Something Unexpected
Inspiration feels like a sliver of hope;
The shine on a brand new penny,
An eyelash on your cheek,
Color trickling in the sunrise.
A new beginning
Leads to a beautiful day
With deeper thoughts.
But when life feels frustrating
And bounded,
Dark, bitter, and bland,
Inspiration is drowned by worries,
Lost in the ocean of sorrow,
Forgotten by those who once never forgot.
As the pain of reality becomes too great to bear,
The caring and overthinking
Becomes useless, pointless, and too tiring.
Inspiration is resurrected back into the crevices of our minds;
The holes we never knew needed filled.
Life becomes a little easier,
Thought is instinctive,
Love is simple,
Hearts are open.
Inspiration comes in rare packages.
Never let go when you feel that sliver of hope
Because reality can easily swoop in
Sinking inspiration deeper and deeper into the ocean of sorrow...