forget it that we are exclusive. Does it hurt?
Because I love you
I take notice of the precious moles on your nose and lips.
I see small flowers
Sprouting against the odds through grey concrete
And imagine threading them through your silken hair.
It was the entrance into a new world,
like an ancient paradise.
Moods, wishes never felt before
at last came alive.
In those moments I first saw his face,
a part of me became intertwined
Dear high schools across America
I just wanted you to see my perfectly round, slender shoulder
You will always be my favorite constellation.
Every night I wander searching for your embrace.
But we are humans,
To travel at the speed of light like stars is to die.
Our first kiss
felt like a supernova,
explosive and iridescent,
scattering my universe
with cosmic dust.
One-way roads
Make it harder to go back from where you came
You take side streets, round-a-bouts
An illegal turn here or there.
And sure you get back to where you came from
I stared starward when sleep had let me be,
Being again alone in bed thinking of you.
Under night bright I thought yesterday's thought
of how therewas no you, and just my bed.
These two ideas danced within my head,
Dear grandmother,
I will never get tired of loving
Every petal and thorn of
Your worn out body.
Passion pink
dripping from your words
only changes shades
to stain memories
with something sweet,
never bitter. In conflict,
forgiveness is a muse.
Contempt lies awake each night,
Single-minded desire
To feel value
To be of value
Counting every flaw
Every little thing
To tell myself
I'm not worth anything
Is it delusions?
Is it lies?
Because I love you,
You are the thoughts that overturn my need for sleep
And the thoughts that substitute my morning coffee
You are the mind that gladly indulges in mine,
Taking my thoughts in large gulps
The Seas
And the Skies
The color
In his eyes
Your hue makes me warm
You’re a thunderstorm
He holds the moon dear
Sitting here beside you,
I feel safe and warm.
Though we are not talking,
I hear your every word.
I know you would make time,
To truly hear my heart,
Should I have anything to say.
Because I love you
I will always find happiness in you, I will encounter joy in every little thing we do
and comfort in every smile given to me.
Because yo te amo
We have a lot of mountains
That seem too hard to climb.
We try to solve our problems
And then run out of time.
We've been checkmated so often
That the game's out of our hands,
What is love?
Love is carrying a baby for nine months knowing the sacrifice it takes
Love is putting someone else’s needs before yours because of their sake
you love her as sun-kissed skin loves the first
swell of water tinted blue, scattered crystalline
fragments of memory. the first time you confessed was
I lay with my lethargy under night skies,in cool, blue grass with dew settling to sleep around me.
There is a piece of you that lives inside me.
I know it is there because I can feel it
Along the ridges of my spine
Unspoken it is,
Fluent it will forever be
Everlasting in its nature,
Wholesome and kind
Human in its difference,
It's difficulty
To love
What is Love?
Love has many different meanings
You could love a thing, a place, even a person
Love is friendship, family, relationships
Love could heal you or break you
Can warm your heart or break your soul
All clouds are only water and air
Beyond my mind, I am blank
Circling thoughts are mere casualties
Dust fills my lungs and dances
Everlasting ideas create a gentle emptiness
A hockey team skates slowly over thin ice.
Lonely but not alone, the goalie stands,
Guarding a meaningless area
That has been assigned temporary meaning.
Her head held high, she takes the puck,
"Don't set yourself on fire to make others warm."
Yet I carry matches in my right pocket at all times.
I'm not as traditional as the all American apple pie.
More like that burnt bun cake that's been left in too long.
Beauty from afar, so much damage inside.
Longing for something to change,
He drives his Lincoln fast down those dirt roads. Too fast sometimes. He isn’t suicidal, or maybe he is. He wouldn’t mind if the car flipped, it was exhilarating, to say the least.
Bed of thorns, vacant flowerbeds,
Flowers plucked and torn, your loyalties shed.
Flower crown of spikes, flower crown of thorns,
Wicked wicker-weaved words swarm.
I'm selling secrets a dozen a bundle
Just as a boa constrictor, an unhealthy relationship suffocates those caught within its coil.
Smaller and smaller, the world is slowly constricting,
Gasping for breath, an eye-opening realization comes to mind.
The Everlasting, Tentacled Heart
What a wonderfully lovely little girl she was
With her long hair flowing behind her juvenile face
Every breath consumes old habits,
You spoke to me in possibilities,
It’s you who broke me away from sins committed,
Erased the ties that bound me.
No longer must I dance for him,
Alone. Dazed and confused I stared at nothing in particular. I felt small and insignificant. I was young and inexperienced. My breath came shallow and rapid. What would happen? I did not know.
A Beautiful Life
treading water
My lungs thirsty for air…
I fought and I fought hard
but I am sinking in a quicksand of constant expectation
I Will.
I will lift you from the ground when you fall,
Be at your side with even just one call,
It's this weird feeling
like someone just gave you a sip of water
after a life long drought
like seeing the sun set for the first time
after years of being blind
love is something like that
The ground beneath my feet is firm,yet I can spread and curl my toesin the forgiving soil of his support.
Because I Love You
As a child, those were the words
I never understood.
Mom, why do you give me consequences
or get mad when you cant find me
in the grocery store?
"Because I Love You"
Soon you will learn
That there's so much to learn,
That life is much more
Than the books you return
To a library you hide in
And can't ever protect you
Like the loving arms
A star,
Out of reach.
Winter sets in.
You climb a mountain,
And jump.
But a
Let's talk about love. Let's talk about young love, new love old love & blue love. Let's talk about butterflies and blueberry pies. Let's talk about practicality and obligation. Let's talk about pain and indignation. Call me mature to say love
The sounds of blameless sounds rang upon my ears and every things went wrapping against,
At different interflows were the unintended collusions of bleeding leaves crying sweet red,
A life with you is like a rose.
It is beautiful to look at,
It may have some rough edges.
But those rough edges are healthy.
You are you and I am me.
Like a rose, our relationship grows.
Another day,
Another problem.
Usually things would be fine,
I’d press on with a smile.
But today…
I can’t keep it off my face,
I can’t stop it from bringing me down.
"GFV" As he landed on this rich land that is covered with dirt,the old man said 'shit' when it literally means to shoot.I was asked to jump out of the building because I misheard it,I asked "from which floor?'Maybe just alittle brain will do, they
ask me again
why the wounds
hold me here
like clots
& bruises
of another
ruined sky
with its
sharp edges
& its palette
of blackbirds
its long reach
Once upon a time,
Let’s flash forward.
This is the real story.
North China constantly
I am sorry but I am not.You were the most stable thing in my life, but since the moment you walked in you took the form of a pesticide. The label reads that it will help protect your plants, but says nothing about the negative side effects.Of cour
Jumping out on limbs because you lost all your branches.Branchless because your roots have rotten.At what point do you stop being a tree?Does a tree need branches? Need roots?Or have I simply become a sickened stump?
the discomfort
my request
to keep my youth
must i be blessed?
the intoxication
drunk on sweat
to bleed with pride
another day dry.
The fairy tales that the fairies always fail to tell are the truest of them all. These "once upon a times" only happen once every so often, which begs the question of what is happening the rest of time? In between these instances of happy moments
Once upon a time there was a happy girl.
She danced around smiled and saw the beauty in minute detail.
She saw color in everything, even on the worst days.
But then she began to grow.
Said the grandmother to the girl:
Listen child
Your stories are full of princesses,
cold stone towers,
emerald scaled dragons with piercing eyes
and flames for breath.
But you know not of the stars
Memories wrapped around clots and strands
Of hair oft described as gold, by those forgetting
Its bearer led a life
Best described as wing-clipped.
Thigh-length, some days shining, others matted
Rapunzel, Rapunzel had a lot of hair
So thick, so dense
No stylist would dare
She stayed in a tower
In the middle of town
Combing and spraying
Detangling and braiding
there was a princess
who didn't get her perfect ending.
the blanket shielding happy eyes
is still casted by the faux story
of a princess who didn't get her ending.
Oh, they say there is a beast,
who lives up the way.
In a house three stories tall,
and soon to crumble any day.
But I've seen whose song haunts the halls,
Three Billy Goats wish to cross a bridge,
Where the water laps violently
Under a ridge.
The bridge is quite dangerous,
It is guarded by a troll.
In a world, larger then life, walks many experiences and paths meant to be crossed. Every second of every day will play out due to the choices made years ago.
He had eyes green as lily pads,
And a heart, large as the pond outside his grandad’s house
Where we splashed and squealed as children.
Shadows surround
I make not a sound,
Through the trees, I see, not one child, but three
My belly thunders as I watch them toddle in wonder
My eyes glint
Perchance giving them hint
That Sun day
You crack the egg onto the frying pan
You watch it bubble and sizzle
You grab the fried tortilla and slides the egg on top
That Sun day
You crack the egg onto the frying pan
You watch it bubble and sizzle
You grab the fried tortilla and slides the egg on top
Life is a journey
For where will it take you next?
I cannot begin to explain
What it is like to play in the adventure
That is Life
The Future of Abbie
Chris Lane
As I watch,
Patiently waiting on the water,
I see the one,
Skin becomes cold,
My body melts into the lake,
White, black, brown, yellow. It‘s the few
Colors that make our world colorful
It makes our world seems happier and
Less dull, cheerful, and calm.
All skin colors are beautiful in the light
We've all heard the story of wolf
the one we are told blew his roof
but what we dont know and what they dont show
is the wolf was feeling a bit low
he walked all day shared some hay with his bae
A hint of realism to know we're still on Earth
Topping the tables with jewels and crowns so that all princes have their choice
She lay in the ashes, cold and fair,
With light eyelashes and golden hair.
Cinders, sisters, spinsters, blisters,
Haunted the dreams of the working girl,
A tangle in a palace of curls.
Golden gallows, I fell under
Neglected sorrow, created thunder
I discarded you so promptly
In fear you would continue to hang my body
Cessation of my sorrow, you manifested into suicide, not so much a gallow
Chained to the sea
oppressed by its waves and torturous tides
to conform or be prepared to die
that's the decision the Little Mermaid must make
there is more than just her life at stake
Pretty little beauty
defiled by poisonous thoughts
Disintegrating smile
her time is running out
slaughtered by the envy
wicked as the wind
candy coated apple
this beauty's most prominent sin
Slow I walk
none to talk
passing by
gazing at the sky
It's been a while since I last seen the water
doesn't bother me none
it'd mean my very slaughter
the name's Moana
I have no daughter
A blonde beauty Trapped by fearFeathers floating farther Falling from wingsThis beauty can no longer flyA blonde beauty Succumbs to love Leaving lies left to dieRight and wrong on the side
his eyes were mine,they held the sea and the sun.making my heart explode his eyes never showed me lovebecause they were in love with another.
Soul of Darkness
Eyes don't lie
Heart filled with hurt
Mind filled with dirt
Lips always curled into a smile
Mouth filled with laughter
Dimples are always showing
She says she's happy
I am a collection of the mistakes and dreams of those that I've loved
A mind that never stops moving, accompanied by a heart that feels every beat and every tear
A soul like mine is fortunate for love
"So this is love..."
The thought echoes off the caverns of my mind,as cold and empty as the darkened motel room in whichI am grateful I cannot see
Pinnocchio was the first, Geppetto and Geppetta's Happy Accident
No one talks about Geppetta that much anymore
'Cuz she doesn't come around that much anymore
She was a good Wife and a good Mom
My bare feet crunch
on the leaves nestled on
a dirt path
as I walk through a
distorted truth
about my past.
What I was expecting, was not her at all,
My heart beating until it falls.
The hole that was held for many years in between,
Has finally opened with her chasing the Hare for his ring.
A flowering brush silently drips and perspires under the regulation of the dawn.
Bees spawn amongst the first lit blooms, humoring the early bird.
Once upon a time, as every story goes,
There's a beautiful maiden that everybody knows.
Her voice was never heard, although she had much to say,
Yet continued to be gentle and kind throughout the days.
The fires of hell raged until noon
I opened my eyes to see a red moon
The last thing I remembered was a left turn
But it was hard to think with this slow burn
To my left and right were cooking cadavers
I wanted to thank people
But was unable to explain
What it means to have a friend
To share life's joys and life's pains
It's good to know our friendship
Is one of endless devoting
"I love you," he said.
He did not.
"I love you," she said.
She did not.
However, all was not for naught,For both received what they sought.
I'm leaving home for the first time.
And it's kinda scary,
I don't know what I'm up against.
There's a future I can call mine,
Out in a great big world
Where I'm on my own, without friends.
Heavens flicker and take fire.
The Earth takes its final breath
Trembling, Stained, Defiled.
Dreams gained with certain loss
I left my heart wedged between your door,
in fear and a cheap envelope.
With an even cheaper excuse.
When I was just a little child
I began to see
I had a special family
Who is always there for me.
A family that stands by you
No matter what you've done;
Who picks you up and dries your tears
It's my destiny
To fall asleep,
But I lie here wide awake.
My head ablaze
But my body still
Silently awaiting my fate.
For I cannot sleep,
How hard I try,
An outbreak of an illness may cause several people harm to
those who surround the infected. The case
began with students on a campus who visited the informatory
at the same time, as these students suspected
So maybe there were never 7 and a pretty girl.
Just one.
Just her.
And they were all pieces of her mind
Emotions are strong
Emotions are dangerous
Emotions are to be feared
My heart was thunder in my chest
Upon my shoulders
A mountain pressed
My shredded dress
Blew in the wind
She took my hand,
The sorceress.
Time froze like ice
Her cool blue eyes
The closet is a social construct.
A construct built out of our fears.
And my closet is covered in rainbow tears.
My closet holds my past.
"I wake up everyday looking upon the creations as they build.
I see that they are smart and I receive chills.
Once upon a time
There was a princess.
And then one day
she finds her prince
in an instance.
And in the end
they both live
Happily Ever After.
There goes a beautiful fairytale.
The Open Cage
The cage door remains flung wide
Yet the bird remains inside,
Trapped by the wide open door,
Blue like the world he won’t tour.
Refusing to walk away
All of a sudden-my life is very comedic,
Once upon a time...,
It's funny how it's funny to all the kids who read it,
It's funny how the bunny who was running got defeated,
Once Upon A Time….
A fair princess was born.
And all the land adored,
The little babe adorned.
How soon would she be betrothed…
"The mind is a box
And truth its key,
A music box full of
Unique melodies.
It plays for those
Who wish to hear,
Its sorrows and woes
Of many a year.
You may also chance
No one asked why
No one asked how..
No one even asked what
Chicken Little wasn’t a boy
She wasn’t a kid
She wasn’t crazy
And her sky was falling
But what was her sky ?
Your voice is one of the most powerful instruments you are born with,
It has both ended wars and started them all with a flick of a tongue.
It conveys our emotions and sings our songs.
Once upon a time there were Cinderella’s in the world
A Cinderella’s love was stellar
Full of confidence she glowed
But glowing out of gloom she folds
Do you remember the night that guy told you that you were the eighth wonder of the world? Why can’t you see yourself like that? Why do you insist on repeating the words of the past in your head countless times a day?
Was it the way you said my name?
Or could it be the tender touch
Of strong, masculine hands
Gently caressing the dull locks
Of my hair?
Average feels like a death sentence
Once upon a time,
when life was a dream
and life was on the line,
with a train losing steam,
being lost wasn't fine, yelling "I don't know what's mine"
rather lose track than lose my mind,
One time,
There was a non-magical building
In an even more non-magical town,
Where pumpkins and mice
Were as plain as they sound.
There were no Great Stone Dragons
Sometimes We don't know how to show our emotions
Sometimes we shine like how the sunshine
The sun can be orange,red, or yellow
Like our emotions can be happy,sad,or angry
When it rains we sad
Once upon a time there was a girl
Who fell in love with a hero
He swept her away to another world
When the heart is oppressed the mind screams for release and searches for compassion to compensate for the pain that it is tortured long for peace but all that encompasse about you is the desire for rhetribution of the one love which promi
Why do we fear thunder?
Thunder can’t hurt you
It’s just a sound.
Why do we fear gunshots?
Gunshots can’t hurt you
They’re just a sound.
Why do we fear screaming?
Was there ever a place the storm had not been?
The storm shrouded everything.
The sea's azure peaks and emerald valleys
Always smothered by an array of greys.
Once upon a time I was here
or was I there
that's when I seen him,
my story teller,
the one who would write and direct this movie I live in
Once upon a time he was sweet
Fairy Tales
Are written about princesses
With magic and love.
But people forget about
those who don’t get happy endings.
i cry and i get nostalgic
scrolling through old facebook photos
each click opens an old wound
every comment
a shatter of the heart
because i miss the girl i used to be.
Long hair and a smile
i wish death on powerful men
selling off dime store head
ruthless inhibition
restless intuition
hurry along and flourish
no more sleepy sounds will
fog your head
hope for humanity has been less
Blocked were the truths,
Revealed were the lies.
Insulted were the innocents,
Praised were the corrupted.
Publicized was the fakeness,
Hidden were the realities.
I am the weight of the cross
I am the nails in your hands
I am the soldier's laugh
I am loved by you!
I am the thorns on your head
I am the point of the spear
I am the insults of the crowd
Not one could conceive
Such incapable instant
Merely just a fair boy
Average as the corner store
Which not a shining soul laid eyes upon
Puppet Boy
strings lace my hands,
they hang above my head.
skin pale and bruised.
eyes practically dead.
i am their puppet boy.
Here the boy sat writing for his future.
He'd hoped it would all work out
yet the standards have been set by the the past.
For the boy was not the magnificent Walt or Dickens himself.
Yet he still pushed himself,
I find myself looking out over a thousand hollow heads
Sitting like bitter underripe fruit on top of hollow, senseless bodies
Packed and pressed and neatly gift wrapped
You see….This key can open many doorsBoth physically and mentally Maybe you can't see what I see in this KeyAnd maybe it's not meant for everybody But we can be agree this key can opens many doors It can open doors of dreams and hopes Leading to
You see…
If I were hit with a baseball bat,
I’d probably have a pretty black and blue mark,
That would look like someone had tried to color the galaxy on me.
The black sky would fade to blue,
Your sweetness,
tender words,
are kisses on my dissected heart.
Scarlet with my idiocy,
a crown of shame.
Fool's fool,
parading in saint's mask
and desire's cloak.
It’s a tale of lost potential, The Fisherman and his Wife
Friends with a heavenly being, neither could help but be filled with strife
Trying to please a greedy wife, the fisherman endured her ridiculous rants
The song has yet to be sungWhich can harmonize my affectionTo a voiceElegantly enough for you—You who haveRepeatedly untangled my spiritFrom where it lay spilt on the concrete.
Fair maiden blue and lonely,
sitting in a tower,
isolation a cloud around her,
a single visitor every evening.
Her mother or so she'd been decieved.
The woman would leave again in the morning,
My mother had adopted the myth of the black cat crossing the road is bad luck, and when a cat would begin to cross the road, my grandmother would hold her tight into her arms, so she'd see nothing but the print on her clothing.
