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I am from long train rides, crossing borders and foreign foods.
I am from the competitive spirit of any and all sports.
I am from the world of music; pop, rock, reggae, you name it.
Sweet melodies.
I am from long train rides, crossing borders and foreign foods.
I am from the competitive spirit of any and all sports.
I am from the world of music; pop, rock, reggae, you name it.
Sweet melodies.
I regret I a lot of things I did.
One time, when I was little,
I stole a chocolate egg from a store.
Though my mom caught me and grounded me,
I still feel terrible.
Soon sixteen and life has not been a dream.
I am told life is not supposed to be hard, yet it is for the little girl.
Every time I search myself, I find someone I've never met.
All these faces are strangers and stranger, yet it feels like we've met.
If there was a way,
I'd go back today,
to a time,
when I knew who I was.
No not the contruction,
that brought about my destruction,
Just before that,
a time-- when I knew who I was.
I haven’t written to you in a while
Not sure if this means I’m moving on
Since I haven’t written much of anything lately but I haven’t written to you in a while.
And I don’t mean to him
It always ends this way yknow. Trying to go to sleep but I'm not able to. I say to myself all throughout the day that I'm gonna read or do something to make myself sleep earlier but I never do.
You really thought I would give you the privilege to stop me,
But you have no idea who I am and the person that I am trying to be.
You so badly wanted to believe that I was broken,
I am no longer going to let you get in my head and make me feel like there is something wrong with me,
All because you can't see all of the potential that I have and all of the things that I can be.
My name is Laura
I just don't want to be a
Lifeline a
Lifetime of
Life lies.
Life flies.
I say I don't like
being copied, but then I
go and copy you.
I can't live without
your imput and telling me
what to do, weird
I say I don't like
being copied, but then I
go and copy you.
I can't live without
your imput and telling me
what to do, weird
I am from an origin unknown
From the bloodline steered by hearts of gold
From thriving flesh of juvenile hands, with each touch sparking lights in my mind,
When I was eight I thought I'd be a princess and happy by now.
Shouldn't I have subjects here to curtsey, kneel, and bow?
I still don't have my mermaid tail or shiny fairy wings.
I am a 6’5” homosexual cis white man
Which is to say I am privileged
Which is also to say I kinda get it.
I am sitting on my bed
I do that a lot lately
Is that really us?
What happened to our graphic tees?
The white tube socks?
Do we always cuff our jeans now?
How do you make it look that neat?
We never really do neat
Or I guess we never used to.
You ask me why,
But it is so hard to answer.
Because even I don't know.
How to form the words,
How to describe my thoughts,
How to describe my feelings.
I am not fluent.
My mind cannot be translated.
You’d be surprised to know I still look at your picture saved in the vaults of my phone. The one where we smiled and the room was vibrant, and the lights were red and blue, and the world seemed like a different place.
Someday somebody’s gonna treat you right
They’ll take your hand and hold it tight
They’ll keep you safe all through the night
And remind you how you loved to write
I am waiting waiting for the day to come
At times lost
Other moments found
Feeling numb
Acute pain
To highly aroused
Set on the new path and excited about it
I wonder what my old bedroom looks like now
those empty nights where my breathing no longer exists
will the trees notice there isn't a window to push their breeze in
my dog wondering the halls wondering why its silent
For the past year or so, I have not been feelling like who I used to be,
And no matter how hard I tried, I was not okay when I just tried to be me.
I kept doubting myself, and I became someone that I did not recognize,
For the longest time I kept blaming myself, trying to figure out what was wrong with me.
Why was I never goo enough for anyone? Was there something wrong with me that I wasn't able to see?
Here I am again,
broken, bleeding, crying,
once again, my heart is broken,
she broke me,
I'm happy,
I lift my arms to open sky,
go away my pain and sorrow,
Today, I wanna be happy,
I have never been one that was actually able to say that I love who I am,
I would always allow people to treat me like crap, and I always pretended that I didn't give a damn.
How do you win the same battle when you don't think that you have anymore fight?
And when it seems like you have to give up because it seems like you can't do anything right?
Touch me
Touch me
Let flesh meet flesh
Warmth meet warmth
Let your skin know that mine is near
That I am here
That we are not alone
Not now at least
Hold me
In the dark
At what point will I stop loving you?
Will it be like sun setting after a long day?
Will the sun rise again for that matter?
Or maybe it will be like a match burning out.
I wish I could love myself
Or know how to forgive oneself
After putting her through so much
So lost her soft touch
Full of fear
Laying on my bed
Hoping for hope but I’m hopeless
Thinking about how time flies
I was not the me I dreamt of
I keep dreaming big
Not Knowing what life has to offer
Time flies time flies
Name is Shyanne, only been alive for a decade and a half,All the things i seen should be band.My purpose is to help people,Thats where i want to be,I want to work in a hospital, all day on my feet.I don't care what people say about me,All i care a
Name is Shyanne, only been alive for a decade and a half,All the things i seen should be band.My purpose is to help people,Thats where i want to be,I want to work in a hospital, all day on my feet.I don't care what people say about me,All i care a
For the first time in a long time I am writing about being alone, but not in my usual way,
Usually when I talk about being alone, it is in a negative way, and it leaves me with only sad things to say.
Most responsible. Maneuvering through each day. Maybe locked away, or roaming around free. More extroverted, charismatic, determined, & even kind some might say. May you be her friend & not her enemy.
We are all so different but yet so much the same, everyone in some way or another will experience some kind of pain we all will heal from this love and pain that is all so real .
We are all so different but yet so much the same, everyone in some way or another will experience some kind of pain we all will heal from this love and pain that is all so real .
Months later I find myself back here although my words remain similar to other poems each one has a different view a different scenario.
And I told them to not peak,
My colossal soul,
But the vultures were determined,
Staring with beady black eyes,
For fearful prey and unwanted guise,
They waited for me to break or crack an opening,
Are there pastures past the mud, and I'm just too scared to walk through it?
Do I dare put on the glasses and be brave to see through them?
There are other chapters and I have to flip the page.
Sometimes I feel as if I am transparent, my vulnerabilities and fears tattooed across my body, worry and wonder worry and wonder until my mind runs into circles of doubt, never ending, the rhythm of my heart beats in tune with this, th
Stay by me stay besides
In this pitch dark for a little bright,
Can you be there to share your light?
Stay by me stay besides
In this pitch dark for a little bright,
Can you be there to share your light?
You cannot define me.
I am but a petalless flower, a bud, sewn shut with transparent thread.
I exist in a reality unlike the one you know, a reality I created within my soul,
Another day has passed,
thinking unusual stuff,
Making myself bored to death...
Walking all alone in the cold dark,
You're hard on me 'cause you care,
But I wish you'd be more fair.
My hurt may turn to anger;
I may take it out on you.
I hear you say things
You would normally,
I've thrown away everything.
I think about my decisions, the tears they sting.
Wondering what tomorrow will bring;
Just another sad song for me to sing.
Just another attempt to conquer this thing.
Lately I have realized something about myself that I never have before,
And I wish it hadn't taken me long to realize that when one closes, there is always another door.
I was 5.
My superheroes fought the dragon.
They took me in safe hands, pulling me in my wagon.
I was 6.
“You can’t just come to the U.S”
My best friend was taken out of the bus.
I was 8.
I am-
and foremost
a paradox
an unusual
the old-fashioned,
- all
the radical...
She is my best friend,
My only friend,
The one who never leaves.
In my mind
She’s a jailer
Funny that way coz she’s me.
When she smiles,
I smile.
When she laughs,
I laugh.
When she loves,
I love.
When she thinks,
I think
Let me take you back to the moment the most important person who inspires me first entered this world eighteen years ago on a late Monday night.
I was born
in late September
and my passions vary
from a burning fire
to a dying ember.
Entered the world
in 1963
to a lifetime
of struggling
just to be free-
( to be me.)
No amount of writing would bring myself back,
yet here I am.
I write and write and write.
I come up with metaphors to describe what hating myself feels like
The bittersweet words lay like a blanket on my head.
All the letters swarm, and I feed off it as I go to bed.
And then, a feeling like huge waves crash against my soul.
I take criticism, I take pain, I take risks.
Was it worth it? Why tries so hard?
I can't control my self, my brain is contagious.
Too much pain, too much thoughts.
My eyes are of waiver
They click and tock onto
the views that are given--
calloused hands twiddling a sauce covered spoon
make my vision spell a new line
on paper.
I come from women
Who prefer not to smile.
From witches and warlocks
And spirits,
I come from the vampires that roam the streets
“Drum Major, is your band ready?”
A booming voice said over the intercom of the stadium,
I turn around on my conducting ladder, facing the judges and the crowd, and out of me shouts the words,
To be aspire someone is too high of a praise
and to aspire something is too greedy and bliss
what inspires me is myself
I don't mean to be a self centered cunt
but no one is worthy of a praise so high but YOU
Walking into another dimension
A world where I'm not who I should be
Not myself but filling in someone else's shoes
A place where words jump at me
And help me see in a new light
Im only 18
And i have already found my deepest fear
My worst nightmare
And i know that it will probably change as the time goes by
But now here it is
Fear that in the end
I beg for the touch of a ghost
The parched throat of wind
His hands command me
Like a puppet
The breath of his sleep
Awakes my pulse
Can you save me?Can you pull me from my pit?From my dark and endless jail?Can you tear down my walls of anguish?Burn my fears or failure?Can you help me?Can you teach me how to feel real again?
My heart pains
My tears run
My tummy aches
And all because I can’t love myself the way you once loved me
Waking up in the mornin', picking my writing utensil.
Pulling out my composition book, my brain trying to settle.
Thinking to myself about becomin' a star.
I can imagine myself just tryna live large.
Another me
There was another me
But not the better me,
But so carefree,
A better me,
That’s who I am today,
So secluded that I may be
A better me,
I brought
owtexas,don,g,nutt,59,poem,she,me from my very polite manner ball for the night she me by the way i am she me comeing from where im from she me down to the touch to the stroke the feel she groans im to real she me from my status to my manly vibe i
texas,don,g,nutt,59,poem,im me so who you im me so how could this be im me so who be you im me so what it do talking down get down round for round known but the thought the point is who you you say who me i be the m,v.p.
pretty girl can you texas,don,g,nutt,59.poem,can you see me ooh pretty girl ooh sexy lady can you see me everytime you open up your eyes ooh pretty girl every time you awake all i wanna know can you see me sexy woman ooh pretty girl,pretty from th
I am rolling hills of Kevlar skin
I am night before the days begin
I am terra cotta heart
I am stories yet to start
I am bones of solid gold
I am young, but I am old
I am war yet to be won
I am a man.
I’m sure my reputation proceeds me
I know just how you’ll perceive me
But I’m begging please believe me
Please open your eyes and see me
I am a human
I know that I just met you,
but I also know that what I feel is true.
All of the traits I hate is what you have,
but funny how this heart told me it's love.
It's been only a month since we started talking,
It started at a young age
I can't quite put my finger on
My mother always told me it was rude to point
But every one of my flaws would soon be pointed out
I am mountains staggered and strong in a valley of skin. I am warm leather showing age and a life that was lived. I am wind blowing through golden fields of grain. I am the glimmer in ancient eyes, the earthy hue of my hazel windows.
It's difficult when you're surrounded by people who love you, but who know you so well they are no longer interested.
It's difficult when you're in your prime, but it doesn't really matter because you don't do anything that requires it.
When I was 7
Mama pulled me aside
I say “Yes Mama”
She started, “My baby,”
Which I no longer was
“How would you feel if..”
My world had ended
“Your Dad and I separated”
“J” meaning jovial & jazzy,
Oh and sometimes sassy,
But I always remain classy.
For the “A” you can say ambitious and adventurous,
Good Morning.
Time to wake up and get busy.
Wishing things were like they were when I was young.
Those days when I had not a single worry.
If there is a future there is time for mending -
Time to see your troubles almost ending.
Life is never hopeless however great your sorrow -
If you're looking forward to a new tomorrow.
Cool girl doesn’t get jealous
Cool girl doesn’t ask “to talk”
Cool girl has sex whenever you want her to
And cool girl has been good to me!
i pull off my heavy-weight sweatshirt
i weigh myself
ranking up to nearly 100 pounds
im satisfied for now
I’m no dancer
I want to be but...
It’s nice to think about but...
It’s impossible for me to be a dancer
I wish I could create things like my idols can
you don’t really know me
you know what I put on Instagram, and what I tweet about on Twitter or what I hide behind these Snapchat filters.
but truthfully you don’t really know me
I realized I was grown
When I no longer prayed.
I figured out, that I
Didn’t need God's hand and
That I didn’t have to
Impress people that aren’t
I am not an age
Not a weight
Not a height
I am not a gender
Not a name
I am that thought
Floating in my head
When I was younger I would always complain how I wanted to be an adult
In result I realized that was the last thing I wanted to do
The 2016 obesession over boys is just a memory to me.
I thought I loved each and every single one of them.
Realizing after graduation that it was all a bunch of noise you see.
Dirty feet, clean hands
The ground once soft now
grows hard beneath the touch
Everything is crowded
Everyone knows what's coming
Black fades into white.
Day fades into night.
You faded into me. As I’m fading into you.
Our seems are sewing together, roots growing,
We touch.
slowly highways teach me to gnaw years off their concrete,
from the worn bumper stickers and yellowed life
lines, about fifteen feet above, watching over exit forty-five,
I Stand.
The fires burn me
and I stand.
The people scorn me,
and I stand.
Darkness hunts me,
and I stand.
came to the house early
my first house party
first of the twelfth month
stayed long after it was done
after the first handshake, the thought of me was a flake
unwanted unneeded
Soy de besos de lluvia
y lame rapida del sol
soy de Super Bowl gana
y pérdidas Super Bowl
soy de la ciudad esmeralda.
The ocean breathes, just like you and me
Now, I know that may sound silly
Or maybe you disagree
Take my word for it, and you'll begin to see
The ocean breathes, you see
The fish, sharks, and reefs
You don't know fear 'til you've lived in my shoes.
You live every day afraid you'll lose
your balance, respect, or the friends that you have.
Lots of long and fancy names for the things that cause
One of my biggest fears is one I face every day
My biggest fear is
The trickling fear that comes every day
The voices whispering to me
Saying that I'm not enough
That I can't do it
Everything's changing,
I’ve always had a perspective of how life would happen.
Of how I would begin and end,
Everything's changing.
I fill my life,
with worthless stuff,
knowing full well,
it's never enough.
others seem happy,
so why can't I?
I fill my lungs,
with another lie.
swallow the grief,
“We need to talk.”
White bay windows overlook the block.
We always closed the blinds up here.
Keeps the neighbors from shock.
Fears and insecurites tend to hold us back,
but what if I told you my greatest fear,
was embracing my black?
We all have a place deep in our souls,
Am I the center of the universe
or am I standing at its end
am I cursed or am I the curse
what message do I send ?
School. Absolutely not.
"GO" I heard Him say
So Large
Too Large
Lonely brain in an extroverted body
I went.
She likes the same things as me?
I used to see you in the shadows,
Smirking devilishly at me with the thought that you could control me.
If I dared to show any signs of weakness to you,
I look in the mirror
Seeing the sad imperfection
Seeing me
Seeing the acne on my skin
Seeing my nose that seems too big
Extreme irrational fear of entering open or crowded places, of leaving one’s own home, or of being in places from which escape is difficult.
Chicago, sometimes Chi-raq by the
This mask I wear everyday,
It is only a disgrace.
Covering who I really am,
But showing what I want people to see.
This mask is the perfectionist in me.
What are you so afraid of?
As if the more I ask,
the more I will become overnight.
As if a shooting star could
shine among the constellations,
telling me that they're all wrong.
Do you know how frustrating it is,
To be criss-crossed,
By men who don’t see my worth?
I used to be deranged and I know this is strange,my life got rearranged,from the inside I got changed,suddenly sucess is in my range.<br></br>I'm 25 years old, yet I feel like an infantI'm known for metaphores, and this song will be no
Just like a ghost
I host a night
hold you so tight
I mean you doubt
you always there in despair
I reach out to you
you let me look invisible
so risible
can´t help it
I miss you
And all I wanna do is kiss you
But this bliss
is not like a french kiss
it is more like
hit or miss
I wish I could be close to you
But all I do is banish those memories
I Gave Up So Much For One BOY.
I Lost Myself.
I Gave My Heart, Mind, And Body To One BOY.
I Lost Myself.
There is an unspoken fear
Of the fear that lies within.
Of the fear boiling in my veins,
Of the fear peeling back my eyelids at 1 a.m.
I say nothing.
There is an unspoken fear
Of the fear that lies within.
Of the fear boiling in my veins,
Of the fear peeling back my eyelids at 1 a.m.
I say nothing.
A is for Affirmative, seeking the positive in othersR is for Ravishing, an entrancing beautyT is for Terrific, so awesomeI is for Important, a valuable contributorS is for Sharp, always observant
Art is an odd thing
Unexplainable most of the time
But breathtaking all of the time
Artists create pieces to express themselves on canvas
When we see we feel differently
An expression of who we could be
Alway wondering,
my mind yearns for truth.
Morals never took precedence-
your preacher was unconvincing.
Me and my girl were recently having a conversation, that broadened perspectives and led to revelations. Trying to define relational lines, while avoiding proverbial landmines. I always tell her that to me she's like the sands of time, timeless.
You can see it.
Here it is. A new place. A big place. Bigger than before.
People passing, moving - always moving.
But stop.
Can you hear me?
Are you moving too fast? Looking every other way but here?
You can see it.
Here it is. A new place. A big place. Bigger than before.
People passing, moving - always moving.
But stop.
Can you hear me?
Are you moving too fast? Looking every other way but here?
A purpose runs in my veins
, shines onto my flaws, though it cleans
A pale of when, a pale of what happened
I, as a child was molested
I, as a child was bullied
My mother's love is unconditional, something like an overflowing cup of water
that is pure in taste and transparent in sight.
Something as beautiful as the full moon that sparkles on the ocean's currents
at night.
The new school year is already biting me.
can't seem to get the hang of chem,
and can't seem to land a good pre calc teach.
I am not failing any classes,
but to me,
Swimming through my lake of thoughts
I gaze and then behold,
The dreams are singing, and hopes are ringing
The young and also the old
[I] approach the tipping point
the straw that broke [my] back.
at a loss for words
expression has no expression, is not an expression
the way [I] feel
when all the words - all the thoughts
I don’t know you yet
But I know that you are beautiful
I don’t know if you’ve met my family
But I know that you are mine now
When you are a woman/girl/female
We are supposed to act like we look
We act like the skin we are in & try to make excuses for the men
Maybe I lit my own fire when I took that drink
When I released that flame
I am me
I am from the D
From the waters that overlook Canada
I am from Motor city
A place that is loud with inner beauty
I am from the soul
My sister always tells me, jokingly, as she always does,
that seeing as she’s my older sister,
she’s known me for literally my entire life.
She says,
“You don’t know me,
just one more breath
nice and slow, think it through
isn't life or death; see?
what do you want to do
I wish this wasn't me
living with this constant cage
no peace for my mind
I’m just an empty husk without You:
Striving without ever thriving,
Running hard but never arriving,
Dragging my way through life, only surviving,
Wishing I could run and hide.
Trauma trapping, tripping
Over the roots that I have grown
In the back of my mind
To conduct oneself like so
I cry I weep
I dont sleep
Night all alone
Hiding in my phone
Where am i
Where did i go
Do i run from myself
Wont i leave me alone
I am lost
It is dark
Will i come back
My mentor is the gentle hand that guides me away from the "wrong" crowds.
My mentor is the tutor that taught me that those mistakes aren't always the end of the world.
all the places you go
taste the history
breathe the stories
the essence
the air heavy with magic
take a sip of the soul of the land
then leave a bit of you
for the next traveler
She’s so graceful
And golden
She’s marvelous
And elegant
Her favorite hymns always cloud the house
I want to be like her
I was lost and alone,
Hopeless and afraid,
Storms raging, endlessly...
But I lit my own torch!
I Braved my own storm!
The mentor I had.....
Was ME.
I hate the way you look at me.
The way you smile and turn away.
All I can do is watch aimlessly.
because I know your the
demon inside of me.
I can't escape you.
The dark is real.
I always hated when people would look at my scars,
With a look of regret.
Giving me a look of
“I should’ve been there”
I am whole whithin
The hot dusty air,
Rocks rising left and right,
Everything is like fire,
Reds and oranges surround me,
Fueling my energy,
Whirr, click! Whirr, whirr, click!
Torque jerks gears and chains to life.
My Innovation.
Let me make a toast!
But first, please pour yourself a drink.
Now, let me begin with the achievers:
To all who get up in the morning with a plan to conquer their fears,
my friend’s funeral was a cloudy day.
a joyous celebration of life.
the clouds spoiled the ambiance,
but the rain never came.
The world confines me,
It puts me in a darkness.
People abuse me,
They think I am heartless.
But my thoughts are open,
They are alive.
I can write them on paper,
And believe I will survive.
The world confines me,
It puts me in a darkness.
People abuse me,
They think I am heartless.
But my thoughts are open,
They are alive.
I can write them on paper,
And believe I will survive.
Not the magical lost you get when you go to Disney
Or walk into your favorite store
Not the dreamy sort of lost you feel when you stare into a pair of eyes or a really good book
A friend of mine asked me to write a poem
about myself, and for the first time, I was left
he asks me, “what has poetry taught
why is it so important?”
i ponder the question for a moment and
think about the women who
came before me,
the poets who have inspired my
This, this is poetry, the abstract sitting beside me, like a long lost friend exchanging thoughtful memories while Discarded thoughts of tomorrow sit like old men, forgetting themselves over the horizon remaining just beyond the water's edge remin
I would say Shel Silverstein was our first friend
That's how we learned where the sidewalk ends.
Bet you thought this poem was going to rhyme
But that was the only line I could get out my mind (just kidding) head .
A person who sees people can only try to pierce into their soul because they claim to be so bold like the word itself.
As if everything I do simply makes you hate on my moves and achievements like your name is envy.
A will to write comes to all
Although in different forms.
One may write lines upon lines,
Another a few words.
Some words can become lines;
Why do the happiest memories,
Always seem to baffle me?
Why do I feel happy,
When I destroy me?
As the blood rains down,
my eyes close.
I just want to be better,
like the rest of the shadows.
I hurt so bad, it's getting hard to breathe
How I feel inside, well you wouldn't believe
Thanks for making me cry, what I total waste of makeup
This nightmare feels so real, come on Maddie, wake up
Poetry has always seemed to be in my life, in my blood even
My father is a poet, for my mother at least
He wrote them when he was happy when my mother was pregnant with me
Personally, combining thesaurus with meter with soul
Offers satisfaction of expression and communication and release—
Emptying an ever-filling well-spring by waxing eloquent—
I settled into the porcelain
coffin, tiny bubbles and
waves rippling, cascading
over the past and the
My feet rose with the
crack, an existential
break in the mold of
i thought i had a heart
and i thought you had one too.
i thought i had a future
like all the others do.
i thought i had a friendship
a listener when i fell.
but when i stumbled and slipped.
my present quickly swirls into the past
the feeling of home overcomes me at last.
shades of masquerade envelope the room
flickering shadows setting the castle a gloom.
as the tornado of dancing swarms around me
There were days when I did not want to claim who I was. If I made that proclomation, then I was admitting to being the poorest kid on the block.
I would of rather been Ash Ketchum, then to be me.
In honor of black history month, I want to shine a light on a very special woman. She has endure life as it has been thrown to her. She has tackled the world and has gone above and beyond to help those that are in need.
I am a politically conscientious, theater-obsessed English nut,
An extrovert with anxiety and an unquenchable taste for scary books and movies,
Walls back up
Don't hurt me again
Do I let you in
Let you win?
You don't care
And yet I do
Let me stop
Caring for you
Walls up
Guard too
Protecting myself
who am I?
nothing feels right.
I cannot see with sight
or, at least not quite,
my skin feels too tight
around this soul.
around this hole;
that's consuming me,
their presuming me;
I have food,
but so do you.
I have clothes,
but so do you.
I have friends,
but so do you.
I have a family,
but so do you.
What makes us so different?
Dear whomever,
“Dear” can’t encompass you.
My greatest, most foolish love
Dear isn’t nearly enough
Not for you
God help me
To Whom This May Concern,
If you're receiving this letter, that means the damage is already done. If anyone is to blame, it's me. Set yourself free from my lack of empathy
From Nadialine
I'm a male rights activist
who loves the feminist I'm a man woman who can't cryMost of my life I wanted to dieUntil I tried and livedNowI reach for the sky
“Zebra Baby,”
The words echoed.
A label for an animal,
Yet it was meant for me.
Did I have stripes on my skin?
Is that why eyes trailed along my length in public?
You fickle thing,
You keep on looking,
For your reflection in others,
Anxiously sending out,
Clouded rays of light to broken mirrors,
When will you see,
That the light reflected,
I know it has been hard
I know that I have failed
I know that I have hurt you
And I know that you have been disappointed
But thank you for believing
Thank you for caring
Thank you for wondering
Dear GOD,
I thank you for showing me that there more to life.
I thank you for providing me with experiences that teaches me lessons.
let me say one more thing before i go.
i am a twin,
a friend,
a daughter,
a believer,
a writer
and an artist...
but you do not know me.
I am an eagle majestic and feathery
Taking flight from my perch and travelling around
In my journeys I have encountered a lot
Learning from other’s errors have made me better
Dear Family,
Thank you guys for all the help,Because I really thought I was going to melt.With all the pressures that high school broughtI really felt like I was being tied in a knot.
