The Wanderess: Why I Write
She painted the world
In shades of blue,
Violet, and green.
She painted the world
To reflect all the things
She wished to see.
• • •
She wanted a world
That was merry and bright.
So she dipped her brush
In yellow paint
And reassembled the night.
• • •
She imagined a world
Where people learned
To coexist.
So she picked up a pen
Instead of using
Her fists.
• • •
She drew pictures of places
She could only dream to see.
And she wrote about people
She knew she would never meet.
• • •
She wrote to lift
The heavy weight upon her chest;
For in words she found a way
To communicate what her
Lips could not express.
• • •
Some thought her to be a cynic,
Others said her head was
In the clouds.
Either way, she knew
The world she envisioned
Was better than the one
She lived in now.