Modern Greatness
Long ago the Greeks had their gods and goddesses
Thought to be long forgotten to the sands of time
But they’re still very much alive.
Dethroned from Mount Olympus
They live quietly among us in the simplest of ways.
Aphrodite is in that one outfit
That gives you the confidence to stand up straight.
She’s in the smile
Of that one person that can always manage
To tug the corners of your own lips.
She’s in you all the time
Because you’re beautiful and loved no matter what.
Ares can be heard in the cries and shouts
Of young people fighting
To be the change they wish to see in the world.
He’s in the silent struggles
That scream in the minds of those
Fighting unseen battles behind tired eyes.
Athena shows herself when you remember
The answer to the test seconds before time runs out.
She’s whispering in your ear
So you know just what to say
To a friend who needs help bearing their burdens.
Apollo is in the laughter and the light.
He’s the dancing in your eyes
As you tease your friends.
He’s the colors in the sunset
That bring you such joy after a long day.
Artemis is there to comfort
All the women who have suffered
Unmentionable wrongdoing.
She’s fighting for
All the girls born in the wrong bodies
And standing up for
All the girls pushed down or mocked
Just because they’re girls.
Hephaestus is in the artist
And the one who is told
That their talent isn’t good enough
To be pursued in the real world.
He’s with the begrudged
And the beaten
And the forgotten.
He’s advocating for those overlooked
Just because they don’t look the part.
Demeter is the force behind the wildflowers
That bring such color to the bleakness
That would otherwise overpower the world.
She’s in the bouquet
That witnesses a bond between two souls
And she’s in the pure innocent joy
In a child presenting his mother a dandelion bouquet.
Hera fights for the one
Who can’t seem to figure out
Why he doesn’t seem to love her anymore
Or why she keeps seeking solace in another’s arms.
She wipes the tears
Of those so often trampled upon
And empowers them to recognize
What kings and queens they truly are
Regardless of how they’re treated by others.
Hestia is in the warmth
Found in the arms of a friend when you need them the most.
She’s the giddy feeling you get
When you’re up too late at a sleepover
Or the slight crazed feel
You get when you’re just letting loose
With the ones that you love with your entire being.
The gods are still very much alive
If only you know where to look for them
Because greatness doesn’t have to be grand.
It only has to be enough
To mean something to someone somewhere
Because changing the life of one person for the better
Is the greatest thing imaginable.