This winter is cold and heavy,
The frost nipping at my toes,
But I know someone with a bigger bite,
I cannot escape.
The red snow follows every step,
Little red,
Little red,
The bed springs creak as the mattress bounces,
Faking pleasured noises, I glance up to the sky,
A pure white ceiling furnishes my vision,
If I squint hard enough, the water stains appear,
a modern day jungle
we're all in a bundle
the lions teaching ground
with vultures all around
always pushed and shoved
too scared to look above
gazelles run and hide
O’er the marrows apparent lust,
inevitable like auburn rust.
Alas I long to see
the gold beneath the brown-red crust.
Lady in blue was in
a tightly woven structure made with malace
whereas others envied her palace,
she craved their freedom
shading her from the outside, where she cant see them,
When you look at the night sky and inhale the cold airOf a cold night in the great city...You feel refreshedFrom sitting in that small apartment all dayCluttered full of your brothers and sisters
It doesn’t really matter where you came from, who you know, none of it. They try to teach you that in school, possibilism, don’t let your background determine your future you stupid social Darwinists, how dare you corrupt the lives of our preciou
Crattled little baby
Not enough to change diapers
The list goes on, luckily it was hyper
Eagerly to jump to oppurtunities were their was none
elevated from the oppresion that it have won
I hear men on top of cliffs roaring their names with all their pride.
Looking down upon me like they’re expecting a parade.
While the lioness are out hunting for their prey
I was planted to grow
In thick soil like the others
I was planted to grow
As beautiful as the others
I was planted to grow
With thorns as my protection
When I find the time for introspection.
Toward enlightened contemplation
or even just reflection.
Empty your mind, relax your body, inner stillness.
Yet somethin' bout it still feel irreverend
My mind is afloat with many ideas,
Thoughts are ignited inside the eye of things which cannot be erased.
Can this path of life lead to the place that I can call home,
It's been said before by many and few but among them this quote reigns true it's me against the world and the world is winning, it's become so cold no one has the strength to be bold, it's a world where people are told what not to be and what not
For a house without a single mirror
Is a house without a roof or a door
The perspective here is so much clearer
When you realize this is a metaphor
They can make you feel like you’re soaring above the clouds,
Surrounded by birds of feather, whom together they flock,
The breeze whisking through your plumage,
Under one nation
What is one nation
We fight a war for peace
Its all an excuse
To hide from the truth
We are never satisfied
We live a life smothered in lies.
On my serene stroll in the green lawn
Just before the sparkling crack of dawn
Cuddled by the gentle singing breeze
And magpie chirping along with ease
I gazed with awe at the horizon high
The blood that runs through my veins is the courage I feel when I arise each morning.
Oh say can you see, the state of our great country
We claim to be the land of the free and the home of the brave
But our behavior is abysmal and disgraces our Flags proud wave
Land of the free built off of my people the enslaved
Home of the brave though we don’t help those who need to be saved
It’s a melting pot but oil and water don’t mix
Looking from the sea far away
A place with unlimited possibilities, the promised land.
I dream of being there one day,
To be able to make a stand.
O' Great America;
She said, "They never know what they got"
But you still take it away.
What you do? Throw it away and, getting away?
I cant go to your bank without running away.
It is not the Land of the Free
but the Land of Opportunity.
Our Speech, unhinged, becomes our Pride
And we leave no problems to hide.
We praise the Phoenix and the Lotus
That lie amongst the Land
I am meA human being, he made me beIn this world I play the game of lifeNot as easy as the board game, but that's alright
Liberty and Justice for A L L
All. You and me.
Now when we say this is it what we truly mean?
All of a group or all of a nation?
Does my melanin-enriched skin,
My wooly hair,
I stare at myself in the mirror
wondering “how did I get this low”
I stare at myself with fear
wondering “how did I get here?”
I tell myself “Why aren't things crystal clear,”
They see me
just a brown woman,
they fear those blessed
and melanin infused
with strong pigment
and color,
A true badge of honor,
Dark and WhiteWhy is dark wrong and light right? You see dark and you think dangerYou see white and you think angelYou see dark and you think evilYou see white and you think goodI see dark and I think complexity I see white and I think emptyI see
Have you ever felt like you’re staring at a black canvas? This canvas represents your life.
America, Americathe land of the freeAmerica the beautifulbuilt on bravery
But are we as boundlessas we claim to be?
Toffee mocha?
My Caramel sizzling over a white supremacy
Fade away my caramel into the ethnic beneath the white bean bullet.
Skip down a road clothed in simple innocence
Where wiser men strolled in their youthful exuberance
Take a share in our heritage
And grow from a seed planted with the experience
I remember a story
about a man who's raised by a shewolf
who swore that he'll never hurt his mother, he didn't
trained by the wildest beast in his homeland
Claws against claws
Fangs over fangs
There are times
When speaking out is important.
There are times
When being heard can change the world.
There are times
When being different means everything.
We the people
We the people divided
We the people alienated
We the varied
We the broken.
We who break each other down
and hide behind the pieces.
We who have bled,
every year for as long as i can remember
my mom has tried to grow a rose bush.
key word tried.
Streets of gold
Buildings made with pearls
Oh what a wonderful country thy are!
Thy has fed me the sweetest of berries
Thy has maintained my hands purified
Thy has shown me the variety of colors around me
I love sleep.
From daydreams to nightmares, I could live in my dreams forever.
No matter how vivid those other worlds appear to be,
Nor how terrifying the chases are,
America who claims to be the one to set you free will only lock you up in invisible chains. These are chains that no one can see except the ones who go through misery. With the chains it comes with hate that will burn through your skull.
She is a land mass like no other,
She is the Nation of Power,
She embraced this misfit foreigner,
Like a caring Mother She molded me...
molded me to pursue The American Dream.
************A Ryan E Mot-Hag Poem*********************************
*Inverted Ambiguïté (Rouge, Hyacinthum, et Blanc) di America*
See there?
There was once a dream
That sought to grow in the minds
of evey human being as a lilly flourishes in the spring
but we are neglecting that lilly
and to me it seems awfully silly
He arises from what could potentially be his muddy grave, knowing it has already consumed many greater than he.
He asks himself what he has done to be spared from the bombs bursting in air. Luck, supposedly?
The Canvas
By Amanda P
A blank canvas sits upon an easel
No color, no words, no expectations
I am part of a lost generation.
And I refuse to believe that
I can rebuild the world.
I realzed this may be a shock but
" Determination is deep within"
Is a lie, and
"Fame will make me shine"
Dreams built on backs of hope
Cascading the minds of youth.
Openness blocked by boundaries of the mind and soul;
And of the pocket of one newly born.
A flag hangs with no wind.
Fought so long and hard that I've forgotten who I am,
Breathed the dust of angels and choked on the sand,
Wrestled with the devil and bled scarlet, heavy red,
On the other side of Paradise, where I lay almost dead.
I walk around my little suburban town with hope tucked away in my heart.
But this hope is tested by the deconstruction of Art Galleries for Valeros.
As we silently sat and waited for you to arrive,
Decades passed with your resistance.
We all eagerly listened and wondered if you were alive,
Home of free and brave
Everyone 'loves' America
But why are we so divided?
If America is beautiful,
why do we pollute?
If America is great,
why do we hate?
I rest in darkness and despairYet dawn cuts through blackHope floods in, answer to prayerAll systems go: we seem on track
People talk how great we are
But do our actions live up to par?
We preach freedom
But just how true is our kingdom
We have the reputation of being the best
Standing out from the rest of the crowd
Make America Great Again? Sorry, I don't believe the vision. America has potential to improve. Trying to be great again means we were great once. When was that? What exactly are we striving to when you say "Let's Make America Great AGAIN".
The ocean and world powers,
Two very distinct yet powerful elements dwelling in the planet
Where their limit and potential are endless leading humanity
The ocean and world powers,
Two very distinct yet powerful elements dwelling in the planet
Where their limit and potential are endless leading humanity
America= my guitar
out of tune
issues with instrument and player
pegs are nubs
strings are worn down & tired from hearing all this jargon
the player
when he creates music, it comes out dead
Death is my only friend
Silence is a means to an end
Down the river we flow
Target tattooed on my back
The lions ready to attack
There is no where else to go
I've got nothing but scars
never ever will i write a poem
that i need to put away and get out later
i like the flow of the sink and the faucet of my thoughts
that at the granite of my pencil, the faucet can churn
a powerful stream of water
She protects houses nourishes
All forms of life
Yet we do not do the same
We kill
We torture
We laugh at others pain
I know about love
I've seen its cold slobbering nose
pressed against the window
Waiting for me to come home
I know about love
I've felt it's warm soft tongue
Erasing the tears
From my cheeks
p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }
Like the dying dwindling fire
The embers rekindle Life
As the dog left All alone
Still protects his bone
Like the burnt out Mother
The woman on the left
Lives like Proverbs' thirty-one.
She bakes her bread each day
With the rising of the sun.
She knows what her tasks are,
And how to get them done.
She never is too serious,
Slipping fast on a winding road
All your years of experience driving
All the years of our country thriving
Fall fast away
When a patch of ice is hit
When all you have is a stoney grip on a useless wheel
My back hurts it stings.
I'm a miniscule part of my society, but everytime I see them fall I ache -- I seethe.
Decades of depression, in America
We have been preyed upon,
With the slashes of whips on
Our backs, stripped
Of our human and civil rights
My son is my best bud. He knows the song my heart plays.Knows my voice, my stregth in emotions.I'm his protection.His warm dry towel. His recognition.He's my inspiration. My light.
America— The wonder of the West.
The country when, at its worst, is the best.
America, everyone’s dream destination,
Tell me, what is destined for our nation?
The American Dream has become a nightmare.
Breaking news! This is the story of the year, a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see
an indomitable empire torn at the seams
Two armies facing off in a ballot box battle
It was a pleasure to see things blackened and change in the world
the blood pounded in his head, his hands were playing all of the
blazing and burning tatters and charcoal ruins of history.
My nose becomes a leaky faucet
whenever I eat soup. The bed must
be remade each day because I sleep
so wildly. My breasts are a treasure trove
We wove a tapestry together and I thought it was beautiful
We were in the center and we were holding hands and all was good.
It wasn’t until after you left that I realised that
They fear us because we're different
We don't fit into their perfect colony
Bees buzzing all around
Swarming in every diection with an over whelming sound
We are many bu they are more
Oh, say, can you see
What you believe, you may achieve
By the dawn's early light
Every morning, an opportunity
What so proudly we hailed
Together, a prideful nation
At the twilights last gleaming?
Oh, say, can you see
What you believe, you may achieve
By the dawn's early light
Every morning, an opportunity
What so proudly we hailed
Together, a prideful nation
At the twilights last gleaming?
Dear America,
It’s taken me 17 years to compose this letter
To figure out what to say
Maybe that’s how long it takes to gain the courage
To confront the face of one’s oppressor
America is,
The land of the free…
But not for me at least.
I know it can be really great.
No I'm not trying to instigate,
It's just…
The scene unfolds
on a president prepares to send the country to a war
they cannot win.
The world becomes a wall and everything is either on
One side or the other.
Democrat or republican.
Real or fake.
So every person I am drawn to
For an unwavering spirit
And a heart of gold
Is taken or young or nonexistent
And though many stars point to them
They are unreachable for a
Girl stuck on planet earth.
We are husbands, wives, daughters, brothers.
We are workers, athletes, videogame enthusiasts, poets, painters.
We are eaters, talkers, lovers, sleepers,
America is a land of limitless alternatives.
But plurality of lies is not progress.
Congress won't dig for the answers in the ground.
Doubtless or dubitable,
This venom stung me so deep that all I see is a blurred vision,
The random feel of a pain so strong that all I fear is getting burned.
You painted the black canvas in a dessert filled with sorrow,
only one I think of
some one distinctive to love
every joy of anyone
all added up to only one
three times my heart beats with this intense emotion
why must i only have it once with one
a smile and a kiss
the kind face of pain
The smile is genuine
but it masks pain
pain and hurt and conflict
all masked the same
I hurt to see it
it clouds his eyes
A rainbow needs all colors,
Brilliant alone, but together they shine.
Cowering behind our colors makes us gutless.
Your attitude radiates red,
"How are you even here right now?"
I got here by myself, my own merits and determination!
"Yeah right! You Mexicans are what's wrong with this nation!"
"O say can you see by the dawn's early light"
A hero in blue, who's reached the end of his fight,
He lies on the ground, his badge a bloody sight,
Shadows are following me home yet, I feel so alone I seek for attentionbut no one sees me
I wonder if there are more peoplelike me
Dear America,
I stand at the center of your porch ready to knock
When you tell me to climb through the doggy door,
Knowing my entire body will not fit within its size.
today is the day ,
you cant say there is no way
you are in the game play,
dont talk about tomorrow ,
when today you not made it flow,
Sometimes she gazes at the world
outside her glass cage and reminisces on
how insignificant she is
in a world that can only neglect and belittle
Everyday, I campaign in support
For a good heart, sometimes I win
And the others seem not to exist.
You don't have to know everything
I want to tell you, but just know
Happiness. If the others do come, I give
I am the cave you always see.I am the cave you leave be.When you look at meyou notice danger all around me.An that's all you ever will see Don't get me wrong; I'm not trying to be mean.I just want you to see how much looks deceive.If you took a ch
I am like a raindrop full of pain.Falling out of the skybecause my life was just a lie.Spinning to the groundwithout making a sound.I knew my life would never last.So now I think of my pastas life around me goes flying past.In my eyes goes memorie
Amazing to grace!
Very Intersting!
I feel down!
Not a very good feeling
I should speak.
But i don't want to toy with it
Nor do I want to break it!
Knight Hawk grunts as he struggle walks
The memories flooding him always
The recent past like a nightmare
A never-ending cycle of despair drifting
The blood he still feels on his skin seeping
Know Yourself.
This life is not so easy, give time a tog to settle down for a reason.
Realize it is inevitable to swerve out of place, like your first steps made, hardly to keep in pace.
We are all renters here
Living in borrowed space
Here and there, far and near
For the entire human race
WE are clay
clay carved by our beliefes
our surroundings
the hills we climb
the refusal to crack
the things this year that carved my clay
that hacked away
My grandpas last day
Underneath the surface
Tucked just out of sight
There is a dark and dirty place
A place of endless night
The sun has never risen
The moon hides as well
Just pay the toll
Sell your soul
As days turned to years
And faces grew lined
Time grew scarce
And harder to find
And somewhere between the tick
And the tock
The face of our God became
The face of our clock
I’m from sunlight shining,
Birds singing in early afternoon.
The fortress beneath sheltering pine trees,
Narrow paths I’ve walked a thousand times.
Bored of being spoon-fed—
I was wasting my youth,
And I was aware.
Gloomy, gloomy, gloomy,
Couldn’t inhale the delight in the air.
Above in the clouds,
I touched life again<
I am a wandering rock.
Born from a world of fire,
graced by beams of bright light,
warmed in costal sands,
discarded by a mountain,
I am told to enjoy this last year,
And to remember every moment
Because there would be many I would hold dear.
But I became my own opponent.
hey say thats theres an infinite amount of parallel universes
created by split second decisions.
this past year ive been thinking up as many as i can
The waves, vicious and mighty and blue, crashed like a storm
But that was in the middle of the sea
For by the sand's edges they formed a light drizzle, two old friends meeting up for coffee
Just small talk
IT WAS DECLAREDIn a time long archaic,Its dates scribbled over with the imprints of sand and eons,That a child was given light. On that day, IT WAS DECLARED That the child had the following rights and duties:1.
January is worrysome
February is tiring
March is depression
April is abuse
May is leaving
June is smiling
July is laughing
August is awesome
September is growing
October is love
wore brave faces
damp with worry.
During familiar hugs
she cried.
Years of cologne
With college approaching
My sanity needs coaxing
Musing my future-
A dry, beguiled form of humor
Waiting. Debating. Suffocating.
It's the epitome of a plight
They say is only finite
A year is the blink of an eye
That sheds a tear,
That makes things clear.
A lot can change,
And stay the same.
As the eye opens
And sees the light
What once was a blur
Times have changed and I’m aboard the timeless train.
The clock goes tick tock and I watch dimensions pass me by
...In attempt to hold onto past circumstances,
My future awaits atop this wall,
With slithering serpents and the highest of falls.
I look to see; it’s a thousand feet high,
And all I could say is “I’m going to die.”
Roll her up
in the sheets of the night before.
Light her up,
watch her dance round your lips.
She can’t be good to me, they say.
Then why so sweet to my lungs?
The night is growing on meAnd the deprivation of sleep overwhelms meMy confusion is worseningThe sorrow is returningAnd my smile is fadingI've lost hope
hardships, ups and downs,
you can't let them see you frown.
can't groan and complain because it'll cause momma a big 'ole strain.
romanticizing illness and unfavorable demise,
who thought this up ?
Gentle little thingFragile as can beThe smallest bird you will ever seeThe bird is molting Oh how can it beThe green little feathers Lay on the ground all scattered aroundShe could have lived longerAnd with me Gentle little thing Fighting I pleedT
Two eyes staring back as IRoutinely do as I'm told.Persuasion I have none, ButMy influence will becomeMore evident as you get old. I am worshiped more than God,Looked at more than passing time.I can see your true colors When we are together, butI
I consistently identified comfort and company only
with Solitude
amongst the ashen and crimson stone
walls of my home.
Years I spent,
a myriad of mornings marveling
I anticipate one day,
Someone might understand.
That wishes I made,
Would be your's to take.
The more I think,
the more I care.
I was not the only flame beating
I had another which gave me warmth
We grew from each other yet became distant
I grew faint and dim, I couldn't keep living like this
The other vanished frommy life and I felt cold
To break free
A suffocating bubble of pretense and fakeness
I stepped away from friends who were foes,
not an ounce of care they gave
from my sudden apathy towards their happiness.
One year later I am no longer in the wings of her nest.
I have learned how to fly, and currently on my own doing my best.
Last year I was being fed worms underneath her beak,
But now having to hunt for what I have to eat.
The Broken Hinged Door
By Zoe Pierson
It’s seen the good, the battered,
the blessings, and scorn.
The late nights of sneaking out,
the arrivals of long gone people,
the past, the present,
There once was a little bird
Who just wanted to fly
“Spread your wings and leap,”
The other birds told her,
A Year is the Ocean
Each Day the next Wave
A Test, a Crest we must Breach
Every Moment we are Swimming
Highschool is a Challenge, a surge of Waves, an Assesment
Its a towering Whitecap of a Trial
The chains weighed me down, binding me to the Earth, not allowing me to fly. My wings clipped, my voice muted, and my song gone; my spirit broken. He, all the while, prolonged my pain saying he did it out of love, then left taking to the skies.
