Cheatin On My Wife with These Streetz

I remember the first time I cheated
laying up under somebody else's sheets
First time I slept with her I fell in love
cheatin on my woman with these streets.

She took up all of my time
had me doin things I've never done
I left to meet her one day, by the time I came back
I had snorted some powder, made a baby and shot my gun.

The streets was my 1st love
I treated her better than I treated myself
I was in them streets more than I was at home
not knowing I was only hurtin myself.

Sneaking back in the house
after being gone all day
the streets wasn't helping me pay any bills
but still I loved her anyway.

People kept telling me about how she was
but I wouldn't listen,
I was faithful to these streets
and she still sent me to prison

Got out and went right back to her
accepting the rules that she came with
before I knew it she had my nose wide open
and I was out here doing the same shit.

Them streets lied to me
and only set me up to fail
Everytime I ran out there to her
are the times when I went to jail

She tried to break up with me
but my manish tail kept trying to creep
I was losing my mind and risking everything
chasing after these streets.

Found out that she was cheatin on me
taking another young brother thru the same thang
she only goes 4 young black men and women
Who only wants to sell drugs and gang bang.

We only know what's in these streets
cause she's the one who planted the seed in our head
Alot of dudes like me signed a deal with the devil
when we decided to sleep in her bed

She turned mama's innocent babies
into a bunch of broken men
we traded good grades, values and morals
our freedom and family for a life in the pen

Cheatin on my woman with these streetz
had me cheatin on more things than I knew
I cheated on my relationship with God
and then realized that I was even cheatin on myself too.

She kept on distracting me
when God was trying to get my attention
then she sent me a Dear John letter
after she sent me to prison

Her love kept me intoxicated
I didn't want to or knew how to get sober
but one day I prayed for Jesus to come in my life
that's when I started goin to marriage counseling
but that's after Jesus came over.

I haven't cheated on my wife since
and I was given back my life
I had to leave them streetz alone
kuz she just wasn't right

This poem is about: 
My country
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