Two Footprints on a Dusty Path
I walk along a dusty path
With many places I could turn.
He is there to answer questions I ask
Because along the way, He wants me to learn.
Now I am at a crossroads
With many options I could choose,
But I am at peace and do not worry
Because with Him by my side, I know I cannot lose.
These paths sometimes confuse me
Because there is no map for me to see.
So, this wise Creator by my side
Will always and forever be my guide.
When I am tired and I am weary,
I am certain it is rest I will receive.
But He knows how strong I truly am,
So no matter what I must go through, I will always believe.
In this life, it is Him I cannot live without
Because every time, He picks me up when I fall.
I need Him to guide me through my life
Because He is the One that knows all.
One day, when I near the end of this dusty path,
My heart will feel no fear.
Instead, I will experience peace at last
Knowing for eternity, my Creator will be near.