When an older boy approaches a young soul
His intentions aren't always pure
His inviting charm doesn't always mean he has a kind heart
This is one of many life lessons I learned in the span of a year
Divorce is no friend of man.
Divorce is a monster that engorges homes and never finishes
it never leaves
no matter how much you beg, no matter how much you plead.
it will never leave.
I used to have this car
People thought it was a sweet ride,
But there was a flip side
They didn’t realize the controls were all behind me
The pedals, the radio, the side mirrors
See, I had a backseat driver
No one ever stays the same
And I’m no exception;
Constantly growing,
Changing, living, breathing.
Every year a little older, wiser
No longer a child,
Maturity has bloomed from a
Sheltered I have lived
Eyes opened and guilt revealed
Children empty sans home
A place I traveled
Three thousand miles from my home
To true poverty
Forever grateful
ain't I suppose to be special?I'm too "alpha male" to be a ladyAnd not man enough to blackSo, is this what a contradiction looks like?but ain't I supposed to be specialain't I a woman
She lies,
And she does it so easily,
She hides,
And she does it so sneakily,
She rips apart hearts,
Bubbles are dangerous- now, let me explain.
Not the nostalgic solution,
Innocence and iridescence
Cherished in childhood
Loved by young and old alike.
No- these bubbles divide
Leaving behind
Shrouded in fear and anxiety she walks through life hoping to be unnoticed.
Head down....walking without feeling....not to be heard.
Hoping that someday, somehow, she'll be... okay.
Not happy, but okay.
Tides of Change
Divided our peoples
Like seagulls
Flying in the wind
The lighthouse of hope
Flickering and fading
As sorrow seeps
Into the masses
Like a shadow in the sun,
I followed.
I conformed to what others told me I should be.
Following the social norm,
I was content with fitting in.
I could be easily swayed one way or the other;
Each breath brings about
A life enslaved in shadows
Long days of one
And time in scattered pieces
Afternoons hunched over
Today, it finally hit me; that moment of realization. I remember the days in my life that were so horrible and low. I remembered the moment, but not the feeling.
The thing that shaped my year?
Well…it was not a what,
or a when, or a where,
or even a why…
It was a who.
But who…was this who?
Snowflakes are one-of-a-kind,
And so are humans,
At least,
That's what they tell us.
We have this imaginary scale
That we all measure up to.
As a little kid I dreamt of being an architect, my imagination built buildings of various shapes, sizes, and styles so stupendous some people might make it their phone screensaver and call it art, my eyes created cities so colorful and iconic that
Stabbed in the ear by ten different tounges
That made me work for silver one.
You are neglectful of my own neglect
Now I am sitting tall, purched over the blind
Calling me weak made me bench weights so I can bench you
The excessive beeping shot through my ears
That of a cellphone
Rather than the alarm that brought me tears
The controlling boyfriend is what I feared
His voice shot through the phone
We have a father in the sky but on earth we are orphans,
in lands where contraband and illusions are important.
Not I though - my eyes glows with spiritual enlightenment,
Life is unpredictable but purposeful
The pearl of the house was painful
But at the illuminating sunshine, she became a gem
I love her more now than then
I fell in love with his tragedy the way summer comes
The retreat of the sun only breeding vulnerability
coercing me, importuning me,
to surmise my sole worth in this wretched world was to be enough for him
A troubled soul mine has been,
For the past year much has conflicted within,
I was left wandering in a foreign land,
My steady life shattered and shifted into one unplanned,
Days in, days out, Drifting on.Yesterday becoming todayToday becoming tomorrowAll waiting
Life revolves around it.
It controls with its icy gaze;
Or perhaps, with its summer haze.
It comes at once, one single hit.
How can a place so cold put on such a warm face?
Gemini’s would even be surprised by the two-facedness.
When will we come together as one and free ourselves from the races?
This year was like running in the country.
Running up the tallest hill
Just to trip and fall on the way down
Laying in the dirt wanting to give up
You get up anyways, walking home just to come back the next day
"She is not the one".
Words, like swords cut people deep.
Her love died, bleeding.
in the wind
above my head
Learning Maori
Hakas in New Zealand
on the mountainsides
with newly made kiwi friends
building upon prior knowledge
Love is a Rose red wildfire,
which many people yearn.
But, can leave you severely burned.
Perseverance is a artic blue iceberg
My priorities, now; have changed and stopped.
Eventually change is inevitable.
Textbooks and teachers control my life.
Answering correctly, has become a blight.
Ripples of a Third World Heartbreak
My eyes will open
And I will see the vibrant yellow paint that has coated the walls of my room
The two of you stand there awaiting the results.
Palms sweating
And legs trembling
As you hear a name that doesn't resemble your own.
You smile and clap while you are slightly disappointed.
She began as a bud, Burning in the hot sun, Crying silent tears as everyone bloomed around her. But then she began to think, No more tears. And she straightened her stem, Stretching toward the sun. She drank of nutrients, Feeding on the go
A year ago,
I had no idea that I was gay
I couldn't be
I liked a boy named Sam in second grade
My first kiss was a boy who I was convinced I was in love with
Dear me a year ago...
I would like to imagine to myself as though I were a boy trapped in his own mind
that somehow this letter would greet you with a remeniscent face,
but I know such a thing won't happen.
Palm trees are the epitome of peace
Sights like these create a life worth living
In preparation for our God’s decease
Palm trees are like gifts that keep on giving
They ask me my opinion
I raise my hand but regret my decision
I sit there and replay the question
but instead I pick up my pencil and write my recollection
When you speak, your voice is a sigh
Everything you say sounds like a ghost
And when you take a breath I can hear you wondering how you died and if this is heaven
I'm tired.Tired of speaking self deprecatingly. Tired of telling other people that they are lovely.I want-No.
January of last year I thought the idea
of loving myself was inconceivable.
I was in a black hole, consumed
by the hatred I brought upon myself.
Twenty. It’s not a hard burden to bear.
But bent steel is never the same.
Be it from six years ago
or six days ago,
bent steel is never the same.
The fear from the robber’s machete…
You pay the bills
Relieve me when I have the chills
I appreciate everything you do,
Without you, I wouldn’t being wearing at least one shoe.
When you strike first, you know you can take the lead.
When I look at you with blank eyes, I know you’re bound to win.
When you strike again, you know you’re bound to be the winner.
Darkness, uncertainty
Unmaskable pain that pumped from my heart and through my veins; a throbbing reminder of my grief with every heart beat
A frozen heart I had, until you shined a light towards my reach
On the day of eclipse, a motionless heart was harden
The warmth of your breath, waves through my frozen beach
Tuesday, August 19, 2015(Date poem was born)
I see the walls falling down
Fire and tests for which we'll be bound
Losing our life over one another
Forgetting that we have a heavenly father
There are many ways you can see things, for me is through my eyes or through my heart. In the end you dicied the way you want to see this poem, through your eyes or through your heart.
There are many ways you can see things, for me is through my eyes or through my heart. In the end you dicied the way you want to see this poem, through your eyes or through your heart.
How strange it is
When a bright soul goes dark
A fire put out by the hose of insecurity and depression
Facing this world
While feeling alone
But is there beauty in the struggle?
From the heavenly gates appears the ice crystal,
Journeying as if but a delicate angel.
The jewel appears from the clamorous clouds,
J Cole had the right idea
i mean she had a vibe
i was digging it
Whole situation started off innocent
But little did i know i was sucked in
Going down into a vortex
I'm like a bird who tries to soar, but can't be able to fly anymore.
Fighter of this clan who needs to make a stand.
I struggle to break free, with a world of possibilities to admire from up close.
Light of my lamp
Shines too bright
Waiting for darkness
Waiting for night
I wait in the morning
I wait in the day
The wait seems forever
From October to May
I love the stars in darkness
Holding onto
A storm is impossible
When lightning stings,
Drops falls, Clouds roll,
And it hurts to hold on
To the rain storm.
Knocked down
You told me I wasn’t popular enough,
That I wasn’t cool.
You told me I was worthless,
Because I wasn’t like you.
Knocked down
The Amerikkkan flag with its colors so vibrant
Red for the billions of victims they silenced
Blue as the oceans we crosed
And as white as the policemen's skin responsible for the people I lost
Look me in my eyes
Do you see the pain?
The pain I hide
Look at my smile
Do you see the pain?
The pain that I hide
Im guessing you don't
Because I am the clown of the circus
John 14:14 here;Got no reason to fear;Because if my God is near;Then we always have a reason to cheer.Mr. Smiff irritatin’, his spirit fadedHis lyrics jaded, his fear is makeshift,
From seeing the world in black and white to seeing it in colors.
I've become a scholar.
Everyday being stage fright times ten,
but all I had to do was find my zen.
Oh, dear girl
How you will grow up into a strong woman
Who doesn’t know the definition of the word “fake”
You grew a bit too fast
In the dark I was lost.
In the dark who was I?
Hollow like an open shell.
Needy for a soul to cling to.
Then you whispered softly,
"I am who you seek."
Hands stretched wide you craddled me.
Rollin is a Genre That I Crafted, Since I started out as a singer in Church, then turn rapper, then singing-rapper, then realized that I wasn't a Rapper but could be Classified as One, in reality I AM a Psalmist,Zamar, Choruses, the originality of
I don't know why you're so upset
Do you need some attention?
Maybe you want some affection because your mind is conficted with thoughts that can go on for distance.
I don't know why you don't think you're beautiful
I once thought,
being asleep was a nice thing.
I could dream,
stay afloat in a world
of my own,
my eyes and ears closed
As children, the world seemed so endless.
Envious of its depth we ran to see it all-
our oversized hearts didn’t know how to fall,
so we took leap after leap of faith.
We raced,
Yeah… the story begins inside of a black hole.
The exit is clear but you can’t seem let go.
You feel rooted down to the bottom of the pit,
There’s nothing here, so why haven’t you let go?
Road trips and family vacation made me nervous.
It gave me anxiety to be far away from my home.
I used to hate leaving and swore that I wasn't going far.
According to the Food and Drug Administration,
caffeine is a highly addictive substance
You may not see it that way because its effects
lurk in our coffee cups
The dove gliding across the red sea of mornings light
Landing in a forest of pine and oak
The trees sprouting skyward from left to right
My life is an unfinished book
I blow in the wind unstable
I have tear stains on the pages
Some of my edges are ripped and torn
My end is yet to be written
Some of the words are smudged
Whoever said image is everything wasnt mistaken.
Regardless how you call the shots run the shows
What ever the case you jus gotta stay focused,
Coz no one is gonna do it for you.
Sixteen years of Age
Life is flying
Page by page.
Each month a new
Chapter, each day a new
Page. Each page brings
A new sting
To my arm;
It's covered in
Denying my strong suits
every aspiration
strong enough to motivate
two young arms and a heart
clutching for success
In a world so full of pressure
all fallen on my chest.
Each lungful of desperation
There is something to be said
About the color
He is our president now, and
As realization sets in, we begin to
But dread will get us nowhere, and
A new year meant a new start.
The beginning was a blast,
and when that clock struck midnight
everything was in the past.
When spring came around,
things began to change.
From here I see a world,
A place I can touch and feel,
But at times I'm uncertain if it's real.
Apart from the people,
Puppets with thoughts and dreams,
I wonder if it's all that it seems.
Can you picture this?
Can you?
The way the wind blows and makes the trees sway in a musical pattern.
Can you hear the music?
I was a soldier whose name was not knownI walked onto the battlefield, where no man roamed.I looked out to see what else existed.And I saw another who
Love is the essence of finding another, like no other
One who does not complete you
But accepts you completely.
Love will accept shortcomings equal and all the same
Seventeen years of life experience and I'm still not qualified for the job, because everyone thinks I'm either too young or too dumb. Pressured by society to look thin and tan, but we can hardly face each other man to man.
Martain Luther King once said that I had a dream
that we would all be together and free
but that dream was burned alive
in front of our eyes
when our only crime was surviving
The time ticks away,
Fast yet slow.
Minutes ticking by,
Second trudging along.
Time moves clockwise,
It seems.
You slip into old mistakes
As time continues to tick.
This year all typed out can be one word. catastrophic . It can be book title. Xavier Vs 2016. It can be a mission.
Tears streaming, I impart
The pain in my heart
As my mouth goes silent,
My mind gets violent
Heavy as lead
Is the storm in my head
This time last year,
I was love torn
Love sick
"Sick" isn't even strong enough-
I was dying of consumption
And what was eating me was
Misguided affection
Blind devotion to a boy
He fell in love with the game
'Cause he was making that Dinero
After that he's never been the same
Now to him I'm an absolute zero
The money kept coming
And like a drug addict he wouldn't stop
He rests encaged
his heart entangled as the Little Red Raven has done.
The school children shout, they jeer, and laugh, as they say:
Aye! It’s you who got pecked by the Little Red Raven
From conception,
we spend the next nine months
wrapped in a cocoon
of our mother's protection.
Our cells
come together to form
The morning rises upon her ocean eyesShe's not ready to put on her disguiseRevolted by the sight of the lies day and nightdown the stairs her ecstatic runmeans nothing more than a painful shunShe reminds herself of the voices, choices she'll have
Padded locks lining the door frame,
Keeping the monsters outside at bay.
Attempting constantly to have monsters tamed,
Anyone who's been on a roller coaster can tell you,
there are ups and downs and loops and twists.
For the thrill-seekers, it's a rush but
for the fearful, the worst part is knowing that
Toy Soldier.
Silent line.
Strength in numbers,
not in mind.
Shallow thought,
intelligence bought.
Matter, no matter
if silence is taught.
Tame the soul.
Up am to pm
Trying to figure out who I am
Living life recklessly relentless
The drugs got me tripping sipping
Am to pm ran splash into the dam
Damn can't think straight
In a court room ready to debate
It’s common sense to understand that no one can be the same person they were a year ago, I mean, it is possible, but highly unlikely. But myself, I am basic.
Enveloped in a world of adventure,
left to relinquish control and trust our own glorious instinct,
leaving our monotonous lives behind to discover a literal path,
a path in which we can let our minds explore.
I have fire in my mind
Ice in my heart
Light in my eyes
Darkness in my soul
My demons consumed me
And spit me whole
I found the truth
In loss of control
Such ambitions flow like seas of oceans,
Flourishing like Beebalm's temptation.
Degrading the captor with held potions,
Lathering it with constant damnation.
It's slowly sufficationg its airways,
Up there you sit and mock me, And your rhythm, Oh it haunts me, You resound within my skull Like a rock against a hull While I lay in bed at night You remind me of your might And I swear I'll take no more Cause you shake me to the core So I'll ri
The art of music quite defines
The social spectrum that’s divine.
Our broken world has suffered pain
That Eco friendlies can’t contain.
Desire needs for others help
But Humans wont prevail at all
How did this come to be?
Like the bird
that forgets to fly,
I am grounded, without purpose.
I shout below, why?
To know again,
I still hear the children playing,
They have their own homes now.
I still hear the horses running,
They have passed away now.
I still hear the rain falling,
gentleness does not come easy to me.tendernessnever sprung spontaneouslyinto my wildfire soul.
We’ve all felt that pain,
It Never seems to go away
And we’ll just hide
In our suffering
Cause no one cares
We’re suffocating
You are my sunshine,
My grandmother’s voice
is hushed by the foam of the waves.
Her fingers delicately reposition
a ringlet of hazelnut behind my ear.
I was so scared
Because I liked you,
I didnt want to.
I didnt want to get back on the rollercoaster
that had put me so deep underground,
it happened.
Now we're together
It has been a really long year.
Hate nearly covered what was good
Sadness covered everything
I have one thing to say
It is not the end, dear
I have survived this torment
And made my life wonderful
When I was a year younger, I did not know how to float.
I sunk into a deep ocean of heavy sadness.
I unknowingly drowned myself there.
I changed.
When I was a year younger, I did not know how to swim.
Sprinkled and clumped like coffee cake,
Tiny tufts of beige create the mix
of soft and coarse against my skin
That makes the carpet tickle
My cold, bare feet.
In a corner, spread like constellations:
you say it's such pretty hair
i am concealed from the person i want to be
one day i must be myself
it's a feeling i have deeply within me
hide every aspect of yourself
I've got ice in my veins
Fire in my heart
My head begging for a reason
Fuck these thoughts
The childish weakness
breeding doubt like rabbits
My thoughts look better on paper.
I write fields of daisies,
But I speak an endless desert.
A hurricane comes from my pen,
But my voice has never seen rain.
The Last Leaf of Winter
I Am The Last Leaf of Winter, Still Clinging to My Branch;
Though All Through The Autumn, The Wind Howled, You Haven’t a Chance.
I am
The pitter patter of raindrops
On a window pane.
Where days pass
Like drops of rain
In a storm.
Raging bells blow up my ears.
Just 5 minutes more.
The bells roar at me again.
Maybe I can squeeze in
5 more hours of sleep
In 5 minutes.
But then the stars command me
To wake up.
I am a lens
for I see the world in a different way
I am a field
of blank spaces where my ideas lay
I am a thought
that you are trying to read
I am an answer
to questions you need.
You don’t know me.
I don’t expect you to get to know me much better by the time I’m finished, but
There are often days where I see no reason to get up,
And no reason to get dressed,
With no reason to greet the day.
I hear people asking what the secret of happiness is
and I can't help but try to answer the question.
They say happiness is fortune... Isn't the love of money the root of all kinds of evil?
All my life I’ve been hiding
Behind a face that’s not my own.
The face of genius
Who never trips or stumbles because
It can’t be bought,
So it can’t be sold.
It can be felt,
But it’s not to be held.
It’s something true
and never dies down.
It makes you wonder
The rain slides down the window,
A surface on which water may cling, perhaps,
But gravity dictates that water must go down.
For water has no true foothold.
So, the rain slides,
Quickly or slowly,
Learning optimism is learning a language you don't speak.
It takes trial and error.
It takes effort and focus.
It takes acceptance and hope.
Stopping and smelling the roses-
That's what I need to do.
My bed is soft
My pillows are clouds
But time is a-ticking,
And I must go.
Why? You may ask.
Stay. You may say.
But time is a-ticking,
And I must go.
The sun is shining
I scurry through this fridged night
Of darkness and eerie cold
Until I saw the strangest sight
A lonesome candle, worn and old.
I swish a match under my chin
and bring the stick to life
They lined the station like tchotchkes placed in careful disarray,
Here between F and 13th,
Red cheeked and frosted breath,
Bare porcelain angels waiting on the shelf of a Goodwill.
I put the inanimate over my head, to protect my mind from gathering more unwanted thoughts
These thoughts fuel my eyelids as they become triggers my lashes ever so slightly pull
The tale of a secret place, harken to none.
An unknown area, exclusive to one.
The journey there can be quite hilly,
moreover, when I reach the summit, it gets rather silly.
There are smiles in the skyLook closely, For the stars align and send messages to ones eyesThe beautiful landscape that a mere picture can not captureAnd somehow you, You make it feasible .Your beauty resembles that of the night skyShining brighte
They say that
Soul mates
Share the same wounds,
Well, I'm sorry,
My Love,
For all the scars I've given you.
