When you are a woman/
When you are a woman/girl/female
We are supposed to act like we look
We act like the skin we are in & try to make excuses for the men
Maybe I lit my own fire when I took that drink
When I released that flame
That gave him the right to take advantage of my freedom
He & I were two strangers
He lied twice but I just settled
Insane how our souls like to cradle our hearts when its cold because we just settle
Thinking I am the criminal when he took my virtue, my card or my right for him to have chivalry
I guess that was dead when he thought that he could talk to me any kind of way when we first met
Just like Rubin's vase I was blindspotted by my insecuries that lead me to believe he was joking and when will I ever find a guy like that ?
My impatience got the best of me
I brought the alcohol of the wrong choice
I wanted him to like me so I drank more
It became a contest to see who is really down?
Then when I thought we were going to play pool
He & I played myself for a fool
Just like John Henry
I made a hole for an explosive to take advantage of my tunnels
But this is all on me
I made a home where my vision was blurry
My feet were numb
My soul drained out
Left in the rain of stress & regret
Bet he had a good night rest
I guess I was too much of a female to have fun
Too trusting to see the truth behind those eyes
Too much of a girl because any woman could see that he was not the one for me