Dear Future Self...I really hope that you are not theMe that I am now.The one who is too patientFor her own good.
Dear Future Me,
Whether you’re 18
Or lying on your deathbed,
I hope you understand that you are worth so much.
1. Going Opposite: Tomato, Tomata, Hakuna Matata.I always find myself going opposite of my mentor, drawing a wedge more extensive than the grand canyon.
in this letter to whoever,
i'm not sure what to say.
i rarely get to speak my mind;
never more than once a day.
and my list of friends is limited
and is set in stone.
but here
Pain and Sadness
Joy and Glee,
By these words you may know me,
But is it I you truly know?
Or just the me that I borrow.
Dear Kemauri,
Is it okay if I call you that?
I know you prefer Keke.
Why is that? Have you let someone ruin your name
for you?
Has your past made you afraid
of it?
I want to grown in a family home
With a full living space
In a kid friendly neighbor
Where the saying love the’ neighbor
Is possible
I want to be surround by nature
And watch seasons change
When words
are too much
and thoughts - too little
My message to you
may never be received -
for, I -a novice in
communications - have no way to encode.
No medium fits me
I was 3 when my life was flipped upside downI never got to sleepover at a friends house or Ride a bike or been ask to danceNever got to chase my brother or play like a normal kid
indigestible being
that was the lesson--
you had to leave
they needed to
let you go
even though you thought of youself
as sweet
you too, were poison.
Each breath I feel the army wanting to
push the barricade
I swallow so much saliva it washes back
the front line back into the sea from which they arose
They are fighters, no matter how hard I
Darkness Is My Partner
Darkness Guides Me Into The Dark
Far Away When Everyone Blinds You
Darkness Lets Me Give My Emotions Out
A beauty it is
To not be able to feel the emptiness
That engulfs me--yes, beauty.
05.28.16 - N.N.
I am having a difficulty speaking
I am having a diffuculty of acting
So I keep singing Normal Girl
so maybe I can be as such
My mind, a racetrack
Sweet, sweet girl, don’t lose that heart
Even though sometimes, things will fall apart.
Value your daddy and all the sacrifices he will make
You don’t yet understand all he’ll end up doing for your sake.
Dear God,
Can you hear me?
People say you hear everything,
but are you listening?
I have some questions to ask you,
and words I want to share.
So please, listen to me.
dear me...
how did you manage to open your eyes this morning?
only hours ago
your heart felt heavy
beating slowly in your chest
with your head against the pillow
wondering how you could ever
Dear 13-year-old Juliana,
Things will get better.
Slowly but surely, you will discover that you have anxiety,
Which explains why you are the way you are.
Dear God,
I'm worried,
I know where my life is headed,
But even then,
I feel that I don't have direction,
I know what I want to do,
But even then,
Is it the right thing?
I live moment to moment
Heck, I am the moments
I am that moment when you're in the middle of texting someone and they call you
Dear Past Self,
I know what you’re expecting me to say.
That it’s going to get easier and don’t give up.
Or maybe
That this is only the bottom of the mountain
And you have much further to climb.
Hey little me,
How is 9th grade treating you?
Still scared of talking to boys?
Still terrified to admit you like girls?
I know your grades are slipping.
And no, it's not because you're stupid
As the wind blows and
The rain pounds on my window,
You hold me tight and don't let go.
I fall asleep in your arms,
Waiting for a rainbow
That I hope will come,
The one that you promised was just
Dear past me,
He told you, so you thought
“I'm not good enough”
She said so, so you thought
“I look too fat in this dress”
Dear Past Self,
How many words I wish I could say...
So many things I wish I could let you know.
I know its too late now, but I just want to make sure...
that you know you'll be alright in the future ahead.
great uncle:I would like tothank you forTea.
It is asimpleitem, yetcomplex in mymind,Tea.
What does it mean to me?
Well that depends on the question.
What does art mean?
The way of one's self-expression.
What does music mean?
A feeling made into a sound.
What does life mean?
Listen, kid.
What I'm about to say is important, so put the book down for once.
I know you don't like looking people in the eye when they're talking to you, and neither do I.
I push you
everytime I promise myself
that I won't let you affect em.
I tell myself that I am stronger.
Than this.
Than you.
But it never works.
you are me.
Theres a river in me. It's waves slide past each other slowly and smoothly. My blood is a big river, it flows through my veins, heart, bones and my brain too.
Shes looking like a vision
A work of art
She on a mission
Call her the new
And improved
Kim possible
she unattainable
Getting uh house soon
And that ferrari too
Who am I?
Am I someone who's good at art, music? Or even dance?
Good at writing?
Who am I?
Am I supposed to smile all day?
Am I supposed to follow the rules?
Dear Edward Said,
What have you done?
What have you done to me
You have torn open my old wounds
Those festering razor slashes
Accumulated over years,
Every time I realized
Dear friend:
As a person who wants success in such a small town
Filled with gloom, praying I prosper and don’t reach my doom.
I will never say that I didn't need you.
I will never say that you were bad.
I will never say that I felt alone when I was with you.
I will never say that you didn't change me.
I've tried so hard but I can't do anything.
I feel stuck in a place I don't want to be.
I drink to lose the pain,
and I get high to feel free.
I'm a lesbian, yet no one understands
Some say I’m intelligent
But I just feel irrelevant
Some say I’m well-spoken
But they haven’t seen the side of me still broken
The broken side
To You,
Maybe I wasn't the best thing that happened to you.
But I did happen to you.
This was real.
I breathed and lived inside your heart, so don't you dare tell me
This wasn't real.
I am sitting in my room and I'm getting consumedby these emotions and I feel like I am doomed.I feel like I am trash that got swept by a broom.I am in a bad mood listening to sad tunes. I am feeling a lot of pain and don't want it to turn to hate.
I crave those moments
When my deepest senses
— of every corner,
and of every edge
of my entire being —
are touched and awakened.
I crave those moments
When my deepest senses
Have you ever had a dream?
A nightmare, to good and then evil.
It's like eating something really sweet over and over again
You are the sun, I am the moon.
Not entirely related,
Not entirely necessary to have one for the other to survive.
But both entirely important,
But both entirely loved.
Because I love you,
Your happiness is mine,
Your problems are mine.
Just like I am yours.
He saw them coming As his smile faded.The thought of runningWas flowing throughHis head.But he kept walking.Everyday.He walked on by.Through jokes aboutHis small size and long hair.
I have one for him and for her
I have one for them and for us
I have one for you and for me
The lies they come
The lies they go
From here and there
They appear
Because I Love You
Because you are mine,
because you are yours
You've seen me at my worst,
and held me true
You've seen me real,
I am free
An open book,
My skin used to be an armor
and as courageous as I seemed
it was all just this facade
that made sleep make me feel like I could be redeemed.
But I was lost
and I wasn't me.
I sit still and wait
my heart wavers through the gloomy nights
I sit still and cry
afraid of my fears igniting
they tell me
to love means to worry
so beacuse I love you
37.1 trillion cells
23 pairs of chromosomes
46 chromosomes total
4 stories
The pigment of my skin, a reminder of the humid city my family came from.
A battle of balance resides withinThe confines of my heartA push and a pullAn ebb and flowAll beginning with a startAn electric shock A beating pulseTo discover what makes me tick
The evil in my head speaks
It yells at me daily
I pound at my head
I yell back…
I cry out at night for them to leave
No two strangers
as strange as they be
will ever as strange,
as you, or as me.
We may walk different ways
with distance between what we believe,
but we might never quite grasp
Why didn't you fight back, they say.Why didn't you scream?Why didn't you run?You must have wanted it, they say.You must have secretly liked it.Otherwise, you would have fought
I won’t tell you that i am trapped in a body that isn’t mine
that i was born in the wrong body
because whether i have a chest or a dick
this body is mine
this body is mine and always will be mine
I look at your photo
All I see is a picture of me
A picture me when I will be 27
A picture from my mom that wasn't to be seen
A picture of me skinny as a stick
A picture of me hollow
I came to this world empty-handed,
But then filled with love and care.
I came to the world as a fragile doll,
But then grew up with strength and bravery.
I came to the world as innocent as the air we breathe,
“Because I love you” is what the unintelligent use to justify their actions
“I love you” are more than words
It’s the way you make me feel and the honesty
What do you mean two personalities?
I understand the hiding.
What do you meanI’m hiding the good?
I understand no escaping.
Don’t you knowlife is pointless?
Warm mouths intertwining
Heated by the yellow sun
Melting into one
It was beginning to be
Too much Too fast
Love is patient.
Love is kind.
I've heard it all.
But I don't know if I believe any of it
They should change that
Love should be patient
Love should be kind
Love destroys
You say I'm a bitch. A stuck up, self-absorbed, chin-up-so-high-it's-a-wonder-it-doesn't-interfere-with-airplane-travel bitch.
i came into this world as a stem,
a clean, innocent, beautiful stem.
as i grew up, my stem got taller.
It is my cross to bear
I accept it without fear
The pains i will endure
And soon i shall have a cure.
It hurts to know i’m my problem
I guess i will never know what is is
as a result, the're many i can't please.
The burden to know you is deep
till i find you, i will not sleep.
Last summer I thought I almost had you
There is a veil over my eyes,One thick, and made of fog,Made of years of sighs,And risen from a malodorous bog,
In first grade, I was the bright girl with almond eyes,My eyes quite brown, even amber in the sunrise,
My skin always tan, bronze from summers of swimming,And the endless hiking,
funny how consistent you seem to be
in my mind as the sun starts to leave
behind a trail of the classic gold and pink
that you made symbolic of my loving
fleeting youth
so tell me the truth
Note From Poet: This was written under the original poem I wrote called #BecauseILoveYou.
I wrote this one as a response to a comment by a fellow poet. Enjoy :)
I love you because
This is me, who you see
The mask I wear, the burden I bear
The deceit that hides behind my lies
The pain that shows within my eyes
The tears that swell within my heart
I don't want us to be apart
Because I thought I loved you, I shamelessly walked in your shadow.
Because I thought I loved you, I was blind not to see that you were shallow.
"Fresh meat"
I look myself in the mirror and I see a "tall lonely depressed girl."
Well, not really.
My friends see that.
They don't see all of the struggles that I go through.
Back to school.
Back to 3 am ice cream runs and coffee running through my veins.
Back to word limits and pop quizes.
Back to study groups that aren't really study groups.
I have roots for a mane, So unruly, not the best lion-tamer could tame,
The shadows on my face the only things visible,My eyes, mouth, and nose invisible,
I took an online quiz a few years ago...It told me that my soul was ancient,So I sat down today and dusted off my art pens,But I could not put down the image I saw.It eluded my fingertips.
Dear Past Self,
I'm not sure where in your life you are, but I'm a sophomore in college.
I'm not going to lie to you, life is not at all what you thought it was going to be.
Let me live. Let me breathe.
Let me my claws unsheathe.
Free me from vines. Free me from tracks.
I hide behind my eyes.
tThey can not know,
all my lies.
I move along though,
and even sing.
Though now and then
It seems to sting.
It is hard when
they won't allow me
to be weak.
Empty puzzle pieces gaping wide,
Showing the world in which I cannot hide,
Shallow emotions flutter throughout my being,
Showing everything that possesses absolutely no meaning.
It was in her darkest corner that he found her light. She lost it so long ago from this broken system of society. Trampled, beaten and abused all she knew was pain. The beauty she once seen is since long gone more of just a faded memory.
Strange world
The day goes down,the morning comes
Mankind is done for the day
Strange world
The day goes down,the morning comes
Mankind faces new challenge
Strange world
Let celebrate and rejoys
our father's have follow his ancesstors
our mother's have sleep in peace
how longer can it be then this?
The day is gone
The night is near
But the day is done
With me,o with me
Fear comes into my heart
I find it hard to sleep.
To you I’m probably this bubbly person, a breath of fresh air, but actually i'm dead on the inside.
To you I'm this pretty “shy” girl but in reality i'm just this ugly girl with scars.
I’m having trouble handing you my heart
It’s not your fault
They say, “Dive in, vulnerability is beautiful”
But it’s not worth the sobbing and seemingly endless aching
I am 16 years old
I’m left handed
I hate my hyphenated last name
And I absolutely hate bananas
I still don’t know how to play video games either
My blinds are always open
Because, for some reason, Inside without Outside
Is suffocating
My shelves are full but my library is empty
My fan never stops spinning
The carpet is stained -
One day my burning desires
will lead me to retire.
Everytime i speak i unleash fire.
Back then, i had my dreams covered in barbwires.
kept it on the DL
Now its time to release my sequel.
She sits on the swing right outside her window.
The window where she use to sneak out of every night.
It's 1 in the morning and her thoughts lead her back.
I can't sleep without the window open at night.
I can hear the roaring of cars in the distance.
It reminds me of whe we would listen for cars before we crossed the street.
My bones are swollen.
They swell against their joints.
I know they are not.
I know they can not.
But that's how they feel.
The needless in my feet,
The bars in my mind.
The shift feels like a
Who do you see, when you look in the mirror? I see you, me, yes. But do you, me, see me? What I see is someone I want to be me. But who is this me? I know not who I am, nor who I will be. I am not you, nor can I be exactly like you. So I guess who
its mild but new
its strange, and with out a warning
i feel this atraction, a certain magnetisim
its not strong, but its new
in my 18 years of life I've never felt this way till now
Want to know America?
Stand on Lady Liberty.
Get a glimpse of what it means;
Look out as far as you can see.
Once upon a time,
What should America be?
A country fo you? Or for me?
Most would say "The greatest nation in the world"
That's an easy answer, for a not-so-easy girl
But why? What makes us great?
Our money? Or lucky fates?
A peek into my eyes and you see nothing.
I hide my emotions well, may be too well.
I am very good at it, the result of decades of practice.
Might even venture to say that I have mastered the art of emotional silence.
A fair haired child born of a Mama converted to religion and a Daddy inclined to believing from afar.
I’m sorry that I apologize constantly.
Ironic, right?
It drives my friends crazy
I ruin our fun with my apologies
My conscience tells me:
A tick tock noise from the clock in my room
Knocks my head on and on
Till it wakes me up in the middle of the night,
So I found myself looking right at the ceiling
My body starts sweating
To sing of myself,
A strange tune indeed,
One filled with wonder and adventure and pride and fear and joy,
A tale of many colors, none of which too dry.
To sing of myself,
You never listened
You never cared
I was missing
Some heart repairs
You showed me the door
which I would walk through
With my heart fully sore
but it didn't matter to you
did buy
the lie that
Many told me
the land of the free
and the home of the brave
Yet I was not taught this way,
Through minority eyes I saw
A world unequal; I stared in awe
I am from the rusted grill sitting outside on the old porch
From grape Gatorade and delicious barbecue burgers
Just a second agoThe magnificent flowThe room filled with soundThe noises that drownedVibration, scientifically speakingThis is what I've been seeking
“How are you?”
“I’m good”
I know they don’t want to hear what is true
but even if I wanted to say it I don’t know that I could.
So, I stick to the norm
I use to share poems with my name attached
but then I was told I should stop
so my name was detached
because the statement made my confidence drop.
What if she was right?
Was I just wasting my time
I am not ashamed of myself.
I wonder how other people think of themselves.
I hear people everywhere.
I see all sorts of emotions on people.
I want people to understand the world around them.
Half past twelve
Ticking began
Surrounded by waves
In lengths that fade
Silence screamed
And my heart gave way
To the beast inside
Never felt this way
I swear i'll love this town,
if only I can look at it from my cars rear view mirrior.
This Town destroyed me.
I would destroy myself ,
to become your idea of perfection.
Yes, yes, yes
Who am I?
What have I let myself become?
A person so dependent on your love that I merely can't see through the fog
So blinded by the thought of you that it clouds the very reasons why this wall I've built is there
every day, wake up early.
every day, eat a tiny breakfast.
everyday, leave for work.
Sometimes late.
Sometimes early.
Never happy about it.
Get home
As I think to myself
Last Year?
Not real.
Not Real as in
Not Real as in
Did I really overdose on anxiety meds?
of course.
A life I’m glad I did not know,
Lives on inside a plastic dome
Atop a metal fuselage for flesh.
Fifty-cal. and cyclone motors,
Glossy paint and jet-black rotors,
Make the frame seem almost fact’ry fresh.
Hard of Hearing, I am
Hard Working, I am
Harder on friends,
But I, have no friends
Only associates, because I am
A Hard Person.
Appreciative to this,
Cruel World that we reproduce in.
Nighthorse Chan
I look at the person I was a year ago.
Contemplating if I changed… I don’t know.
And that I realize
When I look into the eyes
Of the boy that evolved to a man who has grown.
The amount of days it took to reclaim myself.
To fall in love,
Discover my future,
And be true to myself.
This journey is larger than any mountain,
Wider than any sea,
the damage isn’t done,
we convince ourselves
as we sit in a row on the curb
sunken arms draped over our knees.
a hodgepodge congregation
of prayers in vain,
because who is there to ask
I can say a lot of things have changed over the past year.
I can say I’m at least a little different from how I was back then.
From Junior year to my final Senior days, I’ve been through a lot.
Change is good
Exercise was it for me
Lost 18 pounds and feel great
No heartburn and no stomach ache
2016 made me a new person
that is health conscious and happy
Three years, we are still together
You change my world
Bring happiness and joy
that I can never forget
O' Thorn, you are amazing
I love you and the furry skin you have
I am from sunny days
from weeping willow trees and flower crowns.
I am from bare feet in soft, green grass
and swinging on a tire swing on hot days.
From old friends,
To new ones.
Behind old eyes I see
A boy, once young and free
Whose laughter rang
Who danced and sang
Who smiled back as me
Behind old ears I hear
The sounds of passing years
And yet somehow
So what I'm pretty
so what I'm not nice
So what I'm not perfect
Spicy or Kind
So what I am me, to bad you can't see
So what I'm beautifully me
I- am who I- am
I am thunder- and I am lightning-
I crackle, pop, and sizzle.
Nothing can phase me
You insult me I bear it-
You- hate me I- don't give-
A damn!
You see me now, I- still don't give-
She lies,
And she does it so easily,
She hides,
And she does it so sneakily,
She rips apart hearts,
I found my real friends
Marketed an iPad app
And stressed for college.
(What's new?)
when i first walked into the doors that led to the
next chapter of my life (high school by the way)
i was a fresh new me who thought i would make
the best grades possible and go to harvard but
I stare into the mirror and see somone looking back at me
We have the same physical features, but the aura I feel is different
We're not the same person
The person I see staring back at me is not independent
Dear I Was,
Childhood ended
Adulthood is still far away
But still a Teen
Life was a bully back then
I sowed tolerance and kindness
Into crimson earth
Noble seeds nurtured by quiet altruism,
Blessed by a watchful God.
I reaped denial and illusion
Saw a heart too tolerant
If you had asked me a year ago
A simple question, nothing out of the ordinary
I would have had to say
“Fine. I’m fine. I’ll be fine, just give me some time.”
I was always to shy to speak sometimes
I was that quiet nobody
I'd get teased for it oftentimes
Too average, too awkward
I am me
every day I am new
this I see
I change like the number 1 to 2.
Shaped by my surroundings
And my families constant hounding.
I am me
And every day I am new.
It all began with a small love that turned into a large one.
He knew how to take care of her and her medical issues.
He knew how to treat her right. He acted like a total gentleman.
Where did the time go? What did I do wrong? Did I make you leave? Or did I do something wrong?I don't know. Please just answer my call. I take my time for you, but you don't do the same.I hide all my feelings, since I'm afraid.
I don’t know what I
Had expected
To come from this year.
It could have been
Or fun
I am from fantasy books.
From crayola chalk
and black barbeques.
I am from the contented cats,
purring on my bed,
warm, fluffy, and always brimming with love,
that was almost tangible.
Brother: Sister
was i never enough?
to keep you smiling
when things got tough?
was i never enough?
no not good enough.
to feel you love
Who am I?
I am a friend.
I am a part of a family.
On the simplest level,
I am ME.
Who am I?
I am a high school graduate.
I am a college attendee.
“New year, new me.” I said.
Week one,
“Please get better.”
Week two,
“Don’t talk to me anymore.”
Week three,
Snot in my nose, im feeling young
but still carry the love for the downtown flow and the downtown cold,
the city has a charm
early morning hustle
well alarmed and prepared to cause trouble, it was nothing
A year ago
I wouldn't have known
the girl I see now
I could not have told you how
I did not know me
I was in my own self misery
I was in deep depression
In what I thought was oppression
I was me.
Innocent and sweet,
Full of excitement for a new adventure.
A new school, new people to meet,
Sitting through a lecture.
I was me.
Sitting at a party not knowing the company,
Last year was a train wreck of emotions
I found myself adopting unhealthy habits
Staying up late, not working out, cutting people off
I needed space to explore myself
The past year has been a tornado of new and old feelings.
I have learned lessons and matured because life decisions make you.
I dream of being happy in life but sometimes its not an easy route.
Where is my love
Where are my dreams
Hiding behind fanciful schemes
Or rushing through a river
Under the water that gleams
Time is an illusion.
At first, you don't agree
but after some thought, you begin to wonder.
Am I an illusion?
Is this world?
At first, you laugh
but after a minute, you begin to think.
From moving houses within the same area
To doing internships with wonderful people
A year can feel like quite an era
When you are busy with workloads quite lethal
2016 was a year of change
There are 365 days in a year
That means
There are more than 365 chances
For my life
To change
Each a little more
Every day
Watermelon unsettles an empty stomach
Strawberry mouths, clean nails stained pink
Pressed against strangers pasty palms
They all pale in comparison to yours
I believe that many say, time changes
It molds, grows, shapes, scrapes,
I, with tired limbs, heavy eyes, a crazy sleep schedule
Suicide, cutting, and isolation
Three things that filled my life up to 2015
I am not the "me" I was before
The younger girl that everyone would ignore
I became a social butterfly
Captivating is what I aim to be,
Stealing your breath with just one look at me.
Magnetic, intoxicating, and exemplary.
Raw is what I aim to be,
Pencil shavings became a sign of accomplishments
A’s became common
Teachers became leaders
School became a creative space.
Glances became kisses
This year has been incredibly difficult to me
This year I have had tumultuous struggles that arrive in three's...
I have conquered my fears and reached for the stars,
This year has been an abundance of scars.
I know not poetry. I know not rhythm or rhyme. I am not skilled in the art of coquetry. I'm not famous for the running speed of mine. I am not fast nor am I slow. I can read a thousand books, yet there is still so much to know. I can write a
Twenty Sixteen
I complain with my friends
"wow this year sucks"
Because it's the year I realized
we're all small
and so out of luck
Deaths and chaos
I am not the same
today is a different me
some would say it is a shame
but I know I must let it be
because the world keeps moving
and we all keep dying
so we need to keep proving
I am not the same
today is a different me
some would say it is a shame
but I know I must let it be
because the world keeps moving
and we all keep dying
so we need to keep proving
I’ve been
Awake full nights,
For the past three months,
Because I’ve got nothing to do.
So instead of doing nothing,
I instead do nothing and
For me it was gold
But for them its dirt
The way they treat
The way they speak
But whatever it is
I doesnt really fit
They came along
That wasnt too long
Both singing a song
Como Pasa El Tiempo, I used to hear my mom say.
Still so young, I nodded my head in agreement.
It means: How Time Goes By..slipping out of our hands day by day..
They say as you get older, you start to understand
My soul is like a peace of paper; white and light and soft and new.
My friends are like the pages; close enough to feel the pain, but like a page they too can turn away, who new.
I fall hard and I fall fast.
I scrape my knee on the concrete of the earth on a constant basis.
I cannot help the way I feel and the way I fall.
In one year's time I have learned much about the world around me and I will continue to learn more about this colossal world of ours. Learning never ends!
Am I the same?
No, of course not.
I've changed and battled
Become much better.
I've faced my share of struggles
my demons and my fears.
But I come out even stronger
emerging from my tears.
Green over pink.
Learning about everything even the kitchen sink.
Clay making.
Flute playing.
Tales with rings over talking animals that sing.
Poem writing dreamer, once a small little lemur.
Ty and Me.Instantly connected.No matter how scary life may have been,We stick through to the end.Just Ty and Me.
My love is everlasting
Like a tree that's evergreen
But it's not seen
By those who mean
To sweep it from its pedistool
Together let's go on a grand adventure. Just you and I, exploring this world that we live in.
My boat drifts away from the dock
I sit and watch my dreams die.
How do I say, “it is okay, you have a plan.”
You do have a plan, right?
The boat drifts to the horizon, my stomach drifts with it.
Packin bowls and all I smell is loud
My senses gotta be fucked
Since when can I see sound?
Dumbfound you have me
Bruh I'm Not so grounded can we
Never appease one to please one....
Never pacify one to satisfy one.....
Never contradict one to predict one....
Rationalize one to correct one.....
Debate one to change one......
I have a family.
I have a home.
You can try to break me down,
but I'm never alone.
I have a family.
I have a home.
I may not look it,
but I can hold my own.
The thing I’m most superficial about
Is my own uniqueness
When I was a little kid
It was important to me
That I’d pick a different color or number
Anthony Flores
I am the product of society.
I will fill the shoes that they want me to.
A fake smile for a job that I hate. Wow,
I'm ten minutes late. Now,
I miss you.
I never wanted to admit that,
But I really miss you.
You never told me the password for the PS4
And your Sly Cooper icon is
Heh, get it?
I exist in Jane Austen.
Emma, Sense and Sensibility, Mansfield Park.
I exist in Shakespeare’s Sonnet 116.
