Becoming who I thought I’d never be
Because everything that’s happening or not happening
Is drawing my eyes to this deeper realization
That there is a sheath that covers the majority of the action happening each day
The sun shouts warmth and light over our horizon.
That feeling that overwhelms you as you wake up,
In your bed, in your room alone. That blood of a child flowing through
And those dreams whispering at your face, to chase.
Allow yourself to be drawn to the Sun.
Beneath the surface, everything that you don’t know yourself—
It runs farther than your realization
Almost like that is the reason you must find out
That you must run after that calling in your soul
That overwhelms you as you wake up in your bed,
In your room alone, the blood of a child flowing through.
And those dreams whispering in your face to push yourself
To be drawn to the Sun of the morning
The Light of the Day
Yes, it is possible to give up, to sink to the floor,
To lose the heart--the will-- to not do this anymore.
Sadness, confusion, difficulty, opens a door to compromise.
This power unleashed by the strength of your mind.
Time alone became your favorite friend.
You watch the sunset as the day finally ends.
I recognized that I could realize what was going on at all.
A gift, because yes, some people’s eyes are closed, blind
To never have the chance to realize where they are, or where they are going.
Time alone and a Friend, a Father made that a reality for me
To open up again, and again, and again.
Love is victorious. Love wins. Love won.
But only you must find out what it is.
Where is it really?
What is Sunlight?
~ Sunlight ~