Your bones are the bars
encaging your heart
Your scars are the ink
tattooed on your skin
Markings to remember
Markings to forget
Somewhere inside the prison of flesh
Human minds are silly little models
The birth children of originality
And the forcibly adopted stepchildren of
Cousins of melancholy
you are the sun behind the clouds,
the rainbow behind the sun,
and the galaxy behind the rainbow.
you make me feel beautiful.
you make me feel complete.
I don't know what I don't know.That is why I never asked questions. All I ever wanted to do is "go with the flow",But then all at once I learned. About you and him,And you and that night,About you and everything I don't agree with.That day felt li
The racing of our imaginations --you argue, perhaps, that is our incentive?Lives without incentives are insane,and insanity with incentive is life.And how can we know what is beyond our mountains,
When I was young anxiety took a hold of me
It asked if it could stay,
And even though I said no it made a home in me
It's deadly like cancer
When I first wake, wake from perfect slumber
I dread that soon to be number
The time to get up
From the soft, warm, and inviting
To the sky outside igniting.
The mornings are not my strong point
School however is my main point.
I wake up ready to learn
I wake up thinking of a better life for there on.
My view could be negative at some points,
You're beauty is like starlight, but more like the spaces in betweenBecause you're so much more than just a pretty faceYou're so much more than the precious pearls you hide behind
Moving Forward
Yes, life can be hard
And the world can be cold.
At times you have nothing,
Not a hand to hold.
But we must look to the future,
And the past behind.
The foreigner
makes his way
as the snow falls.
His feet,
are awkward and crude,
and leave a crooked
in a vast
and white
Let us talk about what makes me feel good.
But this time, I won't share it on
my therapist's green couch or
my psychiatrist's wooden chair
or to myself when I feel myself slowly start to slip.
I could tell you that the amber sunset
Is enough for my eyes to pry themselves awake
Every morning,
Could tell you that the saccharine coos of birds stretching their wings
...And oh, he's pretty.
But he's pretty
the way sunsets are pretty
because the thing that makes them so pretty
is the very pollution that fills your lungs with poison,
It is very dark inside
Sadness came and covered my eyes
She covers my teary eyes, and muted my ugly cries
Whenever I tried to fight back, she told be "Hush, dear"
Wandering in the forest
A broken antler deer
What energizes one in early morning?
The favorite song drifting through the air
The symbol that the day is not for mourning,
But the beginning of the new, awakened by the music blare
Her love waits for her across the Nile,
Where there linger a crocodile.
Her eyes swollen and wet,
Her heart is heavy with regret,
She thinks about a goddess,
I greet the day still sleepy in a way
waving towards the bright sun.
While others sog, and slouch out of bed
I greet the moring determind to get ahead.
Nine to five with no end in sight is what others do.
She saw the waves crash a storm against cheeksCracking hurricanes into men's eyesDroplets of rain trickled endlessly into puddles of veinsCreating a reserve of rainy day puddles to look back on.
Long Ago Days
The Chirp of the Sparrow, the Sound of the Thrush;
Strike Me as Not having the Time, for Our Work a Day Rush.
I’m a forest tree, not a loner T
I share with many kits and kinds,
Of manifold shapes, shades and shares,
And with tongues differing in thongs
That sing songs of chirpy beauty,
The lights on in a walmart on a saturday night flicker that bulbs about to burn out much like people the lights turn on when were born and flicker in the Hardest moments in life replace the bulb start again fresh bright new the lights dim during d
The first time I met the sun,He was about 5 feet and 9 inches tall.His smile was always so radiant,that I would squint when I looked up to him
To declare release from subjectivity,
To place an accent on my creativity,
Several Issues remain a fight for change, expressed through only one thing.
I rise to visit priorities, but to reside with this passion.
the underestimated spark
of an interest or a comfort,
the faint light
of the stars warming up our eyes
and with that our souls.
For me,
this is
words on a page.
She's a god among many
With her swift toungue
Her independent success
Give you the vibe she was stung
Her low self esteem
Fueled by her curly serpents
Assimalation causes her to perm
Everyday wont go as planned
But still I got to keep my head up
When i'm down I grab a piece of paper and go and pick my pen up
I just wanna smile
I just wanna smile
I just wanna smile
I've seen many sunsets and sunrises. All unique and truly breathtaking. Each one was a blessing to my eyes.
Dawn Approaches
Bells shrill ringing alerts me to the approaching dawn.
To lift the weary head off a pillow throwing off blankets that offer warmth.
Hope. It is the generator for accomplishments.
Although, these might not be completely made.
I wake up free of negative sentiments.
Knowing that the sun rises above the shade.
Telling me to express myself that’s like telling me to wreck myself
How can I expect you to help me and you can’t even help yourself
I don’t even think I should call the police because they might think it was me
Telling me to express myself that’s like telling me to wreck myself
How can I expect you to help me and you can’t even help yourself
I don’t even think I should call the police because they might think it was me
Happiness is a reward,
A thing we shouldn't ignored.
But happiness is not easy
and life isn't all that breezy.
Happiness is working hard
Even if your playing the right card.
I was just a girl looking at a guy
He was just...
A guy.
I knew that I could love him
But he thought love was not meant to be.
The truth was
He believed in love,
He just didn't want it from me.
The Light outside a window vibrant, appreciatedA new day, this novel Light. A fiery presence so often exploited,A constant so plentiful-A guiding brilliance.
I'm feeling light, yet I'm sour and sweet at the same timelike a lemon lime this night, I'm not alright, but have the might to continue to fight.I won't lie, life is fine, but sometimes it makes me so unkind when Iwrite these lyrics and when I'm b
Bones tremble from thunder
Eyes blinded, burned by lightning
Blood electrocuted
Hair raised, heart pounding
When the storm clears
Rain down my own tears
As the music goes too.
i breathe.
my throat is tight from
too much singing and
the anxiety that follows
my audition
-the look in my teacher's eyes
is not responsive when
the last note resonates
Waking up is never my choice
I would prefer to stay in my dreams
Where you are with me
and not miles away
I wake to the ding of my phone
But I know it brings traces of you
We spend days on end trying to be enough.What is enough?Growing up we learn that enough is being attractive, intelligent, confident.Enough is being independent.We try to be everything our parents want us to be.
it takes a mere instant, only
to explore the unending opportunities to be happy
through all this chaos of hate and madness
if you ask me what happiness is
I am full of words
full of moments
The thunder in her eyes clapped the applause of a full house.
The rain in her laugh showered my hands with the warmth of oceans across the world.
The sunshine in her smile shone through the clouds of her checks.
Ringing and Dinging,
an alarm of cacophonous singing, stinging
my ears with discords that mirror that dreadful feeling when I wake.
I wish to go to bed, but little time is left
There is a room
And in this room there are two boxes
One box is big and the other box is small,
Impossibly small,
And you take a step forward
To look at these boxes.
Is it looking into your past?
Is it comparing your past with your present?
Looking into your past is not the issue.
Looking is living your past again.
I come home in despair
To a world that doesn’t care
I open my laptop to a world that does
And shop.
to me
poetry is a way to
express yourself
without feeling judgment
poetry means being able to come home after a long day
and write out all your stress
and be able to sleep soundly that night
"Here, Raheem, take my guitar. You can be great." I've only known of Jimi Hendrix, and I was no Jimi Hendrix. I took the guitar that was given to me. I had no knowledge of this six string instrument. Mysterious, yet the brown wood was inviting.
wake up! its 6:30!
oh no im late!
I've got to get to church!
Its a drag to read the bible so early.....
But.. i know i am learning
Every day i grow closer and closer
learning and listing im waking up
i once met a goddess on a lonely road
Knots of gold adorning her crown
shining jewels as green as a toad
Diverted all the way down
roses flourished in her cheeks
As she continued to stare
The slight lilt of the piano played out
Then the rumble of drums
The thrum of the guitar
And the tap of my fingers
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
A breath in...
Air cascading down my throat
I am a sailboat.
A sailboat without a sail.
Without any wind to guide me.
My life is the ocean,
Angry and fierce and unpredictable.
It tosses me from side to side,
The water pouring in,
I sing about my pain without ever breathing a word
The melody carried by the pen in my hand
The paper holding my lyrics and heartache in a crisp white shell
The world is a garden
Where the positives and negatives dwell.
Where beautiful things can happen;
where caterpillars morph into precious butterflies,
Some days are hard
The buzzing gets louder
My heart pounds faster
In one instant
The world caves in on me
Drowning in the abbess of my brain
I can't ask to be saved
A massive thermonuclear fusion reaction
Unloading a consistent energy payload
Bombarding those who revolve around
The skeptics say it's bound to explode
“Excuse Her. She’s Young.”
I get to experience heart breaks
I get to experience failure
I get to experience what I think is love
Contrived and vibrant,
the garden of flora blooms.
It is His hand, coated in
thorns, and His thumb glowing
It was joy that He found,
directly or indirectly,
Tired of sleepless nightsAnd endless fightsAgainst time Against hateTired of fighting these wars
Poetry and I met in freshman English,
and I hated her instantly.
Neither of us were popular, but she
at least had a reputation while
I was still stuck on potential.
She walked up on stage.
Her chin up,
Back straight,
Body leaned into the microphone.
A deep breath,
Shut up, Shut up,
Was all that she could hear.
The thoughts scratching and scraping trying to get through.
They screamed begging for emancipation,
Strings of me are what girls want.
White, pure, and ound.
Though as I lay upon your neck,
I never utter a sound.
I come in many sizes,
Pulled away from the sea.
From an oyster shell to a jeweler,
I've fallen
I've fallen really deep
So if you can hear me please don't let me sleep
Because there's something down here that's a creep
I'm not asking not to please
But please don't leave
She asks me, Quieres café?
And I respond you are too sweet.
Too sweet to the point that I don’t have to take a sip from this Colombian coffee
Because you helped me rise when I fell deep and saw nothing but fake images.
It's been a whilesince demons have last made a home in mine,since I've last drowned in a sea of wordsseeing so many race across my eyes,but being unable to grab the right ones.Every time it happens, I'm afraidI always sink. It's been a while sinc
To other people, poetry would just be words that rhyme,
but to me,
poetry is a diary,
a book full of memorie
and a novel of my stories
it have tales that I had never told to anyone
Like rubbing salt in an open woundI forget how to feel becauseYou tell me you love me and I love you too. But I can't help but feel that these pressuring texts will soon turn to actions. I'm lost in an abyss And it feels like you are the Fire to
You sleep in a bedI sleep in the streetsI'm your shadow You eat at restaurants I eat from garbage cansI'm your shadow You're treated with respect and careI'm left in the streets, helpless for others to stareI'm your shadow I'm human just like you,
Shattered windows and slammed doors consumed my brain
I was drowning in a dried up sea
my heart was so dark like an abandoned train
I screamed into the dark of my locked up soul to see if someone can throw me a key
I have a page, Confessional Slam, where people can send me anonymous confessions and I turn them into poetry. Here is the poem I wrote for the confession, "Everyone thinks I know everything about anything and ask me questions.
She writes sonnets with her kiss,
Shakespeare doesn't compare to her lips.
Beautiful love poems erupt from the warmth of her breath,
elaborate stories fly from the cage in her chest.
Fighter for our country, his life, and his family.Vietnam War Veteran with scars of all the lives he saved, the struggles he's endured, and what comes with age.The protector of the family.
The origins of it's presence have long become blurred throughout time
However one thing's for certain,
While my actions have spoken volumes
Nothings has compared to the piercing cry my pen has produced
Hi there. It's me, your father/mentor/master-plumber/older-self. If it's all right with you, I'd like to drop some knowledge on your head. At the time of writing this I'm 18 years old.
Hi there. It's me, your father/mentor/master-plumber/older-self. If it's all right with you, I'd like to drop some knowledge on your head. At the time of writing this I'm 18 years old.
Innocence has such pureness
that no one will be able to reconcile who he is.
No matter how many times
he walks by me , I see no sin or
He doesn't know what other people know
Poetry is a tuning fork,
it vibrates at an everlasting frequency.
Open the cork
allow the emotions to flow with leniency.
2016 in New York
a young girl reads appreciably,
I grew up in the unfenced yard so I had to be the
homecoming queen
and he the starting quarterback.
Make straight A’s and never sleep,
From the first day i set my eyes on you;
little did I kown how important you will be to me
I thought you were just another person passing through
but now i know that you are a God - sent to rescue me
She was a small child of seven, loved learning and writting
A smart child for being in second grade
She wrote about Autumn while her parents were fighting
She thought she had it made
You’re not a poet
And for that I’m glad
But still your words drip like honey
Your lie sings like a promise
And like a musician
Broken glass
Empty rooms
Nothing left but open
Fleeting colors
Hazy dreams
Cannot know what anything
Blaring sirens
Slamming door
Poetry found me by my bedside table,
heart contained within a dimly lit mind,
I could not find the light switch.
Poetry found a foolish girl,
one with storybook hands,
Who knew the sins of the past,
would resurface in the future?
Might I ask,
What would you do if you made
I am from Egypt
With The Pyramids I am Kept
Where the fresh air is let
And that is it
Come dearest, watching the walking flash
My blue sky becomes a silvery ash
Your sonorous taste of your way get brilliant
As a lamp over Jesus is now touch become a garment of the resilient
On my way out the door,
I tiptoe
Making certain the only sounds to be heard
Are the low hum of the crickets
And the faint buffeting of the wind over soft grass
The morning after always brings more satisfaction than the previous night.
Feeling like gods as the sunlight illuminates our copper skin
Air, thick with content
I am a poet.
My pen is my sword
The ancestors and God fuel my every word
Flowing out of this trident is ink from the depths of the ocean
I think of how the universe is made of theories— assumptions and mathematical calculations attempting to shut down the human paradox and close Pandora’s Box,
I let you kill me.
I let you destroy me.
I let you stab me in the heart.
And for what?
To let you walk away with no words.
And because of my stupidity...
I'm bleeding out.
Dear sailor,
how bright were the stars last night?
Did you watch them dance like embers
in their everlasting fight against the darkness?
Or were your eyes focused below
Shivering alone in this cave of mineLost, without a planCursing, who I amThen suddenly your whispers playI hear promise of a wonderlandI gently reach for your
Palms drenched in sweat andA little bit of anxiety, it's naturalIt's your heart, boy, she's making you feel a certain way
I held you on a pedestal
Your title was irreplaceable
You were a muse left for ones confused
like me
Who didn’t know what a man should be
I came to you with my tears
May I, by the power vested in me by the love I have for you,
Place this ruby ring on your quivering finger,
Or will you slap it away?
May I, by the faith I have in God
They were terrified of his knowledge
and astonished at his rage.
How hard it is to see a man fall
So hard, So far, So fast
It’s like how you think you’re alone
[The Fall - A Focal Point]
Enter the breeze, the cool air... the mystifying flow of perfection as the leaves change color for the last time.
One time, one focus, the magic of the allure
in the pages of this dusted book I find myself gutted as particles of the obstacle articles find flight into air.
For Cindy
She is the mysterious mesmerizing moon
Sitting silently in sorrowful solitude
She is encased in darkness
I heard the reflection of an iceberg is you when you renew your vision
Tell me how to get clarity with my wrong decisions
I guess my heart is a toy, did i fail to mention
I am the early bird
Leaving my nest on the daily to catch my worm
But I am not your usual early bird,
For I just never catch the worm.
The early bird that’s always unlucky.
I am drowning in tribulations yet I laugh.
I laugh at you, I laugh at me.
I laugh at all of us whose lives are tough.
He watches us with much glee,
Seeing how he fooled us once more.
Dear America,
Look past your built in pools,
There are kids lonely and afraid beyond them,
They have seen life sized doll pieces scattered on their lush green lawns,
They have been taught to walk like soldiers,
The more dirt you throw on top of a forgotten beauty,
The more difficult it becomes to find.
Because then it gradually changes,
Disguised by the rotting filth that scuffs out it's light,
In this garden aren't we all beautiful
Why should it matter if I am a tulip
Or a rose, a dandelion, sunflower
Why should landscapers be able to choose what flower to prune
The American Dream
May not be a dream at all
Is being born wrapped into the star spangled banner with a red hole in it.
To live in a world known to be free
For an amber lady beetle, it’s a challenge to be heard. My hum blends in with the usual buzz of the urban wild. My voice hides beneath blankets of blaring conversation.
I wonder how long we hold feud
To what is red and what is blue
Yet our eight legged branch can't walk
On a single file ant line to the booth
For the new insect order say to be behind the head
We lust after big words.
We pine for the diction, calculativeness, creativity,
The world is cold.
Made up of blocks of ice.
You become frozen in place, unable to change.
Nothing feels right.
There isn't any light.
It's cold and dark.
No one knows where you are.
I would like to tell you that I had an amazing disaster, or that there was an awful issue and that writing became my outlet. But, you see, if I told you that great tale, I would simply be telling you someone else's story.
The words come from a dark place,
on a normal day they do not come.
The only place I can be is in darkness.
Why do words only come from my dark place?
Why can I not bring them from happiness?
More often than not
The thoughts that revolve, my mind would block
Time perseveres along with my ideas that never stopped
The blockade, the obstacle, it was within me
Because there’s nothing else to do.
Because my brain is a horse
and needs regular walking or else
it overheats, dies.
Words are sponges, blue and holey,
neat swiveled foams
On March 19th I went to a party
accompanied by my first love; my soul getter
I trusted him
This man I equated as an angel on earth
So when I drank too much
A god sits before his world, created by his own hand.
He thinks something is missing and casts his great tool down to add to his world
The missing item takes shape according to how he has envisioned it.
One time when I was on the team
I slapped into the net.
I felt so bad I could have cried
I knew I should have set.
But when the game was on the line
My inner strength came out.
There was once a man with a penniless soul,
Who was looking for women to make him whole.
So he wandered into my undiscovered land,
Where he dug a whole with his filthy hand.
The journey began
Merely a spray from a sink
Not of joy did I think
When poetry came to mind
A nuisance it was
To rhyme words and words
Just like the screeching of birds
Everyone has habits
good, bad, beautiful, ugly
Defining Failure vs Success
Which is best?
I have a habit that won’t seem to shake
Golden sunset lemons, twinkly sliced
unlike the first time I ran my pen, and eyes, dry.
Puckers and sighs against a luminescent sky--
only dreams back then, something to imagine.
Joyful laughter and witty comments are her body
hair shines with intelligence,
sole thick with confidence.
She knows her world and the one before her
The color Ebony has become an abundance of negative spirit. Though the antiquity of the pigment speaks for it's achieving deeds, so does its' internal exertions.
It was at the tender age of 11,
In which I entered this place called Poetry Heaven.
