I Am a Mouthful of Metaphors
For many years I was "crazy"
Labeled by ignorant adolescents
Who interpret sadness as insanity.
But how thoughtful they were
To inform me of my worth.
They were so goddamn funny,
Their tongues two sided swords, calling me honey
But they stepped up to malice,
Offered me a gun, as a challenge
To what the genius' defined as
A plea for attention.
Oh, they were so blind
Every boligerant word made a deeper slit
The proof was right there on my wrists.
Next, I was a "bitch"
Because a woman who holds her ground
Instead should hold her tongue.
At least the air
Was still in my lungs.
And then high school came
All young women are labeled the same.
We're no longer ladies
Only porcelain dolls, objects to collect
Items for sex.
But I am more than this;
They just want your name on their list.
You say let's just take things slow,
You say louder, NO
He is angry, he is rude...
And now, I am a "prude"
Because I won't get nude.
You people make me distraught
For all mankind.
I am whatever I can dream up
In my mind.
I am more than
these labels that don't mean shit.
I am beautiful,
With a killer wit.
If they tell me to stand, I will sit
For I am a poet;
I am different and I know it.
I am my favorite bands,
and unmarked lands.
I am hell fire;
An honest liar-
A moutful of metaphors
That kick down doors.
I am unearthly,
Only art and cosmic nature
Strokes of paintbrush and danger.
I am a blink-of-an-eye-eternity;
heavenly fury.
I am the roaring fire
They so wish to extinguish
{b r i l l i a n c e}
The loud laughter in libraries,
The secret truth of diaries.
I am the pen marks of a proofread
I am the caged bird, freed.
The underrated flute overcome
By the brass blast of trumpet thrum.
I am a beautiful weed pulled from the garden,
Just shy of their targets.
I am the thorn that draws
The rose red color
From your ocean blue veins
Proving that everything
Is never as it seems.