Spring Wind

She wishes to travel around the world,
Around she goes in graceful swirls,
She closes her eyes.

The sun bashes her with a striking gleam,
When the harsh winter diminishes,
the spring lets her gracefully swoon,
As earth pebbles kiss the water upstream.

As she cradles and rests upon a cherry blossom tree,
Leaves seperate from twigs, flying free.

As the spring season welcomes her,
she travels the world with doves and soars.

She sings a whistling tune and clears the sky,
Allowing sun to shine and showers to cry.
She always sings a whistling tune,
lasting all the way from sun to moon.

As spring comes near,
She teases the blossoms that appear,
Caressing the nearby rabbits and deer
On this certain time of year.
She rests in the fields, blowing everything near it,
You may not see her, but feel her in spirit.
She opens her eyes.

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