I open my eyes and see
A world of possibilities,
A world of opportunities.
I open my eyes and look
At everything I can be.
I hold everything I need to be
Your silouette was an outline of time, as if time had decided to develop a tongue to speak only in shadow, only of shade.
Newborn. Cryout. Homebound. Grandmother.
Childlike. Carefree. Playdates. Playgrounds.
Schoolbell. Lawnmower. Kickball. Talent Shows.
Colorful,beautiful full of life
Full of color,diffrent
Spirals of bright rich life
Fiery hells,flamboyant screams
Painful solitaire
Then endless blank nights
She had a smile that would brighten your day.
Not just one of those smiles that some old guy would say “nice smile sweetcheeks”
Her smile made your soul bleed and the blood
Their noses are higher than their IQ's
they step on sweet innocents as if they roses.
When will they relize?
We fumble around as if we've been shotten ,
but in reality we are all just rotten.
I was there for you
I gave you my heart
I was not aware that I was just fixing your heart
So you could go give it back to her
Just to be broken
I am jealous.
Why does anyone romanticize this
I belive you to be to good for me
I belive you are the stars and galaxies
I am never violent or disrespectful when I am jealous
Every morning I wake at 4 AM.
I wake at 4 AM and I am ready to be free.
I am alone, walking the streets of darkness and wonder,
enjoying my time for me.
I realize that this is who I am, the girl who wanders
I've wished my mays,
I've wished my mights,
My love for you goes beyond,
All the twinkles in the starry night.
I loved you then,
I love you now,
I'll love you forever,
For this is my vow.
The time that one takes to stop and look around
Observing all of what the human condition can achieve.
The amazement and wonderment of a child I have.
For all that we're yet to discover and that of which we have.
Silence my words
Silence them all
Remove these heavy chains
Your words are poisoning my veins
“Not good enough?”
“Not good enough.”
How is it I can work,
My fingers bleeding,
My lips dry,
My shoulders aching,
My legs numb,
I write small so you can’t hear meI think things in sentences, which formulatesometimes through nauseous thoughtsand I don’t take too kindly to insults,even if I’m the one directing them at me.
Memories float behind closed eyes,
drifting dandelion seeds upon an invisible breeze,
just beyond grasp.
Elusive as a dream, though numerous as the leaves on a tree,
Who inspired me to write?
Was it Edgar Allen Poe?
It was a man whose writings have lived on since many years ago
Verse, Prose, Iambic pentameter
Shakespeare was the best poet of his time and after his time
Wind oh windYou are here todayGive me strengthGo through my heartCure it from its battleRun through my skinShow me how soft and loving you are!Wind oh windIam glad to know
If all stars were meant to be the same then they would have the same shape and size
they would even be the same in the way they shine.
paper listens with
out judgement no day comes when
ink prints the page who
soaks up tears naked questions
My eyes are mirrors
reflecting the kind-hearted, innocent girl visible to others.
Revealing an optimistic and cool-headed child.
My skin color embraces my Hispanic heritage.
There once was a bride
and the bridegroom, a tree
a wedding ceremony with death as an attendee.
Death held the bride's arm, walking her down the aisle
As he did , he whispered in her ear with a faint smile
In verse, I found
a meaning. In meaning,
I found an essence.
Through words and verse,
through lines and meaning, I
lived. Expression became the force that
tied me to the ground while
I am antique malls and dusty dishes
I am front porch pickers and moonshine sippers
I am light up sketchers and spongy pineapple dwellers
I am young mistakes and a family disgrace
I am dogwood trees and honey bees
There's a battle out there- this world's got a scheme
To take the 'you' and replace it with 'me'
That's what they call the Hollywood machine-
It just starts with one flaw may never have seen
In the same way the moon lights up the sky when the sun is busy or how the grass sways when the wind breaks, ugliness, not beauty, creates poetry.
A reticent, budding girl,
Pushes all her jumbled feelings down,
But while composing, her thoughts begin to swirl,
no longer enduring emotional drown.
At times when nobody listened,
Sympathy lies as the stars align-coincide with the breath of humanity’s cryto become one with the stars and breatheout life. Come in, come in, but keep your hands at the sides.
Who is envy?
Is she the green eyed monster of legend
or the modern princess, glittering in jewels?
Does she have a smile like cotton candy
What is fear?
Is it the monster hiding in the closet?
Or is it the disembodied screams of the night?
Is it the like tremors of an earthquake?
I have always been good with words
As a child they called me slick J
With the flick of my tongue, they would do whatever I said
In middle school, I began to rap
All to those who laugh at me:
I am not your enemy,
I am not your friend,
no we are not aquainted.
My voice may sound fainted, but the truth is that's all me.
Oh I’m sorry,
Did my originality offend you?
Cuz’ last time I checked
the message was ‘be yourself’
Some nights, I sip on my coffee
And scribble down words
With my ink-stained hands
Those are the nights
When I do not need the water
To feel like drowning
Because those are the nights
She smiles everyday.
Laughs all the time.
She's the one who makes you smile all the time.
Always bringing happiness to the room.
But do you know what she feels like on the inside?
God created the universe in seven daysOr at least that's what a book says. The Mayans wrote a calendar And everyone swore the world was going to end. Romeo and Juliet are the epitome of loveAll because Shakespeare wrote a play.I write in hopes tha
10 years old, I thought I could do anything
My mom said
"In reality, you'll never make it big figure skating."
-A sharp note-
Lord, I am a sinner.
This I know for certain,
Yet I am not actively working towards self betterment.
Lord on the rare occasion that I get down on my knees to reach you,
Most times I do not know what to say.
That bright day bursting with promise,
That bright morning beautified by golden sunrays,
When my heart is light,
When I walk with my head held high,
To me, that’s a good day.
It's really a lovely image, isn't it:
The Lone Poetess, writing boldly, in tune
A world unto herself, a world in her mind.
I am not her.
I can't build worlds for myself;
What Can I
(Watch the video)
[Verse 1:]
So, they ask me what’s poetry.
What can I do but tell you what this poet thinks?
Writing isn’t a talent
Writing is an art
An art that even people with minds under lock and key
Shades snapped shut
I Have This Little Fire
I have this little fire.
It’s deep inside of me.
Sometimes it’s thin like wire,
But others, thick as trees.
This little flame is searing,
It never leaves my mind;
This time
Green eggs and ham
Just pretend there is a place
Where the sidewalk actually ends
Place, please, plays, prays, praise, pays, pace?
Face disgrace to human race
Listen on SoundCloud: soundcloud{.com}/jake-gillespie-6/god-bless-the-pen/s-q80Qg
(remove the {} around the dot-com)
I’m mining a tunnel
Where to I don’t know
Maybe next I’ll build a bridge
But until then I am mining a tunnel
As I mine I begin to wonder
What will become of this?
My gift.
My voice.
A melody.
A tune.
A sound.
Which then became
Words recited rapidly
And rhythmically.
I soon discovered
It was a form
Of p-o-e-t-r-y.
confrontation scares me.
I don’t like to talk it out,
my tongue gets twisted
I hate to scream and shout,
I cant communicate how I feel
unless I write it down.
Perhaps I will never open this book again
But if I ever do
I'll be honest
I'll be truthful
As I flip through the pages again
I'll regret the choices I made
I'll regret the words I erased
A outlet for me, even at the age of three,
Writing became my therapy,
In my darkest moments, hidden from the world,
Alone, scared, silent,
My fingers searched for my pen and paper,
Reality is whatever my words make it.
A long forgotten shack in the middle of a blizzard,
A girl worried for her furture
A girl never satisfied
A girl in her little brother's shadow
A girl inspired by the sparkling darkness of Poe
A girl wanting to be the best but knowing she never will be
We are told as a teen to believe.
To believe in childhood myths to boost our esteem
That one-day they can release our fatigues in hopes to proceed,
Who I am,
I forgot.
What I know,
I just thought.
Where I belong,
I have sought.
When I lie,
I get caught.
Why I live,
I know not.
Words once swam around my
Skin and danced across my
Fingers and sung melodies I
Couldn't understand
It was wonderful when
My teacher told me I could
Keep them like
I was only fourteen when everyone around me started to grow up,
For they were passing themselves off as if they were twenty-one,
Spending their Friday nights drowning their veins in alcohol,
Dys go by and agin on the news you here it.
Rumpumpum man down, shot by the gun of who should have protected him.
There's no protection if your color is dark like chocolate or glowing like Honey.
At eight years old I was the most pretentious person my parents knew
I spouted Shakespeare with ease and wrote secret love letters to myself
When I was nine I forgot that the love letters existed and glued a mask onto my face
English teachers often hearken back to simpler days
And swoon over Shakespearean verse
But the Bard’s sonnets often put my mind in a haze
His archaic words scorning me like a curse
Poetry and I
Are joined by a common thread
Considered by some an obstinacy
But most appreciate the freedom
To appreciate the worth in everything
The refusal to take a side
Employ the men who left their homes. Afraid, astray, alone they fight.Return, return, insist the moms. Frontiers assault and chill the bones.Nor friend nor foe, welcome the light.Employ the men who left their homes. Avow their dignity and pay
Poetry is food for the mind
At our youngest ages
We yearn for attention
We long for satisfaction
And hope for fulfillment
Take hold of thy pen,
Crawl within my den,
The world appears free,
For the beholder is me,
I caress the page with my wants,
No sour stranger can ever taunt,
In the world of love and poetry,
Poetry is dead, he said,
As he woke up with the sun.
As his breath came out in gentle puffs
And a silent song was sung.
I lived and I praised and I loved and I gave
And Finally
I was empty
In Me
Been turned to the side by the mind's greatest enemy
What a taboo word
A poet usually never speaks on why something or someone still lingers in their mind though they are no longer a part.
Sitting in a library
Pulling books, one by one
Off the shelf,
Reading, reading
Shuffling forward,
Repeatedly, repeatedly
Nothing fits,
Nothing clicks.
Because I could not stop for life
He kindly stopped for me
And in the carriage life and I
And purest poetry
Life picked me up and showed me things
I hadn't seen before
There was a slippery slope,
I almost fell into a hole
However, you came
while I was a wreck
Unexpected, but you met me
at this broken place of hopelessness
I began to pour out every emotion
Woke up this morning terrified to speak my mind, guess you're wondering why?
So let's rewind back to this kid about four foot three,
Being picked apart because he didn't rock jay's on his feet,
It is the voice in your head
Some have given it a name: Conscience
but Mine screams and screams
Never turning off.
And so I write to free
my cluttered mind to be
An empty and calm place
Dear Miss Austen -
My good friend,
I keep with your advice.
Look around you,
See the story,
Write of society.
Dear Miss Dickinson -
My good friend,
I hold to your advice.
The paper screams
for me to reunite him with his love.
The paper and the pencil,
they seem like the perfect pair.
Who am I to keep them apart?
I fill his empty lines with dark letters,
Life is full of wonder,
fulfillment and love,
kindness from above,
your life starts as a blank page,
but as you go on it turns to a book full of poems,
pages and pages that tell you a story.
A fat black girl in a skinny white woman’s world
That’s where it all started
Looking to be accepted into society’s standards
Never finding myself aimed towards the target
12th grade…
The world around me, is full of words;
Not the things that you can see;
but those you feel, and can be;
they are not visible to the human eye;
until pen and ink begin to fly;
simple objects become beauty;
Hello from the other side.
A darker side of life where you are the last brown crayon to be picked in the box.
Poetry is both processing and process.
Poetry is the naming and the name.
Poetry is the discovering and the discovery.
Poetry is primal; it is breath and emotion and creation.
The night is black as the Dead Sea,
As waves of emotions crash over me.
The stars glisten in the skies above,
As I wish for only a taste of love.
To a dear poet I once knew,
You said nothing was worse than losing the one you love
I lie here dying while you take yourself apart like a house of cards
The light fades from my eyes whiles yours are burning brightly
Drifting in a languid landof singing prairies and crystalline lakes,I wander toward a jeweled tree, radiant sapphire and ruby in a halcyon dream.
A single word that can hold so much meaning
Something that contains so much feeling
Emotions that escalate inside
I do not write poetry for people.
I do not write poetry for you.
I am blessed, yes, but I sit beneath no peepul.
It is not for the “ahs” or the “oohs”
I write poetry
Not for me.
Sometimes I'm broken down and am heartless
I tend to self destruct when things go too well
Overthinking, overanalyzing every step I ever took forward
lazy, active
daydreaming, procrastinating, sleeping,
bored, moody, lively, happy,
volunteering, writing, exercising,
weird, sweet
It is here again!
This big and black beast
Glaring at me with red eyes
Standing in front of me
I know it smells my fear
No matter how far
It’s not something I can escape from
Poetry is an open letter that I never mean to send.
Poetry is the escape that keeps my family from its end.
It keeps my anger from building into a skyscraper,
and it keeps my heart from bleeding on my sleeve.
At one point in my life,
I lacked things to do,
So I pulled out an old journal,
And that I went through,
I read the poetry I used to write and figured,
that if back then I could write,
Ink spots litter my fingers; I see the beauty of words,
In jumbled messes, scattered all over what, once, used to be a blank sheet.
I'm nineteen but I reason better than some double my age.
I see through life's glasses and I never hesitate to turn the page.
Sometimes I feel like a newborn, when I cry from everyday pressures.
I'm not going to say your gut is endless,
because there is a bottom.
Sometimes you stomach is full,
or empty it depends on where I go.
A "picky eater" is a name,
Pain, fierce it stings just to think about it.Need, strong enough to kill unless you live without it.
voices in my head
so scared i barely went to bed
i did not know what to do
only if the people around me knew
never much cared for writing
until it was all i had
putting my thoughts into words
I was just twelve.
Twelve years of age when the words hit my ears like a blood curling scream.
Pinned up against a wall clutching my heart as the words pierced me like sharpened daggers.
Some see numbers and it makes sense, but other can't even understand cents.
Spanish is to an english speaker, as math is to me.
I see words and can eloquently translate it's thoughts
Aren’t you ashamed to look like that?
They called me such names that stuck in my head
There was nothing more painful than what I just read
I wish I could hide
Find a place devoid of you
But every space is you
No matter the distance
I am still next you
Caught in your shadown
It makes me sad that no one will ever know how I sound to me.
I think I sound better that way.
But I will never be able to sound that way to others.
I feel like my voice isn't me.
Crying, alone, and forgotten,
Abandoned by all the world,
A little voice inside me screamed,
But I ignored the call,
Another minute or year went by,
I find it hard to tell,
I got tired after a while
I got tired of tapping people on the shoulder
and they cover up their ears
I got tired of letting their
Does someone love me for who I am?
There has to be.
I am not a pineapple.
I am not a potato.
I have feelings.
"Stretched across me was a spark of lightening,
One touch that tore me to pieces.
What was it,
I did,
for him to derail my mind
across these broken eyelids.
I gave it my all,
His words lift my heart
On wings like an eagle's
So it soars.
His voice surrounds me.
That is what I am hearing.
Then I awake to find that it was only just a dream.
His eyes
They light up like stars
When he's not being a loner
His smile
It lights up a whole room
When he uses it
His laugh
Sweet, it sounds with joy
Morning I wake up covered in dust
Lying in bed all night makes my bones feel like rust
What I can do to make myself look "right"
The saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words,”
But I know that the 26 letters of the alphabet are what makes millions of those words.
So, I use my words to create the imagery that's worth a thousand words.
no more.
this is the last of the Elder days
I belonged to the Elder days,
their wars were personal
I fought them
I knew the lost soldiers
I am the last
the last of the Elder days
sometimes I feel neverending
sometimes I feel very small
today was a small day.
the little piece of paper
on the end of the tea bag
read me a poem
to make me feel better.
I'll spread myself across this page.
be present a pound the stage .
maybe then my memory won't fade.
my life no longer a passing phase .
try to sketch every piece of me in to eternity
I'll spread myself across this page.
be present a pound the stage .
maybe then my memory won't fade.
my life no longer a passing phase .
try to sketch every piece of me in to eternity
English class is not for me
Essays and speeches
I don't like to see
Grammar lessons
Just let me be
Reading books
Not my cup of Tea
But Poetry, oh Poetry
Poetry and I,
We are inseparable.
We are long lost friends
Who found each other
Inside cracks of foaming hate
And melting sorrow.
Poetry and I,
We are connected by truth.
When the sun disappears,
As do the smiles and laughs.
The image of the people we know,
Replaced by their melancholy twin.
As night settles in, painting the sky black,
Little glimmers of stars dot the void.
A wildfire, mind transpired.Burning leaves and flowers.My mind, a fiery shower.I think vivid. Lucid.Thinking of all the things you did.Traveling far off in the distance.
My Poetry is My Life
How I convey My Strife
This gift it comes from above
It is the utensil in which I demonstrate my Love
Sometimes it comes in Lyrical waves
I've never been much of a writer.
The only talent for it I had was writing a three page essay in two hours.
For the longest time, writing was an introduction, three body paragraphs, a conclusion.
Once, on a broken winter's day when I had nothing left
No words to say, no power lain upon my shoulder, I wept
Silent tears of nothingness, not knowing I was home
To feel left without destiny, abandoned, isolated, alone
There is an dimension between love and war; in mentality, arguements occur in thought. In dreams, I get a particular emotion that cannot be tamed, but controled or overthrown.
if you asked me to say what poetry means to me
i could not write you a poem about it
for i write poems when i feel broken
or hopeful
i write poems to burn bridges
and build new ones
for myself
Burning power of an unbridled storm.
Searing Passion of Hatreds' scorn.
Guilty pain punctured my soul.
My mind was bursting, nearly full.
History of anger and heritage of strife,
everything i write lately has been nothing but pain
but i fail to notice all the flowers
growing from the rain
i see the storm
not the cleanse
i see a new beginning
as the end
You came into my life like a whirlwind during my darkest times and with you, you brought a light.
Some people just don't understand and some do.
You were and still are the one thing I know I can count on,
Poety is a part of me
The buzzing of a bee you hear
The gleaming mirror you see
All I can let out is a dry tear
Taking some time to think back
It is quite difficult to track
The date of the beginning
When poetry I found fitting
I sought to feel.
I confused my emotions for people with the ideas I had of them.
I remember falling for someone
because they were to themselves. Their obscureness brought me great determination.
Many think they know who I am,
But the truth is you don't.
For starters my name is Akeylah Giles.
Many know me as the girl with a Big voice,
I've stopped counting
I broke my vocabulary free, suddenly I see
Why everyone is okay with being numb all the time
It's easier to feel nothing, than everything
Now, I realize
We are one
Me and poetry are one
Like my heart beating in my chest,
Catching every BA-bum-BA-bum
We are one
Like my lungs catching every breath
Well... when she ended it I felt like it was the end of my world and it tore me up because I saw that my place in the universe was frozen in a nightmare, yet the rest of the universe was moving in bliss and tranquility.
Please don't hate me
for something I didn't do
Please don't hate me
for the people I'm related to
Please don't hate me
for the color of my skin
I don't hate you
Do you not hate me too?
When I wake up in the morning and stare into the mirror, who do I see.
I see a 6 foot tall person just standing there.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Take in my surroundings,
Take a step forward I can do this I’ll be brave enough this time..
These words I write
Are the only ones that feel right
Living in a world of wrong
These poems are my songs
The songs of struggling to find a way
To get through each and every day
When I looked at me
What did I see?
But a lonesome girl
With no personality
Then I came across
This thing called poetry
And read Ego Trippin’
By Nikki Giovanni
Only to realize
It all started when i was young and had a love
for the way lyrics coursed into my ears and set my body a flame
As i acquired years i found my other love
The written word ,A bundle of pages that took you to another world
Here's to me
Some people slam doors,
I slam poems. You judge
the box,
I open it.
presses against the walls,
I want the alternative.
To the times I've messed up.
This is my book of poems;Poems I swore not to write.Somehow I couldn't help it,Temptation: too much a fight.
You started
as just an assignment.
Something I had
to do to keep that grade up.
once I was done with you
I missed you.
It didn't take long
before I had a whole book
After having my heart completely cut in half
My life was woe
I didn't know
What my purpose in life
Was anymore
I couldn't see what there
Was to look forward to
I was a robot just walking
Eyes wide open.
Mouth closed shut
Hands clinched in fists, like the one in my gut.
Whole body shivers.
Nerves too much
I guess this time I'm shit out of luck.
Air forbidden entrance.
Is it petty of me to not immediately name my family?
Am I a bad person for not pointing out a friend?
Is it a sign of not being humble enough that I do not whisper the name of God?
Maybe I'm hateful? Maybe I'm frightful?
I have a skull
And my skull hangs low
When I'm walking around and I sulk
Inside said head
I have something that's one of a kind
It's my one and only mind
Call me narcissistic, call me pretentious
I'm afraid to open up.
To give someone the chance to hurt,
My heart of glass, so easy to shatter,
Because of all that I've seen, and heard
Although it should not matter.
I play my twisted game,
what am i
who am i
someone please tell me what to do
but don't tell me too much
i don't want to be like you
i listen too much think too much am quiet too much
i can't even write a poem right
"Poetry is lighthearted, fun, and pretty!" says the teacher
well this student says,"FUCK THAT!"
For all the times I've been pissed off, let down, upset, wronged, estranged,
My Identity
The one thing I can’t live without is
my identity.
It tells me who I am
and where I go.
Under the waters of the deep blue sea
I swam 'cross waters intrigued as can be
The waves agreed to show me around; tide in my fawn
I had time on my hands, for each day a new flavor
I am monstorusI'm so monstorusYou should blame meMy skins not like melted goldor parchment,it's red and scaly I am a wreched thing,such a fearful thingYou should run from me I do not know youI do not want youto ever set me free I am orignal sin
Without painting I would be
Stranded in a world
Without color.
Without drawing
I am nothing
but a segment
on a timeline.
Without crafting
Time is wasted
I can guarantee
that when you see me
I will be
It's a bit of a curse
the outcome can hurt
but I'd be lying to say
it didn't have its perks
i am, i am, i am
sylvia plath bragged
and so do i
i think therefore i am
therefore i am what i think
it doesn’t sound christian
but all i really need is me
what i mean is, my mind.
In my heart
In my hand
I hold heart and give it to you
When I close my eyes
I see your face
When I'm hurt
You hold me close
I look into your eyes
I see our future
I see our love
“Don’t forget your roots,”They always say.“Don’t forget your roots.”The great oak always continues to growas long as its roots are growing,but as its trunk is growing significantly
I hate it.
It hates me.
My past is an anchor.
It drags and stops me where I am.
Don't cut the chains.
Use the chains to lift that weight.
And take it.
It takes you.
I choose to be meIn a world where others disguise who they truly areLiving a facade to hide any imperfections or scarsPressured to live their life just like everyone else
He's the one who saved me,
who took my sin,
and made me kin,
who gave me a new heart,
He took the stone within me,
and made me feel again,
no longer just me, but us,
Walls around my heart,
Chains around my body
Keeping me stiff and without emotion
Keeping me from letting anyone in
These walls I built a mile high inside me
I was a girl,
afraid to come out of her cocoon.
Afraid of what others thought.
I slowly crumpled.
Into a ball of dust.
Thorns started to bleed,
I could not be
without me.
My memories;
of them,
of you.
I could lose my eyesight.
I could go without hearing.
I do not need to taste.
I do not need to feel.
Behind you can find a shadow,
Continuing to grow.
We play follow the leader
I wear the crown
Yet, soon I will become the pleader
Black patches lay on my skin
I can't live without chocolate.
Chocolate is like the soul to my heart.
It makes me happy, like the chimpanzees.
The way it melts like butter as the flavor explodes into your mouth.
You wanna know what's in my heart,
Take a closer look cause it's been there from the start.
It stares you in the face each and everyday
It's not hidden, cause I express it in such a way.
I don't need your money, and I don't need your jewels
You can keep your fancy house and your expensive car
I don't even need a person, to jusitfy my self worth
The only thing I really need is whats inside my self
It's Enough
Just to swim
In the deepness
Of the Sea
It's Enough
Just to twist
As I'm unlocked
With a Key
It's Enough
Just to have
Your eyes gaze
Down on Me
Why I Never Want to be a Mother
I never want to be a mother because I am not perfect.
I know no damn thing about cooking,
and as far as I concern, I hate doing the dishes.
Dear me, Dear me
Be weary, aware
Not care so much
stay out a little later
Let the smooth night cover your blush
let the stars whisper happiness
and the wind hold your hand
Dear me, Dear me
Who will spare a penny for the poor,
or give a hand to those who fall,
Who'll come and save all those who- desperately call.
What beauty is the beach without its shore?
So is this world if love was no more.
That day will never arrive
I am stuck in a deep hole of burdens
My mind glazes over with my responsibilities
I may be in new places but responsibilities I left behind pop up
I don't know what free is
only my walls see my tears
and only my walls know my fears
i keep it all inside
except once...
when someone pried
i opened up and tried
but they hurt me so...
i nearly died
Never knew what it was like to feel happy
Loove was not there (anymore)
Go ahead x2
Let him run free ,let him out let them out,
Never cry(never cry) keep it in (keep it in)
Don't feel ,be strong child
There's something I need to tell you,
My story is short enough to expose.
I am no saint,
I fucked up a valium... I been fuckin up.
You? That shit don't mean shit... "you, you you..." I been thru that shit... it's all about me now.
I'm the head. you're the tail...
I could have been anyone
Even the person you wanted me to be
I would say I’m sorry
So sorry for being Me
So let’s go back to the beginning
Make yourself up
No one knows who you really are except you,
so no one can say you're lying.
Except you.
