The Teacher Named Poem
Jeffrey B. Johnkins
The Teacher Named Poem
Mr poem is speech and song.
Usually metaphorical,
but always structured. Mr poem was introduced to me
When I was thirteen. Teaching me another way to speak.
Out loud to others. Full of colors. Making my words burst in
A world filled with gray.
Mr Poem
Taught me too see the light.
To ignite
My family and community in a way that makes you standout.
Mr Poem gave me the speech
Taught me the words
Gave me the combinations of nouns and verbs
Mr poem can talk about anything
Politics or business
Entertainment or history that is ancient,
Mr poem tells me to close my eyes
Amd think of all the wonders in the world. Imagine never
Being able to compile your feelings
Or thoughts into words.
Then adding a rhythmical sound
There you have it. Mr Poem A powerful speaker
Yet sounds that can bring weaker emotion.
A teager of nation
“Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky, We fell them down and turn them into paper,
That we may record our emptiness.”
― Kahlil Gibran