A Bad Reputation
Telling me to express myself that’s like telling me to wreck myself
How can I expect you to help me and you can’t even help yourself
I don’t even think I should call the police because they might think it was me
Or leave me dead in the streets because I’m selling CD’s
Or say that I’m resisting because I said I can’t breathe
Life is rough now it’s not fun
Get nervous and leave me dead ‘cause of a bb gun
I mean are you intimidated by opposites so you want to eliminate us
I just feel like you really hate us so sick of discrimination
I mean are you scared for your life so you take someone’s life
You type are giving cops a bad name this is why people don’t stand during the anthem
Because we don’t hear a song we just here cries and gun violence
Police brutality is why N.W.A. was never silent