Before the sun rises,
my mind is alive, and
trying to break me from
the silence my thoughts have devised.
"Is it really worth it?
am I a worthless person?"
I used to be frail
In athletics I always had to bail
because my strength would fail
Now i am stronger
I can run much longer
and there isnt an obstacle that i cant conquer.
I used to be alone
I am the slitting words
I am the broken plate
I am the bitter sweet
I am thorned estate
I am the forceful fire
I am the roaring sea
I am the lasting liar
I am the only me
Foam upon the shore hugs close
But does not know of me
The winding sea stews in throes
Of her possibilities.
Spoken prose from wordless lips
They say nobody knows you
better than you know yourself
but I desperately need help unscrambling
this Rubik’s cube inside my mind
If someone could just link me to a tutorial
to solve it under 3 minutes
I am cookie dough ice cream. This particular flavor contains not just ice cream, but another tasty treat as well.
I am erratic.
A giddy, round-eyed, five-year old.
A rocker who has too much soul.
Who cried when the wind blows the wrong way.
Who giggles incessantly at the break of day.
I like to sing no matter who's around me.
I'm loud like a siren , when someone needs to hear me.
I'm very cheerful and clumsy and that is why people think well of me .
At 17, she thought she had the world Butterflies, tears of joy in her eyes She held on tight, no in between liesTime to let go, here comes the surprise
"A secret?" he asks.
A cute and airy one.
Or maybe just the favorite,
Name you want to name your son.
I have built myselfFrom the ashesOthers will not determine My fateTired of being the girlIn the shadowsI will Take your breath awayYour opinion No longer mattersIt is Dead to meI will riseTo the occasion And defeat My inner enemy
I am the lone wolf
Taking the night;
A loyal companion;
I am a warrior
Getting ready for battle,
I am one surrounded by many,
Yet I feel alone;
The quiet night,
I am blue,
There's a reason why we lie.
To ourselves and to others.
It's because we're afraid of what the truth might do.
To ourselves and to others.
The first is always the hardest. You have to push yourself into it. Cutting into innocence, cutting into your soul. At first it stings but soon it subsides and you crave the lingering feeling of control.
Dear Younger Me
Life will not be easy
Be Prepared
Be ready
You’ll go through it all.
From death, to depression
People who know me know I like to sleep
To me it’s not about the relaxation,
It’s about the dreams –that are so sweet.
I love to dream
I could be a graceful dancer
Or find the cure for cancer
I am a daughter.
More trouble than she’s worth,
But who’ll always come home for holidays (and maybe some weekends)
I am a sister.
The things I wanted were not truly me;
Looks, attention, and popularity.
I now see the beauty inside of me;
Intelligence and creativity.
I’m not from here
I’m not from there
Most won’t begin to understand
Do you even speak English?
There’s no way you know Spanish
The universe is made of elements.
Everything on earth is made of bit sized little bits
From Hydrogen to Ceasium to Ununseptium
But there are three elements that make me tick
What am I?
I am a Ruin,
Crumbled by yesterday's wear,
Fortified by tomorrow's prospect,
I am more than the rubble,
I am a shelter,
I house those who enter with solidity and warmth,
I am a human
I started small
And grew up large
Started thin
And gained my curves
I am a human
I have two strong legs
That carry me
Across school
Across my journey
I am not what many people see
I mask my fears and anxieties
I shield myself from the world
Yet I still long for my opinion to be heard
The girl that is so sweet
That she is like candy between your teeth.
A mild past she has had
But none to which that will make you mad.
Be careful as she surrounds in your warmth
One thing that was said is that I was wrong
Not understanding why this came about
Haven’t heard something like this in so long
Saying all these things they wanted all out
Same page different books..
From the dusty stones…
Hidden hopes in your blank looks.
In the library of our mind
Connected by the heart and clasped with a hand A whole lifetime and more spent in constant company, a single monochrome In dazzling colors blended by genes, painted with love. Questioning identity in sadness Trapped in a mirror of dazzling irides
I keep going because I believe
The only thing on my mind is to achieve
Even when I fall down
I pick myself off the ground
Consantly push when things get rough
And try to make myself mentally tough
There is beauty
in everything
in life, in death, in whatever comes before
but beauty mostly resides
inside of a heart
I am a product of what surrounds me
Everyone and everything has changed the way I see
I have learned what not to do
It has put me on to a pedestal
Just to be knocked off
so I can climb back to the top
Who am I?
Female, A first generation
Pakistani Muslim.
Pakistan, base of culture
Who am I?
A question asked by many
Asked by my job to score a penny
I am an outspoken force to be reckoned with
What is your ethnicity?
I am a Panamanian Princess
I'm not your average girl I stand alone in a big world determined to succeed but always being pressured by the world... I am determined to succeed but always put down by everything...
I have been told a lot of things over the years,
I’ve been described in many ways, and I have
described others faultlessly when asked and yet
I am. I am AshleighOr so it says, I am from the Ash Tree.I am the thousands of words written in the darkness in hundreds of other poems, some just like thisI am the photos that plaster my walls
I am always here, but never knownAlways bent, but never broke,Always lonely, but never aloneI am always quiet, but never mute. I, the one invisible to the world,Dreams of place where all is known.If I speak, none shall hear,For I am the quietly lo
“Go pretty yourself” they said.
They did not want to see my true colors.
They wanted me to be “picture perfect”.
“Go straighten your hair” they said.
They wanted me to comb and straighten
The teardrops of the sky filled the windows
As I made the steam of my coffee rise.
I pondered all of my life’s loves and lies.
These thoughts reminded me of times of discos
I peer at myself, the one who is hiding beneath her hair.
All I see is a girl that I've never laid eyes on.
Who is this child with the mischievous glint in her eye?
Who is this child with rosy blushing cheeks?
You always want to talk about who I was
Who I used to be
A little girl with crooked pigtails
(I liked bright pony tail holders)
And a nose buried in books
I’m THAT tree.
By: Ayca Aramaz
I always thought of myself as a tree.
Sturdy and tall with its roots clenched deep within the earth.
Branches thick and long that scatter in every direction.
I am an Artist
You might write me down as a nobody,
You might say I don't have a chance,
But I am an Artist,
I create,
I live,
I love,
I hurt,
I learn,
And I won't stop,
I came from a place, not too far away,
I grew up, always having, wanting, something to say
I can't say what I think, I'm deprived of what I need,
I needed love, was it so hard to see?
So you want to know "who I am?"
Well who I am, is more.
It cannot be summed up in adjectives and traits.
Who I am deeper than that.
I am MORE.
I am a tragedythat travels towards nowherein which darkness resides.At an edge, I find myself strandedwith a midst of conflicts rising.It is difficult to escape sometimes
I am a kiss
I am the rain
the knot in my stomach when I step on stage
the words I pen with my own hand
and the rings on the table left behind
by my half-fnished mug of peppermint tea.
If you know me
You know my name
My name is me
We are the same.
It wasn't just picked
By coincidence
My name is me
And I am it.
I didn't become it's equivalent
Hi! it’s nice to
Socially meet ya!
I’m new to this site
and new to the
Social Media.
Never really been one
I Am...Something the depths of the ocean struggle to comprehend,
Mythical in existence, utopia in nature, unworthy is the world to be allowed to behold such a rare art as Me,
Soaring through the waxwing slain
One sound, one bearing
None to fight the slain waxwing feign
No contortions and no appobations of collegiate youth
but the mere understanding of what
it is
Who is to say what I am?
Am I a girl?
Well clearly, I am.
Does that not make me a woman,
Powerful and determined?
Because clearly, I am.
Am I my race?
My heritage?
My greatness is not measured by the success of others
Though others may depend on me for there guidance
My greatness is not controlled by the color of my skin
Through this computer you cannot see what's within
It was you
But it was I
It was us together we were unstoppable
Black and white
Then life
It was just a dream
Blue and clear
Reject and hurt
I cried a river
For it was a dream
The seems of my disguise burst at the seams
Of simmering restraint. For, sun-like, beams
The shadowed self through artificial means,
Resplendent force that must demand be seen.
To know myself by peering outside-in
I am magnetic. I am not just Rachel. Putting my faith in a power greater than anyone. Having courage and being kind. Giving rather than receiving. I am magnetic. Writing songs about my life experiences.
There was a time when I wanted to be alone
little voices in
my head
you don't need anyone because
no one needs
Those words were all I could hear
You are the one
that my mind
will not stay off of;
you are the one
whose smile
I cannot
stop staring
at; when our eyes
Brown eyes,
Black hair.
Heart-shape lip,
Unnerving stare.
A young woman looks back at the mirror, confused.
The long waves of her hair are cut to her shoulders,
Her eyes empty and lost.
"White paper visages encrested with blue orbs all around me. The cold look of hatred is what gives me shivers.
It's hard to put in words,
what makes this body me.
But trying to be anyone else,
is something I couldn't be.
I wish that I could describe
my life in these few words
Courageous. Imaginative. Gregarious. Comical.
Timid. Realistic. Introverted. Earnest.
I am a paradox; an enigma; a living contradiction
The way a storm ends in a rainbow
Inside her body is a person thriving to come out,
Just a person?
No, a boy.
Assigned the opposite symbol on his birth certificate,
They got him in the wrong.
I am proud, but I am self conscious
I am flamboyant, but I am anxious
Uncle of Davion and D’Andre, two unknowing souls
Lover of arts, nature, and free spirited ones
My story cannot be put into a book
As a matter of fact
This life is on a hook.
They think my life is controlled by society
Buy don't you know there is a bigger girl inside of me?
They tell me I am not to let the wind beneath my wings take me adrift,
But when I urge to unearth my feathers’ beauty I am trying to break chains.
My bones are restrictive lanes I cannot change like two solid yellow lines.
I am me.
I am crazy.
I am quiet.
I am loud.
I am not popular.
I am content.
I am me.
I am my playlist.
I am my grades.
I am small mind.
I am a great mind.
I was born in January,
many don't remember because
often my birthday falls on the same day
as civil rights day,
and the oppression of rights is much more important
Who am I?
I can be just a shadow
Or the most popular girl in school
I can be just a closed door
Or an opened book
maybe so much more
Who am I? defines who I am
I can be the blame
From week to week and day to day
I’m one who never knows quite what to say.
When typing a paper or composing a text
It’s not hard; I know just what is next,
But when I’m surrounded by enemies and friends
I am me
From my head
To my toes
I am the universe
But I am very small
I am my culture
But I am different
I am bisexual
But I am not confused
I am a friend
I am...
The girl who saw the truth too early,
when I should not have glimpsed.
Like the tempted Eve I cast aside my Eden,
and have been expelled from the garden of roses.
I am innocence,
Bouncing, brunette curls,
Fresh, freckly, bright complexion,
Naïve, sweet, unburdened—innocence.
I am conformity,
Sleek, straightened locks,
Not one of the Me's
-But all of the Me's-
All of the different variations of I
-All of the I's in me-
Only one you will see.
Only one that will stop,
If you try to say that you can describe me you’re wrong
I’ve faced adversity and have since become strong,
The words that I write are just a glimpse of my own insight
Trees and brush
Have captured me
As you can see!
10 word only picture prompt!
There is a woman in my mind whoseshell grows and crumbles, collapsesand is rebornendlessly. A statue, a castlein some ancient landthat was first etched on archaic blueprints and
So I run back towards the one waiting,
Making me fall to my knees crying,
As every human being leaves me,
I can only cry out "Lord save me!"
When my trust for them gets trampled to the ground,
I am a mess of emotions,
They flow from me so freely.
I am a mess of sadness,
Sometimes I don’t want to move.
I am a brave woman
Who fights for others.
I am bravery.
I'm like a pebble
I've never been anything more than something as common as that
it's that very average,
common pebble
that the not-so-average
shoe kicks around.
I am an outcast
The crow among the doves
The girl you walk right past
Born with depression
Not to mention the tension
Of fighting with yourself is a quiet hell
My life is controlled by a bell
You ask me who am I
I’m the expression of beauty seen only by few,
the splattered paint people call art
I am fascinated by numbers
I have an affinity for numbers.
I have written him 71 pages of poems.
14675 words and counting
2462 stanzas
3241 lines mounting.
Upon each other like
My friends and I were talking about flooding the school,
Our teachers over heard us and didn't think that was cool.
Sadly school is so cruel.
I guess I'm just a tool,
I must be a fool,
Without me you are lost
With me you are found
Without me you cannot touch
With me you hear sound
You are nothing
But closed eyes
And dry lips
I am something
't u dare blow me a kiss and call me loser.
I'm trying to be mad at u but now I'm smiling at a text.
U say, 'u can't be mad at me'
And I say, 'why's that?'
I am quiet
I am shy
Too shy for a 16 year old
I keep my mouth shut
And my mind loud
If you speak to me
I will speak to you
I am not rude
I am nice
Too nice sometimes
me: used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself as the object of a verb or preposition
Being me, I've had alot of issues...,problems...,nightmares,...whatever you wanna call 'em. I've just had alot of them. But like some person always says there's always a calm after the storm...or before the storm.
I am
I am nothing but I can eventually be something
I am two eyes and heartbeat and mouth that is full of words
I am the heart that beats inside of me and the blood that pumps through my veins
To say I am perfect
Would be an ugly lie
I am not soft
Nor innocent
I don't need protected
Because I protect
I am not weak
And decidedly not helpless
The world around me
crumbling to the ground, me
caught in the middle while pebbles of
once beautiful castle walls surround me,
drown me.
But you,
you saved me.
And me?
I let you.
I learned that no one.
No one.
Will tend to
Those marks are all imminent.
As you blossom and grow,
More smile lines will adorn your facade.
I am not she
I will never look the same
But, I am me
And you are to blame.
You say that you love me
How can that be?
I am not perfect
I’m only maybe a 3.
In your eye,
Jessica (noun.) A person:female,
Age: You never ask for a women's age, *cough cough* 90's kid *cough cough*
Weight: You never ask for a women's weight, ( but for Tae Kwon Do competitions:125lb)
I am the mother of a child who cannot speak
I am the daughter of a soldier who lives through days like war
I am the lover of a man who has more edges than curves
I am the friend of a woman scarred
Nothing special,
till you remember
when you were little
you held tarantulas like
others held hamsters
till you remember
all the times
you drew
and made up
As I grow up,
(I never promised Peter Pan)
the imbalance of chemicals
try to right themselves into what
will be,
is me.
So if I seem louder,
so if I find it uncomfortable
I'm everything and nothingand yet still something.I'm rude and polite.Mean and nice.Fire and ice.
I sell myself short
with these small rhyming pomes
I could make a da-vinci
and hang it in homes
I choose humour
simple simplicity
I am whatever can be imagined.
I am the boogeyman in your closet
Waiting to pull a prank,
Or that mysterious little fairy
Collecting and willing to give you money.
I am the sand man
Singing you to sleep
Every step I take is a step towards oblivion, an unknown past, a merciless future
Counting the edges of the webbed stars on my hand is no more a task than defining my future,
don’t ask me those questions
they are self-erasing and ugly in nature
unidentifying and dreadfully
I am what my parents always wanted me to be.
I am a good girl with good grades and good friends.
I hold doors open for people.
I say please and thank you.
I do what is asked of me.
As I lay in the darkness
My mind filled
With the pitch and silence
I think…
Why do I feel like this?
So comfortable
When I look at me in the mirror I see a beautiful
African American.
That is not what I AM.
I AM a determined female.
I AM a trustworthy human.
I AM a hard working individual.
What I see is not who I am.
I remember when I was little and I had this perfect family.
I remember having 4 sisters, a mom and a dad.
I am me
a simple kind of thing
I am rich in not the funds you see
but family and friends.
and in the end to me
all that matters is
I'm who I want to be
a simple kind of thing
I am me.
Just because.
I show respect.
Does not mean.
I'm afraid.
Or scared.
I have seen a side
Of what I am.
That men wish
Was never there.
Can I be lost in your arms
Can I forget what it is to remember
Can I lie and say goodnight
Would you believe me?
If I try to deceive you
Would you even care
Would you look away
I love the depths of my creativity -
My abyss of imagination
That lives with the creatures in my head.
The way paintbrushes can be weapons
To all of the worry in the world
you know even with all the pain in my life
i still live each day and get through the night
i must still be looking for something or maybe someone
because if i wasnt looking you bet i'd just run
The brilliant white morning light
Through the clear sliding doors nearby,
And I
Wince slightly as it comes, releasing a vexed huff.
Phenomenal Woman can't you see?
Phenomenal woman is not me...
My hips don't sway, and my hair is short.
But I am a lady of some sort.
My mind is jailed while my heart roams free like the sun.
When I look in the mirror I don’t see the same little girl that ran around my mother’s busy office
I'm pondering about life
Contemplating about the future
What's wrong or what's right?
Am I significant or am I useless?
My conscience tells me the truth
Society is riddled with lies
The sound of humming wind is blessed with the wings of a bird's grace,
its' soft feathers pulsing through the barriers of the wind in such hace
now peircing through heaven's smoke in which the clouds so gingerly lay.
Where I’m from.. poetry
“Where I’m from”
I am from pink and purple uniform
From brown leather sandals
I am from being the captain of the class.
Disapproval scorches me
Every step I take.
I'm not what they want me to be,
And it's a feeling I can't shake.
I'm not the peppy, bouncy girl
Whose smile lights the day.
It's funny to think I've been called type A.
That we could label a person with letters,
put them into groups.
I'd say I don't fit characteristics of anyone else.
So I guess it's one of those days
Where I feel like I waste my good life away
You know, one of those "I'ma do right today."
I am a phoenix
Watch me burn
Been waitng all this tme to grasp my own rebirth
Stand up from the ashes letting the weight of the world fall from my grace
It's time to go
In the dark
Of the night
Beneath the light
From the moon
In the smell
Of the leaves
On the trees
Throughout the clearing
Before the light
Of the sun
You say you want to date me, but I think you might hate me
And when you hear what I speak, I think you might just agree
I'll give you 3 reasons, just listen, you'll see
I am
The one you don't mess with
When she's walking down the street
Soldia flowin' through my veins
Enchant Me
Come on
Take my hand
Kiss me
Till thee
Soul demands
Disgrace us
Chid us
It's ours to make
Enchant my love
With wings above
I hear voices you see,
They talk to me you know?
They are all diferent sets of me.
Some scream.
Some mumble.
One keeps going lalala.
But the biggest voice,
He likes to coo,
Last summer I drank my heart away and my insides became soggy. Sitting against alcohol my
Myself defined;
distracted by other peoples definition of happiness
while living a life defined by other people
I was
written, erased, re-wrote, RE-DEFINED
by all these foriegn concepts, thoughts, ideas
I had to pay, actually,
to find myself.
Didn't you?
I had choices,
I had to chose.
I had fallen to the social norms.
I lost my sanity,
I write in hopes of being understood
Because explaining how I feel has not been my best
At night, I imagine scenarios that will never come
Hoping, always hoping, I’d fall asleep soon.
'you're like the leslie knope of gift giving' she said,
and i took it to heart
depression makes it so you constantly wonder why
why people like you
why people bother with you
why you have friends
It's poetry
it's freedom
it's english
it's knowledge
it's strength
it's hope
it's power
it's me
His arms wrap miles around me.
His soul holds my cold heart with exuding warmth.
He has melted me, and molded me into something deserving of love.
Who am I with #NoFilter you ask... You may see a dollar all wrinkled and torn and then that perfect straight crisp dollar but they both are still dollars right? Filters just cover up the imperfections on the outside.
what do you see
when you look at me
our perspectives are completely divergent
because you see a girl
Funny funny funny,
I am funny
Creative Creative Creative
I am Creative
I am me who loves and loves
I am me who loves to be loved
Caring for a person's heart is what's normal
A space of sidewalk
A man at the corner
smoking a cigarette
A T-shirt bleach-stained
like his flashing teeth
A lingering whistle
The feeling of dying
The lies grow like wildfire, spreading everyday.
As soon as i think things settle down,
a thought ignites the flame
I don't know why I like the things I do,I especially don't know why you disapprove.
The moment I smile and claim my happiness,
We chase after the intangible
Leaving our presence as history
Forgetting to remember that we are in the Now.
And in the midst of each others desolation,
I am a girl with space tucked under the flaps of her skin.
I grasp at the loose tendrils,
in shades of forest and thunder,
attempting to hold the drifting vapor
close to my luminescent heart.
How dare you ask me who I would be
without all these stereotypes?
Don’t you know that society has already defined me.
Don’t you know that because I am female
my main goal is to be beautiful.
So you ask me who I am,As if I really know,As if I could be just one person,Part of the status quo,One person is not really one,Especially at this age,There are so many of us now,
Without accessories I may look plain but do you know anymore than my name?
I may be simple, but it is not that easy.
I am very deep, and very needy.
I am a mother, but a wild child undercover.
#Instagram #LOL #Live
without the makeup.
without the drama.
without the hate.
I don't have an Instagram.
#nofilter #truebeauty #showwhoyoureallyare
We love you for you.
It doesn't matter to show your gratitude
If you always have a bad attitude
And yet you might wonder why people are mad at you
Because it all comes down to the way of being with others
Behind the masks, the lights, the flash
I’m here, I feel, I fear
The truth told by the melody only in my head is a felony
Behind the flash and the pretentions of trends
They say I have big eyes
So I can see truth through your lies
They say I have big lips
So I can speak my mind
History repeats itself
it's why we're here again.
Black versus white
but this time it's times ten.
We need to be aware
that this gon' get us nowhere.
No! It's not him, her, or them;
Eyes torn, eyes bright; reaching
Hands clasped, outstretched; speaking. They tell my story, they lived my days: of teary-eyed nights but persistent days,
spent studying, searching, for the ones who helped me see,
She walks down the street
With a skip in her feet
Smiling at the people that passed her by; they turned the corner
She released a deep sigh
She waited until they were gone
And then the tears fell
They say, "keep your friends close
But your enemies closer."
I ask, then, how do you know?
Who is your friend
And who is your foe?
One moment it's sunshine
And happiness and laughter.
I am a girl risen from ashes.
An alcoholic mother
And a drug-addict father.
Yeah, you could say the odds were against me.
Constantly being told you'll amount to nothing.
Boy, did I prove them wrong?
I'm the moon,
not the star.
I'm more natural,
I do not amaze,
not everyday.
I leave you
on November afternoons
when you see me through
Theres a man over there
A boy over here
I am just, right in between
"This is stupid!",the boy screams
"Fight it", the man calmly says
In the background a band plays
To the left there is a teen
I'm a person
Just like anyone else.
I'm a poet
Can't you tell.
I'm a singer
Not very good.
I'm a dreamer
I am different without the filters,
I sound different and look different when using filters.
When I don't use filters, I sound and look nerdier than usual,
I hate filters,
I am just me.
Just a girl,
not prepared,
not ready,
but atleast trying.
I am head strong,
stubborn and afraid.
I am not ready for anything,
but yet I am prepared for everything.
Who am I
Behind the Mask
Do I live, or do I die?
In front of the past.
Will it last?
I create myself
Every morning, before breakfast
In the mirror,
Find myself in the shower,
Beauty is being kind
Beauty is being lovig
Beauty is being compassionate
Beauty is being understanding
Beauty is being true
A pure and real self is who you are
I'm me.
And I'm not sorry.
I'm not sorry that sometimes,
I'm too honest.
But who wants to be lied to?
Not I.
Not I, who every time I see a cute guy
I must say hi
A lot of people know me as
@haleythebirdie singing "All That Jazz"
Or lockedinabirdcage
Analyzing why paper beats rock
And for those followers, I am on stage on the web when I talk
Or 15byerha
you began to undress me
and as each button of my blouse becomes undone
a sliver of some imperfection slips past
my possessions that once possessed me settle in a pool around my ankles
Dangling of a cliff,
Fifty feet in the air
Holding on to your rope-
You can’t make me let go
I wish when I smiled, I meant it,
I want my laugh to sound carefree like it did before,
I need to be the center of the picture;
so that I know I wont be the one on the outside.
I miss the way I used to be,
I'm not as skinny as I'm supposed to be
and don't have flawlwss skin.
My laugh is a little obnoxious,
but hey this is me.
I don't cake my face with makeup
to live up to the "beauty standard"
Brown boy, brown boy come around
Come hear the tale of the new kid in town.
He ain't no peach this fine young thing
I heard he aint even got a wedding ring
What so cool about this new fellow
My eyes dart side to side looking for the welcoming smile,
Was it not enough,
You have put my entire life on trial,
I know what I have done makes my outside rough,
You can tell me what to wear,
Casual converse, lipstick, hoody,
I don't care--
I will be me.
You can tell me how to walk,
Straiten my back,
Like it's a rod,
I'll still be me.
The tablet hovers before my face
And captures it with an audible click
a still reflection of me
will join a sea of photography
and my lungs are about to be flushed
with eyes that are thirsty for their
People always make analogies
Saying birds are free; they want to be birds.
What is a bird? Nothing more than hair.
I have flaws.
I'm not as beautiful as I want to be.
You can see the unsightly pimple on my chin.
Behind the beige powder, behind the jet black liner,
Behind the brave brown eyes, behind the fake smile,
There is a girl.
Aside from the straight auburn hair, aside from the sculpted brows,
When I was in the fourth grade
I walked up to my dance teacher and said,
“I am African-American.”
She promptly spit out the water she was drinking and replied,
“You’re half black?”
I am closing walls and open doors,
A memory painted on the windows of your soul
In any color you like, as long as it is a shade of black.