I had a little taste of Shakespeare,Dickinson, Angelou and Hughes,
You were a pen
Long, slender, and sleek
A sharp tip aching to cut through ink and paper
I was an inkwell
Dark, mysterious, and opaque
I used to feel nothing but yellowThough lately I've been undividedly blueI write it all down on paperSo I can remember you
I can tell you anything with a Buzz feed article, the twitch of my fingers, and twist of my tongue.
I can recite the history of Namibia, essays behind the Bolivian revolution, the place and time of the death of Alexander Hamilton.
Too cold to swim in
But perfect for your stares
She is the glistening white
Of the snow
Blanketing the warm sand
Of her soul
She is a city, of great lights
Great hopes,
And internal fights.
She is a city
Cluttered with pain
From those who’ve done the wrong things.
She is peace.
The peace of my mind
The peace of my heart
The peace of our time
She is peace.
Keep pain from her.
Oh, Poetry!
If you were a woman, you'd be my wife
How I'd hold your hand and walk with you at night
Oh, Poetry!
I'd stay up until morning
Telling you secrets and pains
Oh, but the more I wrote about youthe easier it got, mouthfuls of poemsfilled up like my anxiety flowing out.I hope you catch the crown fire in your mouth because before it
Poetry abuses me,
Flirts with me one minute and
Abandons me the next.
She gives me palaces
And then she burns them to the ground.
Poetry taunts me,
Hands me jewels and fills
Wind was hard and coldly bitten;
Sun fails, but still, golden, glimmers.
Water’s haughty and so frothing;
Inability to communicate
To Elaborate
To Speak
It is quite a terrible fate
One which should not be cursed
Even upon those that you hate
Yet here I was
We are the leaves upon the tree We grow weary and die Only to be born anew We prepare We guard ourselves We turn dark and brittle Then we are scattered We lose our way And all that we have known We are filled with ice and pain We lay dormant We
A cocoon of black and brown Bleached white bones beneath The soil is a gaping maw Reclaiming its own Maggots become your mother And your father Your flesh turns to dust Everything you ever were Every smell, every freckle Every ugly face you’ve e
To me, she is a she,
and she is as powerful
as a woman can be.
She eases me like a mother does,
settles me down
from my bouts of madness,
After you destroyed me
I wanted to cut off your hands
Rip your fingers to shreds
Tear your lips off of your face
Gouge your blue eyes from their sockets
Slice your legs to bits
It has come today!
The colors of the rainbow
have escaped into the world.
Red's at the deli across the street.
Orange is jogging in the park
Yellow's talking to everyone.
It's been done today!
4th row, dead center.
Hush, hush, hush - he's coming.
The silence erupts.
Not-quite-a-man folds the shattered pieces in his hand,
In a way I suspect he could catch nothing else,
And then he opens his mouth.
Dear Fear-
I apologize for the silly rhyme,
But it’s time we had a talk.
You see, I've been meaning to write this for a while
As I touched the powdery texture of its skin.
My hands could not resist the urge to pick the thin ball point with dark black ink.
As my hand and the ink touch its skin it felt as if we were made for each other.
As I touched the powdery texture of its skin.
My hands could not resist the urge to pick the thin ball point with dark black ink.
As my hand and the ink touch its skin it felt as if we were made for one another.
I remember being lost;
In a dark, ominous realm.
There were random faceless beings surrounding me.
They all began to speak simultaneously,
Telling me their problems at a constant rate.
At the age of fifteen I lost myself in the cold of a crowded highschool.
I didn't know what was cool, I didn't follow those that ruled.
Halfway through my freezing freshman year I discovered I wasn't truly lost,
A silenced voice, with thoughts that are screaming
My pen bringing fire to a forrest that's been bleached
I never thought much of my outlet for writing
I'd pullen the plug so many times
What if we exchanged bags instead of handshakes?
Objects instead of greetings?
To piece someone together, would we need to use the brakes?
Could we not delve into their bag and forgo any meetings?
I mold shapes into
sounds, visions, concepts, phantoms
with that intimate touch
of the soul kneading words.
I began with bulky building blocks
under the guidence of a sixth grade teacher.
I gaze blankly into the sky and the
Tears are dry.
Maybe it’s just my uterus
Talking—the smooth,
Smug woman’s voice on the ad tells
All my life people told me I could never be a somebody,
As a child I was simply the fat blonde in the back of the room,
and as a teen I was suddenly a wreck in all the worst ways,
Her body throbs from within.
Helplessness swells in her being.
He is in her, over and over and over.
Heart is waning, body aching.
Mind is wan from tribulation.
What if I told you that poets were overrated?
Someone who can only write when they’re sad,
Or in love or in bliss or in need of desperate rent money,
Is like a flower that only drinks from a tsunami.
It’s timely timing that tries- ties my tongue
To solidify the simplest speeches that seems to be sung.
Why did God place me as a mute? For
when I was four,
From a young age, we female-bodied people are taught many things:
That our worth will not depend on who we are inside, but instead on
The size of our waists,
Look to your surroundings.
See the comparisons in store.
Who does the most things?
Who makes more?
Feeling ahead of the race,
Only to walk into a slamming door.
Why bother with the race?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
I am with no limitations
We met
Played at the swings
I didnt want to leave.
8, 9, 10, 11
We kissed
not turning back
I was in his grip
12, 13, 14, 15
I once was told I was never to succeed,
Because of my skin color and the way that I breathe.
Although I am not privileged,
Nor do I have eyes deep as ocean blues,
I am human and I refuse to lose.
She only reads books that start with the letters
K, I, or C.
She doesn’t know why
But she thinks it’s because they spell kick
And she often wants to kick herself in the face.
(She drowns herself in a lake)
Her touch saves
And her heart cries
Though she'll silence it
For their sake
She doesn't chase the wake
Emotions fragile like a kid
Squinting for the trip wire
Closes her eyes till it goes away
Welcomed, unwelcomed,
in the shadows waiting lies,
Death in it's beauty.
Glorious diamonds,
are the souls of the living.
Missed, unmissed,
Eternally go.
Not all that is magic comes out of a black top hat Because stars burn above in pitch black.
It's a clump of gas that can hardly contain itself
But that doesn't stop us from looking up
And spilling our hearts out.
Her sophisticated though subtle softness soothed me
Her staggered _movements stunned me and with her simple sentiments I became sentimental.
Her shashay of her hip then
I am red,like an ambitious flame,angry and risingand my voice echoesloudly,demanding to beheard over theendless whispers andincessant criesthat fill the void in my mind.I am fire,
I was simply in it for the thrill
I was nimbly in it with a quill
Every time i had chills
Every rhyme had skill
Honey I would dream at times
Of a pocket full of money and a heart full of dimes
D O N O T R .I. P
Tick Tok
Rise and Set
You’ll never know
Who you just met
Pinch yourself, wake up
You won’t escape us
It’s what forms us
I am still just a shadow.I am still just star dust.I am still part of a Universe I never quite knewbut I'm homesick for. I bleed only to pull the stars out by their edges.
Oh society how dare you Promoting skinny as beautifulAnd fat is insecureBut at the same timeFat should love their curves And skinny should eat a hamburger You create these controversiesThat being single sucksAnd to strive for relationships But who
Silk veils surround the Earth
Veils not of protection
Rather veils of danger
Veils of destruction
Veils of insecurity
Ripping through the souls of
The other side
The one you thought was real
You thought it wouldn't hurt you
But that is not the case
The case is that it hurt you
it abused you throughout many years
The first time I danced
I didn’t comprehend
As the steps got monotonous
And the dance sluggish
I was engulfed
In an agonizing frenzy
My dance
My feet
Whether we dying in prison or we dying in the street we misgoverned but government's that want us six feet deep
Terrorist threat or Americas concept to set your mind make you confused and upset
I know a girl
with 'perfect' written on her wrist,
and I think it’s funny because
it isn’t perfect at all.
When I say perfect, I mean it literally -
Some days, it feels as though I have an identity
And others, it feels like I’m faking.
I am not a fake or a liar
Am I? What does it mean, the word identity?
I have always struggled to find the meaning
The tree clings to my skull,
Gradually shattering it.
The roots dig into my brain,
Forming a robust shell around it.
I am captured.
My thoughts stay in the invincible barrier,
I was once a Mo(u)rning tide,
Lifeless due to the moon's Departure.
And so I'd push back into the Sea and hide,
because my purpose was unsure.
Little Raccoon. I think you were born too late.
You entered this world on the wrong date.
I feel Scared , Sad, and Angry for you.
You're entering the world that will forever judge you.
You may be wondering
How your pain goes unnoticed.
Feeling like you're screaming,
And nobody is even looking in your direction.
How is it possible
That nobody hears?
Your love was a bouquet of roses,
deep scarlet,
like your proclaimed adoration for me.
The storm,
immense with grief,
truly impossible to escape.
Oh Sun
Why do you shine so bright?
In the morning
Even in the night
Oh Sun
Will you display your radiance only on me?
You are a star
Such an admiration from afar
It is here again!
This big and black beast
Glaring at me with red eyes
Standing in front of me
I know it smells my fear
No matter how far
It’s not something I can escape from
Hold your tears in
We may depart,
But this is not the end,
It is the very start;
Save me a spot reserved for when that special day comes.
I will have my ears open,
You have continued to hold on this long.
For some years, some months, and some weeks
You are getting close to your last song
Your rusty metal shrieks
You just don't have that glistening color anymore
I saw her from a distance
her sillhoutte as elusive as ever.
she came to me at a time
when darkness enveloped me.
I was at my lowest and she whispered
use me
in the gentlest of ways.
Darkness envelops me from that speck of light that I aimed to reach for
Parents didn't believe in my depression and marked it off as "wants for attention"
In the land of everlasting night
The Sun and Earth twirl and sway
Spinning aroung in fantastic flight
The Earth basking in his glorious light
In a dance so graceful and gay
He whispers to the moon,
Have you really seen it all?
The wars and the terror and the art
Seen the righteous killed and the sadists born
Bury me with flowers
So when I become indistinguishable from the soil
The roses can sink into my skin
And decompose with me
We would become one
Become all
You would feel me under your bare feet
We conquered and we conquered
with ideals of manifest destiny
ringing in our ears
thoughts of salvation
we brought with ourselves
only to leave behind
cries of devastation and fear,
When I was 13, a boy told me this is how you kiss, that gifts show affection, and that this is love.
I started laying bricks down.
Before I could detect it, the roe-underdeveloped-grew.
Like a virus implanted within a safe home,
Between swain and Lady lover late at night, it spreads so easily with the joint of intimacy.
It is an it
Blood and tears pour from my tiny body.
Bike behind me, I run into your comforting arms.
I let you tend my wounds, both real and fake,
Watching your calloused hands dance as you worked.
The vine calls to me,
The thorns fall apart,
the roses shrivel up
and the buds fall down,
So I follow
Through the heart of the vine
lies an insane fellow,
and suicidal children,
seconds turn into minutes, minutes turn into hours
hours turn into days, days turn into weeks
weeks turn into months, months turn into years
and years turn into an eternity
Brainwaves whir from corner to corner of my cranium,Causing me to think in a different key.
Her skin illuminated
like a new Lamborghini
under a spotlight,
every curve displayed
with exotic, breathtaking beauty.
Arthritis makes a comfortable home within the crevices of my mother’s bones,
cheeks stay on fleek though,
skin stay on fleek though,
what are wrinkles to black bodies?
I should be the world's eighth wonder, you see!
Look at all of these wild, ferocious troubles that frighten you.
Watch me take them all away and tame them with a single swipe of my hand
I'll read your palm.
I had choice to make
My laptop sat open with
A blank document glaring at me,
While a blade sat rested in my
Favorite copy of Jane Eyre on my shelf.
An assimilation of adrenaline-spiked cough syrup into silk thread linen,
The mutual trench warfare aftermath lying in craters of dystopian closet space.
You need to stop Stop trying to build bridges out of ashesYou spent so much time Setting things a blaze Did you ever consider the reasons You left everything back there And you rebuilt Moved forward
My mindset is a thunderstorm. In the darkness I am lost and blinded by a storm cloud. There is, however, some hope for this natural disaster.
My mindset is a thunderstorm. In the darkness I am lost and blinded by a storm cloud. There is, however, some hope for this natural disaster.
If I was a color, it would be red.
I am silence,
Silence that suffocates,
Silence that numbs the ears,
Pure silence.
Yet I was born into a blue body.
Chills running through your spine
Leaving you wondering
Looking over your shoulder
Is someone watching you?
Afraid of the possibilities
for as long as i can remember, i've been scared of surgery. the fear of my life being completely and utterly in someone else's hands, someone else cutting me open to heal a wound inside but leaving one outside.
When I've got a whirlpool in my mind
And it's spilling out of my eyes
On to creamy paper that tries
To soften the splatters of a
Melancholy mind
When the Sky,
Weeps its own tears
Dear Friend,
I must inform you of an ocurrance most absurd,
a long-running line of separatio has ben blurred.
Preparing pass the church this morn,
the ghostly friar spoke with young Romeo of the Montagues
His intoxicating music controlled the gopis with such force.
They danced and Radharani was feeling great rejoice.
Until Krishna left with no choice.
I was born with many words,
Better words than I can say;
Every time, before I catch them,
Those word-birds fly away.
This might be for the best;
If one nested in my mind,
I love to walk the beach on cloudy days,Alone in the grey morning.I love the sound of ospreysCalling counterpoint to wavesAs they beat upon the jetties and the shore.The harmony of wind through trees,
The crimson petals of the past,
remind me of the colour of your lips,
the rain of your weeping.
Never did you listen,
when the angels warned you of my curse,
all I touched went toxic,
Nightfall is honest,
For when the dawn comes,
the sun awakens,
I too.
The truth dies with rising gold,
a new lie spun for all's eyes.
Someday the time may come, when I, no longer able to distinguish the line between reality and nonentity, will accept the illusions and leave behind this materialistic world. Could you pull me back if I slipped away? Would you catch me if I ever fe
Anyone who we have ever fearedOr lost,Is seventy-two percent H2O. Two parts hydrogen. One part oxygen.And everyone who we have ever loved,As well. Me -
I'll spread myself across this page.
be present a pound the stage .
maybe then my memory won't fade.
my life no longer a passing phase .
try to sketch every piece of me in to eternity
I'll spread myself across this page.
be present a pound the stage .
maybe then my memory won't fade.
my life no longer a passing phase .
try to sketch every piece of me in to eternity
You are the sun
That brings life to the land
From which I was gone
Now I'm back in your strand
The roses in my heart bloom
You were the death of me
Those venomous lips with a sweet toxic taste
Your hissing tongue twisting with mine
All of this lead to my devastating fate
I was told what a biohazard you were
Flash-lights turn on.
She stands center stage,
clothed in a smile.
The audience is a roaring lion;
Its prey makes no attempt to evade.
She tames the lion gracefully,
and praces away.
Her eyes brighter than fire flies In the night skies But more dangerous than streetlightsOn a school nightYou look pretty strong Probably turn into stone She could be Medusa's clone Eyes will steal your soul But her face more beautiful than gold
When I peer closely, I can see you there
Your tiny head pokes out above the ground
Your fight against the world is newly found,
As men will question, “How much will you bear?”
An tubig han sapa,May iya iya man nga ganghaan,uusa la an pag-lalagosan.Tipakadto gud pakig-urusaha kabutngaan hiton dagat.
He impassively grabs
Hold of what’s
He leaves behind nothing
As he breaks away
Day is not day without shadows. A sun is not a sun without hellish fires, thrusting with endless hope, as impractical minds tend to do. And life: life is not life without the devil’s attendant.
White as snow,
The beautiful rose.
So fragile its petal,
Hiding the thorns.
The thorns that it hates,
For it ruins its beauty.
It ruins its purity.
Among the red roses
She belongs not.
We like to pretend that we're the three wise monkeys,
We pretend to be blind,
We turn a blind eye to evil,
We pretend that we're blind and that it never happened,
A thick fog prevents sight
This ship is at the hands of God
Out of hopelessness there's no flight
The vessel was crafted flawed
She has fire in her veins, and venom in her heart.
She is cool, calm, and collected
But when you cross paths with her
She can be your nightmare.
Writing words have played a role
A pivotal role in my life when times were dark and cold
How it came into my life? Shit, I may never know, but what I do know is that it soothes my soul.
i close my eyes
the sounds:
the buzz of a nearby streetlamp
an ambulence calling like a wolf in the distance
She was in the back of my English class
A short girl
A girl who had the beauty of the sunrise in a summer morning
She looked at me and my heart skipped stones
The deeper I mine
The less I find
Wasting my time
While being kind
The diamonds fly
Out of my reach
did you know
that an atom
is a galaxy?
the nucleus, dense with balancing
neutrons and humming with
protons, is an infinitesimal star.
and swelling around it, like nebula gasses
The flame, she danced, above the lighter
The base: the bishop; the top: the mitre
And as she danced, her red eyes saw
A beauty, elegance, dropping-jaw
So she spread along the floor
To those ready to leave, your coats are being washed
It seems something's spilled on them and now you have to stay
At least until I'm finished saying what I need to say
I was told to write my feelings down, so I inked pain on a piece of torn paper, instead of etching it onto my skin. I wrote with ink instead of my blood. So why did the tears fall the same? And why did my heart ache the same? Thoughts cry
I finally poured the concrete
And solidified the past
Into neat little paths
Of "Remember when..."
And "Life was simpler then"
Manipulative and sweet
How shall I describe it
It lives on a street
Or perhaps a tar pit
It seeks happiness
I have been judged about my troubles but do you not care to listen about my struggles that cause a knott in my stomach , an ache in my heart ,
It might be a heartache; it has been shattered "
Today I am blue,
madl, deeply blue
depe thathe Marianas Trench,
Because that seems to be where my soul has escaped to, the bottom of the ocean.
I am blue today,as if I am covered by a cerulean blanket, smothered,
It's like im just pressing rewind,
while stuck in the moment of pushing,
pushing forward hoping not to get behind,
It's like im just pressing rewind,
only to feel in my conscious,
"i got this don't let up,
Pen or Pencil,
to little one stroke,
twice was the wave i could not drown had no boat,
then came a day,
all of sudden seemed as night,
pondering my reflection as the water shined so bright,
Finite Distance.
That is what lies between us and the edge.
Our sanity.
Our reasoning.
Our being.
Startling Suspicion.
It’s far more than that.
The way it has changed has hit me like a baseball bat.
I used to be able to walk by and recognize the tile.
And now it seems harder and harder to recall the smile.
The House.
For I am a bomb.
One day I will go off.
The act of me blowing up is inevitable.
But I will thrive and continue until I am no able.
For I am a bomb.
Everything took a wrong turn.
I walk and walk my legs feeling like a crumbling sand castle
I start to feel dizzy seeing the animated birds and stars spinning around my head like a halo
I absolutely need Love.
More than food and air, I thrive on love and attention.
Amare. Upendo. Renmen.
