Where I Belong
A year ago,
I had no idea that I was gay
I couldn't be
I liked a boy named Sam in second grade
My first kiss was a boy who I was convinced I was in love with
I cried over so many boys throughout middle school that tear stains marked all of my pillows
And yet that day,
When she grabbed my hand,
My entire world turned upside down
People talk about butterflies all the time
That feeling when he finally leans in
And your stomach flops
I just didn't believe it
I never got butterflies
What was the big deal?
But then
As we sat on my bed
She grabbed my hand
It was gentle
Like the ocean running its cold fingers over the sand
A barely there feeling
But I felt it, everywhere
It was the Fourth of July and my entire body was on fire
It was quite simple really
Just the touch of her hand
Nothing more
But I felt it in a way that I had never felt anything before
After that,
Life stopped making sense
Becasuse my dreams were filled with her
Because I couldn't be in love with her
Because why couldn't I love him?
Because why did it have to be her?
But I met a girl
A girl who made my world
Change from black and white to colour
My life became the Wizard of Oz
And we weren't in Kansas any more
And nothing made sense any more
But nothing had to
Because with her by my side, everything was possible
I didn't fall in love with her
Because being in love with her
Was always going up
And as confusing as it was,
Nothing could be wrong if we were together
Nothing had ever felt more right
Even when my grandma told me to pray on it
Even when my father told me to take down those pictures
Even when my grandpa told me to just date boys instead
Even when no one could accept me
I wish it had been a choice
Like everyone seems to think it was
I wish holding hands with a boy felt just as right
I wish kissing her felt wrong
But I didn't get to choose
It just was
There was no other truth that I believed in more
No God
No class
No religion
No words
Only that I loved her
It became my only truth
The only thing I could believe in
Because when no one else could believe in me,
I had her
And she held my hand
As the rest of the world cast us out
And she told me it would be alright
Even if they never accepted us
Her love was like a warm towel after a shower,
A cup of hot cocoa after sledding,
A long night after an even longer day
Her love enveloped me in warmth and comfort
Whereas the rest of the world attacked with needles of ice
A year ago,
I had no idea that I was gay
I had no idea that my grandparents shame felt like a furnace burning my heart to ashes
I had no idea that my father would ever hate pictures of me
I had no idea that my friends would no longer let me stay over
I had no idea that my siblings couldn't understand that I love a girl
I had no idea that most religions would hate me
But even now that I know,
I wouldn't change a thing
Because I know that this is right
I know that this is me
I know that in her arms,
With her hand in mine,
This is where I belong