Rapunzel, Rapunzel had a lot of hair
So thick, so dense
No stylist would dare
She stayed in a tower
In the middle of town
Combing and spraying
Detangling and braiding
When they hear her name
It’s a shame
Cascading blonde
No, they got it all wrong
Yes, her locks are long, like endless waves
Infinite spirals and kinks
Cosmic DNA
A mane so regal, locked away
Waxed mahogany in the sun’s rays
Yet, the color of midnight in a shadow of day
On a woman so complex, keen, bright
Dealing with microaggressions
Everyday slights
The door wasn’t locked to the elevator
But someone held Rapunzel back
She can’t be a traitor
Mothers know best
They’ve seen it all:
Hansel and Gretel’s story
The wolf, on Wall Street
Humpty’s great fall…
She says it’s a cruel world out there
Full of nasties and hate
They’ll take what they want
Nowhere is safe
That’s why you carry your switchblade and mace
What about the good?
Rapunzel thought hard
Insta and Snap
Full of beauty, memes
Laughter, jokes
Culture, art
All kinds of nice folks
She tells one story
I read another
To find the truth
I must discover
The real world beyond this tower
The world of animals
Ravenous for power
Yet selfless love for one another
She reached ground floor
Opened the final gate door
Caterpillars transforming into butterflies
Trembling in her stomach