I am discontinuous, a broken mirror
I've try to convert if I can
The will of the canvas at my demand
So many different ones to counsel in
Purple, red, yellow, blue or green
Lost I am,
Deep within the wounds,
Wounds of situations I wish would end soon,
Lost I am,
Confused and hopeless,
Struggling to find myself in world of "nope-ness"
Lost I am,
This poem deviates slightly from the suggested topic explaining, instead, the psychological state of adolescents and women in this day and age who aspire to a level of perfection that doesn't exist and how the failed attempt to do so leads to
I see me
Not a me I want to see...
but a me that I can't unseen
A me that is viewed as incadescant in the eyes of the profane
A me that sins to fit in with people that believe
Stop, the image in the mirror will crash
Though, these weights may be lifted with the pluck of each fake eyelash
I'll remove this lipstick, because it encloses my smile
The picture of myself is thus:
fading, losing color, changed from smile to frown,
gazing back my eyes, alien, hurt.
I am an amazing person
Sometimes others may not think so
They talk shit and hate
I know that others can relate.
Sometimes I don't feel so amazing
There are times when I just wish that
Following what society thinks is right
I try to alter my camera light.
This will create the most optimal picture,
And allow me to avoid the tedious stricture.
Pictures are only one side of me,
She looks like she hasn't slept in days
I want to ask if the bags under her eyes are too heavy for her face.
Jesus walks with in me day by day
When I show them the real me they say it's not okay
They say it's weird and awkward to show who you really are
17 years young still don’t know who I am
17 years young I still don’t understand
Without the music, the pictures, the friends
I still try hard to make a trend
I just got to comprehend
I just wanted to let you know
that you are worth more
than what I can show
or tell
or teach you.
If I tried, it would be like trying
to encompass the sun
in the description of a shadow.
I'm normal, I'm average
I go to school and head to work
and I make sure I do my chores
I wake up everyday, clothes on, teeth brushed
and I leave.
I leave for school and I leave for work
One thousand empty chairs
stretch to stage
she meets my face
and suddenly it's noon, i'm
staring in the mirror
: a distorted reflection
two people two strangers
Defines not the whole of my being.
Hosts the absence of vitality and worldly beauty.
Yields contrived images of darkness and the unknown.
Fulfills past shadows of forgotten spirits.
Within the consticting walls of social media, I am merely but a single soul, "desperate for attention because I am out of the range of society's normalities."
How about you take a closer look before your fill your mouth with judgement.
When you see that pretty lone flower you pick.
When you see the random round rock you kick it.
When you see me you see nothing different,
Your determination and commitment is your life,
How far are you willing to go, willing to fight?
Commit to your husband or wife, stand by their side for life,
Commit to school and follow the rules,
There are a lot of things you cannot see,
Like how many things are wrong with me.
I put on a happy face just for show,
But what I really struggle with, some people don't know.
People think they have me figured out
That smiling, funny girl
Described as me
But that's the cover of I
I hide more underneath my skin than the anatomy books say is there
Tears saved till it's too much
Think not of it as a whirlpool in an empty tub of ice,
Think of it as a riptide of rocks in a field of grass.
My body is subject to pointing
out the obvious-
I have curves in odd places,
and yes I wear a size 32 jean-
but that doesn't mean I'm average.
As women we're taught our first words "diet" and "beauty"-
Salty kisses fell on my lips,
And left cold trails behind
As tears fell from my eyes.
"How can a dream cause so much pain?"
She was there...
You see, I used to cut.
I self harmed.
And I went to many psychiatric hospitals because of this.
I am
the daughter of a mother who has an uncurable diease
no life long numbing agent that could
soothe and heal it.
It left a faded scar as a badge of honor....
It's. No. Breeze.
Some people contest with me about my own identity,
As if I were a defined word they knew, that I was not keen on understanding.
You think you know me
You believe I’m like you
Well you couldn’t be more wrong
About the subtext of my psychology
If I just stood there,
Would you see me
In all my brokenness and beauty?
Would you see
My struggles and troubles
And a past that's stamped with a seal of pain?
Would you see
"Earth to Alex!"
every day. every morning in AP Gov,
"Ground control to Major Tom..."
Head in the clouds
with an I've-gotta-get-out-of-here attitude.
High Standards. Big Dreams.
Big brown eyes,
Maybe too slim,
Maybe too loud,
Hair too long,
Maybe too out of control,
We see how the media depicts us,
Women especially,
Life rolls up on meTells me to step asideTo get off the road God gave meAnd let it pass by
Skies blueSun shiningTake me back to the landWhere my fathers come from
Let me speak the languageAnd listen to the musicGive me more of the foodThat my ancestors once knew
I hope they like it.
I hope they see it.
But why can I not believe it?
That girl inside
that picture you see
is someone you know
but is not me.
Through the looking glass
stands a female.
Not yet a woman,
but no longer a girl.
Through the looking glass
emotions set sail.
A smile that hides pain,
but still greets the world.
I have an obsession with quotes because other people are so much better than I am at putting my feeling into words.
My pictures have been fake for years
My eyes don't sparkle like they used to
I try to drown out my mind with music and drinks
My heart and soul don’t quite work right
I'm hurting on the inside
Fight on.
Mom died.
Fight, fight on.
Cancer consumes sister.
Fight on, Fight on.
Solace through my music.
Play on. Fight on. Play.
Sister emerges victorious.
The word resounds around my head like a hammer on a bell.
The word clatters like a grain of rice in a rain stick.
The word rolls off my tongue like a new morning kiss.
I am broken.
Into microscopic pieces.
Pieces that are too small to find and put back together.
They are fragile.
Do not touch them, for they will break.
Let them heal by themselves.
If even possible.
To myself the thought of flawless becomes a thought of flaws
Here lies flawless, and here lies me
I appear below flawless
For I sink below into the midst of my flaws
Honestly, I am me.
Many words have been used to decribe who I am;
Dancer. Cheerleader. Student. Daughter.
Some of the common ones.
But not the only ones I have heard.
I am a girl of a deceased dad,
I am a girl of divorced parents,
I am a who who wears makeup to hide the tears,
I am a girl who has a filter to hide the pain.
I am a girl without a filter,
I wanted them to see me as art
to stand in awe and marvel
at the thought that such beauty existed
but i am not a monet
i am not a picasso
and as they realized that
Come up with a poem of you, they say.
Who are you? What should we know?
To begin with -- I am a simply intricate girl of 18,
with the future on my mind
and a reminiscent heart.
My soul resides at home,
Click! Snap! Flash!
Damn, I still look fat.
Maybe if I use...No
Maybe if I put on...No
Snap! Snap! Click!
Oh great! Is that a fucking zit?
Fucking up is just a habit of mine.
But it's my life and not for you to decide.
Because in the end we all just die.
But I don't want live to die.
I want to live to live.
That's the meaning of being alive.
My life has never been perfect
but what is perfection?
Is perfection when you're always happy
I am not a prep. I am not a geek. I am not a nerd. I am not a jock. I am not a punk. I am not a hipster. I am not
People weaponize wordsSentences act as swordsOf society, they're binding chordsOf society, they are your lordsMy self-control will be the death of me
....... But what if Beauty was a book
Not to be judged by its cover but an inward look
Much like the "fetridekyi" which doesnt have a nice appearance but we the Ewes still cook
Who am I, through a completely organic lense?
A lense with no skewer or sharpener
no falsehoods or pretends
What am I in an entirely natural glow?
A glow that eminates my true personality
I wake up to the sun rays filtering through my bamboo screens.
I pause,
drenched in the warm honey glow of an almost summer morning.
I crawl, scramble in a generally awkward fashion,
I am a young,vibrant,hilarious,positve african american young man ,i believe life is best in its origi
Flaw Laws
By Samuel Michael Bienemy
Your flaws aren't what make you
Your heart is what breaks you
Your mind is wha makes you
Your body is what frames you
With out an instagram edit, to change the lighting.
without agreeing on a negative topic, to keep from fighting.
Im pale skinned, acne covered, slightly chubby, and mentally ill.
I'm not the typical female,
not even instructions will help.
I come with all emotions but
avoid sadness.
Humor and sarcasm is what I
do best, even in the moments
that need attention.
I stand in the valley of the shadow of death,
Don't understand why I'm here,
Everything seems deep, dark, and dangerous.
Anyone here?
A mere whisper whose mind is as loud as roaring thunder
whose thoughts are jumbled with black and white, no grey,
has big dreams that knows she should be afraid of but is ready to conquer them, that is I.
Remove the filters that surround our lives.
Don't sugarcoat it
to the ones outside.
The world as we know it can be harsh and cruel,
so let's not pretend
that it always looks cool.
Is the definition of perfection perfect?
Who could really define perfection?
If someone added a picture to it, who would it be?
Certainly not me.
I would be plastered in the antonym section as
What is “Flawless”?
Like what does it mean?
You don’t know, well here is a definition
Flawless by definition means without any blemishes or imperfections; perfect
Now tell me are you flawless?
If there's one phrase that's hard to say,
If there's something we don't want to think about each passing day
If there's something that would make some of us want to cry,
when one takes a scroll through my instgram feed
they see a girl
who is a animal lover,music lover, food lover and a make up enthusias
but when I the stop posing
Am I a cover girl,
or just an ordinary girl
that is out of this world
with no make up, or fake friends.
A perfect life is what all want,
but there is no perfect life one has
Who am I deep down?
Am I flawless, or am I hidious.
What do people think of me deep down.
She is perfection, she is distruction.
But deep down I am just me.
I am me.
Not you or her or him or them.
Down the narrow streets
Facing the brick wall
I see myself,
I see how the bricks stack up, becoming who I am.
Each family member, problem, and identity crisis
Can I even recognize myself in full color?
The black and white and different hues are gone, and its like no other.
There is a girl sitting in this picture.
No make-up, no fashion tops, and not a speck of glitter.
Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, who is she
Is that me? I wish it wouldn't be
That hand, that hair, that voice, that name
That - that what happened I was caught
In the static electricity of my mind
This is me
I am the cries at night when hearts break
The anger when it's broken
I am the fear when the world is coming down
The tension felt when it's falling
Hello and welcome to the grand tour,
Saftey exits are to your right just in case.
Trust me, many people have used them.
If you decide to stick around we're going to have quite the long day,
A picture tells a thousands words,
but can you read the emotions behind each smile?
Can you hear the hardships that their eyes express?
My wide bright eyes that seem to shine like the sun turn to dark clouds of gray.
I'm lazy. I'm 19 years old and I have been blessed with the ability to dance, sing, write, but I'm lazy. I noticed I only come alive when performing or at parties and it's starting to bother me.
I am a teenager
I am reckless
I make mistakes
I stay out late and do nothing
I am on my phone all day
I am a student
I have 3.0 GPA
I am a leader
I take too many AP Classes
I am dark eye circles.
I am nothing but gross, winter skin tapered onto a bored face.
I am yellowed teeth, and thanks to dad, hideous manbrows.
Looking into the abyss
What do I see?
I see me
Wearing my ugg boots
And skinny jeans
“I am pretty”
I say
“I am smart”
I say
“I am me”
I say
Walls built up high
You won't see in, you won't see me
never letting anyone see me cry
even though they constantly plea
I shut down even more as they ply
I am cautious of who I open up to
I just want the me I was before I knew what it was like to have to live each living day without you, it's been such a long time since I've seen me and I miss me
If it isn’t my skin, then what shall it be?
The two arms and legs that extend directly from me?
That enable me to run past the wind, and jump the hurdles in front of me.
My schedule—
MWF class 10-12:30
TH class 9:30-2
Wednesdays are special:
Go and help out at the elementary school,
And make it to the Drama club meeting by 5.
I'm a leader.
But my value doesn't depend on how many followers I have.
Pounds of makeup doesn't define beauty nor does 100+ likes on a photo.
Social Media.
What am I
When I am not a thumbnail
An emoji
A jumble of pixelated parts?
What are my words
When they escape from my mouth
To be deleted?
Echo, you privilege soul
Stand by as I pillage your home
Watch as they rave your condemnation
We have yet to live.
The smiling face in pictures
On the websites that you see…
Who is that?
That is me.
Not good enough?
What is “good enough”?
Will I be “good enough” when my hair is down to my ass
And my eyes are altered to turn blue from thin layers of magnifying glasses
They tell me emotion is weakness.
They say I feel far too much to create something productive.
But I can't control it.
I am me,
Because of what I feel.
They say I speak far too excitedly,
Looking through the filter I am perfect.
The truth about my life is nonexistent.
Looking through the filter.
all the words I say are pure,
With no stammer or lisp.
Looking through the filter.
My hair is thinning
My skin is almost pale
My life is nothing like a fairytale
I am of the average height
Contacts help me see what's in sight
I look for depth in everyone
I am...
not afraid to fall when I have been standing too long,
be myself because everyone else is taken,
walk my own path when everyone else is running
cry when my tears have not seen the light ofday for a while,
Who am I?Am I the girl that stares into the mirror, internally degrading herself for not beingsociety's sweetheart?Who am I?Am I the lady who cannot keep up with the
Who am I...
I am a genetic mirror
My eyes are those of my mother's mother
Dark brown like the indigenous blood that flows through our veins
My black curly hair
That was a gift from my father's father
I know what's right from wrongI know where I belongI know where to goI know what not to showThey see a goody too-shoosThey see blacks and bluesThey see a teacher's pet
Me? Who am I to be without a high quality #filter ?
I'm the girl who stands a #strong 5'3
My existence is for me, for youI'm sweet and discrete in everything I doWise and powerful on my ownBut never shall I be aloneThe wonderland inside meConservative and trueAll I can be
Behind the filter I am Sylvia.
Behind the likes and "thumbs up" I am Lucy.
Before the mascara I am a daughter.
Named by my free spirited parents'
Name sake of shimmering light in the forest.
Nature is a mystery,
but I am unique.
The world spins around in an orbit,
but my head spins through imagination of wild stories.
Out of boredom, the weather becomes a hectic storm,
Mmm ...
Flawless ?
Bossed Up !
Flaws ?
I prefer my ways to who I am
I wake up everyday feeling like I am the only one of my kind
The only one who will do anything and everything
Bossed Up!
My poetry is like a dusty dictionary
(Let me explain my origins and my complications in a way no one wants to understand)
Let me use crappy similes to show you how I cope,
using humor and understatements.
Brushstrokes of foundation,
Mascara fibers made to tower;
My best fake smile
And honeyed words slathered over
These people who have never even stopped...
To see ME.
Just type.
My fingers dangle above the keyboard,
Splashing each word, verb, sentence-
That comes to mind.
The words are like snow to me:
And pure.
Time after time people are labeled as things
Words of hurt, words that crash dreams
Because of how we look, not for what we be
But ignoring them all makes me a happier me
I am me
I have flaws in my skin
flaws in my teeth
flaws in my stomach
I even have flaws in my personality.
Because I am Me.
I am flawless because I am
One of God's beautiful creations
Not because I am man-made,
A photoshop modification
I am stubborn,
And sure, I may cry my eyes red
But I'm flawless because I'm here,
I don't remember much from the hospital
The white walls
The smell of clean diseases
The prick of a needle in my arm
The dizziness becoming clear again
I don't remember when the doctor told me
I am who I am, not who you want.
Don't like it? Leave it.
Negitivity eats away at happiness and content.
I will live my life how I see fit.
Trust that I will succeed.
Behind these eyes of mine is a person, just an ordinary person who always feels she never fits in.She takes pictures and finds uplifting quotes to put on her pictures so she can look at them and think she is beautiful.
Black is the color that describe my past
And the color of who I am
But what black is not
Is also who I am
Bright, with a mind that think right
With different shades that show my true might
She doesnt know she poor, Even when life tells her in many ways Her refrigerator becomes empty. Whenever she is hungry she can't even find a whole meal. Her family barley has enough food to last them until they can get more.
The life of a young woman is boundless and untamed
There is no way of telling where she will go next or who she will become
The crazy twirl that destincts
Who she is
The girl I was years ago is gone
Praying to my god
Testimony say im saved,
police got me under heat,
youngins screaming what you claim,
you know the street, its anger pumping through my viens,
I was that girl- the one that couldn't look at herself without throwing up
I was that girl- the one that no one would talk to
I was that girl- the one that had to take a blade to her skin to feel something
"I" is edgy, "I" is hot.
"I" is exciting, "I" is loud.
"I" is daring, "I" is spontaneous.
I am not "I". I am a completely different me.
I am easily entertained. I am self-conscious.
I am quiet. I am nervous.
I am me and not me
I am American yet not
I was adopted from China but am I Chinese
I was raised Italin but am I Caucasian
My friends ask me if I know I have a white family
I laugh because I am me
I don't wanna be what you want me to be.
I'll be what I see
as what's right for me.
I understand everyone can't have their fantasies come true,
But the right to choose what career someone wants isn't for you.
Everyone is beautiful,
Perfect. Just the way they are.
Some might even saw, flawless,
I mean, all humans have flaws,
But are flaws really flaws when it makes them who they are?
I’m the girl who is sheltered
The one who has no fun
I’m the girl who was homeschooled
The one who hasn’t won?
High school had so much
Tell me I missed out
I should have stayed in school
Underneath the beating blanket of society,
Underneath the glamour ,
and glitz,
and cotton,
Why am I flawless. This poem can end here because I can simply just say I'm flawless because I'm me. But, I don't want to leave you with any curiousity, so, here's why I'm flawles.
No filter?
Why do I need a filter?
I’m pretty in sweats and a tee
With no make up on
And unkempt hair
I look in the mirror and what I see is me.
The socially anxious, self-criticizing, big dreamer
that is me.
A guy with high aspirations and strong morals
but always thinks he’s wrong.
You see that silly girl making faces?
Her tongue out, and crooked smile?
Yeah, that's me.
In all my glory,
With hair that doesn't want to cooperate,
And Acne that's hard to cover up.
When you look at me like that
I feel like I can fly
I can see my freedom
I feel like I can touch the sky
With you I can lose myself
I can do what I want
Nobody makes me feel like you
I was me.
I was shy, intoverted, and different.
I was an outcast and a reject.
I was the tomboy with no friends.
I am me.
I am loving, compassionate, and beautiful.
If I knew what I know now, Things would be way different then they are now, no lien, no cheating, no stealing, just love, and more love in the air when it comes to people around me they down me, some people even call me ugly ,fat or just mean mug
For so long I have lived with this filter.
It has been so long,
I no longer remember life without it.
Right, wrong.
Life, death.
Good, evil.
These are no longer choices that I can make on my own.
Then the wind blows harder sending drifts of snow across the cracked parking lot
The stinging air slowly turns my face red as I trudge towards my destination
My flaws make me flawless.
My freckles, usually covered by makeup, are beautiful.
My natural hair, a genetic mutation, is beautiful.
My curves, or most would say extra weight, are beautiful.
Behind all the filters,
my pictures hold natural beauty.
Behind the makeup and touch-ups,
I have freckles that engulf my face.
Behind the smiles,
I hold back years worth of overcome struggles
A twisted family portrait this has become
Weeds winding around my neck
The very ones I planted
Be cautious of what seeds you drop
Within your spirit
But I'm surrounded every day
CheapHollowSomehow brokenYet still fragile
I put on an air For all to seeYet box and stowThe Genuine me
I am just Me.
I have stretch marks.
I have scars.
I have cuts.
I have demons.
I have lost.
I have bruises.
I have acne.
I have fat.
I have weird birthmarks.
Red Dresses by Clacie England
An invincible, cautionary soul
Holds itself high above it’s worth
No misgivings; a person is as tall as they want to be
Breaking social stereotypes
“You walk funny.”
These words have plagued my school experience.
No one knows the reason behind this walk,
They don’t know that my muscles don’t work and I’m slower than the rest
What does it mean to be me?
In this world where it seems so hard to be free?
Free of the media, and expectations held,
She's a different type of girl,
under all that founation, eyeliner and blush,
you may think she's an open book but oh how she keeps things at a hush!
I am a mess. I don't have it all together. I am tired, overloaded, and weathered.
I care a little too much. I make no time for myself. I make mistakes, take chances, and leave dreams on the shelf.
Discolored Skin and Acne Marks..... I am BEAUTIFUL!
Stretch Marks and Scars...... I am BEAUTIFUL!
I am a Natural Beauty
Them contacts, I don't need
Them lashes, I won't wear
That makeup it looks nice but my perfect Natural skin it don't fit right wit
Because my Beauty is Natural
Yes I have a Natural fro
This is me. I'm weird, random, and Flawless!!! Though things weren't always like this my past is in the past and all that lies ahead is my future. A path less traveled on but its my path out of the dark.
With filters, I may look "girlie"
I may look happy and carefree.
Therefore, you may not think of me as a band "dork"
How can I be a marching band girl with good looks?
Was it worth it to look at me..
and then walk away.
Was it worth the smile,
the enegry you put into charming me.
You taught me to care,
to believe in myself.
But you lied.
Each morning my face looks at me,
Some days with sleep still in its eyes.
And, though I like the face I see,
It's time to put on my disguise.
The brown eyelashes become black;
I am a beautiful woman
But my mind body and soul
Is confined by the powers of this intertwined worlds
Of what we call social media.
The filters of normal, Kentucky, slumber, and rise
Beauty is only skin deep I once was told
A beautiful face could carry a heart of cold
But what about the others who shine like gold ?
Not defined as beautiful in the next teen magazine.
Nervous tics
Thoughts scrambled
Hope it's not visible
Vision blurring
Is the smile convincing?
Ive started seeing the universe in everything.
And that is why when i am in nature i am full of joy.
because i know that everyone has a bit of blue sky in them
and even when the dawn approaches,
There are many things I'm not,
but all the things I am
and all my wonderful glam
make me shine as bright as the sun is hot.
Because I'm DYNAMITE.
Who am I ?
I am too many people at once
a lover, a optemistmt, a naturalist , a lover of literature
a hater, a pessemist, a materalist and a poetic amateur
I do not look the same,
I do not feel the same.
But of what use is it
To extenguish indi-
viduality here?
Perhaps my hair is dark
Perhaps I am rather
tall. And perhaps I am
I put on my dress, do my hair, my makeup, boom i'm flawless.
I'm thanked for an act of kindness, I feel flawless.
I scored the winning goal in my soccer game, wow they think i'm flawless.
I don't have a flawless walk.
I don't have a flawless personality.
I don't have flawless beauty.
I'm not a flawless worker.
I try to keep my love flawless,
Especially my love for animals and God,
All is one in the universe, son.
You need not fear, we all end up dying young.
Remarkable fortune will surely appease
Your preoccupied mind and your failure to see
That salvation is in front of your eyes.
I am wild. I am spectacular. I am wildly passionate. I am jealous. I am human. I do dumb things.
This bag of bones never fits right
This skin they're in too big, too tight
And the slick acid of anxiety barks and bites
And the shape of my face never quite nice
But I love myself anyway
Long brown hair.
Big brown eyes.
Gap-toothed mouth.
Breasts big size.
Long nailed fingers.
Cold back heart.
Fat filled stomach.
Such unique art.
I am different.
Whether you like it or not
I am what I am and say what I say
And as each night falls and I wait for each day
Dependable, Caring, Creative
I am dependable.
I am caring.
I am creative.
I am flawless.
When someone is in need of a ride; I've got a car
Round cheeks
Red from continuously smiling
The first thing you notice
Seen without even trying
Green eyes
Glasses that show my world reflected
Supposed to be this window
Sometimes I wonder about our generation
How will we fit in with the larger population?
We go through our days hoping to be distracted
And we dont stop and think about the way we acted
I wake up, #FLAWLESS.
No make-up. Bra-less.
Should I wear jeans, or joggers?
Every morning I go through all this...
20 minutes til I catch the bus,
Eyebrows on FLEEK, hair looking plush,
Color me blind and show me the world
You want the money the cars and the girls
But I want the rage that comes with the passion
The infinity that comes from the intimacy
As we create sweet symphony
I think too fast
Thoughts flood my mind everyday
Doctors call it ADHD
I call it an advantage
My mom's addicted
I dont need it
My mind and body are strong enough
i am a bird
i fly towards the sky
no boundaries to keep me contained
they try to catch me
pull me down with their words
beat my wings
but i will fly
those things cannot hold me back
Beauty is not something seen but something taught
Many women do not know true beauty
But I do
Beauty is not something you wear
Beauty is not something you can cake on
Beauty is not measured
I look in a mirror and see nothing
I take a picture and see a plan face
Only when adding a filter will I feel like something
When I add filter I hide the dark tint on my skin
Making it my very own filter
What is money without those you love
Everyone wants grip allow me to be the glove
You wonder why the stars get coked up
While there are people struggling to get coated up
Aye, that natural beauty tells a story
show my power and courage to not be like others
Show off myself because theres only one of me
with added enhancers we are all the same
I'm afraid of the dark
I stay in the light
Unless I know I am not alone
I love laughing
And to make others laugh
But on my own terms
I am motivated
But I do not resent breaks
“New Year, New ME”
The cliché quote that’s never true. Yet the reason for the start of MY change.
MY outspokenness is to helps others,
Not hinder them, so back off.
Society's expectations like an avalanche
Cascading down
I bear it until I fear I will suffocate
And then I run.
Slowly spreading through my veins
Silently killing
No one can see my pain
I have to shake it off, fight the feeling
Find the antidote
Seek my healing
At the end of the day, when I look in the mirror
Just what do I see?
It’s the face I created, the face I want the world to know.
But when the hair comes undone, or the hat comes off
I am me.
I have a passion for sports, but I am not a "jock".
I love learning, but I am not a "nerd".
I enjoy relaxing, but I am not "lazy".
I wear baggy sweats, but I am not a "bum".
