Return to the Battlefield
I'm a soldier back on the battlefield today
As I rub my fingers together
I feel the callouses from my weapon
That carried me so far, gave me a name
Because that's all I am here, a name
The myraid of soldiers on this dismal field
Are all fighting, competing for themselves
Some hope for the king's attention or personal glory
Others for a promotion, others for death
Some are here for bloodshed, others because they were drafted
Nonetheless, everyone is here, fighting in someway
Some are only fighting being here
But for all
This day, this time of year, is a horrible one indeed
Veterans no longer understand, and the very young cannot comprehend
That wars, no matter how small or ephemeral, are bloody
And not one soldier leaves the field with a pristine uniform
Even those who trudge idly among the carnage
See the tiredness in the eyes of those who fought hardest
And no one misses the extra wrinkle on the commander's forehead
When the soldier he chastised about a million times
Is lying dead below him, a cocky, carefree grin still etched upon his face
A rebel with no cause whom he couldn't persuade nor coerce to follow orders
All I am here is a name in the highest unit, among those who fight hard
But that's all we are here, commended soldiers to be molded then used
We are the ones who throw our godforsaken souls into the battle
And what we get in return is the "privilege" to join bigger wars for free
And we go, and we fight, because hey, wars are expensive
The time of peace prior to this dawn of wartime
Was hardly a pleasant time for any of us
The weapon you use in the combat zone, after all
Feels heaviest throughout this time both in your hand and on your mind
Forgive us if it is difficult to return here, I think
As I sharpen my weapon to start the training semester
Forgive us if we have no energy to hide our exhaustion, our contempt
Our hatred for these grounds and the knowledge there is worse to come
We're forced for so long to think about future clashes
That although we are not directly prevented from being carefree
We feel the oppressive hand of responsibilty weighing us down
Keeping us from enjoying whatever shred of youth we might still have
Each time we come back we are reminded that later on
There won't be excuses for mistakes and blunders
But they lie, there are no excuses here
The act of showing up year after year is punishment enough
But alas, who could expect war itself to understand this
Much less the lackeys who inflict this torment on us
The start of this year holds nothing new for us
We know of warfare, we know what's coming
This return is nothing more
Than the beginnng of a recurring nightmare