The Koi and the Giraffe May Not Have Much in Common

The koi and the giraffe may not have much in common,

but they work together, more than you think,

besides their common trait of the color lemon. 


The koi appears with food on ramen,

while the giraffe appears with food and a drink, yet people think

the koi and the giraffe may not have much in common.


The koi may be a watchman.

the giraffe may be a good link.

Together, they do their work to create a shaman.


The koi excretes carbon,

the giraffe breathes in sync, but you may think

The koi and giraffe may not have much in common.


The koi stays within its station,

and the giraffe stays within its rink,

both staying in their territories, taking an action.


You may still think, despite being in the same squadron,

that these creatures cannot equally reach their brink.

The koi and the giraffe may not have much in common,

but they have more in common than a martian.

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