I am me.
I want to be the BEAU and the TY
To have a mind, body and style that drives Mothernature wild
...could I have an addiction, maybe
But it's still me they see
"Describe yourself in three words."
Descibe myself in three words.
Selfies are stupid,
You can fight me if you think otherwise,
When people take them in public,
I look at them cross-eyed,
What the fuck are you doing,
Why filters exist, is another damn question,
I sit. I stare. I eat. I sleep.
My mind and soul are blank.
My body comes too cheap.
I just want to feel something.
It doesn't matter what I cost.
As long as I belong.
I'm so tired of feeling lost.
Shadows, tired eyes.
Kettle whistling. Here I am.
Sitting on the couch, awaiting my fate.
Scared, and hands trembling.
Hands crawl towards the torn-open envelope.
Baby, I've been thinking about us lately, The way I smile when I'm in your arms, How you make me feel safe and at home, I just wanted to let you know, I love you, and I don't want to live without you, so lets forget about tomorrow, Lets forget abo
Who is the man I see when I look in the mirror
Throw aside the filters and the facade and the image gets clearer
Wanting to show my kindness, intelligence, beauty
But fear that my confidence will receive the labels of pride and conceit
I'm just going to be honest
Every inch of me is flawless
Vulnerable, anxious
I have family
I have friends
I have people who understand
I have someone who sees
I have someone who disagrees
I have many things
yet i am alone
I am an ostracized sheep
I wake up every morning asking myself Is that really you?
Why was I born this way?
all these flaws I see in the mirror looking at myself
could I change these flaws?
Camera, Camera on my phone.
Filter away all my flaws,
Surly I do lie,
but beauty is key ,
Without filters,
We shine flawless like gems,
Now we see eye to lens,
Simple beauty,no trends.
I have been told
"Where there is a will, there is a way"
When I grow old
I want to see Christ walk my way
I have been blessed with many gifts
Somehow I want to use them
I am a beast unlike any other seen. One pushed up touched up and altered like a ball of dough. Some people come by with either their hands or their tools and alter me. for better or for worse everyone that passes by leaves something changed.
If there was a way to tell my younger self everything I know about my life in five minutes .
I would use all three hundred seconds to be as precise as I possibly could be.
You see my false face
Shining through the lense of a camera
It shows no wrinkle or scar
But if you care to look behind
You'll see there is so much more
My skin reveals stories
Everyone is different,
I, just a little more than anyone else.
To me, I am
To my family
Amazing, to me, is how music can take you
Places imaginations would go.
Whatever the theme, it begins with a dream
Its boundaries and limits not known.
Rather inspiring, to me, to hear
Small girl, with far from normal dreams
Everyday I wake up wanting the same thing
see I want to see the world make a change in how we're seen
cause now-a-days everyone seems to be hidden behind a screen
Looking through my perilous soul
I see nothing but a toll
Is this me I see in this photo
Or just a way to fit in with a motto
Nothing ever seems the same
With filters getting all the fame
We do things
Things that aren't us
Colors, powder, liner
Bandages on our true beauty
This is not me
I take my power
My words heal
Mine come from another mouth
I am MOM
I am ME!
I try to be as true to myself
as I can be.
No matter the surroundings, the people, the class
For I have learned it is better to live life
the way I want.
I am not a follower. I do not believe in fitting in.
I can't write poetry.I can't draw a pictures.I am not inventive.I fall asleep during lectures.I can't climb a tree.I am not famousAnd I don't want to be.I am not amazing in anyway.
"Snap" goes the camera as she take another. "Snap, Snap"
She isn't satisified. She goes again. Every image of her face, showing the same smile
Same eyes and same nose, but as always the picture is never right.
Labeled like an item
Unheard like the truth
Critiqued like art
I strived to be where I am
I've lost what i have earned
I am a fighter
Yet I am my own opponent
Music soothed the beast
As I stand in the mirror everyday
I think about what changes I've made
what chances I took
The regrets I have
The life I've lived
The years ahead
I realize what I used to be
is not the key
A picture's worth a thousand words,
But what of that are lies?
To me, I don't like pictures, as they hide you in disguise,
For what am I, to tell you, who I am?
I am me.
I am not strengthened by others' flaws
Nor am I weakened by their assets.
I do not wish to give them false ideas
about who I really am.
I am me.
Do ya know who I am, behind the makeup, the dress? Behind the flaws, and the fear, man I'm flawless! I've given up on caring bout' what others think of me, cuz the truth is what I'm wearin' is the skin of me.
My sound?
Is a silent night, I have no music
no beats, or rhythem.
My sound?
Crickets on a summer day.
When I was born they sang.
My sound?
Is a soft noise
I am a pile of leaves waiting to be affected by the winds of time;
Scared of what the future holds.
I lay here calm and collected, my emotions trapped inside;
Bursting at the seems, my sanity is wavering.
No rhythm
No rhyme
Just me
And myself
Dark hands
Bright face
WIth a dim glow in the eyes
Worn out
By the challenge
Of living each day with a smile
Who am I?
When people look at me what do they see?
Do they see the person that I try to portray?
The mature 19 year old? College Sophomore who has everything put together?
So many things happening around me and it just amazes me how God just continues to keep his hedge of protection around me and to bless me.I sometimes wonder about things that happened to me in the past and how so any people have walked out of my
Mirror, Mirror on the wall
Why do I hide behind a mask and walls?
If I were to show the real me, would people run?
Would they stay with me? Or would I be left?
People see me as the girl who has no worries,
Strange, different, unique
Words people use to describe me
But this is far from reality
or at least so I believed
Looking in this mirror and thinking of life
I have begun to realize
There are few things in this world that need a filter
Coffee being the main one
Was I sub post to be born with one
Or can they be installed like a TV
How can things improve
If no one tells you
I'm the next new name brand.
I'm the next major Meek Mill fan.
I'm the next.
I'm the next.
I may not display on my chest,
but I want to be the next to star on set.
I'm the next.
I'm the next.
When I look in the mirror who do I see?
Let me be honest, I see a girl who hurts on the inside and can't control herself all the time.
I am the type to just be alone in my room and sit there and think.
High School is wearing thin.
What have these 4 years taught me?
Why, that is to keep high your chin.
When I walk, heads turn
"Who is this girl with all the confidence in the world"?
Lift my head high, you would'a swore I was lookin at God himself!
When I talk, heads turn
They say that the early bird catches the worm...
Yet Earlybird just creates a haze that casts shadows on faces and words.
It's funny because Nashville shows no affiliation to Tennessee;
So what if I'm not thin
I can't play sports
I'm not strong enough for physcial things
Want to hold your hand,
It's right there for me to grab,
I feel close to you,
I'd hate to see you go, don't.
I’m a unique individual, well I claim to be, because nobody is me, even though I have a twin.
I am an actress,
I am a dancer,
(though I cannot dance).
I read. I write. I lead.
I have a mean right-hook,
but I am no athlete;
I am a sham, a faker, a liar.
It looked original, body so curvy, eye's so blue, gray, green, even something a little in between, you know what I mean?
No Filter
Pure face
Hidden disgust
Beautiful lies
Look at my face
haha. .
my laugh is weird. .
haha. .
I'm just kinda queer
I connect every star with an imaginary line
But also link our fate together with a single red thread.
Love forged upon theinvisible path I paved
Falls perfectly into my own celestial vision.
what is the point in surviving?
does anyone even know?
when it routes inside you
how are you to let It go?
It knows all your secrets
will become your biggest fear.
slowly, It rips apart
Everyone thinks I'm flawless in this school
The teachers, the students, the janitor that cleans the pool.
Everyone thinks I can do it all
Good grades, a girlfriend, and a star playing baseball.
Shutter Snaps
Perfect Picture
Fancy Filter
But which one?
Sierra? no
Sable? no
Sutro? Yes, that's perfect.
But Who Am I,
Behind the filters?
Who Am I,
Cold, dark and miserable
Was told it was part of being a criminal
But why title me that?
It's not like you know all the facts
True I don't know how to act
But at least I stay true to my colors
The first time through, you held me close
Kissed my ear
My forehead
My mouth
You whispered inwardly, that you would never leave
The day that it came
Was the day that I broke
You gotta start with need. A whole lot of need.
Needing comfort, needing love, needing attention, needing support, needing guidance.
I am a runner, I am a student, I am a worker
I am a student, I am a student, I am a worker
I am me, I am me
I think these simple phrases over and over,
On my tumultuous journey
You'll hear from a lot of people, that recover is a road.
He's quiet, and sincere.
He plays sports 'round the year.
His life is put together;
He's got nothing to fear.
They've never asked Adam.
They only know about him.
He wants to answer all the questions
It's odd that I do not need to add a mod-ification or filter
To show the real me, the E-R-I-C-K
E stands for excellent, this poem shows the essence
R stands for rhymer who spits fire
My friend who is a girl, my girlfriend said I'm indechirable
Like I'm coded war plans from the highest general.
She can't crack me open, but I was never closed.
a woman with sad eyesbelongs to a speciesall unto her ownshe wears her grief as pearl earringsand sings melodies as she makes the bedshe drinks earl-grey tea
When I was eight years old, I was a ghost for Halloween.
But when I knocked on my neighbor’s door, she still noticed me and handed me a Snickers bar.
But you didn’t do the same.
Blonde hair, blue eyes, freckles,5’6” and 150 pounds,My appearance won’t dictate my success.
1970 SAT, 29 ACT score,4.6 GPA, and 63rd in my class of 500.My academics won’t dictate my success.
On which hour on thy social media, thee wilt findeth a miniature of oneself,
But what lie beneath the mask, the true visage?
If thy mask be uncovered, what wilt thou findeth in thyself?
Dutiful to those in need
Yes to amost any thing
Loves to sit listening
Anchor for any who need
Needs for nothing, but some sleep
Just another face in a neamless crowd, no one knows who I am.
They think they've got me all figured out, but they don't know anything.
They think I'm not capable of being anything other than ordinary,
Who am I?
I am myself.
While filters do not lie,
They definitely enhance
The minor imperfections that only I can see.
Without filters,
My zit is apparent,
I am cosmic dust.
I am a raging storm of gentle emotion.
My spirit is a wind that blows unobstructively.
I'm stronger than the words thrown into the voltage of my mind.
My heart still beats.
I am alive.
A mirror only shows what you let it;
It displays an image which eyes can distort.
Most teenagers see a less-than-perfect image,
But the mirror sees truth and perfection.
Here I am, a comedian
Laughing and bright
No one knows that underneath
I have a serious fright
That someone won't think i'm funny
Someone will see
That I am a real person
I am me
You all look my way, but none of you see.
I am the girl no one truly understands.
I have the love of him and Him and them,
but what is it if no one understands?
I cry on his shoulder.
I pray to Him.
Simple and Nice
Is what others see.
A shy little girl;
That's displayed through me.
Quiet and calm;
Like an ocean sea.
You might even hear waves,
If you listen closely.
Everyone is asking who I want to be.
No one is seeing that I'm already me.
I'm tired of putting up with all the bullshit and lies.
I'm tired of people trying to change me with their cries.
An introverts haven and a extroverts nightmare. A place where nothing can hurt you but your own thoughts but at the same time all your pain goes towards understanding who you are.Isolate yourself and reflect, isolate yourself and rejoice, isolate
I was already there, waiting at a brink, looking for a clutch.A thing I could look towards and ask for helpBut within the noise and the frustrationI couldn't find a sign.
I was fifteen before I realized that no one could ever love me as much as I loved me
And a revelation of poetic, creative, fertile ideas were released inside of me
I want to be
I do not use a filter to make
Different from who I am
I want to be my own pretty face
Filter is not
Natural bueaty and background is
The tiny can of spam
Covered in a generic label
Nothing too special
Nothing too grand
I woke up like this,
cranky, sluggish, fuzzy
I woke up like this,
I woke up like this,
tired, cold, makeup smeared,
I woke up like this,
I woke up like this,
I am an epileptic schizophrenic
with the magnetic charm
of a younger Tom Selleck;
I am a rampaging bafoon
who jumps before he leaps
to his impending—
Doom, Doctor Doom, he who looms
I was not meant to be a thing made of plain happenings and I am more, made up of manyunfolding, shrinking, expanding breaths
BreakawayThis illusion I've seen in my expressionless faceMirrored hate at a being that doesn't have words, and never existed outside cruel minds that ought to have been left behind
So, yeah you can find my pictures on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat but you can see me in person and be looking at a whole different person. In those pictures, I look happy, new, beautiful, and confident.
I am young and not nearly done,
What could I become?
Thoughts whirled,
Anything possible in this world.
My imagination works day and night,
I am like a knight.
My pencil is my sword,
I am a college student I am a hard worker I am a woman who remains persistent even when her goals end up in failure still I push.Who doesn't have a porcelain face
The flash-
The filter-
It's how I hide.
The picture that everyone sees isn't me though
It's just a reflection of this person
That yes looks practically like me
I am a lone wolf when it comes to decisions but there is time for a pack
With the filter what you see is the ruler of discomfort
The queen of the damned, a social bone crusher
You wanna know what makes me flawless
Acknowledging my imperfections. Having the ability to forgive and forget those who were snakes
To strive and hold is what matters most
The love we have sometimes hard to control
We can fight and argue all day long
But in the end we know whom we belong
Life isn't what I thought, It's full of mystery...
Too fast and short, too bad too good,
Different people different manners,
Too hot too cold, too lively too dull,
I don’t know if I’ll be remembered
As a great anything or a terrible something
More likely I’ll be forgotten in time
Reduced to great-great-great grandma
And a footnote in my family's history
Staring into my reflection is a daunting one
I see a girl with too much mascara,
that she liberally applied to impress people who couldn’t care less
I see a girl with a broken smile
Hi there, this is the real me.
Not the smart, energetic, and lovable person you know.
But, the person behind the curtain,
the one I don't show.
The real me is lazy,
The story of his life has been a constant struggle
So many problems and responsibilities that he's been forced to juggle
Everything he's had to do it was by himself
Your beautiful just the way you are
There us no need to wear makeup
Don't fake it up
Just the way you are
You shook the world up
Because your are beautiful just the way you are
I listen to my music full blast,
I don't except last,
I'm tough,
But not too rough,
I feel others pain,
I feel insane,
I a nerd,
Kinda wana be bird,
Just escape it all,
Two broken souls, two halves of a whole. Two different footprints, on paths that barely cross. It’s hard to believe the things that we see…
I tilt my head up, it reflects the light better.
Followed by the caption, carefully typed letter by letter.
Should I use Valencia? it makes me look tan.
This will definately get me famous, every "like" is a fan.
people will never recognized a simple girl.
who is like other girls, simple as a paper flower.
who really is nothing compare to the real flowers.
whose color and petals are different from others.
You are Perfect being you Be crazy, be happy, be full of imagination Dont hide behind filters, show the real you Embrace those moles, those scars, let your flaws run free
My hair is brown and short and curly
My lips are big and sort of pink
My teeth are slightly moved forward
But that doesnt mean I am less of a person
My forehead is full of dark spots
The definition of it: is a group of persons who came from the same ancestor
Sadly though no one wants a family anymore
From the generation that has now been born
Filters change our looks
Through this, they hide our true soul
Forcing conformed life
I'm just tryna get to know you tonightI'm sure there's a lot of things on your mindAnd people you inspire? See the connections I have with people is not my desireFor the things I aspire
Click, click, click goes the camera,
Showing all of me whe I first wake up.
I see someone beautiful staring back at me,
As she is lying down with her hair tangled and no makeup.
It doesn’t matter
If I’m opened or closed.
There are no discrepancies
In the work that I do.
I always see both sides
For what they really are.
Never do I have to worry
love is nothing to pease
war is death to us all
between god an angels the war is small
to us love is all
peace inposible
war always untll we are dmned
etween devils and god we're left for dust
Break away from everything.
Are you aware of whom you are?
Remember when you were little and you knew
Exactly what you wanted in life?
I am me
under these clothes
behind those filters.
I am me.
No bright light to make my picture brighter.
No filter to make me lighter.
I am me.
Who am I with all these unspoken words?
The me without a filter is just like anyone else.
Full of fear and regrets, maybe even a few insecurities.
But the me without a filter is not always seen.
The first time I traveled with my high school volleyball team I felt danger in the back of my mind when we drove by a pet hospital.
I am not defective
I am simply me
I have many phases
Like the moon above the sea
And craters in my face as my brother likes to say
I am not picture perfect
But when I smile
I put on my make-up and pick out my shoes;
the perfect pair to match my shirt.
Because that was what I was taught to do
In a World where looks are what seem to work.
They say my hair is much too short
I look forth unto the world and I see difference.
The pressure of society leaves imprints in my mind and forces me to doubt.
It wasn't til of late that I see others doing the same.
A child of Suess and a daughter of grace,
in this whimsical world I was kindly misplaced.
On an island of misfits I took to my tongue,
like the martyrs had spoken my brilliance begun.
The world is a mistress of beautiful things
But the harsh reality is
It also holds ugly things
And we have ugly people posing as beautiful people
And they press the buttons
Leaving the rest of us in poverty
Who knows the real me?
If I look deep inside,
I know I can find
The real me even if I am truly blind.
I let the words get to me.
Knowing they are not true,
But even though my eyes are blue
The loss of sleep can be seen hanging under my eyes
Concealer can't do a thing despite how hard I try
The cover up can't cover up what's lying inside
Eyeliner and mascara running on my laugh lines
Her eyes are blue
Her eyes are bright
Her lips are flawless too
And her hair is just right
Her nails are long and thin
Her nose is a perfect width
Her skin is considered perfection
I think of all the things I think is wrong with me. My acne, my eyebrows don't look alike, I don't have a flat stomach, my hair isn't long and luscious, I'm too plain in my clothes. I think: "I am flawfull".
My name is Morgan
Without a filter I am normal
Without a filter my teeth are gray
Without a filter my eyes are just okay
Peers would describe me as pretty
But that's just the filter, really
What even gave Rise to the Instagram filters?
I'll bet some Earlybird got up one day,
But when looking for OJ, he saw only Amaro liqueur.
A Capricorn under Saturn
Ambitious, natural like earth's soil
Beautiful without effects and powders
Humble, do tumble, I mumble under my breath
waiting to be discovered
No filter and no makeup, I feel naked
It's hard to admit, I'd rather fake it,
Pretend like I'm okay,
With the small acne scars on my face,
The way all my hairs don’t naturally fall into place,
Without make-up such as foundation, mascara,lipstick,eyeliner,eyeshadow and eyebrow pencil, makes me flawless.The chemicals in these products ruin my natural look. Having make-up on is like wearing a mask.
Who is me beyond what they see
Doing what I can for the perfect selfie
Lip gloss on, hair curled slightly
Making sure my imperfections is unsightly
Who is to say who is me
Who is me beyond what they see
Adopted at birth, I now know the truth.
I figured it out, you could say I'm a sleuth.
Friendly and happy, a sweet shy kind of guy.
Describes my essence and I'l try to show why.
I am a dork,
I am silly,
I am beautiful without makeup.
I have a heart of gold,
I am smart,
I am a hardworker.
Without a filter,
I am all these things,
And I love it.
I am
Many things.
I am blonde.
I am tall.
I am smart.
I am those things.
But you know what else?
I am other things too.
I am things that you don't know.
I am fat.
WIthout the filters,
Without the perfect lighting,
Who is that girl?
She looks hidden by makeup
Or the facade of social media,
But who is that girl?
When the clouds clear and the curtains are drawn,
you get to witness the person that is truely beyond.
No glitz, no glamor, nor artificiality present
what you see is honestly-just me.
Smooth skin,
Thin waist,
This is who I want to be.
Crop the image,
Add a filter,
And there it is; the new me.
See the smile?
See the hapiness?
Wishing upon peace,
hoping no one sees me,
Taking a deep breath,
hoping no one hears me,
Walking through school campus vastly,
having fear of being stopped,
Smiling, but speaking no words,
I am that poor girl
whose waning hope
gave birth to passion
Or perhaps I am a pupeteer
with a marionette by the name of
Some days I am the crisp morning drizzle
I hate you
You're controlling and absurd
Please don't let me talk
I love you
You love me and I think it's more
Hi. My name is. It's nice to meet you. Insert uncomfortable smile.
Awkard eye contact. Nervous stutters like I'm on trial.
The continuingly interrupting silence makes my brain go into overdrive.
Love for ones self is the most purest love of all, I can count on myself, even when I fall, Because I know I'll be there for me, standing tall. I am flawlessly beautiful... My eyes, my teeth, my chubby looking cheeks.
When I first laid eyes on your goregous caramel skin, round brown eyes, and cheeky smile
I nearly fainted
And so did my parents
I could not keep this love a secret
I would not have it
Where I'm from is who I am
It's a part of me that is not rich in money or jewels
But in hard work and family
I come from a town where it's hard to survive
We never thrived on the things we would buy
Do you think she knows?
The way she moves,
She cares too much of who approves.
Do you think she knows?
How she makes the world turn,
Who hides behind this mask of mine,
The one given at birth so fine,
The one who wishes to fit in,
Yet identity sticks like a pin.
Through dance she moves effortlessly,
You wear a mask like me.
We can both see it,
But neither of us have the courage to say it.
You always go above and beyond for me:
You sacrificed your time
To relieve my pain
My name is ununique,
my smile crooked and drained from the tired steps I take,
my teeth peak out from two cracked lips
with a laugh that is quite weak.
My eyes water when I yawn,
my left one likes to twitch
I’m not who you think me to be;
I’m not a sweet innocent girl,
waiting or searching for love.
I’m not a delicate little flower,
waiting to bloom.
Decorating her mind with the things she loved.
It was her room, her sanctuary; where she hid her trust
Its corner consistently gathering its dust
Behind the hazel, she's just a lonely little one. Behind the hazel, she wants to the world to be gone. Behind the hazel, she's fighting everyday. Behind the hazel, she's scared in every way. Behind the hazel, she's slightly shattered.
Alexis. That is my name.
Many know it.
Few get to know me past it.
Shy, quiet, smart is all they see.
Though one cannot blame them.
Those three are all they are allowed to percieve.
Delicate and fragile,Broken and mended,Metaphorically red and constantly beating,Full of love and care but yet so tender,Pulsing with blood and affection so dearly,
A fake smile she pulls,
The weight she bears rips her soul apart,
The words, the rejection, the hurt,
She sits alone,
In the dark,
Crying for someone to turn on the light,
She tries to please them,
Ringed out with blood and stretch marks.
Wrinkles written in between the crevices of my eyes.
They sting and burn. Fighting, fighting, and falling.
I kept falling. I failed.
He is all.
He is one.
He knew what would happen when time was done.
The time we live in does not last forever.
So how can one say that we will always be together?
It’s not a gift.
“Free me”, she screams in his face.“No more.No more a moore.I am a river.I flow.I live and give
I can still hear the crunch of the potato chips resounding in my ears like the crushing of my dreams to fit into that dress,
I am from t-shirts, from Dr. Pepper and iced tea.
I am from apartments and condos, dingy white walls, off-white carpets, amorphous popcorn ceilings, in which eyes can detect truth that fades into lies.
I hate these ballet shoes
Everyday marks another bruise
And as I dance with the pain, my brain is in flames, going insane
Working double time over what should be considered a war-crime
The way my hair falls on my shoulder,
the mole on my right leg,
and my hairy knuckles just make me flawless.
The scars on my feet,
the way my stomache folds,
and my bushy eyebrows make me flawless.
Who am I to hide behind
a dark red curtan time after time?
Who am I to act as if
I really don't have anger fits?
Who am I to just portray
a happy person day by day?
Who am I to smile bright
Sometimes the disconnect between
the world
and me
(not the fingers typing the words, but the place
Play Pretend
There is a girl standing by herself, observing her features and physical characteristics in a mirror.
The other day I was met with a question that I didn’t quite have an answer to.
In the middle of class, they said “Who are you?”
Now this sounds a bit strange, seeing as I had been
Behind the curtain
What I keep hidden
From your eyes and mind
Is strictly forbidden
Under the mask
What a clever disguise
Indulgence is not self-expression,
Nor can we all avoid repression,
That is said and done,
The world is overrun.
Finished without.
Mirrors as walls hold back,
All tears that make us crack,
I am a simple person.
I strive to be the best. Perfection.
I am dedicated. Strong. Proud.
I am smart. Beautiful. Joyous.
I am an intricate person.
I long for rest. Tranquility.
Every morning I start with one thing
I start with my mask
To hide my eyes
To hide my face
To hide all expression
So no one sees
Me crying in pain
So no one can see
You cannot know me,
No matter how you try,
For I am only known to me,
There is more than meets the eye.
Inside the gilded cage,
Inside the enigmic mind,
No one knows my age,
The True Me?
The True Me is everchanging.
When I try to find it, it morphs because
I was not the same person I was finding it as I was when I found it.
When I see her, few things remain the same:
I am bold, I am strong
I’ve been holding it back for too long
I am funny yet wise
The people that change for others are the people I despise
And I remember being seven years old
Coming home from school the first time a boy called me ugly
A Cardinal Sings
With soft red wings
Such happy things
Underneath the shade of a tree
Right now he only sings to me!
Black satin covers drapping over me
I push away, but the
Layers upon layers only suffocate me more
Deep trenches of black
Blind opportunities to
Seek further in finding my footsteps
I hide behind the Curtain
but People can still see
if they look hard
They will find me
I hide behind the Curtain
When I want them to know
What is bothering me
What hurts now
My True Self
My true self is a lion
A gorgeous one you see
When she stands up fierce as well as tall
A Women of All Odds
Please pay no attention to the women behind those books
Intelligence is over-rated; twerking is all the new rage
Inside of me, there is somebody.
