
I am a dandelion on a warm summer’s day.>Children call me a flower and make wishes as they play,but as they grow, I’m no longer friend.Im a weed, I’m a nuisance, I’m a means to an end. Gardeners tell them I’m bad for their lawn,their neighbors say that I must be gone.I’m no rose, no violet, no carnation,and they don’t want others judging their reputation. They don’t say goodbye, they simply take a step away,and before I know it, I’ve been betrayed.If they want a weed, they I can step up.Somehow, I promise, I will keep showing up. Im not trying to fix whats been broke,Im just a reminder this behavior is like poison oak;before you know it, the fever will spread,and all dandelions will end up dead.

This poem is about: 
Our world
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This poem was inspired by Charles Baudelaire's The Albross. His poem is about how poets are discriminated against and judged by the rest of the world. His poem taught me about the discrimination one can feel for being themselves. My poem focuses on the idea that as children we don't diiscriminate, we simple play and love, but as we grow up, we let society tell us what is right and wrong. Eventually we find ourself discrimnating those we've never discriminated before.

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