I Am... Scholarship Slam
Younger me,
was full of life,
my future stuck in a bag, in my hand lay the knife.
I stabbed and I poked,
I tried only to find,
that the knife lay dull and life was why.
Sharp objects I searched for,
Sharp objects i'd find,
each time life would come and each time it would pry.
Gave in I did,
I then called it quits,
I tossed over the bag and I layed on my mits.
This new angle I lay,
and wording I discover,
On the bag, a "tear me" layed above the mixed numbers.
I got up I did,
and you bet I ran over,
I picked up the bag, and I tore like no other.
On the inside of the bag,
I found a letter that reads,
"check your room, and then you'll see"
I looked and I found,
a couple of things,
a computer, a comic book, A Disney DVD.
The whole time I had hoped,
the bag would tell me,
what I would do in the future, as you could see.
Turns out the whole time,
The answer would be
my future was already decided... by me.