It is me mentally, me behind the physical me.
He/She runs a circus. An affair of all kinds.
He/She often comes out to play, when someone on the outside catches his/her eye.
I am me, me no more no less
my future decided,
Past unchangeable
and my present is carried by my faith
Love which God has giving me as a present
I said i'm going to rise to the top of the mountain....wait wait wait...
I said I'm going to rise to the top of the mountain.
Stand on this stage declaring my Name,say.
Because I am a king, ayee.
Books with yellowed pages, worn from use.
Glow-in-the-dark stars from my dark-fearing youth.
These are the things that make me, me.
Stashes of chocolate under my bed,
Who’s that girl?
The one who always has her hand stretched up high in the air.
Everyone knows that she has something to say, a comment, possible a question, or even a witty remark.
She is so charismatic!
Of him to invade me to intrude to be ill mannered and uncouth to me
Dating the clock so faithful so diligent so painless so fast so slow
Within a minute you are quick to claim your fame, in another moment you completely disowned it.
A rebel driven by a devil. Words of wisdom questioned, a world full of deception.
There lay a story of a lonely sailor
Taming the tumultuos sea
Taming the vivid monstrosity;
How come everytime i turn around
People are worried about others opinion?
How come everytime i turn around
People are dying
Dying cuz they are scared to be themselves
Scared cuz the world is soo cruel
Wherever I am,
As long as I’m out,
Over the blue waters I go
To catch some trout.
But never after a full moon.
That’s when they have their feasts.
With the moonlight shining over the water,
I stand here petrified, awaiting for the storm of judgment
I want my voice to be heard, I want my voice to reach the far seas
Close my eyes
Runaway and hide
Don’t let them inside
They’ll just hurt you, not really there for you
All they do is lie
All that have tried
That had sat with me while I cried
What is "I" and What is "me"?
Is it to defy or to be truly free?
Those who view cannot possibly see
The truth that gives one the key
The key to judge accurately and the lock that is a facade
Caring less
Choices I made was the best
I know myself
I think I passed the test
To different to take the same path
Others just don't get it
I know myself
Life is what you make of it
Flowers are pretty, just like me.
Flowers smell nice, just like me.
Flowers can dance in the wind, just like me.
Sunflowers turn where the sun sure shines.
Like a sunflower, I find myself
When I am myself
I get to be the true me
I don't have to hide my feelings
I can let my joyous smiles and bubbling laughter go
I get to be the proud senior who graduates
No one sees the real me,
under the smile and all the laughter,
and the friendly conversation,
there's a cloak of sadness covering me,
depression stalking my every move,
never letting me go,
Waves of blue I always see
The scene is cold and lonely here
Why can't you see the good in me
I cry out to you in sweet misery
You never listen, you just see right through
a masquerade of sorts,
and i shall hide behind
the velvet curtain.
streaming down to cover my
light, blushed face.
vexation of no sorts,
i too begin to believe
I have an innovative mind
One with many characters and personalities
My friends are imaginary, a figment of my dreams
They come alive as I write on the pages inside a blank notebook of my alter worlds.
Sweet and kind outside
Still sweet inside
Stll lingering is a desire for solitude
Behind My Hidden Mask
Passion as an artist
The thirst of a scholar
The pen of a writer
Behind my Hidden Mask
Behind this mask,
No one can tell,
How I play this role so well,
Behind this mask,
Things you would never believe,
Stuff your eyes will never conceive,
'Come out and play'
that chiding voice inside my head
calls out to me
as I hide in the corner
The scars inside are too deep
for even me to see
And they never break the surface
To avoid the darkness
Nature is my happiness
The trees, they shiver cold
But now I have something to hold
The sun fills my eyes instead of cries
Water flows feel like my hair
A Look Beyond The Mirror
If you look into the mirror
The girl that you will see
Is someone you might like
But not who I wish to be
If you look Beyond the Mirror
Everyone knows,
When they speak to me...
Everyone knows
My story.
They know,
They know,
Of my travels
Of my sexuality
Of my hopes
Of my abuse
Of my greatest achievements
Who am I?
Thats a good question.
Am I the sum of my accomplishments?
The weight of my dissapointments?
Am I simply a girl among people,
A leaf in the wind?
Am I the things in my past?
That's why I do it.
When I'm alone you don't know
In the dark you can't see.
Just turn the light on
and you will see a new me.
I desire to be liked
To my audience who never gets to see
To the me who doesn't want to be
Behind the curtains, behind the scenes
To put on a show
I know exactly the right words to say
when to say it
how to say it
Who am I?
Am I a damsel in distress?
Am I a majestic huntress running through the forrest?
Am I a pirate on a ship?
Who am I?
I'm many things
A daughter
A friend
A survivor
the Stars make me happy.
the Way they’ve lived an eternity
evolving, but not changing.
Who am I?
I am strong
I am wise
I am smart
I am brave
I am a leader
I am independent.
But behind all these qualities...
I am shy
I don't speak up for myself
Dear new me, with love always
I pray that you never forget my days
My strengths, my weaknesses, all my mistakes
We all know life is complicated,
But I'm so out of place.
My mind continues to wander
In completely unorthodox ways.
I'm tired of living "normal"
And following everyone else's traditions,
As the image of isoloation arrivesI wonder, is this a moment of peace?I know I should be grateful to be alive,But as i stare into utter emptiness,My mind and soul feels completely empty.
Lying awake while nosie in the background fills the space in my mind, putting off the feelings I've felt on the surface to bring the dark ones to light I'm scaring myself tonight
my ink's gone dry
lost. with all that's left
of who I used to be
who was that girl?
who is this girl?
where did the rest of me go
it's as if
what I was
All you see is the exterior form
Instantly you judge me by my face, clothes and background
Yeah I'm different, isn't everyone?
Flawed human beings we are
Hiding behind, creating an illusion
I met her in a dream
Crazy as it seems
She laughed like I did
And I found that funny
I don't want to be your smoke break
In the middle of the night, when you decide to take me out,
You may never know, why I am the way I am
or why I am so quiet at times, or maybe why I get angry so sudden
and you may never know why I am so rude
Seventeen years young,
The bightest of the ages,
Not old enough to make your won decisions
But old enough that you feel that you should make your own decisions.
So young and alive, but restricted and controlled
"How was your day?"
Because "okay" is
Less of a lie
Than "Good" or even
Each letter is thick,
Another layer between
Me and the world.
Who am i? are we supposed to be judged by the color of our skin? maybe thats just the society we live. i know one thing for sure. i love who i am. do you? the hatred us women have for ourselves is un imagineable.
I'm letting you in. That is what you wanted right? To see the real me... to see me when I take society mask off at my door. and place it next to my keys... because you know I am me when I am alone...
I Just want you to know who I am
Who I've been all along
Not afraid of rejection
Not afraid of what you think
But I never say anything
I run and hide
I don't want you to think any different of me
I've always hid behind the curtain
Walls of every color
Too afraid for them to know the real me
Afraid of acceptance
Afraid of appreciation
Afraid it won't be the same
But now it's time they know
You don't know me
I hide who I truley am
I act different around everyone
I say what others what me to say
Can you feel my heart beat
Out under the moonlight
Can you see the Horizon
As the sun begins to rise
Can you Feel this love
Right here you and I
Can you be my one and only
Can you be my forever
Who am I?
I can’t tell you even if I try
I want to be the real me
But if you look then you would see
All the hurt and pain
All the lies and the crazy times
It all was for his gain
I often ask myself,
a morbid question I do admit:
When my life is done,
when my memorial candle is lit,
what will be my eulogy,
How will they remember me?
I often fear that
Faint smile and emerald eyes,
and yet myself I sometimes despise.
Cold limbs and delicate thoughts,
and yet my love I sometimes let rot.
Active pulse and steady breathing,
That smart girl at the back of the room
Who is she?
"Just a two-dimentional nerd"
As if, I'm so weird I'm four-dimentional
"She is too busy studying to have a life"
Everyday, every minute I hide behind the curtain.
I mask my eyes with glasses
to hide the emotions.
I paint the mask on my face
to cover the spots.
I put on clothes to hide my body
You said to me, "I am Lost"
So I etched the constellations
in every freckled part of my skin,
so you would always know where you came from
when you traced your fingers across my hips.
The true me, the true me, Can you argue with what you do see?
Beauty and Kindness all wrapped into one, a benevolent demeanor non-regarded as the sun.
What exists beneath my curtain
What exists beneath the wall, the shield, the barricade
What extists beneath this bright smile
Beneath this laugh that lights up the world
What exists beneath my protection
Who am I when nobody sees?
When the wall crumbles what will you see?
Who am I when no one is watching?
What will you hear when I stop talking?
I am silly when nobody sees.
They aren't just scars
They are demons
I fought at 00:00
They are my insecurities
My deepest fear
And my lonely nights
They are my insults
I have recieved and the
Emotion I can't contain
I am me
You are you
You don't know me
I don't know you
Nothing but rumors
Spreading like a disease
Some can be true
and others can be false
You wouldn't know
I'm like wet clay
Altered by the hands of others
Forcibly changed to become what someone else desires
Well liked when expectations are met
I'm cold like a corpse
Why does the world judge us?
They act like the victims,
yet they're holding the gun.
Why does the world judge us
when we learn from our mistakes
and we're just having fun?
Just because we're different
All of us.
Pretending to unite in a commmon cause
When really that cause is just
Another picture for our decopage
Line on a resume
Glitter for our own parade.
We volunteer our time
I was only fifteen, no fifteen year old should go through it.
No fifteen year old should be left withou a mother.
A fifteen year old should no have delt with a alcoholic father.
"Worthless, good for nothing, immature,
You don’t know what you are doing with your life."
Everyday I hear things like this,
Things meant to bring me down
Things that are supposed to hurt me.
Look at me and tell me what you see.
A young black educated male is what I hope you perceive me to be.
I have God beside me, my parents behind me and my family around me and I’m going to strive to be all that I can be.
Look at me and tell me what you see.
A young black educated male is what I hope you perceive me to be.
I have God beside me, my parents behind me and my family around me and I’m going to strive to be all that I can be.
Blind Ambition
Keeps me wishin'
I had someone like You
Orange burst
of passion
Purple mist
I am from my Dad’s trumpet calls announcing early church services
I’m from words and phrases composed with love and tears
From late night prayers kneeling by my bed wrapped in more than just my pink blanket
I’m speaking my mind to let them know
that I’m not alone; I’ve got a home.
I spread no evil; I cause no pain.
How would you feel if I went away? How would you feel I went today? Would you still love me?
Would you remember me?
This is a story about Trevor.
He was 13 and lived with his mother.
We are trapped,
We are lost,
We need to get out,
But we do not know where we are,
We are slaves to the rich,
Lets get on the piss,
Lets charge the gates of gold,
Lets break te chains,
Did you ever really care
Or I am an element forgotten like air.
Did you ever claim me as yours
With a swift brush of the breeze, you are beautiful.
Soaking in your everlasting scent, I can see you.
The ability to taste your bountiful lips is euforic, in the sense of purity and love.
And outside, life Is cold.
The trees are as bare as my bones are hollow,
and through the chains over my window
I can see the world outside-
It's all still moving, without me.
People keep trying to mold me into a star
Or a square
Or whatever it is they want me to be
It doesn’t matter
I’ll keep being me
And even if all I am is a straight line,
That’s just fine.
I’m from the collage of photos above my bed,
And the guitar in the corner.
I’m from piles of books and country music.
Powerful words, brokenhearted prayers.
Realistic hopes lost in a sea of deep dreams.
Everlasting adoration mixed with eternal anguish.
Colorful curses shared in times of trial.
The move was unanticipated but brutal
The punch that you recieved from Life
Obliterates you to the core
Always thinking it won't be me
But now saying why me?
So There’s this idea that Poets are old white men, rich enough to sit around writing monotonous lines. Like since when did we become Congress?
See, poetry…poetry is for the people.
Clint Eastwood’s got cameras.
There's this key to success so recogonize where your looking
Your busy trying to find it on your own
While everybody else is busy cooking
NO! It's not under the couch
They are shouting and eating
I've been hard at work since I graduated,
I pay for my school, my rent, everything I've created.
I've kept up my GPA, joined a few clubs
Traveled abroad, and avoided the pubs.
I am from stalks of rice plants wallowing in the rural plains
From long distance roads leading the little me home for dinner and killer summer waves pestering me every day!
Conditioned to be the best that I can be
Following the dream that is for me
Did I plan it with my own intentions?
Or did I pull ideas through my connections?
Where can I be the best that I can be?
I am who I am.
This I cannot change
I try to fit the molds of other people
I want to please others,
But when I try,
I am unhappy.
He says I should be a doctor.
A doctor.
This one’s for me
Listen well until I’m done
Make sure you reread, until the problem’s gone
You see, I don’t seem to understand
‘Cause up till now, never tried to take a stand
Oh the anguish I feel in my spine
Everytime you tell me "You do as I say".
Yes, I was in your belly for nine months it seems,
But am I your puppet that you can control as you please?
-Hot and cold all at once
-Confused but understanding
-"Whats all the fuss?"
-To my demise I see a suprise
-A long road of wonder
-"So what comes next that lies?"
-The smell of wet leaves, and seeing bald trees
-Shows something to me, the the flow of things coming and going
-Knowing this scene was meant to be
-"Falling Into Autum" isn't an easy thing
It hurts when you talk now, You finally listened. So many hints I gave, and so many times my eyes glistened. You look at me now, and just think wow. You where so surprised when when I told you that day. Leaned on a heater, looked the other way.
Listen to my words, listen to my cries,
You are right in front of me and yet you leave me here in such a woeful time.
My words can tell you what's wrong and how they can be fixed,
i know I'm dark
I know I cling
I know I push
But that's just me
I try my hardest
I do my best
I'm in it all the way
I'm taking my life by the rains-
I know I'm nerdy
You ask so much of me.
To explain who I am...
It's close to impossible.
There's not just one thing
that says "This is me."
Many things define
The one being I am.
When I was little,
An itty bitty child in an itty bitty house,
My mother told me:
“Now don’t you hate.
“Hate is a strong word, a bad word.
“Hate makes people weak.
“Hate drives out love.”
I am more than white skin (you see).
I am more than my family's yearly salary (you want).
I am more than the slouch in my back (you think should be corrected).
No one seems to understand
my poetry
the way I write
my poetry
is not for the rhymes
my poetry
ia written to make me feel good
my poetry
is where I vent all of my feelings
my poetry
I Am
It’s ok I get a little bit lonely
I fall down but I get up
It doesn’t matter if you’re with me
The world ahead is not yet known
unwritten futures, soundless time
The world ahead is out of focus
fuzzy shapes, colors blurred
The world ahead is out of reach
I Hear Me
A mind so muddled like a bird no a fish
Just so befuddled but oh I wish
The stars and moon would collide
Then it would be the end of time
But only on our dimension’s side
chained to stone, to these pillars i know as home
withered by time and awaiting to claim what's mine
angered by the visions of shame.
unleash the beast that resides inside
undo my chains that i carry in my mind
I am from a small city with BIG DREAMS.
I am from lost faith and lost hope.
I am from pot heads and crack feens.
This is me,
a pretty little girl who loves music, sports, food, shopping and dancing
a little girl who loves her friends and most of all her family
Tick, tick, tick,
Tock, tock, tock,
the way in which my brain,
gives way to thought, thought, thought.
One notion to another,
associations then connect,
it brings about my fears,
Don't push
Don't push me
I'm falling
I don't need you to catch me
I don't want to depend on you
I'm tired
I'm tired of pain
So I'm tired of you
But I
I'm losing my mind it's three in the morning and my mind is starting to unwind,
I'm going on auto drive and everything is so intensified,
What's on my mind?
What about what's in my heart?
What makes it bleed and break,
cry out in despair,
what makes me try and want to rip out my hair.
What I think about when it gets dark,
Electricity and power and thoughts inside
Music, and wonder and time
It’s just a glimpse inside my mind
Worry and hope and tears I’ll cry
Happiness and running and learning to fly
Hey! No one lives like its Disneyland, Take it to reality
The worlds just so broken, I need to show intentionality,
Who am I?
Am I the person you see right in front of you?
Am I the person you hear people talking about?
Am I the person crying out for attention?
Am I the person who needs your approval on who I am?
i want you to see the scars on my skin
the wounds youre responsible for
i want you to witness my blood an my pain
and my nights spent alone on the floor
i want you to watch as the sharp razor glides
I am from destruction,
Destroyed emotions and abandoned kids.
I am from dirt soup,
Long summer days
Soaking in the sun,
Playing in the lawns,
Finding my friends.
I am from books,
If I could change the world
I would not start with civil rights
Or sorrowful, sleepness nights
Or stopping all the senseless fights
I would not start with prostitutes
Or giving people therapy
Tired of living life in the shadow of a doubt
Speaking but not being heard
Feeling as though she’ll never be good enough
This girl isn’t me
But me all the same
The colours of a mirror are foggy, but lucidI don’t see my reflection,But colours of a girl I remember beingDark purples and greys, she’s bruised and scarredShards of glass line her hollowed out, bloodshot eyes
I pity the fools who tried to rob me of my innocence,
Of my hope for a society -
For a world -
Where I'm not judged by the color of my skin or the mysterious voices I look to for guidance;
If I could gain the courage, I’d learn how to change myself. Not because I think there’s something wrong with me, but because I know that I can become better.
If I could only hear a Who
I’d finally know the answers.
Do I stay where it’s safe,
Jump into the pit of the unknown,
Or drown in a sea of waiting.
Time is really all we have.
My Words
The space before me is blank
Bound by nothing but the edge of the page.
Skilled fingers move the pencil across the page
Leaving a trail of grey marks,
By magic they connect together
You want change you say,
and here you all are preaching it.
Preaching it to please. Please who?
Yourselves? Pu-lease.
Oh, oh, oh! I'll change lives.
I stand here before you with a smile on my face
trying to determine my place in this race for success.
They say my thighs aren’t skinny enough
That my hair isn’t long enough
Or curly enough.
They say my stomoch isn't skinny enough
That my hair isn't skinny enough
That I am not enough
But I don’t care.
He lifts me up even when I deserve to have fallen
I constantly seek this faith and he guides me to my calling
He is an awesome God with plans for my better
He is my shelter in stormy weather
To many things to say,
About everything everyday,
The day i been through,
I think i should pay it to you,
This is only thing can give,
according to some legend,
when one is unable to sleep at night,
it means someone is dreaming about them.
now i dont know who you are
or why youre dreaming of me
but its 3 am.
What is in my way?
In the way of my dream?
Incorrect phrasing.
Who is in my way?
Is it the society that surrounds me?
Is it my dad who wants me to be a money-maker?
If I could, my eyes wouldn’t blink so fast.
My oh so lonely heart wouldn’t feel so smothered.
Looking down at the scale,
A little girl’s legs tremble in fear.
In shock she turns pale,
Hoping she could disappear.
“I must starve! I must starve!
No one will love me,
If I do not barf.”
They ask me if I'm confused?
They ask me if it's a phase?
They tell me it's a choice. That I wasn't born this way.
Looking back on the year,
I may have changed my hair
Or the clothes I wore
Or maybe I would have talked to that boy
Who gave me a smile and winked;
I might have won that tennis game
What do you see when you look at me?
A girl, a child, a little soul wrapped in uncertainty
I seem so young
To the outside
But if you knew me?
And not at all i wish to see that ghost that lives inside of me
And when you wonder what has to be
Remember what you said to me.
And though whats lost can be replaced
A little girl use to laugh at jokes he told her
Even if she didn't understand a word
She use to try to mimic back every joke she learned
Bet he had a ball laughing at all her little failures
We've been broken up for six months
both of us are in new relationships
, and I woke up this morning to a next telling me you love me
how can you love me and love someone elese?
If I could change one little thing in this world,
I would change my own heart.
To be truly unselfish,
To care about others no matter what.
After all, everything in this world
i am caring and smart
i wonder if people trully care
i hear characters talking
i see the future calling
i want to be successful
i am caring and smart
i pretend to be older
The one job that will change my life. That one and only job will be the one I have always dreamed of. Veterinarian Technology.
I lack somthing that many people have.
Sometimes it makes me quite mad.
I want to walk while not looking down.
but, I always seem to be like a stray hound
that wishes to be found.
If i had confidence
Sun is shinning
Sky is clear
I'm Sitting by the ocean wishing you were here
Fish jumping crabs walking
But still I need you right here
They were used to me being girly
I dreamed to be a thin designer that put others under the control
of my charms
of my domesticity
A cook, a designer, a wife.
I know I seem stubborn and mean
Though sometimes I can be sweet and serene
I try to work really hard to be nice
But you always seem to be cold as ice
I understand that you feel quite lonely
I’ll try
And be as loyal as a dog
By your side for everything
There to pick up the pieces after you shatter
I’ll try
To stay silent
When I wish to speak
I’m that girl
That’s a fly on the wall.
That girl that tries to do good things
But doesn’t get noticed at all.
I’m that girl that no one sees when her friends are near
what would i say could change? it would be me. My knowledge of how powerful education really is and how successes could better me. How education would have helped me become a better me.
I could be great,
Yet it is all on you to determine my fate.
It is now or never,
You better decide before it is to late.
Will you let me be the hero and get the girl,
Or be a hopeless failure?
I got people looking up to meBut I'm just not that heroic.It's like I'm living a double life,I promise you don't even know it, Cause I don't even show itAnd I don't even flow it
You only need to ask.
I would answer if I could.
You rush towards me,
Placing a hand against me.
Your face twists.
Running from the shadows, I'm lost
Finding the exit is like trying to spot
a constellation in the night sky.
Trapped in confusion
of my own consciousness.
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt.”
What a load of shit this is.
Clearly, the people who spew this phrase have never faced daggers of words, have they?
Hey I'm as tough as a nail
My breath makes ships sail
My eyes shoot lasers
My voice destroys haters
When I snap the world quivers
When I wash my hair the city shivers
When I stomp a star shatters
Self conscious, insecure, the feeling of “I can’t do this anymore”This was the girl I used to me.This girl that I was choosing to be.I try not to be that girl anymore
I am a stranger, everywhere…
I am unknown to no one but myself…
Rain, rain…go away as they use to say…
Though, the beauty I saw, no one understood me.
I see relief, and serenity.
im thinking a thought about how strange it is to see you not waiting for me at my locker
High hopes, big dreams all to extol my King. He's radiant in exhilarating splendor. His majesty fills creation. I'm caught up when I hear Him whisper I love you.
you hear it all whether its hurtful or not
it seems like you cant handle it
so it comes back to haunt you
you continue to hurt
never showing any emotion
hiding it all on the inside
Who am I?
Who am I? I know that I am not you but more than this is true
Here is a riddle just for you, so here is what you do—
Read this passage and guess to see who this person just might be.
She was built of fantasy,
Of words and lyrics and prose.
She spent life dreaming
And never arose.
Her family told her
She was taking too big a chance.
If she jumped, she would fall,
one day
I was walking somewhere new
singing an unfamiliar tune
in a voice that was not my own.
the sand uncomfortable in my shoes
and the wind skipping across my skin
chilling me through
Whenever I watch a movie
That moves me
I make a promise to myself
To be better for them
As if
A person who doesn’t even know
I exist
Would appreciate me
Bettering myself
You’re put into groups of those who are supposed
To shut up and keep their heads down.
You’re asked to “speak up” when spoken to
And when you do without asking
They tell you to “quiet down”
Would you say "I love you"
If the sun didn't shine?
If the wind didn't blow,
And you stayed silent,
How would I know?
Would you love me
If teeth grew from my forehead,
I am a quiet girl who likes to dream.
I wonder if people will become nicer and more caring in the world.
I hear silence pounding in the middle of the night.
I see a happy world that’s always sunny and happy.
I am the vine, gripping the bricks on the wall.
I am the paper clip, tightly holding the papers together.
I am the loving arms, that safetly hugs my family.
I am the hold, that never loses its grip.
Is it me that I would change?
Or is it the world and its evilness?
My qualities go beyond range
But this has no sense of friendliness
I must admit I am a little strange
I feel a heavy weight
Weighing down on me
Blocking my entrance to the pearly gates
Setting my inner demon free
I don't want this life...
Full of constant restrain and strife
My name is green
Just the letters and sound
It's full and green and heavy
Not at all like me.
I feel like red
Just like passion and drums
I'm red with shame and pride
I am a woman.
I am fat. I have rolls. I have stretch marks. I have scars and pimples. I have freckles, moles, and birthmarks. I have hair in places I don't want it.
We all want to be loved,
In this judgemental world.
"Accept me for who I am!"
Says the judgemental girl.
We all point fingers
At who or what needs to change.
"No one will love you like that!"
There once was a blonde girl whose color came from a bottle,
She was quite scrawny like the body of a model,
She'd never say that or admit to it all,
But it was true- her size was not fair at all.
My name is Katie.
i for sure ain't eighty.
I'm a "spider cutie"
with a big, Cuban booty.
But you can call me the "leading light"
because I am now a UCF knight!
I am not a writer
I lack the very basic need to be consistent
I am unable to describe things vocal or written
I do not have any stories to tell
I put writing off most of the time till 3 in the morning
No more printed worksheets,
no more downloaded lessons,
I want you to stand up and teach the class.
Unglue your eyes from that computer of yours,
and stop texting that person on your phone,
If i had the courage to tell you how i feel then you might fall for me
if i had the stregnth to hold our relationship then maybe we would know what love is
If i could see how much you dont care then i might just move on
You want to feed my mind but i leave class hungry.
