Dear Insecurities,
I am not and will never be perfect,
Stop trying to make me into one.
I do not need to cake on makeup to feel beautiful,
I was born naturally precious.
I was created and will continue to be different.
Get over the fact that I will not be a follower.
I do not need your approval to be myself,
Your only option is to accept me for who I am with all my flaws.
My value is not measured by my weight,
I will continue to eat whatever I like and be happy in my own skin.
No more comparing myself to others,
I will not let your idea of 'beautiful' affect how I see myself.
I will be able to face rejection,
You know why? Because it will only make me stronger.
No more overthinking,
All you do is bring negative thoughts.
I will not keep hiding behind a mask,
I will be loved without having altered my looks or personality.
Thank you, Insecurities, for showing me,
I can be strong and confident enough to beat you.
Yours truly,