Inner Demons
Slam me down
Pick me up
Wonder why what I do is never enough
For you
Sweat drips down my spine
Tears drip down my chin
I can never win, I will never win
But I get back up
The dirt on the floor you push me down on welcomes me now
We know each other by name
It clings on to me
But I refuse to call it my home
You look at me with disgust
Disgust at my tears
You say I look pathetic
Like a baby
Even though I am well past those years
I grind my teeth
My bones feel brittle
My mind oozing out the darkness you fill it with
You shriek
You scream
That I can never break free
You try to define my worth
But I get back up
I get back up
I know I am worth it
I am not a child any longer
I no longer cry over your words
I have realized I am not these wounds
I am my strength
The strength I used to get away from you