You sit in class and teach but I cant pay attention.
I dont understand why i fail, which is so funny.
I try and use the bathroom but i need your permission.
My life is one that has a path
A path which is in its own constant motion
It twists and turns with every choice I make
At times leading where I dare not go
Always in a state of change
Call me a hippie
Call me a raggamuffin
Call me a bum
Call me a tree hugger
Call me a drifter
But never call me, me?
I'll call you a human
Call you a friend
Call you a sister,
Why am I the way I am?
My life was one not many could stand
Live in fear; always looming danger
A body hits the wall, you’re in your own house a stranger
I raise my hand
Because I have a question
I call your name
Because I don’t understand
I want you to listen
Because I don’t know it all
Even though I’m leaving next fall
I need now to stand tall
A kiss is just a kiss
Until you find the one you love,
A hug is just a hug
Until you find the one you're always thinking of.
A dream is just a dream
Until it comes true,
Love was just a word
Cold breeze bugging me,
But the warmth from your skin
Is tugging at my broken heart from never being held
But you held me, oh, you held me
Little asks of where should we
And heat upon my cheeks
Yes, that is I
Wave to say hi
My hair a white essence surrounding my face
My eyes, blue, starring into space
My arms dotted with freckles
My heart, pounding
I feel a constant sense of drowning
I began as an idea.
Something someone thought up,
I am a reality.
A person who breathes,
I am a skeptic.
Make me believe what I see,
The seas are calm.
My soul is free
The birds are singing let them sing.
In sweet harmony and song my soul is free.
The sun is shining.
Let it shine upon me.
You may not know, you may not notice. You may not care, you may not think this. Fore I am a Shadow, behind and infront all of you. I get stepped on, ignored, walked past, but never show the pain.
I will be whoever the fuck I want.
Let me repeat that.
I, Faith Rider, will be, whoever, whatever, the fuck I want.
Everyone is putting themselves in boxes,
"I'm straight!."
"I'm Gay!"
"I'm Bi!"
I know what you think of me,
I don't care.
You see who I am,
you don't know.
She really cares about me,
she can't feel.
He feels the way I feel,
He doesn't hear.
I'm just a girl,
A girl in love,
A girl that knows what she wants,
Is just out of reach.
I'm just a girl.
A girl that is smart.
A girl that knows what she knows,
Is just not enough.
I am different, I am not the ordinary. I am positive I am me. I want to be the change in the world. I am living a dream, a fantasy
I hate this, loathe it with a passion.
Why must I write an essay on something that means nothing to me.
When I write I offer you a part of me,
please let me give you a part that matters.
Another 24 hours poured into the cementLiving through another's persons regrets..Just one piece of a puzzle, too big to comprehendCant see the end, left the lights on again
Why do you hate me?
Is it cause my skin is the same color as the trees?
Is it cause my eyes are a little smaller than yours?
Or cause I hug and kiss just a little bit more?
One day you will understand , i promise im not leaving you but ... in reality i have to go ...i want you to know that youre my heart youre my soul more than a grandchild in fact ..
I am here
I am there
I am everywhere
Yet I am no where
I see you
And you look through me
I feel bold
You think I'm invisable
Why can't you see me
The way I see you
Always looking in from the outside,
watching, acting, clueless.
what should I do, what should I say?
every action rehearsed,
nothing real.
Books grant a haven,
no actions expected
I’m the girl they call goodie goody
Goodie goody?
I think not!
Goodie goody my ass!
I’m the quite girl who sits in the front of the class room, answers questions when asked
To try but never quite see
the lie that has become me
is the fate of those I hold dear
for I run from those things I fear
and never look behind
for hope that I am not blind
Darkened corners, shadow games,shaking, rocking, trembling, shivering,curled into the corner, broken, desolate,claw marks up and down its arm, deep rivers of blood, nails caked in dried black-red blood, rocking, rocking, creature of tangled smokey
My heritage and my background,
The color of my skin or the color of yours
the length of my hair or the length of my nails,
My hieght or my size only have as much power as i give them
fucked it all up
tried to make it look right
I do a lot of bad shit
but I still stay polite
Noone knows me around the corner
down the street in the alley
You was only chasin
I am a piece
Of broken glass
With sharp, corroded edges
If you touch me
You'll bleed, and become connected
With all the secrets
I try to keep.
I am jagged,
I am from Hell
I was born there
I live there
I will die there
I am from the fires that rage when people are angry
Laugh there
Love there
Dream there
I'm not sure
Where I came from
Not sure
That I care
Don't know my heritage
I've come from everywhere
I suppose I'm from
My mother
But the pieces
Are all wrong
Button eyes
there was a story of a boy nd she,a girl both seem trapped in a similar but different world they were somehow connected their fates intertwined yet this was different a turning point undefined
When the voice of a distant cry
Wriggles under the paper prison you began
I start to grow into another skin
Yet, as soon as you turn your head towards me
The world slowly grows dead
I still believe
in dreams and realities
I still believe in the extremes
of polarities and balances
I still feel and
become like those around me
without knowing much
Hey miss I have a question now I see class is in section but I have to ask what the point of this useless evaluation so we can tell the nation that I have no patience for your evaluation about the study of creation so we I dont the the patients si
I am
of stardust,
so science
Grandules measured
by two sets
of metaled
My mind
a split open galaxy,
She never gave up on me,even when I deserved it.
She stood by me and protected me. I love her for it unconditionally.
The woman who sacrifices her heart and her soul to always make sure my life feels whole.
I don't write with rhyme
nor do I write in any particualr style other than
what I want to say
I want to make it clear
I don't want interpretations
this poem is not one which has hidden meaning
The shit I wish I could tell my teacher would probably get me supended. But once the shit I wish I could have said probably would have saved my arm. Bullying was killing me inside. Going through all differnt changes with my body and feelings.
The Inner Me.
It's the soul you cannot see.
The pain, the struggles, the beating, and troubles.
I cry out for help.
Suicide thoughts.
No one there to tell me, stop.
I'm am confused at the mind.
The instructor said,
Go home and write
A page tonight.
And let that page come out of you--
Then, it will be true.
If thou didst ever hold me in thy heart,
absent thee from felicity awhile,
and in this harsh world draw thy breath in pain,
to tell my story.
If thou didst ever hold me in thy heart,
This day was coming
We saw it from the horizon
And how akward it is
Now that we can hold it in our hands
But It'll pass us by
This is just a new beginning
Because we know somewhere deep down
Obviously, my name is Casey Heinlein.
I’m just going to warn you, I may cross a fine line
Between what’s alright to say and also what is wrong
Obviously, my name is Casey Heinlein.
I’m just going to warn you, I may cross a fine line
Between what’s alright to say and also what is wrong
How long will you mourn me,
Not at all, it's not your concern
For if you were to mourn me
It would make my heart burn
Feel the cold wind surround you
Enjoy the embraces of new lovers
Deep love,
I am Vile!
Villainous, Mischievous
Destructive, Productive
Seclusive, Inclusive
Deep hate,
I am, I!
Represent, Comprehend
1lb of ginger
1 pint of freckles
3lb of outgoingness
4 tablespoons of misunderstood
2 pints of shyness
1 liter of aggression
5 cups of tenacity
1 dash of originality
I guess Tomorrow was yours, too
Because you took it from My Hands,
How arrogant
so yesterday couldn’t fill you
and you could not be hungry, yes
I thought the moon
A friend tonight,
She hung misty in the sky.
And pale, her light,
Shone down on me
from her place so high.
We whispered comforting secrets
of those we loved and lost.
In school I learned about english and bullying
Judgement, math, and the flaws of schooling.
But there are some things my teacher didn't tell me
Things that the new me is scared of knowing.
My heart is a birdcage
Hanging from a tree branch and
Moving with the wind.
You can look inside-but don't touch!It might fall
Sometimes my heart is the bird inside
Everyday I can feel a piece of me drift off. Drift off into the haze. Far beyond my control. Deep in the horizon. I’m trying to hold on to every piece, but they seem to find away through. The “me” I was no longer wants to be me.
Why write? You have a mouth don't you?
writing goes so much deeper than words on paper, don't you know?
see I've got A LOT of build up. Emotions, memories, what could've been, what should've been.
inspired by: nmiller14 Why nobody wants to see me? I mean of course they look at what they choose to look But just at my face and not my mind They see my skin tone and my demeanor And think it'll be easy to perceive me as a hoodlum based on my d
Tell me.
Is there a miracle cure for "this?"
Because I'm not immune to the sleepless nights-- applying for college
Because I'm not immune to the aching fingers of my hands-- typing in essays for scholarships
Do you believe in ghost?
Well what would you say if I told you that I am just a ghost inside a man?
That all my demons are inside me haunting me and making me into what you hate.
I can’t keep living this way.
Life is a perpetual cold.
It is said to cure it
"Do what you're told.
Don't stray from the norm,
or life will suck."
But I am not a sitting duck.
The status quo is getting old,
I show love to people,
while poetry just gives love to them.
I am made up of bones, muscles, and skin.
I am nice and intelligent.
I am sweet and sensitive.
I am the human race.
I am the soul that lives within.
I am swoosh, a gust of wind.
I am unique.
I am the next millionaire.
Unlike me
you live your life
as if it's a game
rolling the dice
taking the chances
whenever they come up
You live life
with a lot of unsolved problems
whenever they come up
I'm a chromatic entity
A colorful enigma; different hues of reasoning
Vibrant as a rainbow, dim as a cloudy shadow
Are you understanding me?
A red rocket soaring free; just let me be
Born to move free
to fly as a bird
to glide through the air
not a care in the world
Born to think freely
my own thoughts
my own words
to believe what I want
Words rising and falling like mountains and valleys.Letters form Heroes with passion and calling.Seas of ideas, all structured in stanzas.
(I write for) the angelwith molten noir feathers(his grace) that was taken(and) his hunter's (love) letters
(I) write for the hunterwhose one greatest (sin)was wanting approvalof his brother, his kin
I wasn’t the happiest kid in middle school
School subjects increased in difficulty
Especially math
What is the Pythagorean Theorem again?
How do I figure out the radius of the circle for a second time?
I am born surrounded by people
I grew up surrounded by people
Regardless of being surrounded by people
My choices are mine alone...
Through the good and bad times
I am alive
I am here
I interact with thousands of people
They know I am "here"...
What if I am gone "physically"?
Will people still say I existed?
Will people be able to prove my existance?
I am untouchable
Surrounded by the black gates
Unsure of which to open
“Let the people in!”
Cries my heart
Yet I am lost…
Separated and gone
Write my name in the water
Because a cruel world needs a safe place
Because sometimes a piece of paper and a pen can create a new reality
Because tears come to often and tissue runs out
Take these chains off my wrists,
take them off my ankles.
Take this mask off my face,
take it off right now!
These chains held me back!
That mask held my face,
held my true identity.
There is a hawk in me,
With talons like razor blades,
And piercing eyes like amber stones glittering in the sunlight
It screeches like the sound of sharp nails on a chalkboard;
The passion that leaked was spilled by led,
The words able to form what's been left unsaid.
There are times I wonder how it all began,
Though I'm sure it was because of the age of man.
Denied without love
Living inside my own blood
Opening my heart
Betrayal without a doubt
Jealous of the rebounds
Seeing the world in you eyes but your eyes everywhere in the world
Many dream of popularity, riches, and wealth,
but what they overlook is the guidance to the right of your shelf.
Act like this, act like that, and be who you see,
but life isn't all about being who you percieve.
Yes, I know that I don't do things your way. That's because I'm not you.
No, this is not the way I like to spend my the mall all day. Why? Because I'm not you.
Well, you like my smile! Me too.
What I want most is to change lives.
To repair, change, affect lives.
To make people laugh and to make people smile.
To make people cry and to make people think.
Everyone's telling me I should ask her out,
I think about her daily,
I wonder if this means I like her,
Will it ruin our friendship,
Will she even want me,
Tis better not to ask,
Why can't they see me?
I mean of course they look
But just at my face and not my mind
They see my size and my innocence
And think it'll be easy to get between my thighs
Skin deep I'm blond,
so I must be dumb,
but my mind whirls faster than most.
Skin deep I wear skirts,
so I'm a crazy conservative,
but I'm quite liberal.
Skin deep I'm not skinny,
POETRY helped me read.
I hated long words,
I hated long sentences,
But I saw something simple.
POETRY helped me read.
To me it’s quick,
To me it’s to the point,
"Look at the obvious, only feel for the "natural", God told me.
"Don't smell the pink flowers, only the blue", the media said.
"Pull yourself to the inside and push from the out", school taught me.
It makes me wonder why I am the way I am.
Not so flexible
Late in reacting
Slow in understanding
Hard of hearing
Not so bright
Not unique at all
Lonely in thought
There are so many keys
That are scattered all about,
Some are hidden, some I’ll give you
And some you’ll never find out.
They are the keys to my body
Heart, mind, and soul,
I lay in bed, with exhaustion
I feel my eyes burning.
But my mind is racing,
racing like a horse.
My mind can not stop
it wants to take control,
control of my life.
(They told me to tell my story I guess I can give you a couple of pieces of my history.
At last I ask of you
In the end I only plea
If there's only one thing you can do
Will you Believe in me?
The thought expressed through the words, The ability to teach what can't be expressed. My words exemplify who I am and what I am. Past, present, future the hopes and the dreams, My words tell a story of long journey that's still being planned.
Poetry is what makes me not my name..
Poetic mind frame.
Personality on point..
I stay sharp.
Nothing can faze me unless I allow it..
I keep thick skin.
I attempt stay strong and emotionless..
People ask, and say, and do
But who may I, ask are you?
I am a girl, who thought she was smart
But was duller than a broken dart.
I am emotionless they say
Night by night, and day by day.
One day I slipped down a rabbit hole,
I decided to stay.
I made cute rhymes,
made time pass every day.
I took A.P english at tea time with Mad Hatter,
On the outside, I’m perfect. I get exceptional grades, I talk to everyone, I share and let others confide in me, never the other way around, and I take care of others.Why can’t they see that when I smile I don’t always mean it?
Who are you? Who am I?
Am I your child or am I your toy?
Am I a reflection of who you are
or who you wanted to be?
Am I someone you can feed your dirty lies to?
Someone to hide all your secrets.
Have you ever felt lost to the point of no return?
constantly being reminded of your imperfections..
and thinking...what's wrong with me ?
Where has the genriousty gone?
Why isn't my happiness no longer a concern?
Why do I write?A questioned that's plagued me since puberty.
Why do I write?
I'm not very good.
My woulds aren't flowing or detailed.
Self expression, comes through words, images, lyrics
In the final verdict they come to gether as art.
when a writers express themselves, they put themselves through different scenarios
Bruised, unripe; I lay, weeping, imperfect and alone, the toy missing wheels.
An unattained dream, fantasy, and hope, still sealed with putrid rubber cement.
My tongue twists in rapture, Captivated by the banquet of sounds to choose from.
Without doubt, this sundry is a soundboard forced to play only 1-4.
Clashing sounds
Rhythmic beats
All ensuing me
Revolving around my aurora
Till it finally enters my body, euphoria
Causing my internal energies to move, enigma;
Robert Belano once said:“For a long time, I stopped existing.”And the pages of a blank book,Brought me back from the deadAs I scrawled SanskritAgainst the sands of an hourglassWhat I was searching for-
I can only be what I was made to be-- me.
I see people all around me,
talking, bashing, criticizing.
When I hold my instrumental pen,
that illuminates the depth of my soul,
Shall I Compare Thee
Shall I compare thee to a bright star.
Thou art more beautiful and more bright.
Poetry is easy
Poetry is hard.
Poetry is meant to catch you off guard.
Poetry is loving.
Poetry is true.
Poetry is unsaid feelings between me and you.
I write for you.
I write for me.
I write for everyone.
Hundreds of thoughts run through my mind,
Some bad some kind,
But I write both down to save my peace of mind.
I write to remeber the good times,
I am the cold hard truth
The innocence that defines my youth
The carried weight of the two
Their love and care give me value
We were born,
Into a world that is clearly torn,
By the concepts of love and hate.
We soon forget to appreciate
What we have and what is given.
We let others affect our own decisions,
It’s been awhile
I’ve kept the thoughts inside
Bouncing around in my head
They’re like daggers in my back
Holding me down
And keeping me under water
I drown
The blank page beckons me
Why do I write?Is it because the wordsstop at the tip of my tongue?Is it because when I try to speak,nothing but a croak emerges?
We come upon a crowded room,
Where presently our character does loom,
Tangled in the voices she
Can’t think straight, or feel glee,
So she sits and looks outside
And tries to go beyond her mind
I am a person.
I live breathe eat.
I am woman.
Someone who refuses to be beat.
Don’t take me for a weakling.
Don’t fool with my mind.
Because I am one who can also be unkind.
I watch from afar,
And listen in silence.
The sound of your guitar,
It makes my heart melt.
But you’ll never fall.
Not for a girl like me.
No one's life is perfect
I really can't complain
And if I say "I want your life"
You might say the same
My mom plays the role of both parents--
She takes care of my brother and I
It's not hard to show my feelings
When I lay them across a blank page.
The college ruled lines act as my lips
When my pencil kisses the paper
They find a true attraction
I give everything to you, everything you want, materialistic or not, I give it to you...but I never receive. Why is that? Why is it that I bust my butt everyday and every night thinking of ways to make you happy? Why does it feel like you don't?
Poetry found me
when I had just
become a teen.
Before then I
had loved to
write but
that was just
short stories
All I want is to be seen, the action's what my heart yearns,
A strong powerful Leo, ruler of the Earth,
I need to have a ruby embedded sword, and a chief golden crown,
Hoorays and few nays before the Sun ends dawn,
To pick up the pieces self-shattered
Undo the mess I helped create.
To ignore the internal bruises
As my heart continues to palpitate.
I don’t want to live with the pain of failure
But I’m afraid to die.
Am I you?
Are you me?
Are we the same?
Or is that my imagination
Where did you come from?
I come from there to.
Am I me?
Are you, you?
Why write something down
When it’s simplier to say it, speak it, shout it, tell the world?
Why write something down
When it can be erased, burned away, tarnished, or torn to shreds?
Why write something down, at all?
He does not sing to me. To air instead
he sweetly hums so soft, caressing ears
with sounds melodious, that others' heads
turn t'ward the lovely music that they hear.
I write to be Ambitious
I write because I'm Notorious and
When I'm feeling Glorious
I write to Educate and
To Lead with my Intelligence
I write because I'm Caring
I write to get through Anxiety
Why I write seems such a complex question to pose,
With so many shimmering answers to reply with that shout for attention,
In my soul.
She lies in bed with me at night,
She pushes me to fight,
She’s the fire that ignites,
And inspires me to write,
She says everything will be alright,
And from the mirror looks into my eyes,
Life is too short,
grudges are a waste of perfect happiness.
Life is too short,
laugh when you can, it's a bonus.
Life is too short,
apologize, enhance, while you still have the chance.
Life is too short,
I am not the sway of my hips, i am not a fully figured women with a nice waist and sweet lips. You can compliment me on the texture of my hair, compliment me on the color of my skin. But to know me is to know the person deep within.
Silence in the open air
Overwhelmed with nothingness
but it's always everything
Too jumbled to organize
Too messed up to put in complete sentences
Am I just dysfunctional?
Empowered by self infliction
Worth It.
There are four squares
Each side equal to the other
There is no gape
There is no mistake
All equal
All one
Not made up
Not fake
All unique
Can be free….but in chains
Heaven is a place that can be reached through mind, then in body, therefore transforming your spirit. May I allow my mind to be open to simpler life and every aspect of nature.
To learn the pattern of my ways let loose the reigns clipped to my veins. Drive out my demons to the winds and scatter far and wide my sins. Let me free my hearts desires, fulfill my dreams, they'll not expire.
I am the best person the world has to see
I am the only person I know, for that is the I and the me
I am the most determined person when I have to be
I am a brave person who has the courage to lead
Every day we are awakened by the alarming clock.
Every moment should be great.
Don't misuse love, because others don't get the love.
You look at me, and what do you see?
Do you stand there and judge?
Do you turn around and tease?
Well I'm going to tell you that I'm just me!
I live my life that deals with arcane matters.
Caring about yourself is hard to do.
Especially if you're used to caring for someone else too.
There's going to come a time when you just need to worry about yourself.
Even if other people cry for help.
Like a touch upon the heart
He touched my hand.
A feather, caressing my pain within.
I fell apart..
I fell, melting through the tiniest all seams.
Like that feather knew
I am tired
Of lies.
Of my disguise.
I’m tired.
I want to be free again;
Free from the heart.
I want to be me again;
Free from insanity of humanity.
I just want to be free.
I don't understand
This violence
It sickens me
To be cruel is so easy
Yet to be kind is so difficult.
I find this hard to believe.
Although to look on the outside
To believe, is so difficult.
Have you ever been what I been through?
Lied to by your loved one,
Stabbed your chest,
And people fear for your life soon,
You say what's the pressure in being me?
Bragging rights are rights for a reason,
I work hard day to day, quarter to quarter, season to season.
The “overachiever?” The “teacher’s pet?” The “know it all?”
Go ahead, I’ve been called them all.
If I am to be one thing,
let me be transparent.
No, not to fade off this earth.
Let me reveal the dreams I nurture within me.
Let my past be exposed.
Let my inspirations and drives
radiate through me—
I am not me
I am a figment
a figment of your imagination
I am not me
I am a reflection
a reflection of you
I am not me
and yet I am
What do you see, when you see me?
Do you see my beauty?
Do you see my family roots running through me?
Do you see my color or my race?
Do you see my pain?
Do you see I’m as sweet as honey?
Heart feels so overwhelmed
I look into your eyes
And see the unexplainable
Twists and turns of unexpected
Happiness and sorrow
All rolled into one smiling face
As the sacred moments flashes
through my eyes, I silently weep and honor
my childhood years in Venezuela. Los carnavales, las hallucas, el tambor,
Angry tears
Arched across my zygoma
Flowing with rage...It’s colorful
I can't think... my mind eclipse by sublte animosity
Through holes I've imprinted with malice
When I'm on my poetry flow
You should already know
I come five times harder
Than the rhymers that show
Nothing more
Than a few love words
My lyrical ability is more complicated than two love birds
I know you...but how ?
Ive seen you... wondering if things will get better. You heard that for every dark night there are brighter days and you want to give up but they say hard work pays.
Maybe its depression
or maybe my hearts in recession
but who cares
and I know you want, so im alone
Before I was born everybody joined the conspiracy
So no I'm pouring out my tears, got to do it lyrically
Trying not to say it, cause aint nobody feeling me
It’s like every time I try to reveal
If anything is free in love and war
then you and I will always soar
to the sky and then beyond
together forever and even more
who knows how long this bloom will last
but to know means that it went to fast
Missing you is me
Loving you is free
being true is easy
but not completely
today is a given
and tomorrow is never known
so be happy
and let yourself be shown
My love for poetry is like an over flowing river
It fills and fills and never decreases
I write it in any type of mood
and use it to channel my feelings
Pouring my heart and soul into every line
I have crawled.
I have explored.
I have taken my first steps from my mother's arms to my father's,
Hence taking my first steps toward my future.
i want to go out with a bang.
when i die, my name will be on the front page paper.
there will be no hospital bed,
no whirring machines or antiseptic smells.
those who say that any life is better than no life
The sky is clear, but in this cage it is hard to notice. This cage that constricts me from seeing beyond the bars is unbearable, and I am unable to set myself free.
I hate when you’re gone
It seems like you’re so far away
I begin to forget each contour in your face
The way you flex your jaw when you’re angry
The cologne you wear
Or if you’re even real.
Unable to wrap my mind around all the people behind in my life
All those people in the pages
Names in the contents
Chapters of my life and writers of my character
All those people
History to what is me
You don't where I come from
You don't know what I've been through
You don't know how many nights I
Stayed up crying for you
You just think this is a game
But you're the one to realy blame
Running down a dirt street
With my bare feet
Holding on your hand
As tight as I can
And never letting go
Running from my past
And going to the future
Running through time ain't a bad crime
It's time to move on,
Time for a change.
In the blink of an eye
It feels oh so strange!
It's time to decide
Who I will be.
A lawyer, a poet,
or just a mother, maybe.
This one is weird,
(I can lead my people
I can rule with an iron fist
I can force the shells to sing
I can love more than a mother can
I can show you the world
Like how my grandfathers’ son showed me
I can find your desires
We've been aquainted for a long, long time
way back since nursery rhymes
your presence made makes me feel sublime
Got me through all the dirt and grime
and now, feels like we're partners in crime
Music is my life but there's no genre to that
I spit rhymes and send vibes but i get no payment for that
People view my music differently because I am not black
But at the end of the day i brush em' off and kill all my raps
Dana never could remember what was proper to say
His only concern ever was to make someone's day.
So when Dana saw a girl, as lonely as could be,
He walked up to that girl, and that girl was me.
There's a spot on your face
Above the bridge of your nose
That is the place where the most
Awesome eyebrow hair grows
I stumble upon the grass and branches as my heart is racing. I’m surrounded by darkness. The sky has no expression. I run towards the sun but i cant catch up. I keep running but I can't find a way to escape him.
Your love is my personal Diamond...
Many want it...
But only I have it...
& I wouldn't trade it....
For anything in the World...
For it is PRICELESS!
It Took Year's
Of Talking As Friends
And Studying To Know
What You Like
Or How You Like It.
To Learn Your
Favorite Movies
And Even Your
Special Restaurants
I Have To