It drives me and motivates me to live life in a way that is pleasing to all that know me.
There is nothing more beautiful
More beautiful than you
The sun is a mere old and rusted penny
compared to the glow of your Iris blue
If I could put your sweet voice in a seashell
I am young, impulsive, wide-eyed, and green,
a sapling wondering which way to grow.
Still needing some support, somewhere to lean,
staked to stand tall when the strong winds do blow.
In this hurricane of a lifeI spend my days drowning,standing sideways against the waves.Every time I get back up,The currents get stronger.I gasp for air,Only getting a mouthful of regret.
Urban's forte, Stability on a not so solid day,
Beautiful black leather , or an experinced grey,
Recourse from the mud on a rainy day, skillet in the summer be it may,
There are voices in my head and all around me. The voices talk. The voices scream. The voices cry. They are with me when I sleep and when I wake.
But why?
Love is something we carry
Love is the thing we cheerish, love
Love is in many shapes , love
For me , love is my grandfathers rosery
Love is symbolic
The rosery of love guides me
You see,
attention does not
equal love, but
my brain just can't
seem to get that.
When I'm not
what's in your mouth
or hands or eyes,
I rot.
I count up
You are my black hole, darling.
Suck me into your
Indescribable love.
Obliterate who I was
or who I pretended to be
and dissolve me so
Completely into your
Each step is a beat in the rhythm.
Each breath is another note on the page of life.
The world was birthed through a flurry of music,
Creation divined through song.
Day one
Water and sand
No need for someone
In this deserted land
I shoot my thoughts
Into the sky
Judgment aint here
To bring them down
Blank canvas
Day five
Art lets me release my pent-up feelings,
Lets me take out my frustrations,
Lets me escape my malicious thoughts.
I need expression to clear my mind.
No other thing could replace the effects that
Life is vertical, not horizontal
Everyone spends their day looking around in front of them
Looking to the next thing, the next thing the next thing
Boom! You are stuck on an island.
No, not the actual island where there is sand surrounded by water, palm trees giving shade, and little critters burrowing themselves in the sand.
If I were lost in the middle of the sea
and I don´t have time to plan my trip.
There is only one thing that I would like,
You are a child,
and darkness is all you know. All you have in this world are the earth's
teeth that you cling to in your sleep, and a candle on your bedside.
Begin with a blank canvas
A piece of paper with no identity
And scribble a word or two
Make your memories into a photograph
Using only what you know best
That is the axis
What would I bring?
No I wouldn’t bring a book
Or a phone
Or a computer
Those aren’t important to me
I’d bring my journal
To disregard the silhouettes and pain
There is one thing that frees my shame
The one thing I would die without
I need it now, and there's no doubt,
Its my family that keeps me strong
Majority of the world is seen in black and white.You look around and see the same consistent colors everywhere, everyday.The one that simultaniously takes my breath away and give me life is the one that comes at the end of every day.
All I need is the silky touch of you,
Oh, how I love the texture and length
Of your soul. You make my days
Brighter, cleaner, whiter.
All I need is the silky touch of you,
Oh, how I love the texture and length
Of your soul. You make my days
Brighter, cleaner, whiter.
As it walks down the side walk
You invite it into your home
It is your best friend so you talk
Then you give it all you own
Oh, when will I see the mountains once more?
I want to feel the crisp air on my face.
The day I had to leave them my heart tore.
At my home there is not such a fast pace.
for once
I spoke up in class.
And instead of
and respecting my views,
they told me
that's a creative thought!
But now,
think longer
make it better.
I can not survive
Without one thing inside.
My body is empty
Yet full of envy.
It's full of things I hate
So much more than Man could create.
Emotions of anger and rage
On the shelf, it stoically sits,
patiently waiting for a stranger unknown,
to hear the stories of it.
Eager, the story teller speaks,
silently of the mind of a child,
to the strong and the meek.
On the shelf, it stoically sits,
patiently waiting for a stranger unknown,
to hear the stories of it.
Eager, the story teller speaks,
silently of the mind of a child,
to the strong and the meek.
I am the creation of centuries of women
who are likely to tend to their own backs.
I am from a line of women
Who have established mouths that slow kiss sugar.
Smooth after
A full body sting
My life, a boat.
The shore no longer comforting.
As the sun stings my naked back
My sweat stings my eyes.
Hunger drives me to devour and cough up
Sand that was once the beginning
I stand out in the cornfield, alone among strangers
Useless to the farmer who waters and feeds me
The plot of land I sit in, is shaded by the accomplishments of those around me
Proud is the farmer
She is the flame that has sparked this world.
Her influence has spread across the Earth
To erect sculptures from rock. Beauty from chaos.
I looked out, past metal obscuring my vision.
I looked beyond the cold.
I looked past my cage.
I lifted my voice as I lifted my head
"This needs to be heard,
This needs to be said;
You are a child's entertainment.
You are my entertainment.
They scoff at your gaudy colours,
They play you off as too innocent
for their rebellious excursions.
But I am here
waiting with you
A house
Count down the days until she leaves.
Day 200:
She stuffs me with her pie recipes
Old family photos
We drive on a road, going only one way.My mother takes the wheel, and I sit as the passenger. We drive on a road; for how long, I am unsure.
Your toes sink through the sands of time As you walk along the shores of doubt On the island on your own No telegram or telephone What is it that you think about?
Clean, white linesDirty, mottled, brown and brokenDeep, stark color against skinAll have a meaningAll have a story, a reason
There is only one thing that I can't live without
The power to imagine
To predetermine my own destiny
To dream about a unique
Traveling, loving, spreading kindness
Projecting Happiness
The One Thing I Cannot Live Without
Like a backbone, they are there for my support
Even when we disagree
They defend me like a fort
Growth. He is the rose that
Blooms in the hollow of my chest,
The desire to improve beyond expectation,
To propel forward, arm in arm.
If I were ever stranded alone
All I would need is the thought
The idea
The mere feeling
Of my mother’s embrace
This Rock is My Rock.
All I need to feel happy and free.
The fascination never ceases,
The jubilation never ends.
Even on this deserted island,
This round, orange Rock is a necessary friend.
It may seem strange,
and a little out of range,
but my faith remains in my forefront.
I'm not shy to admit --
I'd be lost without it:
my faith in my God, who is my Light.
An institution for my slacked tongue bent back limping through the summer.
I can barely enunciate a syllable.
Coming back to school to teach my tongue.
ITS IS WHERE I would like to be
Where mental instability is a rare disease
Though I'm not entirely sure what.the word happy means
Life is a dead end job
There is fear and there is comfort,
But sometimes comfort is intertwined with fear
Succeeding is the comfort of warm lavender bubbles enveloping your curves
A restless silence fills my bones
It breathes and bites and tears at my skin
I am but a wounded animal surrounded by wolves
Vulnerable as an empty shell, breaking at the slightest touch.
What I would not live without on a deserted island is not a material item nor an ideal,
no, it is but a single person.
A person who has the possession for everything for life,
a mind that bests all tools,
What I would not live without on a deserted island is not a material item nor an ideal,
no, it is but a single person.
A person who has the possession for everything for life,
a mind that bests all tools,
She is my light, my everything.
I would of never been able to grow
To show how I can change,
She came in to rearrange
All my views on the world.
When I felt helpless and on the edge,
Everything falls in october
the temperature,
the sunset,
the leaves,
and maybe i for you.
you're just bones and a beating heart
and a pair of average brown eyes
I remain a silhouette A shadow behind an unrequited love The dweller of the mysterious apartment,Several floors above the cheaters and false loversThis is how they treat the poet
For you,I'd hand the sun over on a silver platterB r i g h t and a i r y,Enveloping you in warming rays of goldI'd compliment the way it shaped your face-Silhouetting the bones beneath the surface
My freshman year, my science teacher asked usWhat do we need to survive?A grin on my face, thinking that I knew something they didn’t,Raised my hand a
Rap, game
void of reality
seen the acuality in
darkness cast, shadows
over realism
black in past
mourn together
blackened path
path blackened,
together mourn
In the already messed up nature of the world, she couldn’t find a Drop Of life.There was nothing in the pond, Nor on the shelf in her closet. Nothing.She stood alone in silence. Isolated. She never sat, because she had too much to do. Too much to
The Bird inside my soul
sings beautiful, powerful, free.
She laughs and cries and lives,
she is the key to me.
But as the lava burns
the voice soon starts to die,
and all I'm left with is
Let the Rain wash away all the pain from yesterday.
Let the Sun burn away all the hate from yesterday.
Let the Air whisk away all the hurt from yesterday.
Let the Earth bury away all the suffering from yesterday.
Young forever at heart
Can never be brought down
Will always be there for you from the start,
And the first one to adjust our frown.
Ready to clean off the tears,
I wish I could have this woman for years.
You are a florescent bulb
And the world is a room
It is not a dark room
But it is dark to you
You must find a socket
Discover the grooves
And take the twisting the world has done to you
I struggle through that crowd
That marches through the day;
It’s rambunctious and loud—
A chaotic parade.
They tell us to drive, faster and faster,
Everyone is to be a master;
Some will forget, so I will now remind,
Those who are slow are always left behind.
We’re driving up a never ending hill,
My little flower,
I have watered you from a seed,
and soon you will bloom.
Such a beauty, my sister.
I could not be without my little flower,
though, when you were a seedling,
I almost was.
It swims within variety,
As if it were an ocean,
From sorrow to prosperity,
The image and emotion,
When the words make me cry,
I’m a kayak.
Paddling down rapids Crashing against the rocks Struggling in vain.
We’re a canoe.
you were like a dream to me
you came and went so easily
and when you were here
i was drowning in your love
and when you were gone
i had nothing to hold onto,
just a memory.
Becoming who I thought I’d never be
Because everything that’s happening or not happening
Is drawing my eyes to this deeper realization
I contemplated this on a cool fall evening.
Through the judgment and criticism
Speaking only hateful words
I know
I will always shine.
In the eyes of the people I love
I feel the smell and the color change,
heard the sea back then in May,
The sky, The sky so pink in spring, and in summer air so blue,
sometimes turns gray, almost black,
but it is still July.
As a child
Of small palms
And little qualms
I held my tiny house with care
And in it I stored
My love
My hope
My dreams
and fears
And as I grew
my heart dances wildly
a waltz
a cresent on both sides of my face
bare my teeth and take on the world
a smile
warm embrace
temporary blanket
a hug
I account what they say is true
Since freshman year
you lose people
or rather They lost you
I am finding my way
I am losing my mind
Going to school day to day
Teachers grading still unkind
the door shuts behind me
my truth sticks in my throat
here behind my walls i am real,
i am broken,
here behind my walls i struggle with feelings unspoken,
What do I NEED?
NEED is a strong word,
Much stronger than
want or wish or desire.
NEED is a force
that can't be stopped.
NEED is a wave
that will not be broken,
cannot be stopped.
It’s dark and gloomy and I can not see my toes.
The sky is pitch black, my stomach feels tight.
Where do I turn on this cold black night?
I called you friend.
Played XBox and swam in crystal blue pools, we laughed as we splashed
We beat summer time heat with movies and card games and cheese quesadillas.
I told you about the loneliness I felt
Day One:
Through my mind, thoughts race
Am I to survive
The deserted island I must face?
Necessities, staples, necessities, for which I strive,
Repeat in my mind while I pace
I don’t live in the light
I am consumed by darkness
My heart is shattered
My mind is fragmented
What more can I do?
I can’t save myself
The only person who stood with me
Has left…
I walk along a dusty path
With many places I could turn.
He is there to answer questions I ask
Because along the way, He wants me to learn.
Now I am at a crossroads
With many options I could choose,
I was the one
Who broke the vase
All its pieces
Shattered on the floor
And so I’m sorry
That you had to pick them up
And sort through the ruins
One by one
The Candle
I see the flicker of life before me.
The tainted flame burns brightly in my eyes.
Yet darkness keeps me from obtaining it.
Big eyes and a slow, sad, smile
You made my heart beat with a thousand words a mile
Hanging on your lips like a long car ride
I read the scars you never tried to hide
Strumming my worries like voices without feeling
All I Need is the Sky
There are no golden tickets,
no miracles,
no blessings,
when the sky is truly lost.
when Swimming from thAt broken boat
and hoping-- to surVivE
froM climbing up upon the shorE
and being half alive:
wHen i awake upon thE sand
and Lurch uP from my grave
Placed on a wall above troves of books and boxes,
A map.
Pushpins dotting its colored face,
On the lips of Beijing, the nose of Amsterdam,
The ears of Cairo, and the cheeks of Athens;
I picked you up only one year ago,
had no idea my talent would show.
Watched countless videos, eyeing the frets,
learning my favorites, made by the vets.
From Zeppelin to the Stones I mastered each song,
Colliding thoughts barrel through my brain. Questions of life, spirit, and pain, love, happiness, and evolution. Theories spill out as if formulated by prophets, and poured from the rolling waves of black sky and neon stars, into my dreams.
Dancing dancing the days go by her shoes now worn in the corner they lie. She danced until she could no more, through the days, around this floor, she danced and danced for all who knew her, she danced the days, while the music flowed through
Everyone is blind
because at night you don't see anything or anybody by your side
You struggle on your own
therefore you need to catch your pace and know your flow
If you don't, you're likely to fall behind
I thought you were like a piece of
that stuck to my shoe, when miles away, I opened my
mouth, and people asked me,
“Where are you from?”
I find my mind will change itself.
My body will decay.
My thoughts, my dreams, my aspirations
turn to low vibrations and whither away.
All of these material things
that some hold dear to Heart...
When I think about you there are so many things
that make you something I can’t live without.
Would you like to know what I need?
Guess what I need fully, and not even partially?
The very thing that keeps blood rushing through my arteries
Walking on the street or tryna keep a beat,
All I really need are some shoes on my feet.
Preferably Nike, but I ain't picky. Some fresh white converses
With red laces. Or maybe some Air Force Ones to keep me fly
Many misty mornings I CAST into the deep sea my net,
Thinking...perhaps, that ALL my efforts might pay my debt.
It saves me.
It's noise -
Systematic noise -
Noise so primal that it enters my body
And grabs on to me.
It latches on and feeds me
The connection between it and I
I turn your words over in my head
Like I slowly turn the pages of an interesting book.
I hold them delicately in my thoughts
As if the word fragile were an understatement
To me this is utterly fascinating
With love I survive and grow and thrive
For all pursuits need guidance,
And my soul was made a contrivance-
Meant to collect the love and compact it
Into the diamond known as life
Crystal water and golden sand,
sunshine and peace of mind.
Such a beautiful paradise,
it’s almost easy to ignore the floating wreck
the poem series I wrote but never published - accumulated over about a year and a half.
gasping for air is necessary
after long straides alone
with just the piddle paddle
of thougths and emotions
the world around you overwhelmingly
sucking every piece of you it can taste.
We see it living
justifing people
destroying one
praising others,
offering grief, sorrow,
and jubilence
It defines an individual for however long its vitality is.
My skin is hot
becoming something im not
no one in sight
loosing my might
loosing my fight
my mother's voice
soft and sweet
When I go sleep, all I can think of is her face .
Her gleaming smile that lights up the darkness of my room even when it's just a thought.
Bad things, good people, my existential thoughts roam
It is probable
Unanswered questions attempt to block my path home
He is love, but love does not seem evident
It is probable
I'll often sing a pretty song
It's deep and sweet and not too long
Huntsmen come and huntsmen go
But they'll never capture me you know
I'll never trust you, I'm out of reach
Standing on the highest cliff,
Overlooking the forest,
She nods to the caring hawk
That wonders what could possibly be wrong
With such a perfect creature.
She watches over the sleeping cougar,
you are nostalgia,
you are oxymorons,
an indifferent feeling almost the same as the love I carry for the moon.
you are the record player in the corner of the room,
If I am not in an environment that does not make me grow
I will unroot myself
I must find a place of Water and Sunshine alike
sleep has become a boring chore,another thing I would rather not do.I'd rather have the moonlight rap me in his dainty arms,then feel the cold lack of presence.but that too is long a distance,
Never houseless but always homeless,
Music managed to provide a sanctuary
Even if it is temporary.
Always hungry but full off of food for thought, music was always nourishing.
Cheeks sallow,
belly hollow,
A rose is a rose
A heart is a heart
A mind is a mind
A soul is a soul
A person is a person
And no one can change that.
That in its self,
is a victory.
Heads roll, faces spinning before your eyes
Death to Louise the thirteenth,
They yell
Death to the Monarchy,
They chant
Sharp angles jump into existence,
Fingers tap against a hard surface.
The whole world open to our assistance.
Movies, pictures, books, music. Purchase!
The door to everything in the palm of a hand,
Love, I’ve made a mistake.
A graven error
Fit to the terrors
And tremors befitting the quakes.
For me, the buildings are falling
your skin. my blanket.keeps me warm, and secure no matter howweak or strong the touch.
your lips. my lifeproviding me with everything I need to makeit to tomorrow.
My fingers float,
page after page.
Waves crash against the boat,
they've gotten harder with age.
But still I sing.
When I'm lost without a map,
and the world around me
An open letter to the first boy I thought I couldn't live without,
I lay in my bed covered in blankets.
I feel at home wrapped in them.
I feel protected by their warm fibers tickling my cold skin.
I once saw two childs stand face to face & take hold of each other's hands. As one would fall, the other would struggle to keep their balance.
I watch as she says she loves him
The way he loves isn't love
Why can't she see
He beats her when she does something wrong
She says she'll leave him
But it's not true
I can't live without chocolate.
Chocolate is like the soul to my heart.
It makes me happy, like the chimpanzees.
The way it melts like butter as the flavor explodes into your mouth.
That first blinding sting of your leather
touching seven when I realised.
"Why this mistake?" you had groaned
"Such a beautiful soul" I had crooned
LOVE, a mere sensation to me
FEAR, a mere creation by you
She is the puppeteer and my heart the puppet,
Manipulating every string with expertise,
Plucking away at each string ‘til it gives way to her commands.
I could not make it through the day
If my Music was not with me
My earphones are the windows
To a world that keeps me sane
Amid the chaos that surrounds me
The crowds
The Screams and Shouts
Have you ever been been short of words?
You have, whether you took the time
To consider the impossible eventuality
Carefully lain before you.
Now think, in that moment, in that tiny forever
I'm alone in this world, of this I'm sure
I'm in a play called life, messing up my part knowing there's no encore
Things bother me now, that never did before
A Voice,
Barely a whisper,
But load enough to be heard.
A light,
Barely a flicker,
But bright enough to be seen.
A shimmer of hope,
A flicker of joy,
A glimmer of love.
My love,
I loved u then,
I love u now,
It just happened,
I dont know how.
But, now to say I cant live,
Without you,
Would be a fib.
You are my life,
My love for you is true,
Though this entanglement of bones
covered by war-torn skin
is the containment of my very being,
I suppose an amorphous frame
would not alter my passions,
would not fracture my soul,
I sing the rhythm of the night. The possessions I own are shared with those I love, and theirs are also mine.
