Mr. Hero
Tell me Mr. Hero, what have You done?
Is this not my story?
You’ve commandeered the issue
my newest release
See Your summons in the sky
That which obscures my image
The citizens have all forgotten me
And origins lost in Your tyrant rule
I am only talked in terms of You now
my city runs thick with Your sticky control
I cannot say where my parents are laid
Nor who last visited my own city
You do not wait on clocks to tick on time
You push them forward until they shatter
But now I shall erase you
I, and no other
For I am she that holds the reigns
your strings have been cut, one by one
And all together, those fiat words
you were meant to be a pedestrian of My world
That films Me thriving
The old woman in the park
Who feeds the ducks with corn and Me with wisdom
Now this story is Mine again
And you are cast out,
And the sickening league is broken, returning My nature