Long have l been away in hibernation, retreating in my closet and regurgitating on the antics of the political waywardness of a country sinking in the ocean, rudderless, careless and order less.
I just woke up from my slumber with much cumber, as a drunk would after regaining his senses from long experience of stupor from the strong grip of the white man's snap, which is adjudged better than the Ijaw man's local gin.
The rumours and counter stories of one minister of what l do not seem to understand, who Incidentally as been flagged for verbal consent to anti-progressive thoughts in the past, now found worthy to be saddled with communication issues becomes not only worrisome but truly dents the already sheared and plunging image of your country.
When they shuffle and ruffle my peace in my peaceful nest, l wonder at the rest outcome of my peaceful stay in their country.
I said, l come in peace but they deny my peace and made my peace to cease.
(c) Munemune Ebitimi Arthur - 250421