The Most Detrimental Injury
I hold the story in my hand
My eyes jump from word to word as
The tangible account transforms into an elusive fantasy
My hand moves to continue the narrative
Suddenly a sharp pain attacks my vulnerable flesh
I cry out in agony in hopes that someone will hear
I dare not to look at the throbbing source else I might faint.
like a raging fernes it begins to burn
Warm water seems to engulf my eye and blur
my vision and with a blink it runs down my cheek.
Finally I force myself to look upon the bloody monstrosity
It is worse than I thought.
Unable to walk due to the crippling pain,
I drag myself over to get help
A kind old maiden bandages the wound
She looks at me with a concerned, yet puzzled face
Perhaps wondering why so much emotion was provoked by the injury
Perhaps realizing that my threshold of pain is quite shallow
Yet, In a soft, sincere, voice she says to me,
"Paper cuts are the worst, aren't they?"