The enlightenment heightened my slighted psyche, she judges, it’s like the purveyor of our pain and purgatory is a catholic church, no better yet, an oratory.
Insomnia seems to grace me
With his presence each night.
Loneliness often deafens me
With the words he left unspoken.
Anxiety holds me hostage,
Invoking memories I want to forget.
My face, distorted in the sun
under my right eye a deep scar remembers
the pain of abuse, and the tears he has left me inside
I could not cry under this mask, yet I find another route
perception is changed.
the fatal flaw it carries
becomes visible.
but, dear friend,
be wary.
for the things we can see
are not the things we can be.
we must change.
don’t it feel good?
being infatuated by just one individual
tell me it don’t perceive affection because i highly oppose
espying such piece of art
planted / my hands
in wet sand / territorial spit
passed down lies / hand made amends
severed ties turned slips we hang from
every dog has its day in traffic
city stray since ours happened
"You Motherfucker"
She said as she let the darkness within her
That she suppressed and kept hidden for
so long, awaken.
Rendering him powerless
with every word she spoke.
Your soft touch and sweet words
keep my dreams alive,
Dreams of tomorrow and better
days to come,
Days where your smile isn't
anything more than a kiss
away from reality,
A kiss away from me.
Our dreams scattered in a ocean of lies disguised as pretty little dandelions
Because with everything beautiful comes its ugly past
Our dreams floating in the wind
He surrounded her like the ocean
She wanted no air, and no land
At first she tested the waters out of curiosity
Now she dives into the deep end, giving no thought
The water was like a riptide
Live music is not a concept.
It is not something you can hold
in the palm of a sweaty hand
until the night has ended
and then release like a caged animal
when the band has exited the stage
I am who i say i am
I am art
I am fashion
I am talent
I am the future
I am me
Who are you
And what makes you, you
Quiet and still on the inside.
Everything stuffed inside the closet.
Fire ignites, change happens.
His eyes meet mine and the flame gets fanned. The fire rages inside us.
I reached out
And held on to the whispers
Of my past
With time prying away at my Soul
Afraid of letting go
And falling into her Grasp
Picture of the most beautiful women you've ever seen. Taking photos of the city lights. All you can see if her pale skin glowing as she clicks the flash button.
My grievances await atonement, but it never arrives
I continue to battle the monsters inside.
These macabre beasts from the infernal grave
Lash out and unleash unbridled rage.
My family is the woods.
My dad is the dirt,
giving us a solid foundation to grow in.
My mom is the tallest tree,
overseeing everything that occurs.
My brother is the opposite bank of the creek,
When dark times come
I hum a familar tune to ease my nerves
My hands are shaking
I am breaking
I am on my knees ready to fade
Music enters my body and I am saved
Somewhere down the road we took a wrong turnWe became curious of our Cheshire cat smilesand we fell down the rabbit holeWe got lost in each other's world of fantasy and illusions
It only takes one man They say you canYou try so hard You try to hideBut somehow your worlds collidesThrough time and space You can't escape the placesWith so many empty spaces and
My life was not always this way
I use to sit only feeling suffering and pain
I'd cry for hours myself to sleep as I feel my soul slowly slip
From my body into the dark abyss of the cold world
I need this
The thumping language of my chest pumps life into me
I remember seeing butterflies flutter,
Feel their wings brush my insides with the kisses of innocent love
If I were all alone
No one around or a home
All I would need is knowledge.
To help me understand life and get me through college.
I'd need a book. Pages and chapters.
Illuminated by the
infinite sublimity
Of the seemingly
half-real form
of this man’s body
weighing her down,
She sinks beneath
His solid shadow,
The wind whispered to me through the pines,
I could hear it racing through my mind.
It told me its wonderous words,
So small it was almost unheard.
I wondered how long it had traveled,
baby girl I see you got the finest ass too bad you ain't got no class your lack of education shows desperation you seek for fame instead of self gratification.
Pulling all the strings one by one, the puppeteer controls this town set he has built by himself. Making his creations walk around, keeping their heads held high to show happiness throughout this set.
And the World Ended
the cycle is over
and will begin anew
with differnt players
on a differnt stage
telling the same story
of sorow and of joy
endings and begenings
but its alright
Can you imagine living without yourself
Living in a world with no light
Without a blooming moonshine
You would live a life of fright.
Can you imagine awaking to the mundane
my bed:
natural? ticks
we seek what? does not
exist- the Concept: comfort
I hung on my
The Abyss
so dark and cold
sucks my heart in
and almost has my soul.
The Abyss
traps me inside
and people pass by
without a word of hope.
Some push me in deeper
into the Abyss
And like the ocean you were gone again
no longer licking at my shoreline
with waves covered in admiration or adornment.
The tide was low
You scream those hurtful words that cut and bruise my already scarred skin.
Burned skin.
Burned form the light you never let me see.
You see?
Seen but not heard and also not seen.
Some people think my religion is crazy,
but, the foundation of my life, I can't live without
Because even on a deserted island, my thoughts would always turn to Thee
To my Savior I believe, without a doubt
The World we live in contains endless beauty,
though it's often obscured from the human eye.
Acts of endless violence and unfair judgement result in mutiny,
Ruby, rose, cinnamon and scarlet
paint my body in dancing fragments of light
as the sun closes her left eye
and hugs boundless mirrors of sea,
how am I supposed to feel, when we live in a world where it's a crime to feel?
when I was a little girl I was happy, I was bold,
I held freedom, despite what they spoke.
The tide changes twice a day on most beachesA gentle push and pullBeckoned by the moons constant sway.
Here I am
Locked in here with my thoughts,
My mistakes making fun of me.
My memories have now joined the party.
They torture me until,
I succumb to sleep.
The nightmares have more fun,
Tighten your tie my dear.
You're big day awaits.Its time to try outFor the corporate job you hate.
Now,slick back you're hair.Put on your glasses.It's time to cheatAnd lie to the masses.
Being born a drone stings. It stings with a distasteful feeling. Having a destiny that is kindly rolled out for you on a red carpet of despair. At least I know where I'm going.
I wanna let you in on a little secret,
not Bruce Wayne, just one of two faces,
Harvey Dent,
caped-crusader of the night,
dark nights, no sleep,
I claim you all mine,
arrogant as Manifest Destiny.
—Sandra Cisneros, “You Bring Out the Mexican in Me”
Don’t give me a look
From the side of your gaze
Unless you can smile at me
With all of your face
Don’t whisper to others
When I am not around
Unless those same words uttered
You men are all the same
Get what you come for and than leave
And than what am I supposed to do ?
How am I supposed to get up and start over?
Your all the same
Using me and pretending to care
You're my strength, My weakness, And everything in between. Your look, Your touch, Your kiss, Your gentle whisper. My senses are enveloped in every way. You adorn me as I adore you. Yet your mind is what I crave.
-Another day, another step,-Another minute, another breath,-She forces herself to push just that much further, -She gets home and locks herself in -Her bedside holds the weight she lets go of, -gripping her locks as if her hands are sinking into
Let it be known
Open your mouth
Before its all gone
The time is here
Pucker up and kiss oppertunity
And hold back nothing
Using words of nudity
Screw what they think
I can't live without it.
It's been with me all of my life
through every emotion
and feeling.
At every stage.
On every stage.
It lets me express myself
in my own unique way.
Nothing is for sure, yet emotions and affection almost define it all, it is you, to climb and fall, a mountainous path behind your braw, to doors that dance a timeless ball, opening for those your mind has flawed, and help again like binded laws,
I am the queen of what ifs
Sitting on throne of could've beens
My fears are my loyal subjects
Escorting my dreams to the gallows
My ambitions are now prisoners
To my court of procrastination
Cold blue water at my feet, wading through the waves.
Glancing down at my hands, hanging at my waist.
I could live without almost everything
In fact, I could leave whatever you would ask me to, but my mother
Cliche I know
But she is the one thing I absolutely can not live without
All I need is all we need
For I am not separate from the whole
I am not detached from the array of pieces.
All I need is a world full of centered souls
A world crawling with warmth, radiating with heat.
Let the tumble weeds fly
let the Lillie of the field die
I cannot move any farther
all I need is Him,
as though the pain is not enough
my head is swinging because life is tough
I had a dream
It was like Martin's
It was a glorious dream
filled with smiles and cheer
I had a dream
It made me happy
it was better than i thought
Cracked lines grew from my feet
and scoured the grounds.
The land was dead,
and the skies were
unforgivingly black.
Like a thief,
I know why the caged bird sings.
First comes the panic:
An invasion of the heart takes place.
Faster it spreads,
with each locked door and
A Droplet - A Concoction of BrineFlows from the Foreboding;A Hansel of DistressA Signal of Fear.Swivels and SwervesCreeping and CrawlingClink Clank against each StrandDripping from Down Under;
A million swarming voices,A thundering, roaring crowd,The silent scream of reason,Deafened in the noise.
If a wilted Lilac smells of Marigold, does it retain its identity? If an Antirrhinum sprays itself with the perfume of an Ivy, is it forever faithful?
Judging Eyes,Eyes that pierce the soul,Eyes that take a look into the very being,In which I am. Eyes that look upon me,And mock me.They mock with such impuaty,My eyes begin to weep. Weeping eyes,Eyes that water seeps out of,like a trickling creak
All I am is my music
All my music is who I am
I don't write it to get famous
I write it because I can
When I was to afraid to say it
It is everything that I've felt
It reminds me of the good and bad
The green and blue was once so iconic.
The days of love and saftey too soon became chronic.
A brown hue rolled in.
Only the ones blinded by money continued to grin.
Foreknowlegde gave the blurs a clue.
She was a little girl.
A shy soft spoken child,
Scared to speak out.
Scared to tell her thoughts.
Scared to be herself.
She sat alone at lunch.
There's a river I know,
in the land of the dead,
where many call home,
and others may dread.
There's a city I know,
where the parties are gold,
where the liquor is silver,
Somehow I always end up at this road
I just keep driving
I drive until my soul starts to fold
Every time you leave my body is shivering
It gets colder than cold
And I know it’s not right
O sweet coffee,
I adore thee,
Providing energy for tough days,
I hope the day never comes when we have to part ways.
Your words whisp’r allure,
They beck’n my retrace.
My eyes, how they wander,
Seek solely your gaze
Deep canyons before me,
Owned by ripples darting quick
Met by a smile wry
We, the humans, a species clothed in grey,
Powerful at birth but mundane with age,
Forgotten magic, lost in the race,
Slaves of our own hunger.
What a prison, this world is,
My mind of youth, days of past so confused so deluded.
Unknown grounds rocky roads, departed souls.
Entwined in a world of poisonus minds, Life's trap door tryna fade the pain..The pain of life, life's pain plan.
Like Puzzle pieces.
They are as precious to the writer
as legos to a child.
A concept,
some organized nonsense
you dreamed up,
brought forth,
given shape.
I've always been the type of person
who insists they don't need anything.
Depending on someone or something
has always been shameful and embarassing.
I have never seen the merit
All I really need is me.
Just me.
I am not conceited.
I am whole.
If you were to remove me from society
I live in a world full of deaf people
With nonsense parents always unaware
While their child cries up in their steeple
They neither hear nor do they even care
A time of life, a time of truth
I’m the ugly brambly bush
I sit in the dead field
With all the dead grass
I’m surrounded by weeds
And no gardener dare tend me
I am good and kind
I am a brother and a son
I want to be successful in life
I am happy when everyone is happy
I am a hardworking student
Weeping Willow, stop your crying,
Look up, now the sun is shining.
You leaves will turn brown, your sadness will spread.
For dark, evil thoughts are stuck in your head.
Desire to grow has disappeared
When I Perform
My spirit takes the world by storm.
The curtain opens and I ascend
up into the clouds.
I transform into a beautiful being.
Bright and loud.
My heart thunders up in front of a crowd.
The stars on your arms
Reveal the heart
You wear on your sleeve.
For if every star is every wish
Of which your heart was truly dreaming,
Then the constellations upon your body
Image by Moses L. Garcia
Blackness, blackness
Swallow me whole
The tears have not come yet
But they will soon be here
The raw, the hurt
In this darkness
Dimly lit
It’s hard for me to focus sometimes
This ongoing ringing in my head, almost like a chime
My mind is going a mile an hour
And at the same time trying to have a balance of power
It’s hard for me to focus sometimes
I sat silently,
both feet on the dash,
The windows let in a
hard breeze
and it tickled the tips
of my outstretched fingers.
The farmland seemed
to fly by us
as if we were the
Lunch time he is there throwing food at me.Before school he is there stabbing me with a pencil.In the bus he is there choking me with a sit belt.At the park he is there giving me that dirty look In my dream he is there giving me nightmare In my l
When I arrived he was gone-
my stomach vociferated in harmony with
his (hello hello hello) soul
I tried to close my eyes and trace the throat of his fingernails
and when I arrived, he was gone.
7:36- my alarm goes off and my eyelids are cement walls that are being pried open by a mother who’s only reasoning for doing so is ‘because i want to’
where did you go?
I thought you said you'd always be there
I guess "there" was unspecified
you forgot to add "at my convenience"
so where did you go?
did you find another person to mislead?
6 Feet Up wear a golden, studded, shiny Crown.
6 feet down nothing but Muddy, Stinky, Rotten ground.
I swear that I would never forget
Your form quietly returns to space
What else can I do besides avenge you?
Massive extinction of species
Are hurting you and me.
They call them “Red in the tooth and claw.”
This makes a question for the law.
Twelve scores ago
Our Fathers created our home
It used to have thirteen rooms,
Now it has fifty
It was a place where some can be free
A vain bird flying- full of hopes yet flightless
In the midst of nowhere in the skies she searches
For a life she has to live;
For her own kind of air to breath.
The gun fires and
instinct takes over
as I attack out of the blocks,
a mighty grizzly hunting my prey,
powerful arms swinging
Laughter drips from our mouths,
like honey, sweetening
the room
The sporadic rise and fall of my chest
I was four when you
first became sad.
Mom says that’s why you
came to live with us.
The doctors call it depression.
My skin, the cover of my soul’s pages, is soft
leather binding, knitted together
by the Expert Craftsman,
protecting secrets from
There is no winning
in this war with myself
Weapons drawn from every direction
gun loaded
bows ready
I met you on the road of Longing,
As you took me hand in hand,
My heart burst with love wide open,
And so our journey began.-
"My Kings, my life is yours,
I have lived to this moment for you,
Holding silvers and golds into place on your neck,
Keeping notes and to-do lists on a refrigerator in check.
Although things couldn't get any worse,
I realized that my fragile heart couldn't resist the harshness of this world any longer.
Though the vastness of freedom in the universe was at my reach,
Depression..Do you know what it feels like?Here, let me explain.You're submerged in a deep crepuscular ocean.
Troubled and tired and did not know what to do
Confused about religion, pleasures and promises of the world
Looked for answers for my dying soul and a place to rest because I felt so blue
nothing ebbs out,
nothing surrounds,
it does not consume but devours,
it is disease,
it is darkness,
an army of hatred,
The words you have to say
The feelings you can't shake
Fear will tell you, "Wait,"
Because Fear is not afraid
She does not hold back or quake
She does not waver or make mistake
Fear knows what she does
Can I speak to you?Can I perhaps pontificate feelings that are stirring in the cavity of my broken upen chest?The center of my soul that has been beaten and torn down by the words and the hurt and the retrospective judgement of my past self.I apol
Like the cool breeze, the years flow.
Along with the memories, I watch them go.
Day by day, I write in my journal,
letting the memories, by pen, show.
My love for the past will never end.
She was beautiful
Brighter than the sun
And she was precious
the boy knew she was the one
Beauty queen,
you know her type,
big city dreams
A girl that is up all night
Too tall for her age,
slightly chubby with a hint of orange
Shy words but harsh thoughts
“Such a sweet face she has”
Stuck in her own bubble
of rejected desires
Don't you go fret now hon
The kingdom where children go hand in hand
Blue glistening oasis in the sun
The perfect wonderland
unrealistic hope
obscure dreams in the mind
In a graveyard, you’ll find there’s a girl.
An angel from another world.
She built her walls,
she made her stone,
the concrete angel had a home-
How do I get rid of the fear and pain,The agonizing, yet numbing shame?I want to feel happiness, not tears,But how do I get there from here? I want to get rid of these stormy clouds,Let loose from the unstoppable doubts.I want to spread love and c
A shot of colors blare into the blackened night
The sound of firecrackers blinding us from reality.
Once the people from the big star in the sky,
When I use words to explain my depression, I use those of others.
I claim to be a writer and yet I become so certain that what I have is too little.
What I am
What I have become
For eighteen years I have become
The product of those who live,
Those engineers, unaware of their invention
Unaware that every word, every look,
They say it's a time for us to learn how to live in the real world,
But really it's a time for everyone to quarrel,
They say it's a time to get a high school sweetheat
Lace weaves around her limbs
like a Black Widow’s web.
A serpent in the grass...
She watches the funeral procession pass
from the church window.
You trudge through the daily life,
budge through to make a life
Try to say goodbye?
It doesn't work that way
you've come this far just to dig your grave?
You're smart.
Walking down Bryn Mawr, it doesn’t even matter
if it’s late at night, the cat calls echo off dents in vans,
Its sitting in the middle
Of a rustic forest day by day
Dead leaves suround it
Hardly no sound comes out of it
Write your own life story
it'll be easy
Just write it in under 650 words
But don't make it too sad
or too happy
Make sure there's struggle
and triumph
Try to include humor
We are champions, the battle was won.
Victory, victory is going to come.
Competitions wonder how we did this.
I do not remember when it happened.
I cannot recall the precise moment when I lost interest in coloring books and playing dress up.
As I laid down to sleep I had a nightmare.
I was brought to a world that I could not bare.
People treated so badly, it truly wasn't fair
and the ones who could change things, were the ones who didn't care.
Pain brings the saddest days or the happiest moments
Pain of sacrifice is more bueatiful then a childs pain turned into a starlit lotus
If you lose pain you lose focus
I am a cannon about to explode
A screw about to come out
A bullet to the heart
A broken shell
I am a stick of TNT lit at both ends
it began with a spark
lightning struck and i fell in love
the fire blazed uncontrollably
flames and i danced wildly
untaped untrained untamed
but free
Then they came
Cu cu cu cu and it is not the clock.
It is my head trying to find out who am I.
Driving a tractor and plowing the lands.
Bringing the fruit of our homeland.
Who am I you might ask?
Whenever the clouds
Of pain and sadness loomed,
Whenever the eyes drowned in tears,
Whenever the beating heart got scared,
I asked it,
Wonders. That is all we are. Constantly wondering to something new, something wonderful, something different. Something that is not us. We use things to distract us, music, writing, the tapping of a pen, but I cannot distract myself.
