We Are All Little Suns...
I find my mind will change itself.
My body will decay.
My thoughts, my dreams, my aspirations
turn to low vibrations and whither away.
All of these material things
that some hold dear to Heart...
Well... to me... I guess...
I just know they fall apart.
A family is for a lifetime,
and a lifetime ends with death.
However, this will not my LIFE.
It will not end my Breath
that breathes my Rainbows into the Universe,
that breathes my Love into the Source.
You ALL have Rainbows inside you, too,
and you all have Love, of course.
This is the most PRECIOUS thing
that can be released into this world...
All other worlds, as a matter of fact,
so let that Love unfurl.
Close your eyes, remember your youth!
Can you see the colorful shapes
all intwined together in beautiful rays
of light?...... It is a Gate.
Go through it and see Truth that lives
through ages both dark and Golden.
Let me explain in terms that will give
you an insight and leave you open.
Imagine a Bird that lives in a cage,
but can see the Lovely Blue Sky...
Every "tweet" and "squawk" would be
but a mornful lullaby cry.
However, one day, when the cage gives way
and crumbles into pieces...
It is gone, so the Bird can fly away.
The Bird's Life will not decease; it's
just set free. Do you see
the connection here
between the Bird and your Soul?
When your body is gone, your Soul goes on.
I will never dread growing old.
For, this Death does not oppose one's Life,
the opposite of Death is Birth.
Life is ever-flowing....
It cannot be ended by a herse.
The one thing that I can't Live without
is the Peace of knowing that:
When everything I know is gone,
there will not be a lack
of space where it all sat before, but rather
things all grand and new,
that will be made up of all the things
that once made Me and You.
A part of this that goes along with
the point I'm trying to make,
is that You and I are one of a kind,
but We are also one in the same.
I cannot see through your eyes.
You cannot see through mine,
but together in a Higher Place,
You and I are intertwined
with everything else that has Life within,
and that Life is what We are.
We are not our past, future, or our thoughts,
We are not the result of our scars.
We are True Love. We are Life Itself.
We are Magic. We are One.
We are Everything that We're taught We're not...
We are all just Little Suns.