The Epiphany of Maturity
Taunting vultures circulate overhead
Without invitation.
The incessant, whipping wings
Pay no mind to
The air that I displace.
I watch with apathy.
I watch with anxiety.
I watch so long that I become
As invisible as I feel.
They spin like like the earth on its axis.
To look upward and watch
Is to fool myself
Into thinking that I manage well -
I lie down
to get a better view.
I reflect on a spell
When the army of talons
Did not dizzy me.
When the world balanced itself
On some other sorry creatures shoulders.
Sometimes my back gives way
From the weight.
Sometimes the false foundation
Beneath me
Breaks my heart.
In seemingly vain
Efforts, I cry past the birds
To the clouds.
“Give me strength to stop looking;
To start living.”
A bout of thunder
Scatters feathers like volcanic ash.
A strike of lightning unifies the sand
I rise into the burning air
The buzzards crescendo.
Then silence.
Time slows here -
in the eye of the storm.
It is simple to understand now
Without the monotonous sun in my eyes.
These unforgiving vultures
have only ever been
Hummingbirds in disguise.