We are our own suns.
Wait, I take it back.
You are mine.
Your mind casts a light upon mine,
so that my vision is spotted.
it puts me at ease,
yet it tortures me all the same.
I’m afraid I live without seeing
What I see is only white noise
White noise, a rooted ceiling
The ceiling trusses will be destroyed
Let the grind begin,
There seems to be no way to win.
From school, to sports, to homework,
Their parents are hiding the knives and forks.
People body shame people.
Why do they do it?
Do they have other things to be worried about?
This world is full of mindless delinquents
Maybe it wont last that long,
Or maybe our reationship will stay strong.
I'm guessing you feel the same,
But don't worry,you are not to blame.
This is just the start,
I hear a sound of little tiny feet
although said foot is not yet setthese decisions I've yet to regret
the clock tics forward unrelenting in speedthe people grow furious driven with need
Light of my life,
Light in the dark,
I wish that were true.
You would never let me look up,
But now I have
As I sit in front of my computer watching some short animation,it occurs to me that for days, weeks, or some longer duration,my mind and with it, conscious thought, had been on vacation;
I asked you, my friend, to meet me at night
And hoped against hope that we'd be alright.
On that day I stopped watching myself fall;
Despite what you think, I remember it all.
I called a thousand times last night
But you were never there
I wore my voice out crying
But I know that you don't care
What happened to the kingdom
We built from blood and ash
The cannons resound.Their deafening ringing smothers my voiceSilences my questioning thoughtsLeaves only the orders I was given.
I am a person.
I am a person who has come so far.
I have fought in a war that involved no weapons
Only thoughts.
I have battled against evils that only existed in my mind.
And I know that I am not alone.
Independence is.
Independence is finding a place.
Independence, is losing hold of what reality existed before.
You’re hiding inside a tight locked case.
And why? Because you want more.
More approval,
A statue of metallic human shape,
posessing life and tongue of silver shine.
Adept and witty speech of gilded shine,
observant voice that no one could escape.
For praise, it sings of glory sans mistake.
I am the silence that you do not notice
When noise fills the room
I am the one who listens and watches
As where others would act
I am the observer who decides what
Action is needed and what is not
My life is like a multi-colored retractable pen, and the multiple colors represent different types of moments that once they happen, they’ll be written into my memories.
Under surveillance
I polish the way I move
Try to look busy in order to be ignored
Approaching me anyway
He sits very close to me
When darkness clouds in, my faith is deterred,
Fog and despair surround me, my vision blurred,
Turning to and fro, finding nothing in the night,
I am not one or even ten things
I am not the flesh that stands before you
Or the span of my wings
I am no answer to the question “who”
I am malleable
every "stern hand" that's hit, left a dent,
never broke the skin
My tissue is made of copper and my bones are steal.
I may be
I Am Dancing
By: Mads
I am dancing.
I am captured by the tango.
Dark red lit shadows conceal my face.
I am ballroom grace
I am the breath of a whistle:
the soft pitter-patter of a drizzle.
I am the tears that flow in night,
the laughter in early morning bright.
I am crumpled ideas thrown under beds:
Never can a sentence be clear and honest,
Without punctuation.
Punctuation is the guide of the sentence, the reader’s compass.
It reveals the writer’s plan, aiding communication.
how long do you leave a soul outand let it go coldbefore you throw it away?
food for thought
people for food
I am an ocean.
I am far deeper than I myself know.
Even the best words will never be sufficient
to describe the swells that I feel within myself,
the swells and currents beneath my surface,
I am a Kindergartner
Listening to words
Singing songs
Learning my colors
Happy with the world
I am a kindergarten
I am a third grader
Meeting new people
Playing Pokemon
Pages of a story
Is what I am.
I am the crisp sound of paper sliding from one page to another.
I am the smell of the book as it slowly ages
And smells like vanilla.
26 letters unafraid,
Fumbling Through Who I Am
Sometimes I wonder "Who am I"
Am I just a person hiding behind a mask
Pretending to be someone I am not
Am I playing a dire game by doing so
I Am:
Yet a storm on the inside;
Raging under moonlit waves-
"Would you consider yourself to be a fighter?" A fiesty, runty, redhead I was. From the day hair sprouted on the top of my head to the day I shook my principal's hand and recieved my diploma.
When I was a little kid
I was afraid of the dark.
I dreaded bed time everynight
and when finally forced to turn off the lights , it took me two steps to get from the light switch, all
to the way to my bed.
When I look in the mirror
Everything becomes clearer
Knowing that my flaws couldn't be nearer
I try my best to look past them
But I am no gem
Trying to compare myself to others
2 weeks is how long it takes for me to give up on my workout plan
1st, I’d take “before” pictures,
I remember the first time I got angry
I ran from the kitchen table through the living room
and to the foyer
where I tackled my sister.
One time, I bit her
because she was annoying me.
I am a stripper!
Or at least that's what I will be,
Spending hours breaking my feet.
Working all night just wanting to sleep.
Dancing around for society to see.
It was all because you defined me.
jaz - man noun f
1. A blossoming flower that will always keep growing
She silently developes within the faith of her blooms
I am a lover of communication,
But I am fearful of how it may seem.
I am a fan of old fashioned oration,
These things are important to me.
Brighten as the stars shall my mask be
In a dark room is the other me
Humble but yet tumble
Fighting through my soul to be strong
Letting all my emotions through a song
Behind a mask shall I be
I am a seed
I am planted and nurtured, carefully tended as I grow, there is no knowledge of what I will become, a beginning awaiting
I am a flower
I love me,I want them,I love her,I want him,I love fire,I want ice,I love naughty,I want nice,I love you,I want us,I love love,I want lust,I love he,I want she,
Smoke fills the sky
Abandonment is the definition of city
Can we all find a way to forget depression
If we don't
It'll eat us alive
Trapping all of us inside
What happened to the sunny days
In the silent night
The streetlights shine so bright
Beautiful shades of red and orange ,glisten in the water
More fiery than a lighter.
It defines how I'm a writer.
Life is short and my time will soon be up,
Death was approaching and my next breath could have been my very last,
The mountain seemed too steep to climb,
But the time was now, the time to persevere,and the time to strive.
Where you have the right to fail but criticized,
Where the pressure builds up like clogged water pipes,
Where you’re labeled and segregated from other individuals,
Mind floating through the cosmos
The allure of the unknown entices me
below the surface with my eyes closed
wondering why does my mind feel what my eyes can't see
coal under pressure is what created me
Mile marker seventeen
passes without word,
as all the others have.
(and as all the rest will).
To any outside observer
I am a point on this dark highway
a flash of light
into the black
I Am Me.
Not one word defines me,
not one simplicity of the words man has made defines who I am.
I am a Hispanic American citizen.
She was as beautiful as a red rose in the wind. When she twirled around and spinned.
I would see her walking in the hall, too nervous to ask her to the ball.
But, one day I manned up, I asked her too a movie and she said, "yup."
For many years I was "crazy"
Labeled by ignorant adolescents
Who interpret sadness as insanity.
But how thoughtful they were
To inform me of my worth.
They were so goddamn funny,
She walk into the room head high smiling
On the inside her head is curled like a turtle.
She walks prideful shoulders back, chin up
To keep the tears from falling. She’s often complimented
I'm losing count of how
Many days it's been.
He's happy,
I'm happy,
Or I was.
He sickens me.
He darkens me.
He's hardened me.
Tossed aside for lack of change
But he has changed me.
Needless to say,
I am a two-way mirror,
Dappled and smudged
But I couldn't be clearer.
My mind is a puzzle
Locked in a dark room,
Assembling itself
So that it might bloom.
I am the layer of ice over the lake that keeps me amphibious.
I am the frown that I can feel on my face.
I am the gnawing sadness inside the space between my brain and my skull.
Hard to hate when he’s liked:
A million reasons to keep fighting but he justs sits.
Thoughts that scream in his mind but stay mute to the one he claims he loves.
Why does he do this?
School, an institution that focussees more on tolerance than intlligence.
A monetary sinkhole which provides a service to the growing youth.
Many claim that education is instilled; however, the youth stare blankly.
I Am... the face of my city..
I am... a visonary.
I am.. the novel of my people.
Each page, represents my people.
I am not Chad
I am jaob Fox
I once thought i was chad
I was not chad
I always looked up to him as a dad
He was more academc than my dad
Turns out he had
He had a fad for engineeing
The ache I have for you starts in my finger tips,
And it rattles my bones,
I have made you my home. Oh, what a move that was made that September night,
I never would’ve guessed,
That it could lead to this. Maybe we’re the moon and the ocean,
She dances through the sky,with the sun shining bright.
Glorious and Graceful and much like a kite.
She sways in the wind to her own tune
Don’t tell me you know me, you do not
I’m not part of a stupid stereotype
I’m a person, the same as you
So kiss my ass you’re not my type
I am discilpine and determined
I wonder how successful I'll be in life
I hear the beauitful birds singing along with me
I see the amazing sunsets almost before my bed time
Naked newborn
Crying in pain
Nothing's the same
I don't know where I am
All I know is the sting
Here in this lime lined, green field
A battle is to be fought without mercy, without yield.
Two platoons of a baker’s dozen each.
I am the blood
I am the sweat
I am the heart beating
The heart breaking
The earth shaking…
That’s me.
See who else could be there?
Standing like an ovation
Boxes of wood and iron
Each crate tells its tale
Some wrapped in red, others draped in blue
Some set upon sail, others to fly
Watching a mammoth glacier
As it moved slowly across the blue and red seas
A ship made of gold and myrrh
Set adrift to follow the breeze.
Its body was pure snow
The once was a lovely maiden
Whose face shined like steel and silver
She was just a hallow shell seen by many men
Iron thorns cover the inside of her.
I got you but I even tripping on it, stopped the swper ro swiping go and call me dora
the explorer firefox motorolla I lov you cause you go an take me over cloud 9
There once were three mice
Summers, Simon and Tice
And all day long, they would hunt for quail
Through fog and rain, snow and hail.
In a straight line, they marched as one
Up and down the marshy run
No longer a clean blank sheet,
Scribbled on by everyone.
Reckless hands crumpled my page
And tossed it into oblivion.
No longer a treasured book,
Branded nonessential.
April. I am April. You will probably never meet me. You will probably never see me. I am just a rose petal in your world of 7. billion people. A rose petal. I am a rose petal that has ambition. I am a rose petal that has strength.
Year after year,
the same leaves don't die.
The same people never stay
but their memories remain.
I awoke to the sounds of laughter and rushing steel
To the smells of baking sweet
To the feel of lacquered wood
To the taste of candied cherry wheat
But when I opened my eyes
I could pass an hour telling youwhat’s wrong with me, delving
into every nook of my weaknesses, every
cranny between my ribs. I could pass a day, if
I am
a dreamer.
My mind is a playing field
My goals are the starters,
As my oppositions take the bench.
But sometimes they get up
No longer rooted
They get a chance to take part in something
I am a piece of Art
not a piece of beauty
not piece of meat
not a second guess
Art is I
molded and formed for nine long months
There was once a little girl who was queen,
And lived in a world where the sky was pink and the moon was made of cheese!
There was no concerns for that little girl who was queen,
I Am….
A twin
A single organism broken up by my DNA.
Hundreds of tiny cells each creating my image.
The mirror only knows how to say
"You're unique," in the worst way,
The fairy tale bodies
of crinkled magazine covers always implied a happy ending,
But this, is
You were the ray of sun that shone through my window with the early light of dawn
and I
merely the speck of dust drifting by caught in your luminescence
Illuminated by your glow, feebly dancing to catch your attention
I am my variation of being, solidifies my vessel:
breaking boundaries of self indulgence.
Fixating on false beliefs.
Trapped within words never spoken, but so clearly understood.
I am the cosmos
Projected through blood, bone, grit
Sweat, tears
Love, pain
I am abyss
The darkness
Emanating from light
Absorbing peace, order
I am flight
I am poems are a thing of the past, right?
We did these poems the first Friday of seventh grade back in 2010.
It seemed so childish to write things about our lives when no one would really listen anyways.
Who Am I
I am a turtle
Who's quiet and shy
I am a dictionary
Who knows every answer
Who am I
I am a mighty lion
Strong and brave
I am a great friend
Here I am here to save the day
My name is Daniele, spelled with one “L” instead of two because I was born weighing one pound, eleven ounces, and my parents decided to select a unique name for a unique baby.
Fiery, never a follower
Fiery, never a follower
-Always LEAD with your
-Anything worth doing
Is worth being the BEST
Don’t look down on all
4’11’’ of me because I
I grew up in a very sheltered home. My parents were protective, caring, and loving.
did you think to say "free my brother"
while he was doing his dirt
gang banging,drug slanging,and selling that work
you never thought to say "free my brother" of the chains he's bound with
Some days I'm happy and bouncing off the walls.
Some days I'm sad and don't want to leave my bed.
Some days I wish my emotions would let me be.
Leave me alone.
Go away.
I Am Me
By Nereida Reyes
I am a lovable person,
a brown skinned Mexican of an independent family,
an adolescent girl that is honored.
I am Loud, I am the sound of a bolt of lightning on a stormy day
I am the sound of an internal conversation about fireflies and the endless questions of the universe
I am caught
From the moment the sun is set ablaze
And the twilight skies blush pastel
The smell is unmistakable,
As smoke dissipates through frigid air
We burn passionately,
Life is a traveling circus,
new experiences all around.
People may look strange,
or come off a little odd.
It might seem scary
to try different things.
But joining that circus,
Before you make that face
Let me bring you in
You know articulate?
Hopefully I gave you that feeling
He noticed me and picked up a brush;
he is his canvas.
He was missing a few stripes
and wanted to fill them in.
Black streaks fly across the painting;
the strokes looked almost skin like.
Love is a burning red flame.
It sounds like snow falling,
and tastes like sweet chocolate.
It smells like a million roses;
it looks like a wild child with a wide grin.
What potter molded your clay?
You stand so tall and mighty.
Your roots run deep,
and your colors change as the seasons do.
You battle storms.
No matter how much you sway,
you always stay.
You could define me in many ways
Artist, basket case, dreamer, hypocrite, athlete, student, introvert, curious, a mystery.
I am none of these completely, but I am all of these to an extent.
I'm a soldier back on the battlefield today
As I rub my fingers together
I feel the callouses from my weapon
That carried me so far, gave me a name
Because that's all I am here, a name
I am the mind inside the body that you see
I am one human in 2015
I am one animal on planet Earth
I am one with the universe
I am two eyes looking out into space
I feel like I'm drowning in acid,
But while I'm melting for you I still try to smile.
During this metaphysical breakdown,
all of our memories I try to compile,
To extract from the quicksand of my mind
You are the one
that my mind
will not stay off of;
you are the one
whose smile
I cannot
stop staring
at; when our eyes
Seventeen: Ten thousand voices grab me and swing me through the Autumn air as I try to figure out how I got to this college campus.
I’ve got more than enough under my belt,
So why do I have to keep adding notches?
What I consume for profit,
Shouldn’t make me broke.
Or make my stomach implode.
Should It?
I sat outside my house, to avoid its inside
and be alone to think. I like to think
you see. I like to understand.
The clouds decide to join me, to be part
I am coal, gritty and black,put under thousands of pounds of pressure-
a mind that decidedthat happiness would be too easy,
a parent that decidedloving me was too hard,
You who touched my heart and now gone
Made me crave and for you yearn
when I was fear-manacled and did mourn.
Sprinkled on me your love, yea
My prize and all I hold dear
The reality of my dreams
I am the waves hitting the sand,
When the sun has come to its end
And the stars and moon are the only light,
Calling out for the suns warmth again
I am the one who holds life that is unkown
I am not a normal girl
They tell me it not real
I am not a normal girl
I know how I am feeling
I am not a normal girl
They told me its just a faze
I dont unndestand
I am not a normal girl
Younger me,
was full of life,
my future stuck in a bag, in my hand lay the knife.
I stabbed and I poked,
I tried only to find,
that the knife lay dull and life was why.
Sharp objects I searched for,
The pump squeezes more of the fluid
Crimson in appearance
It is a soft thing
The heart beats soft
But a machine is a machine
And a heart grows cold without a soul
I do not know where I am going
The people around me say I should stop
But I'd rather die on the way to my goal
Than on the side smelling roses.
I am me.
I am crazy.
I am quiet.
I am loud.
I am not popular.
I am content.
I am me.
I am my playlist.
I am my grades.
I am small mind.
I am a great mind.
I am an essay.
I am a delicately carved, yet actively changing
piece of work. Hours I spend carefully synthesizing ideas
to create a perfect blend. I need help. I need peer edits,
I am a flame.
A silent thing.
I can keep you warm,
or destroy your whole world.
I am a piano key.
A little thing.
I can help you create beautiful music,
or throw the whole thing off.
Who am I?
Well to answer your question
I must first answer the question of what I am not
...I awaken with death sloshing in my mind...
I am washed up again on a liminal shore
Where gloaming and dawn converge
To wage their perennial war
It's inside us all
lurking in our shadows.
It's an unidentified monster
and it's coming for you.
With its claws and fangs
it's ripping you apart
from inside out.
I am strong
-er than I was before
Curled up, shaking, on the floor.
Panic attacks that would make me weak.
Lightning illuminates the night sky
Her husband answers in his thunderous voice
Two lovers old as time
Fighting once more
The color of intensity
Running through our veins
Deep beneath the surface
The emotion sill remains
Passion is emerging
Burning fire you can’t hide
Roses begin to blossom
I Am.
I am misunderstood, forgotten, and broken.
But still a beautiful spirit waiting to be awoken.
She had a mouth full of metal
Spent her nights running from horses
and riding her days after dreams
Are we really free?
Is everything meant to be?
All these questions and no answers
No definite answers only indefinite prayers.
Thoughts running longer than fathoms
Explicit and hard to fathom
I used to be terrified
Of what others used to think.
I used to be terrified
That I was meant to sink.
I was scared to swim
Against the familiar waves.
If I floated with them,
I am what I am. I am the climber who digs in when the slopes get steep. I am the guide who chooses this rough course. I am the hot sun beating down upon the mountainside.
I am not defined by the box i check,
I am not 'that girl'
I am not defined by the curves of my hips
Or the rhythm that rides my lips.
I am the mountains I've climbed,
Her words were as sweet as honey,
And her smile was even sweeter.
She would always help those around her,
No matter who or what the situation was.
She always praised others,
The Truth is that im fire , a hot breath in my own desires ,i am my worst enemy a knife that cuts deeper than any sword , the truth is that i am power a burning need to surpass my own limitations,but in realialtyi stare at a blank canva and see a
Unless you're at the zoo, the elephant in the room is a metaphor.
You can be very quintessential, very superficial, and very temperamental; but, I love you and the way you look tonight.
Time is the wind in this storm
A storm for both my body and mind
My life is frozen, but time still runs
Unliving, but faithful
Unconscious, but consistent