Camus' Midwinter Dream
We are all going nowhere from nowhere
Snow outlined the branches of the trees that shattered the sky
Fragmented clouds
January come and gone
A chill in the air; a chill in the fingertips
The tree branches like prison bars frozen over the windows
The long fingers of the wooden judiciary grasping at me in dreams
This winter everything looks like a cage
Bone cages my brain
Concrete cages my body
Ink cages my soul
I have not written in thirteen days
Whole conversations pass by that I can’t remember
I’ve been forgetting names since December
What day is it again?
Time splashes like water running out into the gutters of the universe
I am lost in my dispassion as time grinds away my youth
Apathy over conviction leapfrogs
into infinity with the lie always one jump ahead of the truth
Neuron cripples neuron. I grind to a halt
The telescopic jail cell of my skull peers through the vault
through the night sky of fragmented clouds I abandon that emaciated soul
Why do I feel lost? I scream from the mizzenmast of my consciousness
Through vastness we approach the ruination of conceit
A mote of algae flecked silt on the bottom of the sea
The light of stars is not beyond defeat
for no matter how fast light runs it finds the darkness has already been there
and is waiting for it.
The Stelliferous age will end and all the stars fade away
The horizon beyond horizons is ever shrinking,
Even as the swirling stars are sinking
and we are one with the unconscious chaos that destroys them both
We are all going nowhere from nowhere
The world I see encompassed
With no North Star to point to
We are all lost in delusion
Our arrogance blinds us to the truth
we have no control
We have no grandeur
Reality itself is a pale simplistic reflection
Of the frothing sea of particles and disturbances
that is the universe
We are a domesticated species spreading seeds across the Earth
Our minds are territory in the conscious realm fought over by ideas
Like gods warring upon olympus
Ecologies domesticate
Ideas Dictate
Societies sublimate
I am lost in my delusion too
All the aftermurmerings of hydrogen and time
say to me that all is meaningless
Déja Vú
My greatest delusion has always been that meaning is required for happiness
Production is not required for worth
The love of others is not required for
the love of self
My tongue swallows steel
There is no grain unground by the wheels of entropy
and the wheel itself shall fall from it’s axel
Embrace your suffering
Roll your stone and your dice
You will burn with joy
and freeze with sorrow
for all sensation is an exultation
We are all going nowhere from nowhere
Do not retreat from it to delusion
Rejoice not in the longevity
but the experience of consciousness
You can handle the truth
Your whole soul to soothe