The Real Me
I've always hid behind the curtain
Walls of every color
Too afraid for them to know the real me
Afraid of acceptance
Afraid of appreciation
Afraid it won't be the same
But now it's time they know
The me I've always been
Adventurous and Bold
Bold and Beautiful
Beautiful and Creative
Creative and Chancing
Taking chances because you never know what's on the other side
The other side of that curtian I've been hiding behind for so long
The Real me
The truth is
I don't know who I am
I'm exactly who I've always been
That scared little girl
With a big heart and a big dream
Going far but never wanting to go the distance
Loving to travel but having no idea where to go
Loving to write but too afraid to fail
Being successful but with everything wrong
The real me
Is someone you'd never guess
The Real me
Is someone you'll just have to meet to figure out